Cradle Signals
The cradle signal assignment section of this manual contains descriptions of the signal assignments for the DEIMOS Spectrograph. It corresponds to the Cradle Signal Assignment tab in the electronics schematics binder.
Signal Assignments, Cradle Controller,
Schematic: schematics/SIGNALSD.sch.pdf
Page last updated: August 14, 2002
This sheet, and drawing EL-3111 below, show the signal assignments for the Galil DMC-1820 controller and AMP-1920 amplifier that live in cradle electronics bay 'C'. Sheet 3110 describes the signal assignments at the Galil controller connector and sheet 3111 describes the signal assignments at the terminal strips of the Galil AMP-1920 panel. Although Galil controller #0 is capable of running two axes, only the 'X' axes is used by the DEIMOS instrument. Two other Galil controllers live in the barrel portion of the instrument and is covered in the Barrel Signal Assignment section of this manual.
EL-3110 contains two boxes. On the left side of the sheet, the box gives
the signals for J1 labeled 'Main'. This denotes the high density 100-pin
connector on the top of the controller. This cable connects into a mating
connector on the AMP-1920 module. The signals that we use are the controller's
limit switch inputs for the rotation stage on pins 51 through 53. Pins
32 and 40 are the analog control voltage and enable signals for the rotation
stage. The controller generates a +/- 10V control signal that is supplied
to the servo amplifier. Note, the controller is also capable of generating
stepper motor output but we only use servo motors in this equipment. The
next set of signals that we connect to are the main encoder inputs for
the 'X' stage on pins 83 through 86. As per our other Galil stages, we
use the output signal OUT1 to enable the stage fiducials and LATCHX/IN1
The diagram shows the connections for four axes: X, Y, Z, and W. Our controller,
the DMC-1820 is populated for only the first two axes, X and
Y. In fact, we only use the X channel but bought the controllers with
a second channel in case it is needed in the future.
Besides the connections for the rotation, X-axis, we use the following
The second box on the sheet shows the J2 auxiliary encoder signal connections. We are not using these connections and do not have a cable installed between the controller and amplifier.
Signal Assignments,
Cradle Amplifier,
Schematic: schematics/SIGNALSE.sch.pdf
This sheet shows only the signals that are used on the rotation stage - it's a less cluttered version than the EL-3110 above. The first set of signals used are the OUTCOM and ISO (OUTput COMmon and ISOlated supply) at terminals 19 and 35 respectively. OUTCOM is wired to the 5V logic power supply and These are located in the first 'Assignments' column. Near the top of the second 'Assignments' column is the LSCOM (Limit Switch COMmon) at terminal 41. It connects to the 'Logic Power Supply' ground via TBB terminal 1 and J10 pins 27 and 28
- OUTCOM (OUTput COMmon), terminal 19 of the AMP-1920 module, is connected to the +5V logic supply and is used to pull up the 'General I/O' output pins.
- ISO (ISOlated supply), terminal 35, is connected to the logic supply GND terminal via J10 and terminal strip TDD.
- LSCOM (Limit Switch COMmon), terminal 41, is connected to the +5V logic supply and is used to pull up the limit switch input pins.
- HOMEX (HOME signal, X-axis), terminal 51, is connected to the Rotation Stage fiducial. The fiducial is located on the back of the rotation drive disk ( above and inboard of the band clamp brake).
- RLSX (Reverse Limit Switch signal, X-axis), terminal 52, is wired to the Primary reverse limit switch at the rear of the instrument and is actuated by the 'puck' that travels on the moving chain.
- FLSX (Forward Limit Switch signal, X-axis), terminal 53, is wired to the Primary forward limit switch at the rear of the instrument and is actuated by the 'puck' that travels on the moving chain.
- INCOM (INput COMmon), terminal 56, is wired to the 5V logic power supply and provides a tie point for the inward side of the optical isolators used for Galil 'General I/O' input pins.
- XLATCH/IN1 (X encoder position LATCH), terminal 57, is wired to the Secondary Limit Switches at the rear of the instrument and is actuated by the 'puck' that travels on the moving chain (both switches are wired in parallel.)
- IN5, terminal 61, is wired to the rotation over center switch at the rear of the instrument and is actuated by the 'puck' that travels on the moving chain.
- IN6, terminal 62, is wired to Renishaw encoder No. 1's limit switch output via JR1 (J Renishaw 1.)
- IN7, terminal 63, is wired to Renishaw encoder No. 2's limit switch output via JR1 (J Renishaw 2.)
- IN8, terminal 64, is wired to pin 10 of connector JM1 (J Miscellaneous 1), and is available for future expansion/use.
- OUT1, terminal 66, is wired to the Rotation Stage Fiducial enable input. Pulling this output low will trun on the fiducial.
- OUT3, terminal 68, is wired to pin 12 of connector JM1 (J Miscellaneous 1), and is available for future expansion/use.
- OUT4, terminal 69, is wired to pin 13 of connector JM1 (J Miscellaneous 1), and is available for future expansion/use.
- OUT5, terminal 70, is wired to pin 1 of connector JT1 (J Temperature 1), and is used as Bit 1 for selecting inputs on the analog mux on the EL-1230 board.
- OUT6, terminal 71, is wired to pin 2 of connector JT1 (J Temperature 1), and is used as Bit 2 for selecting inputs on the analog mux on the EL-1230 board.
- OUT7, terminal 72, is wired to pin 3 of connector JT1 (J Temperature 1), and is used as Bit 4 for selecting inputs on the analog mux on the EL-1230 board.
- OUT8, terminal 73, is wired to pin 7 of connector JM1 (J Miscellaneous 1), and is available for future expansion/use