Optical Testing/Characterization Software
Lab Testing
- During DEIMOS, some time was needed in doing tests of the camera in
the lab to characterize levels of flexure, and to determine (optically)
which elements were moving. The ADC is considerably simpler,
but it seems likely that some lab testing time is needed to confirm
that optical fabrication and mechanical supports are behaving
within tolerance.
- This testing time is difficult to estimate
a priori
Commissioning / Characterizing Final Instrument
- The ADC will not produce images that can be studied until it is
integrated with LRIS and on-sky during commissioning. At this time,
the final performance will need to be determined.
- Performance tests must be designed and executedi, and images analyzed
(often requiring custom software)
1. Lab testing (very hard to characterize)
4-10 weeks
2. Commissioning (design/execution of on-sky tests)
1 weeks
3. Analysis; characterization of final performance
1 weeks
4. Documentation
1-2 weeks
- Total 7-14 weeks ($20K-39K)
- Large uncertainty due to lab testing (six weeks contingency there)
- CARA could take over tasks #2,3,4 for a savings of 3-4 weeks
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