
Getting HSI/HTAR running on Fedora 9

HSI/HTAR are programs I use to retrieve data from storage on the NERSC computing systems. Both programs are available for download from the NERSC webpages for persons with a valid NIM id and password. Installation is rather straightforward, just be logged in as root and do a

make install

to install in the default (/usr/local/bin/) directory. The problem arises when you run either HSI or HTAR as it is looking for a shared library file, libtermcap.so.2, which I did not happen to have installed in my standard Fedora 9 installation. It seems that the functionality of libtermcap.so.2 has been superceded by the ncurses package and specifically the libncurses.so sequence of files. To overcome the problem simply make a soft link to the ncurses file. On my machine it was (as root):

cd /lib

ln -s libncurses.so.5.6 libtermcap.so.2

Everything seems to be working fine now.