
SSC Mail List:

Mail List address for all SSC Members and associates has changed to: all-keckssc@ucolick.org
[Non-member posts will be held for moderation before being delivered to list members]

Mail List address for SSC Executive Members is now: keckssc@ucolick.org
[Non-executive member posts will be held for moderation before being delivered to list members]

SSC Membership and Contact Information

Name Email Phone
Chuck Steidel (Caltech, Co-chair) ccs@astro.caltech.edu 626-395-4168
Mariska Kriek (UC Berkeley)
Aaron Barth (UC Irvine) barth@uci.edu 949-824-3013
Thomas Greene (NASA) thomas.p.greene@nasa.gov 650-604-5520
Lynne Hillenbrand (Caltech) lah@astro.caltech.edu 626-395-6587
Evan Kirby (Caltech) enk@astro.caltech.edu 626-395-4200
Mike Liu (UH) mliu@ifa.hawaii.edu 808-956-6666
Geronimo Villanueva (NASA) geronimo.l.villanueva@nasa.gov 301-286-1528
Claire Max (UCO/UCSC, ex-officio)1 max@ucolick.org 831-459-2991
Jonas Zmuidzinas (Caltech, COO, ex-officio)1 jonas@caltech.edu 626-395-6608
Chas Beichman (Exec. Director, Michelson Science Ctr, ex-officio)1 chas@ipac.caltech.edu 626-395-1996
Bob McLaren (UH, IfA, ex-officio)1 rmclaren@hawaii.edu 808-956-8566
Justin Crepp (Notre Dame, non-voting) jcrepp@nd.edu 574-631-4092
Pieter van Dokkum (Yale, non-voting) pieter.vandokkum@yale.edu 203-432-5048
Wen-fai Fong (Northwestern University, non-voting) wfong@northwestern.edu 617-372-6237
Mike Fitzgerald (UCLA, voting) mpfitz@ucla.edu 310-206-7853
Deanne Fisher (Swinburne University, non-voting) dfisher@swin.edu.au 613-9214-4996



  1. Director of UCO, COO, or IfA