P. D. Lynam  

About | Contact | Schedule | Research | Lick | Resources | Personal  


The World Wide Web pages of the University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory (UCO/Lick) contain links to personal HTML documents of staff members and students. The Universal Resource Locators (URLs) of these personal documents usually begin with a tilda (~) appended to the URL of UCO/Lick. Materials presented within these personal HTML documents and links to external resources are not monitored officially. All such material is the sole responsibility of the individual providing it and does not necessarily represent or reflect the views or policies of UCO/Lick. UCO/Lick does not necessarily endorse products or services which may be encountered via links to external resources. Any correspondence arising from material found within personal HTML documents should be addressed directly to the relevant author.

These personal HTML documents are designed with the following aims:

  1. Facilitate prompt conveyance of information, both through a browser and in print.
  2. Present a consistent look-and-feel.
  3. Ease of maintenance.
As a result,
  • A low graphics approach is preferred.
  • The use of colour is limited, with greyscales preferred.
  • The use of navigation menus is limited, with horizontal menus preferred. Multiple layer navigation menus (using Cascading Style Sheets) are avoided.
  • Effort is made to display links to external resources explicitly.
  • Effort is made to avoid use of multiple protocols (e.g. java script, Server Side Include) for critical content.

This document last updated (UTC): Sunday 02 February 2025