Fire Emergency: The list of immediate needs is growing and our priorities may need to evolve with circumstances. Your gift to the UCO Director’s Discretionary Fund today will provide the flexible support necessary for Director Max to address needs as they arise in this rapidly changing situation.
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Snowy dawn at Lick Observatory. Photo by Laurie Hatch.
Please e-mail us your questions, interview requests, and deadline. If you are on a strict deadline, please note it in the subject line, and we'll try to get back to you promptly.
Filming & Photography
We're happy to assist with your visit to Lick Observatory for filming and photography purposes. Contact for more information about filming or photographing Lick Observatory.
Taking photos or video for commercial purposes, including for stock images, advertising and merchandise, is prohibited without prior permission from Lick Observatory. We consider each location filming or photography request on a case-by-case basis, and may charge fees for commercial location shooting. Nighttime photography and filming are only allowed with permission and staff support. Due to University of California regulations, filming requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance, and permits may be required.
Lick Observatory Press Photos
Lick Observatory press photos are royalty free to the members of the press (not for commercial use). Please download our high resolution press images from our Flickr account. Please credit:
We grant the use of images on a case-by-case basis for textbooks, educational matertials, and publications. A fee may be required for commercial use. Contact for image use fees and permissions.
UCO/Lick Observatory Photo Permission Policy
Astronomical photos have been part of Lick Observatory's heritage since the late 1800s. UCO encourages the use of these images, but also reserves the right to grant or withhold
the permission to reproduce images based upon the scientific and/or publicity value of the proposed project.
All decisions to grant or withhold permission for image use will be made exclusively by UCO/Lick Observatory.
Images must be purchased directly from UCO/Lick Observatory for
reproduction, to guarantee image quality.
No images will be loaned for reproduction.
All requests for permission to reproduce UCO/Lick Observatory images
must be submitted in writing to the UCO via mail or e-mail. NO verbal permissions are given. Upon receipt of your permission fees, the UCO Business Office will issue a document granting permission to reproduce specific images
in a specific project. No blanket permissions are granted.
Questions regarding any aspect of this policy may be directed to
Credit Lines
Permission to reproduce UCO/Lick Observatory images requires standard credit lines below, unless the permission document specifically states otherwise.
UCO/Lick Observatory retains the sole right to determine the category
and charges appropriate to your project.
Single-edition print permissions may be granted for print
uses for a fee of $35 per image per use. These rights must be renewed, with an additional fee, for
each new edition printed or produced. Examples include publication of textbooks, photo books, and music CD jackets.
$35 per image per use (per edition)
Electronic use permissions may be granted for a fee of $35 per image per use. Examples include DVDS, e-books, and websites. Credit line on website must be linked to this photo permission page.
$35 per image per use (per edition)
Multiple-media publication permissions may be granted for a fee of $100 per image per use in one edition. These rights include permission to reproduce images in the original print version plus translations, derivatives, splits, student/teacher versions, etc., in all print and electronic media. Rights must be renewed when new (next number) edition is published. Per-use fee is based upon how many times image is used in original print edition.
$100 per image per use
All-media licensing permissions may be granted for 10 or more years for a fee of $35 per year (per image), payable at the beginning of licensing period. These rights are issued for a specific project, and include all multiple-edition uses above plus database inclusion, and advertising uses such as broadcasts and billboards. Flat fee is not based upon how many times image is used in original edition.
$35 per image per year, payable at beginning of licensing period ($350 minimum)
Permission may be granted without fee for one-time academic, educational
and/or publicity reproductions. Includes one-time educational uses such as academic papers, educational posters,
community slide shows, and school video productions, as well as
articles and broadcasts that create publicity for UCO/Lick Observatory
or its astronomers and research.
UCO/Lick Observatory images are not available for items produced for commercial resale such as posters, T-shirts, postcards, and calendars.
Lick Observatory UAS / Drone Policy
All unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) flights at Lick Observatory require prior approval and post-flight reporting.
The use of all unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) on Lick Observatory owned property must be reviewed and approved prior to flight. This policy applies to all visitors, faculty, staff, students, and university contractors, as well as indoor and outdoor use.
To give visitors an overview of what is allowed and what is not, please visit this link (University of California, Office of the President)
Please contact Lick Observatory Superintendent Kostas Chloros if you have questions regarding UAS at Lick Observatory.