P. D. Lynam  

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P. D. Lynam Business Card

Postal Address

UCO/Lick Observatory
7281 Mount Hamilton Road
CA 95140
United States of America

Telephone and Facsimile

Staff astronomers' availability to answer or return calls depends upon:

  • Volume of unsolicited calls. Legitimate callers should be prepared to record a voicemail message.
  • Frequent movement between installations.
  • Day versus night activities.
  • On Mountain, On-Call (ONMOC) versus Off Mountain, On-Call (OFFMOC) scheduling.

As a guide to availability and which contact number to use, prospective callers should consult the support astronomers' on-call schedule at the following URL:


Office(+1) 408 238 9617 Office voicemail greeting
Fax (Office)(+1) 408 238 0758
Shane Telescope(+1) 408 238 0652
Residence(+1) 408 238 0647
Administrative Assistant(+1) 408 238 9619
Fax (Administrative Assistant)(+1) 408 238 0757

Electronic Mail and Telephone

For electronic mail address and direct telephone extension number, search the on-line database at the following URL:


Office Voicemail Greeting

You have reached the office of Paul Lynam, Staff Astronomer, Lick Observatory.

If you are a scheduled observer requiring immediate response, please send an electronic mail to:


Please include the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Location
  3. Contact Telephone Number
  4. Brief description of the support required

Then, call the Shane Telescope control room at the following number:


in which case your message may be relayed via radio by a member of staff.

Alternatively, please call my published residential number.

If you are not a scheduled observer, please leave a message.

Note: Due to high volumes of unsolicited calls disturbing the sleep of night shift workers, this landline is automatically disabled at sunrise and re-enabled several hours later.

This document last updated (UTC): Sunday 02 February 2025