BOSS Completeness
BOSS Mocks
Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Catalog
UKWIDE is a significant subsample of the S82-MGC and forms the basis of the mass function results. See Paper I (Bundy et al. 2015) for details.
The 'mfn_res*.fits' binary FITS table contains a series of arrays and one scalar:
ZBINS Array[2, 4] - Upper and lower redshift limits for each of four bins
BINSZ Scalar - log Mstar bin size
WT Array[4,20] - Linear number density, unweighted by Mstar bin size, at 20 log Mstar values and 4 redshifts
NBIN Array[4,20] - Corresponding number of galaxies in each bin
XARR Array[20] - log Mstar at the center of each Mstar bin
ERR Array[4,20] - Linear Poisson error
LERR Array[4,20] - Log Poisson error
The mass functions (often log10(d Phi / dlogM)) can be plotted against log Mstar (XARR[*]) as log10(WT[i,*]/BINSZ) where i stands for the ith redshift bin.
The forward_model binary FITS table ('param_res-*.fits') is a structure with 4 elements, one for each redshift bin.
For each redshift the following fields are provided:
ZBIN Array[2] - Upper and lower redshift limits
LOGPHI1 - Log Phi parameter for first Schechter component
ERR_LOGPHI1 - Associated error
LOGPHI2 - Log Phi parameter for second Schechter component
ERR_LOGPHI2 - Associated error
LOGM0 - Mass scale parameter
ERR_LOGM0 - Associated error
LOGMASS Array[20] - Log Mstar mass bin centers
LOGPHI_INTRINSIC Array[20] - Intrinsic best-fit model, sampled at each Mstar bin
LOGPHI_SCATTER Array[20] - Sampled model after including the estimated impact of measurement scatter
The 'covar_mfn_*.fits' FITS table contains three [20,20,4] arrays, evaluated at each of 20 mass bins (defined above) for 4 redshift intervals. The raw covariance, normalized covariance, and smoothed covariance are provided.