BOSS Completeness
BOSS Mocks
Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Catalog
UKWIDE is a significant subsample of the S82-MGC and forms the basis of a mass function study that will appear in Paper III (contact Kevin Bundy if you're interested). A number of selection criteria are applied. Sources must be classified as galaxies and fall in regions passing specific UKIDSS magnitude cuts. We reject any source in a BOSS veto mask or in bad regions defined for the SDSS Coadd or UKIDSS imaging (in all four bands). The final area of UKWIDE is 139.4 square degrees.
- The best redshifts/masses in order of precision are labelled with: 1) ZSPEC, 2) RM, 3) ZRED, 4) ZREIS
- I recommend avoiding EAZY photozs and Mstar estimates in favor of those above.
- The best EAZY-based quantites are labelled NORM_BRT and use a combination of photozs based on BR07 templates and a modified set of BR07 templates (BR07v2). An attempt has also been made to normalize photo-z biases.
All catalog products in this category are matched 1-to-1 and dependent on the pcatd.
Note, the SDSS Coadd catalog is r-band selected and the UKIDSS catalog is a merge of near-IR band detections. These two parent catalogs are not matched one-to-one and each contain sources not present in the other. Cross-matching is performed when building the S82-MGC pcatd.