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Last modified: Thu Jun 10 14:53:54 2010.
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: airmass Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the airmass for an obj with a given DEC at an observatory with a given DEC and an offset in RA CALLING SEQUENCE: airmass = airmass(obs_dec, obj_dec, [hour_angle]) INPUTS: obs_dec -- DEC of the observatory obj_dec -- DEC of the object [hour_angle] -- Offset of RA [default: [-2,-1,0,1,2]] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: APER= -- Aperture size (boxcar) /BOXCAR -- Do boxcar extraction /CHK -- YMODEL= -- 2D solution from extract_image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: print, airmass( 20., 45., [-3, -2, -1, 0]) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by E. Gawiser
(See Obs//
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: cldy_2phas Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Finds the best 2-phase solution for a series of ratio constraints. This is not a well devloped or tested routine. CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_2phas, grid, ratio, sig, ion1, ion2, restrct, NHILMT=, FEHLMT=, /UONLY INPUTS: grid - CLOUDY grid ratio - Observed ionic ratios sig - Error on the ratios ion1 - Z, i for ion1 (can be an array of Z,i pairs) ion2 - Z, i for ion2 (can be an array of Z,i pairs) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NHILMT - 2-element array giving NHI min,max FEHLMT - 2-element array giving FeH min,max UONLY - Value of nH to use OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: retstrct - Returns a structure of the output COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_2phas, grid, [0.3], [0.1], [14,4], [14,2], soltn PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_allfn Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Plots [X/Fe+], [X/H0] vs. Elem for a range of the grid CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_allfn, grid, obsi, val, ions INPUTS: grid -- CLOUDY grid obsi -- Observed pair of ions val -- Ratio of observed ions ions -- Array of [Z,ion] vectors to plot fN_in -- Fraction of the ratio contributed by entirely ionzed gas RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Creates a Plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NHI FeH nH COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_allfn, grid, [ [26,3], [26,2] ], -0.5, [[14,2], [13,2]] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Dec-2001 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_calcncoll V1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates the column density of a series of ions for CIE given a temperature CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_calcncoll, temp, ions, colms, NHI=, MTL= INPUTS: temp -- Temperature of the gas (K) ions -- Ions to calculate columns for [[Z,i]] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NHI - N(HI) value [default = 15] MTL - Metallicity value [default = 0. (solar)] INFIL - Name of fits file containing Cloudy output of collsional ionization calculation (e.g. cloudy_collisions.fits) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_calcncoll, 1e5, [[14,2], [8,6]], colms, NHI=14.8 PROCEDURES CALLED: prs_cldycoll printcol REVISION HISTORY: 04-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_calcnl Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a Cloudy input file from a CUBA output file given a redshift CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_calcnl, fil, z, logU, Jnu, NHVAL=, NHH=, LVAL= INPUTS: fil - CUBA output file z - Redshift logU - Ionization parameter J912 - Intensity at Lyman limit RETURNS: OUTPUTS: NHV= - Value of the volume density LVAL= - Length of the absorber (kpc) OPTIONAL INPUTS: NHH= - NH value of the sightline (required for lval) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_calcnl, '/u/xavier/Cloudy/Spec/Data/CUBA/Q1G0/bkgthick.out', 0.5, -1.1, 6e-23, NHVAL=nhval PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Wed-2004 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_calctcoll V1.1 PURPOSE: Given a pair of ions and the ratio between those ions, calculate the temperature for gas with temperature T that gives that ratio CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_calctcoll, ion1, ion2, rtio, tans, INFIL=, /PLOT INPUTS: ion1 -- [Z,i] ion2 -- [Z,i] rtio -- Ratio between ion1 and ion2 tans -- Temperature which gives that ratio RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OFFS - 'Error' in rtio to determine temperature range [default: 1.] PLOT - Create a plot COLL - CIE grid OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_calctcoll, [7,5], [8,6], -0.9, tans, /plot PROCEDURES CALLED: getabnd prs_cldycoll REVISION HISTORY: 04-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_calcu Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculate the ionization parameter 'U' for a given redshift an nH value assuming the Haardt & Madau (1996) spectrum CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_calcu, hm_fil, z, nH, logU, NRM=nrm INPUTS: hm_fil - Haardt & Madau file of fluxes z - Redshif nH - Hydrogen volume density [linear] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: logU -- The log of the ionization parameter OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: [NRM] - Normalization factor for H&M data [default: 1e-23] COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_calcu, hm_fil, z, nH, logU, NRM= PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: readcol REVISION HISTORY: 02-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_cuba Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a Cloudy input file from a CUBA output file given a redshift CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_cuba, fil, z, outfil, FIXG=fixg INPUTS: fil - CUBA output file z - Redshift RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil - Cloudy output file OPTIONAL INPUTS: /FIXG -- I do not remember what this is for! CALCU= -- Calculate the U parameter assuming n_H = 1 cm^-3 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: STRCT -- Stucture containing the wavelength and flux values COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_cuba, '/u/xavier/Cloudy/Spec/Data/CUBA/Q1G0/bkgthick.out', 0.35, '/u/xavier/Cloudy/Spec/Output/q1g0_z035.spec' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 06-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_mkmodels V1.1 PURPOSE: Run a sweet of cloudy models CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_mkmodels, infil, fluxfil, z, OUTDIR=,INDIR=,CLOUDYDIR=,NHI=,METALS=,U=,HDEN= /CLOBBER INPUT: infil: input file with: <Variable name> <desired minimum value> <desired maximum value> <step size> variables which can be input are: NHI, nH, U, metals NOTE: MUST use these specific variable tags fluxfil: cldy_cuba output file defining flux z: redshift NHI, METALS, U, HDEN: specify a single value for these variables to be used in all models run (HDEN is for NH) OUTDIR: output file directory INDIR: input file directory TITLE: cloudy title (default: model) FILENAME: input/output file name lead (default: cloudy) /CLOBBER: clobber previous runs with same FILENAME NHI 16.0 18.0 0.25 metals -1.0 0.0 1.0 U -6.0 0.0 0.25 nH -2.0 0.0 2.0 REVISION HISTORY: 10-Sep-2005 Written by GEP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_plot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI for plotting a CLOUDY grid and doing quick analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_plot, ingrid, /INFIL INPUTS: flux - Flux array (or FITS file) [inflg] - Sigma array (or FITS file) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INFIL - set to indicate that the 'ingrid' is a file, and should be read in OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_plot, 'grid.fits', /INFIL cldy_plot, grid PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: -- Built by GEP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_plt2phs Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Plots a 2 phase solution (one purely neutral) given a Cloudy grid and related values. The user also inputs a pair of ions and a ratio between them. CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_plt2phs, grid, NHI, FeH, nH, obsi, val, ions INPUTS: grid - CLOUDY grid NHI - N(HI) value FeH - Metallicity of the gas nH - Hydrogen volume density obsi - Observed pair of ions val - Ratio of observed ions ions - Array of [Z,ion] vectors to plot [YMNX=] - Y limits of the plot RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Creates a Plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Developed for the analysis in Prochaska et al. 2002 (Q1755) EXAMPLES: cldy_plt2phs, grid, 19.0d, -1.0d, -1.0d, [ [26,3], [26,2] ], -0.5, [[14,2], [14,3]] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_prsgrid V1.1 PURPOSE: parse a set of CLOUDY output files and create a FITS file CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_prsout, outfil, cldystrct=cldystrct INPUT: indir: Directory containing CLOUDY output files outfil: name of CLOUDY output file OUTPUT: cldystrct: output cloudy strct REVISION HISTORY: 12-Sep-2005 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_prsmodels V1.1 PURPOSE: Run a sweet of cloudy models CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_prsmodels, infil, fluxfil, OUTDIR=,INDIR=,CLOUDYDIR=,NHI=,METALS=,U=,HDEN= INPUT: infil: input file with: <Variable name> <desired minimum value> <desired maximum value> <step size> variables which can be input are: NHI, nH, U, metals NOTE: MUST use these specific variable tags NHI, METALS, U, HDEN: specify a single value for these variables to be used in all models run (HDEN is for NH) OUTDIR: output file directory INDIR: input file directory FILENAME: input/output file name lead (default: cloudy) OUTPUT: supstrc: output cloudy structures REVISION HISTORY: 12-Sep-2005 Written by GEP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_prsout V1.1 PURPOSE: parse a single CLOUDY output file CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_prsout, outfil, cldystrct=cldystrct INPUT: outfil: name of CLOUDY output file OUTPUT: cldystrct: output cloudy strct REVISION HISTORY: 12-Sep-2005 Written by GEP 27-Apr-2006 Modified to work with Cloudy v06.02 syntax
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_qck2 Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculates a quick 2-phase model given a set of ions and the ratio of these ions (and the error in the ratio) and finally the two elements in the Cloudy grid which are to give the input ratios. CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_qck2, grid, ratio, sig, ion1, ion2 INPUTS: grid - CLOUDY grid ratio - Observed ionic ratios (array) sig - Error on the ratios ion1 - Z, i for ion1 ion2 - Z, i for ion2 model - Two element array of the Cloudy grid RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NHILMT - 2-element array giving NHI min,max FEHLMT - 2-element array giving FeH min,max OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: CHISQ - chisq COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_qck2, grid, [0.4], [0.1], [ 14,3 ], [14,2], model PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_starburst Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a Cloudy input file from the Starburst99 template CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_cuba, fil, age, outfil, FIXG=fixg INPUTS: fil - Filname age - Age of the starburst RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil - Cloudy output file OPTIONAL INPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Jun-2006 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_uplot Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Creates a 'Uplot' for given NHI, FeH, nH values after inputting a Cloudy grid and a set of ions. CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_uplot, grid, NHI, FeH, nH, ions INPUTS: grid - Cloudy grid NHI - HI column densities [Can be an array of values] FeH - Metallicity of the gas [must match grid value] nH - Volume density of the gas [must match grid value] ions - Array of [Z,ion] vectors YMNX= - Y values of the plot INFIL= - Ps file to create (instead of plotting to screen) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Creates a Plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cldy_Uplot, grid, 19.0d, -1.0d, -1.0d, [[14,2], [14,3]] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: getcolor x_setclrs getabnd REVISION HISTORY: 15-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 27-Apr-2006 Modified to look more like published plots, KLC
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cldy_wrin V1.1 PURPOSE: Create a CLOUDY input file INPUT params: array of parameters in the following order: z, logN_HI, metallicity, logU, logn_H fluxfil: text file of rydberg/flux pairs OPTIONAL v0602a: new syntax for Cloudy v06.02 cie: constant temperature, mmodel collisional ionization equilibrium (exclude ionization parameter and fluxfil) CALLING SEQUENCE: cldy_wrin, params, fluxfil, OUTFIL=outfil REVISION HISTORY: 10-Sep-2005 Written by GEP 13-Apr-2006 added v0602a and cie, KLC
(See Cloudy//
NAME: cosm_common PURPOSE: Routine to initialize and set values in the Cosmology common block named 'cosmolgy_cmmn' CALLING SEQUENCE: cosm_common INPUTS: H0 = Hubbles constant in km/s/Mpc Omegavac = Lambda value [Default: 0.7] OmegaDM = Omega for Dark Matter [Default: 0.3] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /W06MAP -- Applies the WMAP cosmolgy from 2006 /SILENT -- No screen output OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: cosm_dist PURPOSE: Calculate the cosmological comoving distance (Mpc) given a cosmology and redshift CALLING SEQUENCE: dist = cosm_dist(z) INPUTS: z - Redshift [cosomlogy] - By default the cosmology is set prior to calling this using cosm_common. You can have this done by keying RETURNS: dist -- Distance in Mpc OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: H0= -- Hubble constant (km/s/Mpc) /INIT -- Initializes the cosmology to the default values /LUM -- Luminosity distance (Mpc) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dist = cosm_dist(2., /INIT) PROCEDURES CALLED: x_constants cosm_common cosm_intdist qromb REVISION HISTORY: 22-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: cosm_hubble PURPOSE: Calculates Hubbles constant at arbitrary redshift CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: z -- Redshift RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /INIT -- Initializes the cosmology to the default values OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: hubb = cosm_hubble(2., /INIT) PROCEDURES CALLED: cosm_common REVISION HISTORY: 22-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: cosm_time PURPOSE: Calculates the age of the universe at an arbitrary redshift where the interval is from z=0 to z_i. CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: z_i -- Redshift RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /INIT -- Initializes the cosmology to default values (0.7, 0.3, 75) /W06MAP -- Initializes the cosmology to WMAP06 (0.72, 0.28, 73) H0= -- Hubbles constant (km/s/Mpc) /START -- Calculate the age from z=Infinity to z_i OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: age = cosm_time(1.) PROCEDURES CALLED: cosm_common REVISION HISTORY: 02-Jul-2004 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: cosm_xz PURPOSE: Calculate the cosmological distance X from z=0 to z=z CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: z -- Redshift RETURNS: x -- Cosmological pathlength OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: H0 -- Hubbles constant (km/s/Mpc) OM -- Omega Dark Matter OV -- Lambda OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: cosm_common cosm_intxz qromb REVISION HISTORY: 11-March-2004 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: cosm_ztime PURPOSE: Calculates the redshift given the age (z=0 corresponds to t=0yr) CALLING SEQUENCE: z = cosm_ztime(t, /init) INPUTS: t -- Time RETURNS: z -- Redshift OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /INIT -- Initializes the cosmology to the default values H0= -- Hubbles constant (km/s/Mpc) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: z = cosm_ztime(1e10) PROCEDURES CALLED: cosm_common REVISION HISTORY: 14-Dec-2004 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: CURVEFIT PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. The function may be any non-linear function. If available, partial derivatives can be calculated by the user function, else this routine will estimate partial derivatives with a forward difference approximation. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CURVEFIT(X, Y, Weights, A, SIGMA, FUNCTION_NAME = name, $ ITMAX=ITMAX, ITER=ITER, TOL=TOL, /NODERIVATIVE) INPUTS: X: A row vector of independent variables. This routine does not manipulate or use values in X, it simply passes X to the user-written function. Y: A row vector containing the dependent variable. Weights: A row vector of weights, the same length as Y. For no weighting, Weights(i) = 1.0. For instrumental (Gaussian) weighting, Weights(i)=1.0/sigma(i)^2 For statistical (Poisson) weighting, Weights(i) = 1.0/y(i), etc. For no weighting, set Weights to an undefined variable. A: A vector, with as many elements as the number of terms, that contains the initial estimate for each parameter. IF A is double- precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise they are performed in single precision. Fitted parameters are returned in A. KEYWORDS: FITA: A vector, with as many elements as A, which contains a zero for each fixed parameter, and a non-zero value for elements of A to fit. If not supplied, all parameters are taken to be non-fixed. FUNCTION_NAME: The name of the function (actually, a procedure) to fit. IF omitted, "FUNCT" is used. The procedure must be written as described under RESTRICTIONS, below. ITMAX: Maximum number of iterations. Default = 20. ITER: The actual number of iterations which were performed TOL: The convergence tolerance. The routine returns when the relative decrease in chi-squared is less than TOL in an interation. Default = 1.e-3. CHI2: The value of chi-squared on exit (obselete) CHISQ: The value of reduced chi-squared on exit NODERIVATIVE: IF this keyword is set THEN the user procedure will not be requested to provide partial derivatives. The partial derivatives will be estimated in CURVEFIT using forward differences. IF analytical derivatives are available they should always be used. DOUBLE = Set this keyword to force the calculation to be done in double-precision arithmetic. STATUS: Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the status of the computation. Possible values are: STATUS = 0: The computation was successful. STATUS = 1: The computation failed. Chi-square was increasing without bounds. STATUS = 2: The computation failed to converge in ITMAX iterations. YERROR: The standard error between YFIT and Y. OUTPUTS: Returns a vector of calculated values. A: A vector of parameters containing fit. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigma: A vector of standard deviations for the parameters in A. Note: if Weights is undefined, then you are assuming that your model is correct. In this case, SIGMA is multiplied by SQRT(CHISQ/(N-M)), where N is the number of points in X and M is the number of terms in the fitting function. See section 15.2 of Numerical Recipes in C (2nd ed) for details. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT, unless the FUNCTION_NAME keyword is supplied. This function, (actually written as a procedure) must accept values of X (the independent variable), and A (the fitted function's parameter values), and return F (the function's value at X), and PDER (a 2D array of partial derivatives). For an example, see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. A call to FUNCT is entered as: FUNCT, X, A, F, PDER where: X = Variable passed into CURVEFIT. It is the job of the user-written function to interpret this variable. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = DErivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated IF the parameter is not supplied in call. IF the /NODERIVATIVE keyword is set in the call to CURVEFIT THEN the user routine will never need to calculate PDER. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. This is adapted from: Marquardt, "An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters", J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math., Vol 11, no. 2, pp. 431-441, June, 1963. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which combines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are performed until the chi square changes by only TOL or until ITMAX iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. EXAMPLE: Fit a function of the form f(x) = a * exp(b*x) + c to sample pairs contained in x and y. In this example, a=a(0), b=a(1) and c=a(2). The partials are easily computed symbolicaly: df/da = exp(b*x), df/db = a * x * exp(b*x), and df/dc = 1.0 Here is the user-written procedure to return F(x) and the partials, given x: pro gfunct, x, a, f, pder ; Function + partials bx = exp(a(1) * x) f= a(0) * bx + a(2) ;Evaluate the function IF N_PARAMS() ge 4 THEN $ ;Return partials? pder= [[bx], [a(0) * x * bx], [replicate(1.0, N_ELEMENTS(f))]] end x=findgen(10) ;Define indep & dep variables. y=[12.0, 11.0,10.2,9.4,8.7,8.1,7.5,6.9,6.5,6.1] Weights=1.0/y ;Weights a=[10.0,-0.1,2.0] ;Initial guess yfit=curvefit(x,y,Weights,a,sigma,function_name='gfunct') print, 'Function parameters: ', a print, yfit end MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Does not iterate IF the first guess is good. DMS, Oct, 1990. Added CALL_PROCEDURE to make the function's name a parameter. (Nov 1990) 12/14/92 - modified to reflect the changes in the 1991 edition of Bevington (eq. II-27) (jiy-suggested by CreaSo) Mark Rivers, U of Chicago, Feb. 12, 1995 - Added following keywords: ITMAX, ITER, TOL, CHI2, NODERIVATIVE These make the routine much more generally useful. - Removed Oct. 1990 modification so the routine does one iteration even IF first guess is good. Required to get meaningful output for errors. - Added forward difference derivative calculations required for NODERIVATIVE keyword. - Fixed a bug: PDER was passed to user's procedure on first call, but was not defined. Thus, user's procedure might not calculate it, but the result was THEN used. Steve Penton, RSI, June 1996. - Changed SIGMAA to SIGMA to be consistant with other fitting routines. - Changed CHI2 to CHISQ to be consistant with other fitting routines. - Changed W to Weights to be consistant with other fitting routines. _ Updated docs regarding weighing. Chris Torrence, RSI, Jan,June 2000. - Fixed bug: if A only had 1 term, it was passed to user procedure as an array. Now ensure it is a scalar. - Added more info to error messages. - Added /DOUBLE keyword. CT, RSI, Nov 2001: If Weights is undefined, then assume no weighting, and boost the Sigma error estimates according to NR Sec 15.2 Added YERROR keyword. CT, RSI, May 2003: Added STATUS keyword. Added FITA keyword (courtesy B. LaBonte) CT, RSI, August 2004: Added ON_ERROR, 2
(See FIT//
NAME: dblsobjstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: This routine creates a structure to describe the spectrum for an object in a given slit CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {dlbsobjstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: distruct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Defines the structure for direct imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {distruct} INPUTS: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ??-2001 Written by JXP 11-June-2007 Modified by LKP for use with NIRC2
(See IMG/General//
NAME: dlanoestruct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Defines the structure for DLA without creating the element arrays CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {dlanoestruct} INPUTS: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 1-Oct-2004 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dlastruct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Defines the structure for DLA CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {dlastruct} INPUTS: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 1-Oct-2004 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_analyse V1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a GUI which enables simple plotting and inspection of individual DLA CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_analyse, [list] INPUTS: [list] -- List of DLA to inspect [default: /u/xavier/DLA/Lists/tot_dla.lst] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ROOT= Path to the DLA tree OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_analyse, '/u/xavier/DLA/Lists/tot_dla.lst' PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 10-Jun-2002 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_eplot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given an abundance file and NHI value, create a abundance number plot (logarithmic with H = 12) CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_eplot, fil, NHI, ZMTL=, PSFILE=, XR=, YR= INPUTS: fil -- Abundance file, [format: Zatm, Ncolm, Nsig, Flag, Instr] NHI -- NHI value of the DLA RETURNS: OUTPUTS: If PSFILE is set, will create a ps file instead of plotting to the screen OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZMTL -- Metallicity of the gas (for overplotting Solar pattern) XR -- X range of the plot [default: min and max of Zatm values] YR -- Y range of the plot [default: [4., 12] ] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_eplot, fil, 20.8, ZMTL=-1.2 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: readcol REVISION HISTORY: 17-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_esitosdss Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Turn an ESI spectrum into SDSS 'quality' (i.e. lower resolution) CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_esitosdss, fil, wave, fx, sig, /PLOT INPUTS: fil -- ESI fits file [assumes binning of 1] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array fx -- Flux array sig -- Error array OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /PLOT -- Plot the spectrum OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_esitosdss, fil, NHI, Z PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Dec-2002 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_fndtran Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a DLA structure, calculates the rest EW of weak, rare transitions like OI 1355, BII, etc. CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_fndtran, dla, [fil], OUTFIL=, LMT= INPUTS: dla -- IDL DLA structure [fil] -- List of weak line transitions [default: '/u/xavier/DLA/Abund/weak_lin.dat'] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= -- Writes the values to OUTFIL [default: 'fort.23'] OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LMT= -- Minimum EW to print the transition [default: 0.5 mA] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_fndtran, dla, outfil='weak_lin.dat' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Dec-2002 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_guessew Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calcualtes the EW limits for a series of input transitions for a DLA with given NHI and metallicity Z. CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_guessew, fil, NHI, Z, NPIX=, SNR=, NSIG=, DWV= INPUTS: fil -- File with list of wavlengths NHI -- N(HI) value of the DLA (logarithmic) Z -- Metallcitiy (logarithmic) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NPIX= -- Number of pixels making up the feature [default: 4] NSIG= -- Number of sigma significant [default: 3.] SNR= -- Signal-to-noise per pixel [default: 10.] DWV= -- Width of pixel in Angstromgs [default: 0.1 Ang] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_guessew, fil, NHI, Z PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Nov-2002 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_indx V1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the index for a DLA given the name and z (if necessary) Defaults to the first entry if multiple. This is a simple and rather uninteresting program. CALLING SEQUENCE: idx = dla_indx(struct, name, [z]) INPUTS: struct - dla structure name - Name of the quasar (string; need not be complete) [z] - redshift (optional) RETURNS: index OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: idx = dla_indx(sdla, 'Q0000') PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 24-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_sdssrich Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Inputs a list of absorption lines, and the quasar emission redshift and then prints all probably DLA (quality > 0.7) CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_sdssrich, zem, obslin INPUTS: zem -- Emission redshift of the quasar obslin -- List of observed lines RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: GRAN= -- List of metal-line transitions to key on OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_sdssrich PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Dec-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: dla_si2star Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a normalized QSO spectrum (fits file) and the redshift of the DLA, overplots a SiII* feature at the expected spot based on the observed CII* profile. THe program also plots the CII* profile CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_si2star, fits_fil, zabs, VMNX=, PSFIL=, YMNX=, RTIO= INPUTS: fits_fil -- FITS file containing the QSO data [Assumes HIRES format] zabs -- Absorption redshift RETURNS: OUTPUTS: PSFIL= -- Writes PS file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: RTIO= -- Ratio of optical depth of SiII* to CII* [deafult: 0.05] VMNX= -- Velcoity region to plot [default: -100 to 100 km/s] YMNX= -- Ymin, ymax of plot [deafult: 0., 1.] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_si2star, 'Q1331_f.fits', 1.770 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-May-2003 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_writestr V1.2 PURPOSE: Given a DLA structre write the files out with the .dat format CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_writestr, dla INPUTS: dla -- DLA structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Series of DLA files OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_writestr, dla PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Oct-2004 Written by JXP 2006 Added metallicity and SDSS tags
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_xalphvsa Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Plots [X/alpha] vs [alpha/H]. Currently, the fig only shows Echelle obs CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_xyvsab, X, XR=, YR=, DLA= INPUTS: X -- Atomic number of element X RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XR= -- x-range YR= -- y-range DLA= -- DLA structure /NOXERR -- Suppress x error bars /NOLIM -- Do not show limits /NOCLOSE -- Do not close the plot MXERR -- Maximum error to plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_xalphavsa, 7 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Sep-2004 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: dla_xyvsab Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Plots [X/Y] vs [A/B]. Currently, the fig only shows Echelle obs CALLING SEQUENCE: dla_xyvsab, [X,Y], [A,B], XR=, YR=, DLA= INPUTS: X -- Atomic number of element X Y -- Atomic number of element Y A -- Atomic number of element A B -- Atomic number of element B RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XR= -- x-range YR= -- y-range DLA= -- DLA structure /NOXERR -- Suppress x error bars /NOLIM -- Do not show limits /NOCLOSE -- Do not close the plot MXERR -- Maximum error to plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dla_xyvsab, [14,26], [14,1] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Sep-2004 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: echfspecstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a structure for echelle spectroscopy that will hold the wavelength, flux and error arrays. Also includes the ZANS structure which is useful for using SDSS redshift identification. CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {echfspecstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: extract_asymbox2 PURPOSE: Extract the total flux within a boxcar window at many positions. This routine will accept an asymmetric/variable window Traces are expected to run vertically to be consistent with other extract_ routines MODIFIED MODEL WEIGHTING CALLING SEQUENCE: fextract = extract_asymbox( image, left, right, $ [ycen, weight_image=weight_image, f_ivar=f_ivar, model=model]) INPUTS: image - Image left - Lower boundary of boxcar window (given as floating pt pixels) right - Upper boundary of boxcar window (given as floating pt pixels) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ycen - Y positions corresponding to "left" (expected as integers) weight_image - Weights to be applied to image before boxcar OUTPUTS: fextract - Extracted flux at positions specified by (left<-->right, ycen) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: f_ivar - the boxcar summed weights, weights=1 if weight_image is missing model - A model image (of size image) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 24-Mar-1999 Written by David Schlegel, Princeton. 17-Feb-2003 Written with slow IDL routine, S. Burles, MIT 27-Jan-2004 Adopted to do asymmetric/varying boxcar
(See Spec/Extraction//
(See Spec/General//
NAME: f2dpoly Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates basis functions of a 2dpoly for feeding into SVDFIT for 2D surface fitting. Requires an initial call with m=-1 to set up the common block. This code even makes my head spin! CALLING SEQUENCE: fpoly = f2dpoly(s, m, XVAL=, YVAL=, FLG=) INPUTS: s - scalar or vector identifying the index number m - Total order (nx*ny) of the polynomial (-1 to initialize; -2 to deconstruct) RETURNS: fpoly - Basis functions OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XVAL= -- Dummy array used to initialize the common block YVAL= -- Dummy array used to initialize the common block FLG= -- Number of coefficients in the X direction. If FLG=0, then it is assumed that nx=ny=sqrt(m) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fpoly = f2dpoly(s, m) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 31-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: fill_elmxh Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a DLA structure, fills up the X/H info. Simply reads in the info from the .XH files. This program is not likely to be called by any program except parse_dlalst. CALLING SEQUENCE: fill_elmxh, dla INPUTS: dla -- IDL DLA structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOHIS -- Do not include HI error in analysis OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-May-2003 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: fill_ion V1.1 PURPOSE: Fills up the column densities for all of the ions observed for a given DLA. It parses the .ion files produced by dla_updabd. This program is unlikely to be called by anything except parse_dlalst. CALLING SEQUENCE: fill_ion, sDLA INPUTS: RETURNS: sDLA - IDL DLA structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ROOT= Path to DLA tree (e.g. '~/DLA/') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fill_ion, sdla PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See DLA//
NAME: fit2dstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: IDL structure for 2D surface fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {fit2dstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: tmp = {fit2dstrct} PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 31-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: fits2asc V1.1 PURPOSE: Converts fits spectrum to ASCII. The wavelength array is read from the header. Particularly useful for VPFIT CALLING SEQUENCE: fits2asc, file, [error], OUTFIL= INPUTS: file - Data Filename [spectrum; data in extension 0] [error] - Error filename RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil - ASCII file with wavelength, file, [error] in columns OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: WVMIN -- Minimum wavelength to print out [default: 0.] WVMAX -- Maximum wavelength to print out [default: 1e6] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fits2asc, 'Blah.fits' PROCEDURES CALLED: x_fitswave writecol REVISION HISTORY: 27-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
(See FIT//
NAME: fit_convxptox Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Convert the fitted coefficients of a POLY fit from the normalized values to 'sensible' ones. CALLING SEQUENCE: newcoeff = fit_convxptox( calib, FFIT=, NRM= ) INPUTS: calib -- FIT structure RETURNS: newcoeff -- Unnormalized coefficients OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FFIT= -- Coefficients [default: *calib.ffit] NRM= -- Normalization values [default: calib.nrm] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: frac_order Version 1.1 PURPOSE: For an input array and the order structure defining the echelle footprint, this routine calculates the position of a give pixel along the slit. CALLING SEQUENCE: frac = frac_order( ordr_str, xstart, ywave, ocen=, ncoeff=) INPUTS: ordr_str -- Order structure which describes the echelle footprint xstart -- x values of the pixels ywave -- Wavelength values of the pixels RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_slitflat, mike, 1 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 31-Jul-2005 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: fuselinstrct__define V1.1 PURPOSE: Defines the structure for FUSE absorption lines CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {fuselinstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Nov-2003 Created by JXP
(See FUSE/General/
NAME: fuse_calcewn V1.1 PURPOSE: Given a FUSE structure file and a set of instrument files (each of which specifies absorption lines), the code measures EW and fills up the FUSE structure. If multiple EW values are measured, then it calculates the weighted mean if the two are consistent or otherwise the average and sets a large uncertainty. CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_calcewn, strct_fil, instr_list INPUTS: strct_fil -- IDL FUSE file instr_list -- Instrument list containing absorption line lists RETURNS: OUTPUTS: strct_fil -- The EW tags are filled up by this routine OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: MODLIM - modify wavelength limits with wavelength shift ROOTDIR - pre-pend string to instr_list file names SUFFIX - for STIS-like files, suffix to search and replace (default: ['f.fits','e.fits']) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_calcewn, struct, fil_instr PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 10-Sep-2003 Added metallicity sturcture 2-Feb-2006 added /modlim and /ewgauss options, KLC 3-Apr-2006 added calculation of zsig 24-Jan-2007 removed /ewgauss and modify EW summing when flux<0 or flux>1
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_calcion V1.1 PURPOSE: For FUSE observations, calculate ionic column densities for all ions in the FUSE structure. The code allows for limits and does a weighted mean for multiple transitions. CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_calcion, strct_fil, zabs, ion_fil, NHI=, HAND= INPUTS: strct_fil -- FITS file for the FUSE structure zabs -- Absorption redshift of the system RETURNS: OUTPUTS: ion_fil -- Output ion file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NHI= -- NHI value and error [required at present!] HAND= -- Input file of ionic column densities used to override the values that would otherwise be derived by this program. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_calcion, strct_fil, zabs, 'PKS0405_z495.ion' PROCEDURES CALLED: getabnd getion REVISION HISTORY: 11-Sep-2003 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_calcxh V1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate X/H values for FUSE observations. It grabs the info from the ion_fil and an input XH_fil and then outputs the XH values into a XH data file. The Input file must contain ionization information (Cloudy file, U values) to do the final calcalculations of X/H. You need to see an example file to get this set correctly. CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_calcxh, xhfil INPUTS: xhfil -- Input file to run the XH calculations and output RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil -- Output file of X/H values OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_calcxh, 'Input/z0495_XH.inp' PROCEDURES CALLED: fuse_calcxh_parse REVISION HISTORY: 21-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_cog V1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate a COG solution from a FUSE structure file CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_cog, strct_fil, cog_fil, [Nlmt, blmt], /CHICHK, PLTONLY= NSTP=, BSTP=, PSFILE=, OUTFIL=, /EXACT, ZLBL=,DEBLEND=,UPLIM=,RMS= INPUTS: strct_fil -- FITS file for the FUSE structure cog_fil -- COG input file (lists redshift and transitions to use) [Nlmt] -- Range of column densities to explore (2 element array) [blmt] -- Range of Doppler parameters to explore (2 element array) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHICHK -- Plot Chi^2 image PLTONLY -- 4-element array of N,b values and error for a plot NSTP -- Number of steps to search N space [default: 100L] BSTP -- Number of steps to search b space [default: 100L] /EXACT -- Calculate EW exactly (Spline is generally good enough) ZLBL= -- Label for Plot giving redshift of the absorber (string) UPLIM -- file (like cog_fil) of lines to color upper limits on curve (1: excluded, 2: 2-sig upper limit, 4: blend upper limit DEBLEND -- file with information of EW to remove for specific features because they are blended OR include upper limits RMS -- add RMS to EW error in quadrature LABEL -- indicate line across top (either /label or label='FeII') ASYMERR -- calculate asymmetric errors by measuring the chi^2=1 ellipse OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTFIL -- File with best fit values and error PSFILE -- File for postscript plot COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_cog, '/u/xavier/FUSE/data/PKS0405-12/Analysis/pks0405_abslin.fits', $ '/u/xavier/FUSE/data/PKS0405-12/Analysis/COG/Input/pks0405_z0918.cog', $ PSFIL='Figures/', PLTONLY=[14.52, 38.2, 0.04, 1.8] PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Sep-2003 Written by JXP 30-Nov-2005 modifed so can handle inability to calculate error, KLC 12-Jan-2006 added UPLIM keyword, KLC 8-Mar-2006 added DEBLEND keyword, KLC 13-Sep-2006 added RMS keyword, KLC 22-Sep-2006 added LABEL keyword, KLC 2-Jan-2007 added ASYMERR keyword, KLC and PJ; modify plot labels 8-Jan-2007 corrected and modified UPLIM
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_fndneviii Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI which plots the metal line systems including NeVIII CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_fndneviii, yin, lyalist, VMNX=, INFLG=, VMNX=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, SVSTATE=, INIZ= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: VMNX -- Velocity range for plotting transitions INFLG -- Flag for type of spectrum file (see x_readspec) XSIZE -- Size of gui x-pixels [default: 80% of screen] YSIZE -- Size of gui y-pixels [default: 80% of screen] INIZ -- Initial redshift to start search at [default: 0.] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SVSTATE -- Save the state to return to search later COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_fndneviii, 'file.fits', inflg=4, SVSTATE='save_neviii.idl' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_fndovi Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI which plots the spectra in two strips corresponding to the doublet of OVI. User can indicate the regions where OVI could be detected (visually). CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_fndovi, datfil, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /STIS, OUTFIL=, GZFIL= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE -- Size of gui x-pixels [default: 80% of screen] YSIZE -- Size of gui y-pixels [default: 80% of screen] /STIS -- STIS data file (as opposed to FUSE) GZFIL -- File containing saved regions OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SVSTATE -- Save the state to return to search later OUTFIL -- File to contain saved regions [default: 'find_ovi.fits'] COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_fndovi, 'PKS0405.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_gzneviii Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI which plots the spectra in two strips corresponding to the doublet of OVI. User can indicate the regions where OVI could be detected (visually). CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_gzneviii, datfil, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, OUTFIL=, GZFIL= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE -- Size of gui x-pixels [default: 80% of screen] YSIZE -- Size of gui y-pixels [default: 80% of screen] GZFIL -- File containing saved regions OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SVSTATE -- Save the state to return to search later OUTFIL -- File to contain saved regions [default: 'find_neviii.fits'] COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_gzneviii, x, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Oct-2003 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_h2lin (V1.1) PURPOSE: Sets up a line list of Molecular Hydrogen CALLING SEQUENCE: h2strct = fuse_h2lin([file]) INPUTS: [file] - H2 line list [default: $XIDL_DIR/FUSE/H2/h2sort.dat] RETURNS: h2strct - Structure of molecular hydrogen OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: h2strct = fuse_h2lin() PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/H2/
NAME: fuse_prsline V1.1 PURPOSE: Create a structure for the absorption lines given a set of files for the absorption lines. CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_prsline, files, strct, OUTFIL= INPUTS: files -- List of files for absorption lines RETURNS: strct - FUSE absorption line structure OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= -- Writes structure to OUTFIL OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Nov-2003 Created by JXP
(See FUSE/General/
NAME: fuse_twocog V1.1 PURPOSE: Perform a COG analysis allowing for two components. This program is best used to plot (use PLTONLY) the results of a two component analysis, not to fit for the 2 components. CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_twocog, strct_fil, cog_fil, N1lmt, b1lmt, N2lmt, b2lmt, delv /CHICHK, PLTONLY=, ZLBL=, NSTP=, BSTP=, PSFILE=, OUTFIL=, /EXACT lowzovi_prsdat, stucture, filename INPUTS: strct_fil -- FITS file for the FUSE structure cog_fil -- COG input file (lists redshift and transitions to use) [N1lmt] -- Range of column densities to explore (2 element array) [b1lmt] -- Range of Doppler parameters to explore (2 element array) [N2lmt] -- Range of column densities to explore (2 element array) [b2lmt] -- Range of Doppler parameters to explore (2 element array) [delv] -- Separation of the 2 components (km/s) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHICHK -- Plot Chi^2 image PLTONLY -- 4-element array of N,b values and error for a plot NSTP -- Number of steps to search N space [default: 5L] BSTP -- Number of steps to search b space [default: 5L] ZLBL= -- Label for Plot giving redshift of the absorber (string) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTFIL -- File with best fit values and error PSFILE -- File for postscript plot COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_calccolm, struct, fil_instr PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Sep-2003 Written by JXP
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: fuse_velplt V1.1 PURPOSE: Velcoity plot of FUSE transitions for a given absorption system CALLING SEQUENCE: fuse_velplt, strct_fil, instr_list, vel_fil, NTOT=, CSIZE=, LSIZE=, PSFILE=, XTINT=, ENCAPSULATED=, MULTI=, OUTLINE=, LABEL=, MSGFIL=, VOIGT= INPUTS: RETURNS: strct_fil -- FITS file for the FUSE abs lin structure instr_list -- List of instrument files vel_fil -- Input file for velocity plot OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NTOT -- Number of plots per page [default: 16] LSIZE -- Label size [default: 1.8] CSIZE -- Numbering character size [default: 1.8] LTHICK -- Line thickness (Default = 1.) XTINT -- xtick interval ENCAPSULATED -- create encapsulated postscript MULTI -- overplot multiple detections OUTLINE -- indicate region used to measure EW with darker line LABEL -- print zabs upper right corner and wobs VOIGT -- [ncolm, dopb] or [ion, ncolm, dopb] structure to overplot Voigt profile VZABS -- redshift to center voigt profiles (default is input z + float) BIN -- bin spectra (simple sum, not S/N-weighted) PLTXTR -- array of wrest, instr to plot extra (doesn't work for multi) PLTERR -- plot error array (changes colors) ROOTDIR - pre-pend string to instr_list file names SUFFIX - for STIS-like files, suffix to search and replace (default: ['f.fits','e.fits']) ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PSFILE -- Postscript filename MSGFIL -- filename to receive messages from MULTI function COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fuse_calcewn, struct, fil_instr PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Sep-2003 Written by JXP 1-Apr-2005 MULTI capability added by KLC 28-Apr-2005 Added zabs in upper right-hand corner of MULTI plots 13-Feb-2006 Added /outline option, KLC 7-Mar-2006 Handle H2 features, KLC 7-Jun-2006 Improve handling of combined instrument flags, add /label 21-Sep-2006 Update /outline,/multi combo 16-Oct-2006 added VOIGT, KLC 8-Dec-2006 added BIN, KLC
(See FUSE/Analysis/
NAME: GAUSSFIT PURPOSE: Fit the equation y=f(x) where: F(x) = A0*EXP(-z^2/2) + A3 + A4*x + A5*x^2 and z=(x-A1)/A2 A0 = height of exp, A1 = center of exp, A2 = sigma (the width). A3 = constant term, A4 = linear term, A5 = quadratic term. Terms A3, A4, and A5 are optional. The parameters A0, A1, A2, A3 are estimated and then CURVEFIT is called. CATEGORY: ?? - fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GAUSSFIT(X, Y [, A]) INPUTS: X: The independent variable. X must be a vector. Y: The dependent variable. Y must have the same number of points as X. KEYWORD INPUTS: CHISQ: Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain the value of the chi-square goodness-of-fit. ESTIMATES = optional starting estimates for the parameters of the equation. Should contain NTERMS (6 if NTERMS is not provided) elements. MEASURE_ERRORS: Set this keyword to a vector containing standard measurement errors for each point Y[i]. This vector must be the same length as X and Y. Note - For Gaussian errors (e.g. instrumental uncertainties), MEASURE_ERRORS should be set to the standard deviations of each point in Y. For Poisson or statistical weighting MEASURE_ERRORS should be set to sqrt(Y). NTERMS = Set NTERMS to 3 to compute the fit: F(x) = A0*EXP(-z^2/2). Set it to 4 to fit: F(x) = A0*EXP(-z^2/2) + A3 Set it to 5 to fit: F(x) = A0*EXP(-z^2/2) + A3 + A4*x SIGMA: Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain the 1-sigma error estimates of the returned parameters. Note: if MEASURE_ERRORS is omitted, then you are assuming that your model is correct. In this case, SIGMA is multiplied by SQRT(CHISQ/(N-M)), where N is the number of points in X and M is the number of terms in the fitting function. See section 15.2 of Numerical Recipes in C (2nd ed) for details. YERROR: The standard error between YFIT and Y. OUTPUTS: The fitted function is returned. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A: The coefficients of the fit. A is a three to six element vector as described under PURPOSE. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The peak or minimum of the Gaussian must be the largest or smallest point in the Y vector. PROCEDURE: The initial estimates are either calculated by the below procedure or passed in by the caller. Then the function CURVEFIT is called to find the least-square fit of the gaussian to the data. Initial estimate calculation: If NTERMS>=4 then a constant term is subtracted first. If NTERMS>=5 then a linear term is subtracted first. If the (MAX-AVG) of Y is larger than (AVG-MIN) then it is assumed that the line is an emission line, otherwise it is assumed there is an absorbtion line. The estimated center is the MAX or MIN element. The height is (MAX-AVG) or (AVG-MIN) respectively. The width is found by searching out from the extrema until a point is found less than the 1/e value. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, RSI, Dec, 1983. DMS, RSI, Jun, 1995, Added NTERMS keyword. Result is now float if Y is not double. DMS, RSI, Added ESTIMATES keyword. CT, RSI, Feb 2001: Change the way estimates are computed. If NTERMS>3 then a polynomial of degree NTERMS-4 is subtracted before estimating Gaussian coefficients. CT, RSI, Nov 2001: Slight change to above modification: Because a Gaussian and a quadratic can be highly correlated, do not subtract off the quadratic term, only the constant and linear terms. Also added CHISQ, SIGMA and YERROR output keywords. CT, RSI, May 2003: Added MEASURE_ERRORS keyword. CT, RSI, March 2004: If estimate[2] is zero, compute a default value.
(See FIT//
NAME: GETCOLOR PURPOSE: The original purpose of this function was to enable the user to specify one of the 16 colors supported by the McIDAS color map by name. Over time, however, the function has become a general purpose function for handling and supporting drawing colors in a device-independent way. In particular, I have been looking for ways to write color handling code that will work transparently on both 8-bit and 24-bit machines. On 24-bit machines, the code should work the same where color decomposition is turned on or off. The program now supports 88 colors. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING: David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics, Color Specification. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = GETCOLOR(color, index) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: COLOR: A string with the "name" of the color. Valid names are: black magenta cyan yellow green red blue navy pink aqua orchid sky beige charcoal gray white The color YELLOW is returned if the color name can't be resolved. Case is unimportant. If the function is called with just this single input parameter, the return value is either a 1-by-3 array containing the RGB values of that particular color, or a 24-bit integer that can be "decomposed" into that particular color, depending upon the state of the TRUE keyword and upon whether color decomposition is turned on or off. The state of color decomposition can ONLY be determined if the program is being run in IDL 5.2 or higher. INDEX: The color table index where the specified color should be loaded. If this parameter is passed, then the return value of the function is the index number and not the color triple. (If color decomposition is turned on AND the user specifies an index parameter, the color is loaded in the color table at the proper index, but a 24-bit value is returned to the user in IDL 5.2 and higher. This assumes the INDEXED keyword is NOT set.) If no positional parameter is present, then the return value is either a 16-by-3 byte array containing the RGB values of all 16 colors or it is a 16-element long integer array containing color values that can be decomposed into colors. The 16-by-3 array is appropriate for loading color tables with the TVLCT command: Device, Decomposed=0 colors = GetColor() TVLCT, colors, 100 INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAMES: If this keyword is set, the return value of the function is a 88-element string array containing the names of the colors. These names would be appropriate, for example, in building a list widget with the names of the colors. If the NAMES keyword is set, the COLOR and INDEX parameters are ignored. listID = Widget_List(baseID, Value=GetColor(/Names), YSize=16) INDEXED: If this keyword is set, the return value is always an index into the color table. In the absence of a color table INDEX parameter, the color is loaded at !P.COLOR < (!D.Table_Size-1). LOAD: If this keyword is set, all 88 colors are automatically loaded starting at the color index specified by the START keyword. Note that setting this keyword means that the return value of the function will be a structure, with each field of the structure corresponding to a color name. The value of each field will be an index number (set by the START keyword) corresponding to the associated color, or a 24-bit long integer value that creates the color on a true-color device. What you have as the field values is determined by the TRUE keyword or whether color decomposition is on or off in the absense of the TRUE keyword. It will either be a 1-by-3 byte array or a long integer value. START: The starting color index number if the LOAD keyword is set. This keyword value is ignored unless the LOAD keyword is also set. The keyword is also ignored if the TRUE keyword is set or if color decomposition in on in IDL 5.2 and higher. The default value for the START keyword is !D.TABLE_SIZE - 89. TRUE: If this keyword is set, the specified color triple is returned as a 24-bit integer equivalent. The lowest 8 bits correspond to the red value; the middle 8 bits to the green value; and the highest 8 bits correspond to the blue value. In IDL 5.2 and higher, if color decomposition is turned on, it is as though this keyword were set. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The TRUE keyword causes the START keyword to be ignored. The NAMES keyword causes the COLOR, INDEX, START, and TRUE parameters to be ignored. The COLOR parameter is ignored if the LOAD keyword is used. On systems where it is possible to tell the state of color decomposition (i.e., IDL 5.2 and higher), a 24-bit value (or values) is automatically returned if color decomposition is ON. EXAMPLE: To load a yellow color in color index 100 and plot in yellow, type: yellow = GETCOLOR('yellow', 100) PLOT, data, COLOR=yellow or, PLOT, data, COLOR=GETCOLOR('yellow', 100) To do the same thing on a 24-bit color system with decomposed color on, type: PLOT, data, COLOR=GETCOLOR('yellow', /TRUE) or in IDL 5.2 and higher, DEVICE, Decomposed=1 PLOT, data, COLOR=GETCOLOR('yellow') To load all 88 colors into the current color table, starting at color index 100, type: TVLCT, GETCOLOR(), 100 To add the color names to a list widget: listID = Widget_List(baseID, Value=GetColor(/Names), YSize=16) To load all 88 colors and have the color indices returned in a structure: DEVICE, Decomposed=0 colors = GetColor(/Load, Start=1) HELP, colors, /Structure PLOT, data, COLOR=colors.yellow To get the direct color values as 24-bit integers in color structure fields: DEVICE, Decomposed=1 colors = GetColor(/Load) PLOT, data, COLOR=colors.yellow Note that the START keyword value is ignored if on a 24-bit device, so it is possible to write completely device-independent code by writing code like this: colors = GetColor(/Load) PLOT, data, Color=colors.yellow MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, 10 February 96. Fixed a bug in which N_ELEMENTS was spelled wrong. 7 Dec 96. DWF Added the McIDAS colors to the program. 24 Feb 99. DWF Added the INDEX parameter to the program 8 Mar 99. DWF Added the NAMES keyword at insistence of Martin Schultz. 10 Mar 99. DWF Reorderd the colors so black is first and white is last. 7 June 99. DWF Added automatic recognition of DECOMPOSED=1 state. 7 June 99. DWF Added LOAD AND START keywords. 7 June 99. DWF. Replaced GOLD with CHARCOAL color. 28 Oct 99. DWF. Added INDEXED keyword to force indexed color mode. 28 Oct 99. DWF. Fixed problem of "aqua" and "pink" being mixed up. 18 Mar 00. DWF. Changed ON_ERROR from 1 to 2, and improved error handling. 2 Aug 00. DWF. Increased the known colors from 16 to 88. 19 October 2000. DWF. Fixed typos in which "thisColor" was written as "theColor". 10 AUG 2001. DWF.
(See Color//
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_autochrt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a DSS chart from a BACODINE. [old and not well tested] CALLING SEQUENCE: grb_autochrt, fil INPUTS: fil -- Email containing the coord RETURNS: flux= -- PS file of the finding chart OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: grb_fxlum, 'baco_050730' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Jul-2005 Written by JXP
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_calclum Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a grb structure (magnitude at a time t, z, spectral slope) calculates the luminsoity at any time (erg/s/cm^2/Hz) CALLING SEQUENCE: lum_nu = grb_calclum(grb, nu, [t]) INPUTS: grb -- GRB structure nu -- Frequency (GRB frame) [t] -- Time (observer frame). Default = t0 in GRB structure RETURNS: lum_nu= OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: H0 -- Set Hubble constant TAVG= -- Time interval to calculate average luminosity across OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Feb-2006 Written by JXP
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_calcphot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the number of photons emitted in an energy interval dE during a time interval dt. The user inputs a structure which describes the GRB afterglow light curve. CALLING SEQUENCE: total_phot = grb_calcphot( dE, dt, grb_after, Rphot=, nphot=) INPUTS: dE -- Energy interval (GRB frame) [eV] dt -- time interval (observer frame) grb_after -- Afterglow structure RETURNS: total_phot -- Number of photons emitted in the energy and time intervals OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: Rphot= -- Radius at which to calculate the column density of photons nphot= -- Column density of photons at pecified distance /SILENT -- Suppress cosmo info OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Feb-2006 Written by JXP
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_fxlum Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the flux for a Band function. CALLING SEQUENCE: grb_fxlum, fini, tini, freq, RAD=, FLUX=, LUM=, Z=, $ tEarth=, TEXP=, TSTART=, NSTP= INPUTS: E -- Energy (keV) alpha -- Power-law exponent beta -- Power-law exponent RETURNS: flux= -- Array of flux values computed as function of time OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: A= -- Radiative expansion [Default: adiabatic] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 21-Apr-2008 Written by JXP
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_fxlum Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates GRB flux as a function of time given the flux at one point in time. The solution is based on the paper by Sari, Piran, & Narayan 1998. CALLING SEQUENCE: grb_fxlum, fini, tini, freq, RAD=, FLUX=, LUM=, Z=, $ tEarth=, TEXP=, TSTART=, NSTP= INPUTS: fini -- Flux measured at tini in muJy tini -- Time at Earth when fini was measured (seconds) freq -- Frequency of the radiation RETURNS: flux= -- Array of flux values computed as function of time OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /RAD -- Radiative expansion [Default: adiabatic] z= -- Redshift [default: 1.] tstart= -- Starting time of observation [default: 3600.] tend= -- Starting time of observation [default: 7200.] nstp= -- Number of time steps [default: 1000L] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: grb_fxlum, 1., 7200., 1e15 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Oct-2003 Written by JXP (based on Sari, Piran, Narayan 1998)
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_prslcurv Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Parses a data file of GRB light curves and returns a structure which parameterizes it. CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: fil -- Data file of light curves RETURNS: struct -- Structure describing afterglow light curves OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NAM= -- Name of GRB of interest. Leave blank to get an array of structures for the various light curves. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Feb-2006 Written by JXP
(See GRB//
NAME: grb_timeion Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculates the excitation rate as a function of Luminosity and distance and abundance CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: grb -- Structure for GRB afterglow RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Creates a Plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: May-2007 Written by JXP
(See GRB//
NAME: g_mkvoigt Version 1.0 PURPOSE: create voigt profile flux arrays for output files from vpfit CALLING SEQUENCE: g_mkvoigt, vpfil, fluxfil, TLIST=, FITSFIL=, PSFIL=, /DAT INPUTS: vpfil - output fort.26 vpfil fluxfil - wavelength, flux, sig of qso to be fit DAT - set this flag if the input fluxfil is ASCII OPTIONAL INPUTS: OUTPUTS: FITSFIL - output fits file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PSFIL - output postscript plots of fitting regions COMMENTS: this procedure (because of call to x_voigt) is VERY expensive! EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: x_voigt REVISION HISTORY: 21-Feb-2005 Created by GEP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: hires_cut_35 Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Zero out the first 35 points of a HIRES spectrum. I cant even recall why I do it. CALLING SEQUENCE: hires_cut_35, fil INPUTS: fil -- Name of HIRES file to edit RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ?? Written by JXP
(See Keck/HIRES//
NAME: hires_upd_nam Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Set the FILENAME, SIGFILE, and CONTFILE header key cards CALLING SEQUENCE: hires_upd_nam, fil, filnm, signm, contnm INPUTS: fil -- Name of HIRES file to edit RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ?? Written by JXP
(See Keck/HIRES//
NAME: hires_wav PURPOSE: Create a line list appropriate for the HIRES emulator provided the redshift. CALLING SEQUENCE: hires_wav, z, fil, /LLS INPUTS: z -- Redshift fil -- Output fil RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /LLS -- Create a line list for LLS OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: hires_wav, 2.2, 'q0440-221_wav.dat' PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Keck/HIRES//
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: kast_ar Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Reads the Kast IDL structure from fits file into memory. The program grabs the first file in the directory with kast_*fits CALLING SEQUENCE: kast = kast_ar(file) INPUTS: [file] - Filename (default: first file in list ./kast_*fits*) RETURNS: kast - Kast IDL structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast = kast_ar() PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: kast_calibstd Version 1.1.5 PURPOSE: Creates a sensitivity function from a standard star; sensfunc can be used by kast_flux to flux-calibrate science-object spectra CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_calibstd, kast, indx, outfil, STFIL=, STTYPE= INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure indx -- Index of standard star (not obj_id) REQUIRED KEYWORDS: STFIL= -- Spectrophotometric file for the standard star to be processed -- Units are F_lambda vs wavelength STTYPE= -- Type of standard file - tells the program whether to read it using xmrdfits (STTYPE=fits, vectors are st.wavelength and st.flux) or readcol (STTYPE=ascii, columns are wavelength, f_lambda) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil -- Name of sensitivity function (written with mwrfits, readable with xmrdfits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_calibstd, kast, 83, 'Calibs/sensfunc_test', stfil='kastsens_g191g1d46', sttype=fits PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2003 Written by JXP 25-Jan-2005 editing by SLM 12-Nov-2005 revert code to use indx correctly, KLC
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: kast_combspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Coadd kast spectra using x_combspec CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_combspec, kast, setup, side, obj_id, [exp_id] INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] obj_id -- Object value [exp_id] -- Exposure indices RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Show the final combined spectrum OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_combspec, kast, 0, 1, 2 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_combspec kast_wrspec REVISION HISTORY: 28-August-2003 Written by GEP
(See Lick/Kast/Extract/
NAME: kast_crays Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Detect cosmic rays, set affected pixels to have var = -1 CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_crays, kast, setup, side, obj_id, [exp_id], CHK=chk INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] obj_id -- Object value [exp_id] -- Exposure indices OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Print out info on CRays COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_crays, kast, 0, 1, 2, /chk PROCEDURES/FUCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-September-2003 Written by GEP
(See Lick/Kast/Extract/
NAME: kast_editstrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a gui to edit the Kast IDL structure CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_editstrct, kast INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_editstrct, kast PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: kast_extract Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract a 1D spectrum from a Kast 2D image. CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_extract, kast, setup, side, obj_id, [exp], $ APER=, SKYNORD=, /STD, YMODEL=, /BOXCAR INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] obj_id -- Object value [exp] -- Exposure indices RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /BOXCAR -- Extract with a boxcar [default: optimal] APER= -- Aperture (for boxcar primarily) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: YMODEL= -- Image fit created in optimal extraction COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/Extract/
NAME: kast_flux Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Flux a set of Kast spectra given a sensitivity file. CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_flux, kast, setup, side, obj_id, [exp], /STD, SENSFIL= INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Side of Kast (blue=1, red=2) obj_id -- Object ID value [exp] -- Exposure indices RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STD -- Flux a standard SENSFIL -- Name of sensitivity file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_flux, kast, 0, 1, 0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2003 Written by JXP 12-Nov-2005 added blue g2 (600/4310) default (KLC)
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: kast_fndobj Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Find object on the image and then trace using x_trace. The code can look automatically or the user can look interactively. CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_fndobj, kast, setup, side, obj_id, [exp], $ /CHK, /NOCLOBBER, SCICLM=, /STD, /AUTO, SCIROW= INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] obj_id -- Object value [exp] -- Exposure indices RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SCICLM -- Column to look for object in SCIROW -- Approximate row expected for the object /AUTO -- Look for the object automatically /NOCLOBBER -- Do not overwrite the object structure /STD -- Standard star /CHK -- Plot the image and the trace OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_fndobj, kast PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP 12-Nov-2005 Added SCICLM defaults for d55, blue G2 (600/4310) and red 600/7500, KLC
(See Lick/Kast/Extract/
NAME: kast_mkarc Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process arc files (flatten, combine) CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_mkarc, kast, setup, /CLOBBER INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER -- Clobber any previous processed image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_mkarc, kast PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: kast_mkflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process flat file CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_mkflat, kast, slit INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per slit width OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER -- Clobber any previous processed image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_mkflat, kast, 1L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: kast_pltobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calls x_pltobj after gathering the relevant data CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_pltobj, kast, [setup, side, obj_id, obj_nm], EXPSR=, XSIZE=, $ YSIZE=, /FLUX, /FSPEC, XMAX=, /NOIMG, /NOWV, /COMB INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure [setup] -- Setup value [side] -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] [obj_id] -- Object value RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOIMG -- Do not display 2D image of spectrum /COMB -- Show the combined 1D spectra EXPSR -- Index of spectrum /FLUX -- Show the fluxed spectra XMAX -- Max height of spectrum [default: 7e-17] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_pltobj, kast, /noimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Jul-2002 Written by JXP ?? Major revisions by GEP
(See Lick/Kast/Spec/
NAME: kast_proc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Process an image (flatten) and create variance array. The routine also turns the DN into electrons by scaling by the gain. WARNING! Assumes 1 flat for all images CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_proc, kast, setup, obj_id, side, INDEX=, /CLOBBER INPUTS: kast - Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] obj_id -- Object value RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Processed file (Final/f_###.ccd) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INDEX - Indices of objects to process FLAT - Flat file /CLOBBER - Overwrite processed image if it exists OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_proc, kast PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: kast_qckredux Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Perform a quick and dirty (and rather accurate) reduction of a Kast spectrum. Very useful at the telescope. CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_qckredux, img, flat, spec, sig, ARC=, OVR=, $ CLINE=, APER=, SKYFUNC=, SKYNORD=, SKYREG=, /DISPLAY, /NOREJ, TRACE=, /NOSKY=, STRCT=, RN=, GAIN=, VAR=, CRUDE=, TINTER=, /SILENT, WAVE=, /OPTIMAL, /AINTER, OBJLIN=, /DEBUG, /APINTER, YMODEL=, SIGMA=, /CHK= INPUTS: img -- Image to extract from (raw fits file) flat -- Name of flat file (fits) RETURNS: spec -- 1D spectrum sig -- Error of 1D spectrum OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CRUDE -- Use the routine trace_crude to trace [recommended] CLINE= -- Row to use to identify object [default: half way on image] APER= -- Aperture for boxcar extraction (output or input) TRACE= -- Trace of the object (output or input) /CHKTRC -- Check the trace by eye /DISPLAY -- Display the sky subtracted image with xatv /NOREJ -- Turn off rejection in sky subtraction (not recommended) /AINTER -- Interactively fiddle with the Arc peakup OBJLIN= -- Row near the object trace [default: center of image] /OPTIMAL -- Perform optimal extraction YMODEL -- 2D model of the image created by extract_image RN= -- Readnoise of the image [default: 3.29] ARC= -- Arc image (fits file) /DEBUG -- Debug the program (this one often 'breaks') SIGMA= -- Approximate sigma of the Gaussian profile (for Optimal) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: WAVE= -- Wavelength array (requires Arc image) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_qckredux, 'b109.ccd', spec, sig, WAVE=wave, ARC='b102.ccd', FLAT='b100.ccd', /OPTIMAL, /NOSKY PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/Extract/
NAME: kast_sensstd Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process a standard star and create the sensitivity file CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: kast - ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with rdxstdered light removed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echrdxstd, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Jan-2008 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: kast_specsetup Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Examines the Kast IDL structure, checks for appropriate Flats and Arcs and then outputs a summary ASCII file. CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_specsetup, kast, OUTFIL= INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OUTFIL= -- Name of ASCII file (default: kast_specsumm.txt') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_specsetup, kast PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: kast_strct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates and outputs a structure for a series of Kast frames. This structure organizes the data for the night and is used to run most of the programs in the Kast package CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_strct, struct, LIST=, /NOMKDIR, OUTFIL=, /NOEDIT INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: struct -- Kast IDL structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LIST= - Image list: e.g. 'gd_files.lst' [Default is 'Raw/kast*.fits'] /NOMKDIR - Do not make default directories /NOEDIT - Do not edit the hand OUTFIL= - Name of fits output file [default: 'kaststrct.fits'] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_strct, nght1_strct, /MKDIR PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: kast_wavesol Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Create a wavelength solution for a specific object using an archived solution. The wavelength array in the object structure and writes that structure out. CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_wavesol, kast, setup, side, obj_id, [exp], /STD, /SILENT, /AINTER, /AUTO, CALIB=, CALIBFIL=, NFIN= ,ARC_SAT = INPUTS: kast -- Kast IDL structure setup -- Setup value side -- Specific camera [blue (1) vs. red (2)] obj_id -- Object value [exp] -- Exposure indices RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /AUTO -- Automatically fit the arc NFIN= -- Requires nfin lines to start the fit [default: 5] /SILENT /AINTER -- Peak up on the arc cross-correlation interactively ARC_SAT= -- max counts for arc lines for determining which to use OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP 12-Nov-2005 Added defaults for Blue G2 (600/4310) and Red 600/7500 and ARC_SAT keyword, KLC
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: kast_wrspec Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Writes kastspectrct to a FITS file CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_wrspec, kastspecstrct, outfil, /READ INPUTS: kastspecstrct - Kast Combined Spectrum structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil - FITS file for the structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /READ -- Reverse the operation (read from the FITS file) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_wrspec, kastspecstrct, outfil PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Aug-2003 Written by GEP
(See Lick/Kast/Extract/
NAME: kast_wrstrct Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Write the kast structure to a FITS file and write an ASCII summary CALLING SEQUENCE: kast_wrstrct, kast, /ANONLY, OUTFIL=, FITS= INPUTS: kast - An ESI structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ANONLY - Only print files with flg_anly NE 0 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= - Output file (default: kast.list) FITS= - Name of fits output file COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_wrstrct, kast, FITS='kast_13oct02.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Lick/Kast/General/
NAME: lco_guidestr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Inputting a photometry structure, parse out a set of stars useful for guide stars for WFCCD masks. CALLING SEQUENCE: lco_guidestr, phot, mmin, mmax INPUTS: phot -- Photometry structure mmin -- Min mag for guide star mmax -- Max mag for guide star RETURNS: OUTPUTS: 'Masks/guidestr.dat' -- Guide star output file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ?? Written by JXP
(See lcoovi//
NAME: lco_phot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Turns the photometry output (B,R filters) into a structure CALLING SEQUENCE: lco_phot, phot_fil, phot_str INPUTS: phot_fil -- Photometry ASCII file RETURNS: phot_str -- Photometry structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ?? Written by JXP
(See lcoovi//
NAME: lco_targets Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Turns a Sextractor output file into an IDL structure CALLING SEQUENCE: lco_targets, name, galstr INPUTS: name -- Name of Sextractor file RETURNS: galstr -- IDL galaxy structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: ?? Written by JXP
(See lcoovi//
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: lls_stat PURPOSE: Given a LLS struct and gz list, determine the indices of those LLS satisfying the statistical sample. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsstat INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Feb-2009 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: lris_calibstd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION CALLING SEQUENCE: spec = x_apall(ydat, [head]) INPUTS: ydat - Values [head] - Header RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: wave - wavelength array DISPLAY - Display the sky subtracted image with xatv OVR - String array for ov region: '[2050:2100, *]' ERROR - Variance array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_calibstd, kast, 0, 1, 0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2003 Written by JXP
(See Keck/LRIS/Flux/
NAME: lris_flux Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Flux an LRIS spectrum given a sensitivity function (archived) CALLING SEQUENCE: flux = lris_flux(wave, spec, flux_fil, SIG=, FSIG=) INPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array spec -- LRIS spectrum flux_fil -- Sensitivity function RETURNS: flux -- Fluxed LRIS spectrum OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: EXP= -- Exposure time [default: 1.] SIG= -- Error array to flux as well OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: kast_calibstd, kast, 0, 1, 0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See Keck/LRIS/Flux/
NAME: lris_sensstd Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Process a standard star and create the sensitivity file for LRIS CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: std_fil -- A processed standard star using the LowRedux pipeline RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Image with rdxstdered light removed OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DFLAT - Use Dome flats where possible OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: esi_echrdxstd, esi PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Jan-2008 Written by JXP
NAME: lwdfspecstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a structure for Low dispersion spectroscopy that will hold the wavelength, flux and error arrays. Also includes the ZANS structure which is useful for using SDSS redshift identification. CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {lwdfspecstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Currently a maximum of 5000 pixels EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: manuakea_sky Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Gives an estimate of the sky brightness for Mauna Kea CALLING SEQUENCE: mag = maunakea_sky( wave, phase ) INPUTS: wave= -- Wavelength array phase= -- Phase of the moon [days] RETURNS: mag= -- Sky brightness in AB mags OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Oct-2005 Written by JXP based on HIRES S2N code
(See Obs//
NAME: manuakea_trans Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extinction of the atmosphere at Mauna Kea CALLING SEQUENCE: extinct = maunakea_trans(wave) INPUTS: wave= -- Wavelengths of interest RETURNS: extinct -- Extinction in mag OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: showfits querydss REVISION HISTORY: 27-Oct-2005 Written by JXP based on HIRES S2N code
(See Obs//
NAME: mslitstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: This structure is used to save info about a slit in a mask. In particular, one saves the edges of the slit. CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {mslitstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by JXP
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: mslitstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: This structure is used to save info about a slit in a mask. In particular, one saves the edges of the slit. CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {mslitstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: observable Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the airmass for an obj with a given DEC at an observatory with a given DEC and an offset in RA CALLING SEQUENCE: observable, month, obs_dec, obj_ra, obj_dec, PAR=par, $ POS=pos, L1=l1, L2=l2, KECK=keck, VLT=vlt INPUTS: month -- obs_dec -- DEC of the observatory obj_ra -- RA of the object obj_dec -- DEC of the object RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /KECK -- Calculate for Keck /VLT -- Calculate for VLT OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: written by E. Gawiser, last modified 05jul03 anyone can use this code, please notify regarding any errors found! WARNING: POS=0 is equivalent to not setting it, so use e.g. 0.001 WARNING: "middle of the night" is not local midnight but is much more useful in Chile it's about 00:40 in winter, 01:40 in summer with daylight savings! dec in degrees, RA in hours month is from 1.00 to 12.99, use decimals for days. e.g automnal equinox is roughly 9.67. (No accounting for 28/30/31 days) NOTE: To get Keck Nasmyth platform limits, use /keck. /par will output the amplitude of atmospheric dispersion from L1 to L2 along the parallactic angle (default is 3000,10000A) and if POS is set it will output the component perpendicular to a slit at position angle POS EXAMPLE FOR IMAGING: observable, 1.7, -30., 3.5, -27. models observing the CDF-S (03 30 -27) on January 21 from CTIO The program outputs the RA overhead, length of night, and airmass values. EXAMPLE FOR SPECTROSCOPY: observable, 10.3, 20., 3.5, -27., /par, /keck, l1=3500, l2=6000, pos=0.01 models observing the CDF-S (03 30 -27) on October 9 from Keck with slit(s) at position angle = 0.01 The program outputs the Nasmyth platform limits, RA overhead, length of night, airmass, parallactic angle, total amplitude of ADR from 3500 to 6000A, and amplitude of that ADR perpendicular to POS=0.01 for this field. you can call /vlt instead of /keck to use atmospheric conditions at Paranal (about 50% more ADR) instead of Mauna Kea. Calling neither uses atmospheric conditions at La Silla which cause a bit more ADR than Paranal. Note that parallactic angle is defined as angle towards zenith i.e. from blue to red light of the object, with North=0, East=90, etc. This has been tested versus the skycalc code and works fine anywhere on the sky (doesn't mean much once the object is below the horizon however ;) ).
(See Obs//
NAME: parse_dlalst V1.2 PURPOSE: Given a list of DLA base files, fill up the DLA structure. THis program also defines the DLA structure {sDLA}. CALLING SEQUENCE: parse_DLAlst, dla, [list] INPUTS: [list] -- List of DLA base files. [default: '/u/xavier/DLA/Lists/tot_dla.lst'] RETURNS: OUTPUTS: dla -- IDL DLA structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ION - Input ionic column densities /NOELM - Supress elemental and ion structures (saves memory) /NORELM - Supress inputting Elemental [X/H] values FILE= -- The input is the dat filename not a list of dat files /NOHIS -- Suppress HI error in [X/H] values /EW -- Fill up the ion arrays with EW values instead of column densities. This reads the .EW files instead of .ion /FINE -- This fills up arrays for fine-structure states (e.g. SiII*). By default CII* is already considered ROOT= Path to the DLA tree OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: parse_dlalst, dla, '/u/xavier/DLA/Lists/tot_dla.lst' parse_dlalst, dla, '/u/xavier/DLA/Data/GRB051111.z154.dat', /FILE, /ION PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 31-May-2001 Written by JXP 02-Jan-2003 Added metallicity structure
(See DLA//
NAME: parse_phot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Reads in the BRI ASCII file from DLA photometery to an IDL structure. Not too useful for the common folk. CALLING SEQUENCE: parse_phot, file, nobj, supstrc, FLAG= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY:
(See IDLA//
NAME: parse_sdss Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given an SDSS spectrum, return flux, wavelength, etc. CALLING SEQUENCE: parse_sdss, fil, flux, wave, conti, SIG=, IVAR=, ZQSO=, $ NPIX=, HEAD=, CFIL=, CDIR= INPUTS: fil -- Name of SDSS file OR [PLATE, FIBER] RETURNS: flux -- Spectral flux array wave -- Wavelength array conti -- Continuum array (requires CFIL) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: CFIL= -- Name of continuum file CDIR= -- Name of directory to continuum files OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SIG= -- Sigma array IVAR= -- Inverse variance array ZQSO= -- Redshift of the quasar (or galaxy) NPIX= -- Number of pixels in the spectrum HEAD= -- Full header of the SDSS spectrum COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: parse_sdss, fil PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Sep-2003 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: pca_qsotilt Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Attempt to fit in logarithmic flux a low order polynomial to match the CIV region (range) coeffs contains the [npoly,nspec] coefficients based on rlam This fit is done in logarithmic flux vs. logarithmic wavelength CALLING SEQUENCE: pca_qsotilt, rlam, flux, invvar, xmed, ymed, tilt, tiltivar, $ coeff, npoly=, range=, answer=, FLG_TILT= INPUTS: rlam -- Observed Wavelength array (logarithmic) flux -- Flux of quasar invvar -- Inverse variance array xmed -- Rest frame wavelength array [logarithmic; rlam / (1+zem) ] ymed -- 0th channel of the PCA fit (pca[*,0]) RETURNS: tilt -- Normalized fit to QSO (tilt taken out) tiltivar -- Inverse variance of the fit coeff -- Coefficients of the fit to the tilt OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: npoly= -- Number of coefficients in POLY fit to tilt range= -- Rest-wavelength range to fit [default: 1270--2000] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ANSWER= -- Tilted fit FLG_TILT -- Flag describing the success of the fit (0=bad, 1=good) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Sep-2003 Written by JXP (based on qso_tilt by SB)
NAME: printcol Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Prints a series of arrays to the screen in column format. The program will print as many entries as found in v1. CALLING SEQUENCE: printcol, v1, v2, [v3-v8], FORMAT='' INPUTS: v1 - Vector 1 v2 - Vector 2 [v3-v8] - Additional vectors. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Prints v1, v2 to screen OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FORMAT - FORTRAN formatting OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The program keys off the number of elements in v1 EXAMPLES: printcol, array1, array2 PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-June-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: prs_cldycoll V1.1 PURPOSE: Parses a standard binary fits file into the CLOUDY struct for collisional ionization. The default file was created by J.C. Howk using Cloudy CALLING SEQUENCE: prs_cldycoll, stucture, [filename] INPUTS: [filename] - Input fits file [default: $XIDL_DIR/Cloudy/cloud_collisons.fits] RETURNS: structure - IDL structure strctcldy OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: prs_cldygrid V1.1 PURPOSE: Parses a standard binary fits file into the CLOUDY struct for Photoionized models CALLING SEQUENCE: prs_cldygrid, stucture, filename INPUTS: filename - Cloudy File ROOT= - Path to Cloudy files [default: /u/xavier/Cloudy/Grid/Output] RETURNS: structure - IDL structure strctcldy containing the Cloudy info OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: prs_cldygrid, struct, 'HM01A.fits' PROCEDURES CALLED: xmrdfits REVISION HISTORY: 31-May-2001 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
Name: PS_Open Purpose: Set the plotting device to be PostScript, and save the current plotting device (that can thus be restored). Use in conjunction with ps_close. Calling sequence: PS_Open Example: IDL> ps_open,file='',/por IDL> plot,findgen(10) IDL> ps_close,/nop Keywords: PORTRAIT - Normally, PS_Open defines the plotting area as landscape. If this keyword is set, the plotting area will be portrait. FILENAME = <string> - Normally, PS_Open uses '/tmp/idl-$' (on Sparx) for the PostScript file, but the keyword FILENAME can be used to override that value. ($USER is retrieved with a getenv('USER')). SQUARE - if set, defines the plotting area to be square. to also get a square data window, use the position keyword when making the plot. FONT - set !P.font to value of FONT ENCAPSULATED - produces an encapsulated PostScript plot. BPP = <n> - Set the number of bits per pixel; default value is 8, valid values are 8, 4, OR 2. A higher no produces a better resolution but also a bigger PostScript file. COLOR - produces a color PostScript plot. LEDGER - selects ledger format (17x11; usefull mostly for color printer) XSIZE - the x size in inches of the plotting region YSIZE - the y size in inches of the plotting region MAXS -- Maximize the plot on a standard 8.5 x 11 page (JXP) CMYK -- generate colors in CMYK for publication See also: PS_Close History: 23-Aug-93: added bpp=[2,4,8] option, with 8 bpp as default 24-Aug-93: added support for /color, and reduced the page size for QMS color printer 16-Sep-93: added color flag to common block (see also PS_Close) 9-Apr-94: added file name to info message 11-Apr-94: added LEDGER support (see also PS_Close) 28-Apr-94: added SQUARE, and fixed color portrait offset 5-May-94: got /SQUARE to actually work 25-Jun-94: added xsize and ysize keywords 3-Dec-07 added CMYK, KLC
(See General//
(See SDSS/General/
(See SDSS/m912/
NAME: READCOL PURPOSE: Read a free-format ASCII file with columns of data into IDL vectors EXPLANATION: Lines of data not meeting the specified format (e.g. comments) are ignored. Columns may be separated by commas or spaces. Use READFMT to read a fixed-format ASCII file. Use RDFLOAT for much faster I/O (but less flexibility). Use FORPRINT to write columns of data (inverse of READCOL). CALLING SEQUENCE: READCOL, name, v1, [ v2, v3, v4, v5, ... v35 , COMMENT= DELIMITER= ,FORMAT = , /DEBUG , /SILENT , SKIPLINE = , NUMLINE = ] INPUTS: NAME - Name of ASCII data file, scalar string. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: FORMAT - scalar string containing a letter specifying an IDL type for each column of data to be read. Allowed letters are A - string data, B - byte, D - double precision, F- floating point, I - integer, L - longword, Z - longword hexadecimal, and X - skip a column. Columns without a specified format are assumed to be floating point. Examples of valid values of FMT are 'A,B,I' ;First column to read as a character string, then 1 column of byte data, 1 column integer data 'L,L,L,L' ;Four columns will be read as longword arrays. ' ' ;All columns are floating point If a FORMAT keyword string is not supplied, then all columns are assumed to be floating point. /SILENT - Normally, READCOL will display each line that it skips over. If SILENT is set and non-zero then these messages will be suppressed. /DEBUG - If this keyword is non-zero, then additional information is printed as READCOL attempts to read and interpret the file. COMMENT - single character specifying comment signal. Any line beginning with this character will be skipped. Default is no comment lines. DELIMITER - single character specifying delimiter used to separate columns. Default is either a comma or a blank. SKIPLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. NUMLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file OUTPUTS: V1,V2,V3,...V25 - IDL vectors to contain columns of data. Up to 25 columns may be read. The type of the output vectors are as specified by FORMAT. EXAMPLES: Each row in a file position.dat contains a star name and 6 columns of data giving an RA and Dec in sexigesimal format. Read into IDL variables. (NOTE: The star names must not include the delimiter as a part of the name, no spaces or commas as default.) IDL> FMT = 'A,I,I,F,I,I,F' IDL> READCOL,'position.dat',F=FMT,name,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec The HR,MIN,DEG, and DMIN variables will be integer vectors. Alternatively, all except the first column could be specified as floating point. IDL> READCOL,'position.dat',F='A',name,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec To read just the variables HR,MIN,SEC IDL> READCOL,'position.dat',F='X,I,I,F',HR,MIN,SEC RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is designed for generality and not for speed. If a large ASCII file is to be read repeatedly, it may be worth writing a specialized reader. Columns to be read as strings must not contain the delimiter character (i.e. commas or spaces by default). Either change the default delimiter with the DELIMITER keyword, or use READFMT to read such files. Numeric values are converted to specified format. For example, the value 0.13 read with an 'I' format will be converted to 0. PROCEDURES CALLED GETTOK(), NUMLINES(), STRNUMBER() MINIMUM IDL VERSION: V5.3 (Uses STRSPLIT) REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman November, 1988 Modified J. Bloch June, 1991 (Fixed problem with over allocation of logical units.) Added SKIPLINE and NUMLINE keywords W. Landsman March 92 Read a maximum of 25 cols. Joan Isensee, Hughes STX Corp., 15-SEP-93. Call NUMLINES() function W. Landsman Feb. 1996 Added DELIMITER keyword W. Landsman Nov. 1999 Fix indexing typos (i for k) that mysteriously appeared W. L. Mar. 2000 Hexadecimal support added. MRG, RITSS, 15 March 2000. Default is comma or space delimiters as advertised W.L. July 2001 Faster algorithm, use STRSPLIT if V5.3 or later W.L. May 2002 Accept null strings separated by delimiter ,e.g. ',,,' Use SCOPE_VARFETCH instead of EXECUTE() for >V6.1 W.L. Jun 2005 Added compile_opt idl2 W. L. July 2005
(See General//
NAME: RESOLVE_ALL PURPOSE: Resolve (by compiling) all procedures and functions. This is useful when preparing .sav files containing all the IDL routines required for an application. CATEGORY: Programming. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESOLVE_ALL INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CLASS = if set, a list of object class names. RESOLVE_ALL's rules for finding uncompiled functions and procedures are not able to find object definitions or methods, because those things are not known to IDL until the object classes are actually instantiated and the methods called. However, if CLASS is set, RESOLVE_ALL will ensure that the __DEFINE files for those classes and their superclasses are compiled and execute. If then locates all methods for those classes and their superclasses and makes sure they are also compiled. CONTINUE_ON_ERROR = if set, continue when a routine fails to resolve, otherwise throw an error and stop. QUIET = if set, produce no messages. RESOLVE_EITHER = A scalar or array of routine names to resolve. Use this keyword instead of RESOLVE_FUNCTION or RESOLVE_PROCEDURE if you do not know the type of the routine being resolved. If the routines are already compiled, they are not recompiled. RESOLVE_FUNCTION = a scalar or array of function names to resolve. If the routines are already compiled, they are not recompiled. RESOLVE_PROCEDURE = a scalar or array of procedure names to resolve. If the routines are already compiled, they are not recompiled. SKIP_ROUTINES = an optional string array containing the names of routines to NOT resolve. This is useful when a library file containing the designated routines will be later included. UNRESOLVED = if CONTINUE_ON_ERROR is set, this output parameter will contain the names of the unresolved procedures and functions in a string array. Routines in the SKIP_ROUTINES list are also included in this result. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Will not resolve procedures or functions that are called via CALL_PROCEDURE, CALL_FUNCTION, or EXECUTE, or object methods. Only explicit calls are resolved. If an unresolved procedure or function is not in the IDL search path, an error occurs, and no additional routines are resolved unless CONTINUE_ON_ERROR is specified. This routine does not support the idea of a function and procedure both having the same name, and does not handle that case. This is generally not a good idea anyway, as it is confusing. PROCEDURE: This routine iteratively determines the names of unresolved calls to user-written or library procedures and functions, and then compiles them. The process stops when there are no unresolved routines. If the CLASS keyword is set, this routine first ensures that all the class definitions are compiled (from the file, and that all methods for those classes and their superclasses are compiled. EXAMPLE: RESOLVE_ALL. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: DMS, RSI, January, 1995. DMS, RSI, April, 1997, Added SKIP_ROUTINES keyword. AB, RSI, April 1998, Added CONTINUE_ON_ERROR keyword. Reorganized the body of the resolving code. DMS, Aug, 1998. Added UNRESOLVED keyword. AB, 13 January 1999, Added RESOLVE_EITHER keyword. Removed the old restriction that only one of the RESOLVE_ keywords are processed in a single call. AB, 6 February 2003, Added CLASS keyword. CT, August 2004: Fix RESOLVE_FUNCTION keyword so it works.
(See General//
NAME: sdss_chkbal Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to check for (and designate) BAL quasars from SDSS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chkbal, qalfil, IQSO=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /RECHK INPUTS: qalfil -- Name of FITS file containing the QAL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: qalfil -- With the BAL info modified accordingly OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: IQSO -- Number of the first QSO to start with [default: 0L] /RECHK -- Only plot thos QSOs identified as BAL previously MATCHFIL -- to skip QSOs that have already been checked (see OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chkbal, 'DR2_QSO/sdss_DR2_QAL.fits', MATCHFIL='DR2_QSO/matched.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Feb-2004 Written by JXP 07-Jun-2004 Revised by SHF
NAME: sdss_chkbal Version 1.1 PURPOSE: used to select the QSOs that have already been checked for BALs (in 'oldqalfil') and update their values (in 'newqalfil'). The 'matchfil' is then fed to sdss_chkbal and those QSOs are skipped. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_balupdate, oldqalfil, newqalfil, matchfil, SDSSPATH=sdsspath INPUTS: oldqalfil -- Name of FITS file containing the previous QAL structure newqalfil -- Name of FITS file containing the current QAL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: newqalfil -- With the 'flg_bal' info modified accordingly matchfil -- Name of FITS file containing array of 'newqsofil' indices that matched OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SDSSPATH -- maybe already set in .cshrc file, but just in case- a path to the data OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_balupdate, 'DR1_QSO/sdss_DR1_QAL.fits', $ 'DR2_QSO/sdss_DR2_QAL.fits', ['DR2_QSO/matched.fits'] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Jun-2004 Written by SHF 23-Nov-2004 Update by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_chkbal Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to check for (and designate) BAL quasars from SDSS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chkbal, qalfil, IQSO=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /RECHK INPUTS: qalfil -- Name of FITS file containing the QAL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: qalfil -- With the BAL info modified accordingly OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: IQSO -- Number of the first QSO to start with [default: 0L] /RECHK -- Only plot thos QSOs identified as BAL previously MATCHFIL -- to skip QSOs that have already been checked (see OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chkbal, 'DR2_QSO/sdss_DR2_QAL.fits', MATCHFIL='DR2_QSO/matched.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Feb-2004 Written by JXP 07-Jun-2004 Revised by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_chkciv Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Visually check SDSS CIV absorption detected with sdss_fndciv CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chkciv, INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chkciv, x, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Dec-2003 Written by GEP/SHF
NAME: sdss_chkdla Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a GUI that is used to check the DLA candidates (and metal-line systems) identified by the automated algorithm CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chkdla, qalfil, dlafil, con_dir, IQSO=, /FNEW, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: qalfil -- FITS file containing the QAL structure dlafil -- FITS file containing the SDSS DLA structure (may be old) con_dir -- Path to the directory containting the continuum files RETURNS: OUTPUTS: dlafil -- FITS file containing the SDSS DLA structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FNEW -- Start with first quasar that hasnt been checked OBJNM= -- XSIZE -- Size of gui in screen x-pixels [default: screen-200] YSIZE -- Size of gui in screen y-pixels [default: screen-200] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chkdla, 'sdss_dr3_QAL.fits', 'dr3_qal_chkd.fits', 'ABSLIN/', /FNEW PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Oct-2003 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_chklls Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Visually check SDSS LLS candidates CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chklls, x, maskid, expsr, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chklls, x, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Dec-2005 Written by JXP/JMO
NAME: sdss_chklya Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to check for missing DLA CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chklya, qalfil, IQSO=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /RECHK, ZMIN= INPUTS: qalfil -- Name of FITS file containing the QAL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: qalfil -- With the BAL info modified accordingly OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZMIN= -- Minimum redshift [default: 2.] IQSO -- Number of the first QSO to start with [default: 0L] /RECHK -- Only plot thos QSOs identified as BAL previously MATCHFIL -- to skip QSOs that have already been checked (see OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chklya, '/DR2_QSO/sdss_DR2_QAL.fits', MATCHFIL='DR2_QSO/matched.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Feb-2004 Written by JXP 07-Jun-2004 Revised by SHF
NAME: sdss_chkmgii Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Visually check SDSS Mg II absorption with a GUI CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chkmgii, x, maskid, expsr, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chkmgii, x, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Dec-2003 Written by GEP/SHF
NAME: sdss_chksiew Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Visually check SDSS CIV absorption detected with sdss_fndciv CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_chksiew, INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chksiew, x, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Jun-2007 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_civsearch Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given a list of SDSS quasars, search these spectra for CIV absorbers and output a structure of detections and EWs CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_civsearch, filename, outfil, SDSSSUM=sdsssum, ZMIN=zmin, $ RMAX=rmax,LZ=lz, DATR=datr, INIFIL=inifil INPUTS: filename - File containing a (long) list of SDSS quasar data files (1d spectra, .fit) SDSSSUM= - Summary file of QSO properties [required] INIFIL= - File containing the CIV structure which was created previously. These will not be redone. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil - Name for outputted structure of CIV absorbers OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZMIN= -- Minimum redshift of the CIV absorber [default: 1.45] DATR= -- Additional path to the data OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_civsearch, 'Lists/dr3_abs.lst', 'sdss_DR3_CIV.fits', SDSSSUM='dr3_qso.fits', DATR='DR3_QSO/' sdss_civsearch, '../Lists/dr7_qso.lst', 'sdss_DR7_CIV.fits', SDSSSUM='../dr7_qso.fits', DATR='DR7_QSO/' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_compare Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given the structure containing DLA info, combine the values to create a final quality value. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_compare, strct, FSTRCT= INPUTS: strct -- QALstrct with the relevant info RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FSTRCT= -- Struct containing the combined values [required?] COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_chkbal, 'sdss_DR1_QAL.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2003 Written by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_comptst Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Monte-carlo routine to check the completeness of our automoated algorithm CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_comptst, fil, outfil, NTRIAL=, /CHK, /DEBUG INPUTS: fil -- SDSS spectrum (without a DLA present) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil -- FITS file with the qalstrct OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NTRIAL= -- Number of simulations to run [default: 1000L] /CHK -- Plot the spectrum /DEBUG -- OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_comptst, '/data5/SDSS/DR1_QSO/spectro/1d/0463/', 'monte_snr10.fits', NTRIAL=10000L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2003 Written by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_dla Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Main routine to search for DLA in SDSS spectra (or ESI). This is the key driver of the N(HI) search for DLA. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_dla, n2=, ESI=, SDSS=, WIN_REST=, /PFLUX, /SMOOTH, /NORM, SIGV=, STRCT=, ZEM= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: STRCT= -- QAL structure created by this program OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: n2= -- Sigma value above which a pix is bad in the DLA profile [default: 5] SIGV= -- Sigma value to add to flux of all pixels SDSS= -- Name of SDSS file to examine /PFLUX -- Plot the spectrum /SMOOTH -- Smooth the spectrum by 5 pixels /NORM -- The flux is normalized WIN_REST -- Width of DLA window (angstroms) [default: 6] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_comptst, '/data5/SDSS/DR1_QSO/spectro/1d/0463/', 'monte_snr10.fits', NTRIAL=10000L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2003 Written by SHF Aug2006 -- Modified for PDLA
NAME: sdss_dladx Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the cosmological path length dX for a given cosmology for the sample of quasars searched for DLA in the SDSS. For now, the code defaults to point at the dX vector calcualted when we did the DR1 search (PH04). This code can also return dz, the redshift path length. CALLING SEQUENCE: dX = sdss_dladx(zmin, zmax, GZFIL=, XZFIL=) INPUTS: zmin -- Min redshift of the bin zmax -- Max redshift of the bin [vprox] -- Proximity velocity (to avoid in calculation) GZSTR= -- Structure summarizing g(z) for the quasars GZFIL= -- Filename of the g(z) file for the quasars XZFIL= -- Filename of the dX calculation as a function of z. RETURNS: dX -- The cosmological pathlength OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: BUFF= -- Require DLA occur BUFF km/s to the red of z1 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: dz= -- Redshift pathlength instead of dX COMMENTS: The program keys off the number of elements in v1 EXAMPLES: writecol, 'arrays.dat', array1, array2 PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-March-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_dladx Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the cosmological path length dX for a given cosmology for the sample of quasars searched for DLA in the SDSS. For now, the code defaults to point at the dX vector calcualted when we did the DR1 search (PH04). This code can also return dz, the redshift path length. CALLING SEQUENCE: dX = sdss_dladx(zmin, zmax, GZFIL=, XZFIL=) INPUTS: zmin -- Min redshift of the bin zmax -- Max redshift of the bin [vprox] -- Proximity velocity (to avoid in calculation) GZSTR= -- Structure summarizing g(z) for the quasars GZFIL= -- Filename of the g(z) file for the quasars XZFIL= -- Filename of the dX calculation as a function of z. RETURNS: dX -- The cosmological pathlength OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: BUFF= -- Require DLA occur BUFF km/s to the red of z1 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: dz= -- Redshift pathlength instead of dX COMMENTS: The program keys off the number of elements in v1 EXAMPLES: writecol, 'arrays.dat', array1, array2 PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-March-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_dlastat PURPOSE: Given a DLA struct and gz list, determine the indices of those DLA satisfying the statistical sample. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_dlastat INPUTS: dlastr -- Structure of SDSS DLAs gzstr -- Structure containing g(z) info [vprox] -- Proximity velocity (to avoid in calculation) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ALL -- Return all DLA and candidates BUFF= -- Require DLA occur BUFF km/s to the red of z1 VMAX= -- Require the DLA occur at less than VMAX km/s of z_em (for PDLA searches) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Nov-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_dlastrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Produces a DLA structure of SDSS DLAs CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_dlastrct, dla INPUTS: GZSTR= -- Structure summarizing g(z) for the quasars GZFIL= -- Filename of the g(z) file for the quasars RETURNS: dla -- DLA structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ACAND -- Return all absorbers (not just DLA) /ALL -- Return all statistical DLA from all DRs vprox= -- Proximity velocity (to avoid in calculation) BUFF= -- Require DLA occur BUFF km/s to the red of z1 /DR3 -- Return DLA from DR3 (but not DR2 or DR1 unless indicated) /DR5 -- Return DLA from DR4,DR5 (but not early data releases unless indicated) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_uniqdla, dr1, dr2, uni PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Nov-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_dla_2 Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Main routine to search for DLA in SDSS spectra (or ESI). This version is used primarily with the Monte-Carlo simulations. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_dla_2, flux, wave, sig, i, zabs, n1=, n2=, ESI=, $ SDSS=, WIN_REST=, /PFLUX, /SMOOTH, /NORM, SIGV=, $ STRCT=, ZEM= INPUTS: flux -- QSO flux array wave -- QSO wavelength array sig -- QSO error array i -- INDEX of QALstrct RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil -- FITS file with the qalstrct OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: n1= -- Sigma value below which a pix is good [default: code determines] n2= -- Sigma value above which a pix is bad in the DLA profile [default: 5] SIGV= -- Sigma value to add to flux of all pixels SDSS= -- Name of SDSS file to examine /PFLUX -- Plot the spectrum WIN_REST -- Width of DLA window (angstroms) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_comptst, '/data5/SDSS/DR1_QSO/spectro/1d/0463/', 'monte_snr10.fits', NTRIAL=10000L PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2003 Written by SHF
NAME: sdss_ewciv Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Measures the EW of the CIV lines (rest values) in the SDSS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_ewciv, wave, flux, sig, strct, ZABS= INPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array flux -- Flux array (normalized) sig -- Sigma array RETURNS: strct -- MgII structure with MgII EW filled up OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZABS= -- Absorption redshift (required) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_ewmgii Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Measures the EW of the MgII lines (rest values) in the SDSS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_ewmgii, wave, flux, sig, strct, ZABS= INPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array flux -- Flux array (normalized) sig -- Sigma array RETURNS: strct -- MgII structure with MgII EW filled up OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZABS= -- Absorption redshift (required) /TI2 -- Also measure TiII if it is present /ONLYTI2 -- Only measure TiII if it is present OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_ewna1 Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Measures the EW of the MgII lines (rest values) in the SDSS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_ewna1, wave, flux, sig, strct, ZABS= INPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array flux -- Flux array (normalized) sig -- Sigma array RETURNS: strct -- MgII structure with MgII EW filled up OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZABS= -- Absorption redshift (required) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/NaI/
(See SDSS/Photo/
NAME: sdss_finchk Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to make a final check of metal-strong candidates CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_finchk, dlafil, con_dir, MAG=mag, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, OUTFIL=outfil, RA=ra INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: MAG= -- Largest magnitude to include in the check RA= -- 2-element array giving constraint on RA OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_finchk, 'dla_dr1.fits', 'ABSLIN/' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Oct-2003 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_fixciv Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Visually check SDSS CIV absorption detected with sdss_fndciv Edit EW and continuum as desired CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_fixciv, INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_fixciv PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 1-Dec-2008 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_fixmgii Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Visually check SDSS CIV absorption detected with sdss_fndciv Edit EW and continuum as desired CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_fixmgii, INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_fixmgii PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 1-Dec-2008 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_fix_rep Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Remove repeat entries from the 'checked' file of QAL. Defaulted to deal with DR2 using dr2_bd.list CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_fix_rep, fil=, bdlst=, new=new INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FIL= -- File name of file including duplicates BDLST= -- List of indices which are to be removed NEW= -- Name of new DR2_chkd file [default: 'DR2_chkd.fits'] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Apr-2004 Written by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_fndciv Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Brute force algorithm which examines the absorption lines detectedin a SDSS spectrum and searches for matches with CIV CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_fndciv, abswav INPUTS: abswav - Array of observed wavelengths of detected absorption lines RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_fndla PURPOSE: Calculates f(N,X) for a set of DLA CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: GZSTR= -- Structure summarizing g(z) for the quasars GZFIL= -- Filename of the g(z) file for the quasars RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /DR3 -- Restrict to DR3 /NODBL -- Do not solve for double power-law CL= -- Confidence limits for error calculations ZBIN= -- redshift interval [default: 2.2 to 5.5] /SALL -- Use all of the DR releases BINS -- NHI bins OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Aug-2006 Written by JXP (based on fig_fndla)
NAME: sdss_fndqso Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Return the indices of the QAL structure corresponding to fiber,id CALLING SEQUENCE: indx = sdss_fndqso(qalstr, platfib, /ALL) INPUTS: fibid -- 2 element vector of plate,fiberid RETURNS: indices in qalstr matching indx OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ALL -- Return all QSO's with the same ra,dec and redshift OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: indx = sdss_fndqso(qalstr, [424,124], /all) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Oct-2004 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_getqmag Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Return the magnitude of a QSO with plate+fiber CALLING SEQUENCE: mag = sdss_getqmag(qalstr, platfib, /ALL) INPUTS: RETURNS: mag -- Array of u-z magnitudes for SDSS QSO OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: QSOFIL= -- File containing the QSO summary FITS table [default: dr5_qso.fits] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mag = sdss_getqmag([424,124]) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Oct-2004 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_goz PURPOSE: Determines the g(z) path for each QSO in the inputted list CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_goz, qalfil, outfil INPUTS: qalfil -- Filename of QSO structure for g(z) calculation XZFIL= -- Filename of the dX calculation as a function of z. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= -- Filename for g(z) FITS file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORIG_ZEM= -- Use the original redshifs from SDSS (in this file) SNRLMT= -- SNR limit for DLA search [default: 4] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: /CHK -- Plot g(z) to the screen COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2004 Written by SHF 14-Oct-2004 Modified by JXP
NAME: sdss_hizmedian Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculates a median QSO spectrum for a set of high z SDSS QSOs CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_hizmedian, DR3_fits, new_template, szstart=, szend= INPUTS: DR3_fits -- Filename of qso file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: new_template -- Filename of median spectrum (FITS file) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DR3PATH -- Path to the DR3 data szstart -- Starting redshift for the stack szend -- Ending redshift for the stack OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JO
NAME: sdss_hiztemplate Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculates a template QSO spectrum for a set of high z SDSS QSOs I am not sure how this is different than sdss_hizmedian, but I suspect this is the better routine. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_hizmedian, DR3_fits, new_template, szstart=, szend= INPUTS: DR3_fits -- Filename of qso file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: new_template -- Filename of median spectrum (FITS file) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: DR3PATH -- Path to the DR3 data szstart -- Starting redshift for the stack szend -- Ending redshift for the stack OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JO
NAME: sdss_llsdx Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the cosmological path length dX for a given cosmology for the sample of quasars searched for LLS in the SDSS. This code can also return dz, the redshift path length. CALLING SEQUENCE: dX = sdss_llsdx(zmin, zmax, GZFIL=, XZFIL=) INPUTS: zmin -- Min redshift of the bin zmax -- Max redshift of the bin [vprox] -- Proximity velocity (to avoid in calculation) GZSTR= -- Structure summarizing g(z) for the quasars GZFIL= -- Filename of the g(z) file for the quasars XZFIL= -- Filename of the dX calculation as a function of z. RETURNS: dX -- The cosmological pathlength OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: BUFF= -- Require DLA occur BUFF km/s to the red of z1 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: dz= -- Redshift pathlength instead of dX COMMENTS: The program keys off the number of elements in v1 EXAMPLES: writecol, 'arrays.dat', array1, array2 PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Feb-2009 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_llsfit Version 1.11 PURPOSE: GUI used to fit DLA profiles interactively. The user determines the continuum at the same time. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsfit, flux_fil, [err_fil], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, WAVE=, /BLOCK, FWHM=, INIFIT=, INFLG= INPUTS: flux_fil - FITS file (or array) containing flux [err_fil] - FITS error array RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) wave - wavelength array FWHM= - Resoltuion (FWHM in pixels) [default: 2] INFLG= - Usual flag for reading the FITS file (see x_readspec) INIFIT= - IDL file containing a saved version of the fit OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_llsfit, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_llsgoz PURPOSE: Determines the g(z) path for a LLS search CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsgoz INPUTS: qalfil -- Filename of QSO structure for g(z) calculation RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= -- Filename for g(z) FITS file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORIG_ZEM= -- Use the original redshifs from SDSS (in this file) SNRLMT= -- SNR limit for DLA search [default: 2] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_llsgoz, '../dr5_qso.fits', 'dr5_lls_goz_sn2.fits' PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2004 Written by SHF 14-Oct-2004 Modified by JXP
NAME: sdss_llsinit Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Produces a LLS structure of SDSS LLS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsstrct, lls INPUTS: RETURNS: lls -- LLS structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: QSOS= -- Structure of statistical QSOs in the sample OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 16-Feb-2010 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_llsnchk PURPOSE: Launches x_specplot to fiddle (and set) the redshift of a LLS in SDSS given the LLS structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llszchk INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-May-2007 Modified by JXP
NAME: sdss_llsstrct Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Produces a LLS structure of SDSS LLS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsstrct, lls INPUTS: RETURNS: lls -- LLS structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: QSOS= -- Structure of statistical QSOs in the sample OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 16-Feb-2010 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_llsview Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to check for (and designate) BAL quasars from SDSS CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsview, qalfil, IQSO=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /RECHK INPUTS: qalfil -- Name of FITS file containing the QAL structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: qalfil -- With the BAL info modified accordingly OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: IQSO -- Number of the first QSO to start with [default: 0L] /RECHK -- Only plot thos QSOs identified as BAL previously MATCHFIL -- to skip QSOs that have already been checked (see OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_llsview, 'DR2_QSO/sdss_DR2_QAL.fits', MATCHFIL='DR2_QSO/matched.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Feb-2004 Written by JXP 07-Jun-2004 Revised by SHF
NAME: sdss_llszchk PURPOSE: Launches x_specplot to fiddle (and set) the redshift of a LLS in SDSS given the LLS structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llszchk INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-May-2007 Modified by JXP
NAME: sdss_m912 PURPOSE: Compute the apparent magnitude one would measure at the Lyman limit in the observed frame at lambda = (1 + z)912 CALLING SEQUENCE: m_912 = m912(z,m,filter,[ logLv = , ALPHA_EUV = , OMEGA0 = , LAMBDA0 = $ , W = , LIT_H = ]) INPUTS: z - Redshift of the quasar m - Apparent magnitude filter - filter name SDSS [u,g,r,i,z,B,B_J] OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: logLv - Log_10 of the specific luminosity at the Lyman edge (ergs/s/Hz) ALPHA_EUV - Spectral slope in the extreme UV. Default is 1.57 (Tefler et al 2002). A power law v^{-ALPHA_EUV} is pasted onto the quasar spectrum at 1285 A. OMEGA0 - Matter density. Default is 0.27 LAMBDA0 - Dark energy density. Default is 0.73 W - Equation of state parameter. Default is w = -1.0 LIT_H - Hubble h parameter. Required if logLv is specified OUTPUTS: m_912 - Apparent magnitude one would measure at the Lyman limit in the observed frame at lambda = (1 + z)912 COMMENTS: The code will return an error if one tries to use a filter with lambda_min < (1 + z)*1216. The lyman alpha forest will reduce the observed apparent magnitude, and the mean flux blueward of 1216 is not reproduced correctly in the quasar template used here. EXAMPLE: Compute m_912 for a quasar at z=2.43 which has g=20.5 m_912=m912(2.43,20.5,1,logLv=logLv) print,m_912 22.199551 print,loglv 29.812608 PROCEDURES CALLED: dofa() sdss_filter_nu() qso_template_nu() obs_int_nu() REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2005 Written by Joe Hennawi UCB
(See SDSS/m912/
NAME: sdss_metals Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Identify metal-line systems given a set of absorption lines CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_metals, abswave, zem, WAVE=, FLUX=, QSTRCT= INPUTS: abswave -- Absorption line array zem -- Emission redshift of the QSO RETURNS: OUTPUTS: QSTRCT= -- Structure containing the key output of this routine OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: WAVE= -- Wavelength array for plotting (not required) FLUX= -- Flux array for plutting (not required) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Apr-2004 Written by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_mgii Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Brute force algorithm which examines the absorption lines detectedin a SDSS spectrum and searches for matches with MgII CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_fndciv, abswav INPUTS: abswav - Array of observed wavelengths of detected absorption lines RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_mgiisearch Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given a list of SDSS quasars, search these spectra for MgII absorbers and output a structure of detections and EWs CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: filename - File containing a (long) list of SDSS quasar data files (1d spectra, .fit) SDSSSUM= - Summary file of QSO properties [required] INIFIL= - File containing the MgII structure which was created previously. These will not be redone. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil - Name for outputted structure of MgII absorbers OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /LZ -- Restrict to low redshift (z = 0.45) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_mgiisearch, 'Lists/dr6_qso.list', 'DR6_QSO/', 'dr6_qso.fits', 'mgii_search.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_na1search Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given an array of strings, return an array of unique values + number CALLING SEQUENCE: uniq = x_chkfil(strings, COUNT=count) INPUTS: strings - Array of strings RETURNS: uniq - Array of unique members OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: sort - Sort the output OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COUNT - number of unique strings COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: flg = x_chkfil( lbls, count=count) sdss_na1search, 'Lists/dr3_abs.lst', 'sdss_DR3_NaI.fits', SDSSSUM='dr3_qso.fits', DATR='DR3_QSO/' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/NaI/
NAME: sdss_newzem Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the new QSO redshift if a new one has been calculated. The redshifts generally come from the Shin et al. 2007 prescription. CALLING SEQUENCE: zem = sdss_newzem(zmin, zmax, GZFIL=, XZFIL=) INPUTS: plate -- Plate fiber -- Fiber RETURNS: zem -- New QSO emission redshift OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FMATCH -- Demand that there is a match OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 10-Nov-2005 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_objinf Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Routine to quickly parse the SDSS QSO database. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_objinf, names, SUMMF=, /PLOT, DATDIR=, $ FILNM=, CHKDF=, PATH=, ZEM=,$ RMAG=, RA=, DEC=, /SILENT, /NMRAD INPUTS: names -- List of filenames or 2-element array giving plate and fiber RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SUMMF= -- Summary file [default: 'sdss2_qsoi205.fits'] PATH= -- Path to SDSS data [default: 'SDSSPATH'+'/DR2_QSO'] DATDIR= -- Data directory [default: 'spectro/1d_23'] /NMRAD -- Input is ['RA:::', 'DED:::'] /DECI -- Input is [rad, decd] /DR1 -- Check the DR1 list (r <= 19.5) ZIN= -- Input redshift for plotting SDSS= -- Structure contaning the QSO info /LLS -- Use the LLS line list /QSO -- Use the quasar line list /PHOTOM -- Print all photometry OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FILNM= -- File name of the data RA= -- RA of the QSO DEC= -- DEC of the QSO FLGSDSS= -- Flag signifying success (1) or failure (0) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_objinf, '0571-52286-276', /plot sdss_objinf, [463, 95], filnm=filnm sdss_objinf, ['12:00:21.3', '+32:22:12'], /nmrad PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_omgdla PURPOSE: Calculates the first moment of f(N,X) [i.e. Omega_DLA] Includes He as the default CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_omgdla, GZFIL=, PEROUX=, MODELS=, STRCT=, BINS=, VPROX=, DR3=, ALL= INPUTS: GZFIL= -- Filename of the g(z) file for the quasars RETURNS: OUTPUTS: STRCT= -- Structure summarizing the calculation OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: BINS= -- Redshift intervals, e.g. [ [1,2], [2,3]] /PEROUX -- Include DLAs in Peroux03 in the stats /DR3 -- Restrict the DLAs to DR3 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Nov-2006 Written by JXP (based on fig_omega)
NAME: sdss_proxgoz PURPOSE: Determines the g(z) path for each QSO in the inputted list. Restrict to the proximate DLAs CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_proxgoz INPUTS: qalfil -- Filename of QSO structure for g(z) calculation XZFIL= -- Filename of the dX calculation as a function of z. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= -- Filename for g(z) FITS file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORIG_ZEM= -- Use the original redshifs from SDSS (in this file) SNRLMT= -- SNR limit for DLA search [default: 4] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: /CHK -- Plot g(z) to the screen COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_proxgoz, 'sdss_dr3_QAL.fits', 'dr3_proxdlagz_s2n4.fits' PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2004 Written by SHF 14-Oct-2004 Modified by JXP
NAME: sdss_qsoflux PURPOSE: Measure the QSO fluxes for the QAL structure and fill up the appropriate tag. Uses SDSS photometry CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_qsoflux, qalfil INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2005 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_qsolin Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Fits a continuum to SDSS QSO spectroscopic data interactively using a PCA as a guess for the Lya and CIV emission lines. The code then automoatically searches for absorption line features redward of Lya. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_qsolin, sdss_list INPUTS: sdss_list -- List of QSOs to analyze RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One FITS file per QSO which contains the continuum and a list of absorption lines detected OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LSNR= -- Statistical significance for an absorption line feature [default: 3.5] /NOPLOT -- Do not plot to screen /REDO -- Redo the search even if the file exists /NOCOMPRESS -- Do not gzip suprress the output OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: parse_sdss, fil sdss_qsolin, 'dr1_fit.lst', OUTDIR='ABSLIN/', /noplt sdss_qsolin, 'dr3_fit.list', OUTDIR='ABSLIN/', /noplt PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Sep-2003 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_qsostrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Routine to quickly grab the SDSS QSO structure CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_objinf, names, SUMMF=, /PLOT, DATDIR=, $ FILNM=, CHKDF=, PATH=, ZEM=,$ RMAG=, RA=, DEC=, /SILENT, /NMRAD INPUTS: names -- List of filenames or 2-element array giving plate and fiber RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: qso = sdss_qsostrct() PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Mar-2010 Written by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_qsotempl PURPOSE: Extrapoles a continuum for a SDSS QSO in the Lya forest based on a template, a fit to the QSO slope and the known average absorption by the Lya forest. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_qsotempl INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ORIG_ZEM = Use the original redshifs from SDSS (in this file) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2005 Written by JO 14-Oct-2006 Modified by JXP
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_queryimage PURPOSE to query SDSS image SYNTAX sdss_queryimage, ra, dec [, scale , xs=xs, ys=ys, /gridoff, /labeloff] INPUTS ra: right ascension (J2000 decimal degrees) dec: declination (J2000 decimal degrees) scale: plate scale (arcsec/pixel) [default to .3961] KEYWORDS filename: name of filt to be written to [default to temp.jpeg] xs: xsize (in pixels) [default to 512] ys: y size (in pixels) [default to 512] labeloff: if set leaves off label gridoff: if set leaves off Gid RETURNS: jpeg of the image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS FILENAME= writes a file to the filename given by the keyword NOTES by default gives you pretty picture of blue spiral galaxy (default SDSS image) with ra=18.87667, dec=-0.86083 Written by R. da Silva, UCSC, 3-11-09
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_repeats Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Identify repeats in DLA/MSDLA candidates in the the checked file (default: DR2) CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_repeats, fil INPUTS: fil -- Name of checked file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: sdss_search Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Main program which drives the search for LLS, DLA and metal-line systems CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_search, filename, outfil, ESIF=, SDSSSUM=, ZMIN=, $ RMAX=, SDSSPATH= INPUTS: filename -- ASCII file listing all SDSS quasars RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil -- Name of QAL file OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ZMIN= -- Minimum redshift to search RMAX= -- Maximum magnitude to include [default: 21.] INIFIL= -- Name of QAL file (good to restart after a 'bomb') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: flg = x_chkfil( lbls, count=count) sdss_search, 'Lists/dr3_abs.lst', 'sdss_DR3_QAL.fits', SDSSSUM='dr3_qso.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: sdss_dla sdss_metals REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_sllsstat PURPOSE: Given a LLS struct and gz list, determine the indices of those LLS satisfying the statistical sample. CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_llsstat INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Nov-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_uniqdla Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds those entires unique in data set 2 CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_uniqdla, data1, data2, uni INPUTS: data1 -- DLA structure data2 -- DLA structure RETURNS: uni -- Unique index in data2 OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: sdss_uniqdla, dr1, dr2, uni PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Nov-2004 Written by JXP
NAME: sdss_wave Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Create a wavelength array for SDSS data CALLING SEQUENCE: sdss_wave, wave, pxiels=, iwave= INPUTS: RETURNS: wave -- Wavelength array OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by SHF
(See SDSS/General/
NAME: skyspec_paranal PURPOSE: Return the sky spectrum at Paranal CALLING SEQUENCE: skyflux = skyspec_paranal(loglam, [ disp= ] ) INPUTS: loglam - Log10 of wavelengths [vacuum Ang]; need not be uniformly spaced OPTIONAL INPUTS: disp - Sigma of the intrumental response (dispersion) in units of the LOGLAM pixels, either as a scalar, or as a vector with the same number of elements as LOGLAM. If not set, then the returned sky spectrum is at the resolution of the Paranal data files, and will be undersampled for any resolution worse than about 100,000. OUTPUTS: skyflux - Sky spectrum in units of e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang/asec^2 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The lowest sky level is on plate 1292/52736 taken at airmass=1.04. A representative low sky level is plate 406/51817. A high sky level is plate 298/51955. EXAMPLES: BUGS: The Paranal sky spectra are missing data from 8550-8610 Ang. There are a few regions where their spectra are not in agreement with the lower-resolution SDSS sky spectra such as at 7600-7650 Ang, probably because the SDSS spectra "correct up" the sky level for the telluric absorption. Also, the Paranal sky is higher than SDSS by about a factor of 2 blueward of 4800 Ang. DATA FILES: $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_346.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_580L.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_860L.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_437.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_580U.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_860U.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_564U.fits $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/templates/fluxed_sky_800U.fits PROCEDURES CALLED: djs_maskinterp() mrdfits() populate_image sxpar() REVISION HISTORY: 20-Mar-2006 Written by D. Schlegel, LBL 17-Mar-2008 Bastardized by JXP for Lick
(See Lick/Kast/Calibs/
NAME: specobjstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: This routine creates a structure to describe the spectrum for an object in a given slit CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {specobjstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: stdstruct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Structure to handle observations of Standard stars CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {stdstruct} INPUTS: RETURNS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: strctcldy__define V1.1 PURPOSE: Named IDL Structure for Cloudy output CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {strctcldy} REVISION HISTORY: 31-May-2001 Written by JXP
(See Cloudy//
NAME: STRINGIFY PURPOSE: This function converts a real value into a string based on the specified format. CATEGORY: Formatting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = STRINGIFY( Value, Format) INPUTS: Value Value which is to be converted. OPTIONAL INPUTS: Format Optional format statement OUTPUTS: This function returns a string version of the input array with leading and trailing spaces removed. RESTRICTIONS: None EXAMPLE: 1) format a number into a string: label = "X=" + stringify(x) 1) format a number into a string, with formatting: label = "X=" + stringify(x,'(f15.3)') AUTHOR: Gregory D. Wirth, W. M. Keck Observatory MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1999-Dec-14 GDW Original version
(See Keck/LRIS/General/
NAME: synthspec PURPOSE: Construct synthetic spectrum from eigen-templates. Stolen from the SDSS codes. CALLING SEQUENCE: synflux = synthspec(zans, [ loglam=, hdr=, eigendir= ]) INPUTS: zans - Structure(s) with redshift-fit information (from SPREDUCE1D). OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: loglam - Log-10 wavelengths at which to synthesize the spectrum; this can either be a single vector if all spectra have the same wavelength mapping, or an array of [NPIX,NOBJ]. hdr - If specified, then use this header to construct LOGLAM. Either LOGLAM or HDR must be specified. eigendir - Directory for EIGENFILE; default to $IDLSPEC2D/templates. OUTPUTS: synflux - Synthetic spectra COMMENTS: The sub-pixel shifts are applied with the COMBINE1FIBER procedure. EXAMPLES: BUGS: DATA FILES: $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/etc/TEMPLATEFILES PROCEDURES CALLED: combine1fiber concat_dir() poly_array() readfits() sxpar() REVISION HISTORY: 20-Aug-2000 Written by D. Schlegel, Princeton
(See Spec/Analysis//
(See Spec/Rectify//
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: voigtq Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Creates a quick Voigt profile using code written by SB. Not recommended for usage CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: voigtwal PURPOSE: Calculate a single voigt profile, given wavelength, absorber, and an array of lines. I recommend x_voigt CALLING SEQUENCE: tau = voigtwal(wave,abs,lines) INPUTS: wave - Array of wavelengths to realize voigt profile abs - single absorber lines - line(s) structure to compute voigt profile, if mutliple, the entire list will be looped through. OUTPUTS: tau - Optical depth at each wavelength OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Line is a structure with: ** Structure <81a5f94>, 4 tags, length=24, refs=3: ION STRING 'H I' WAVE DOUBLE 1215.6701 F FLOAT 0.416400 GAMMA FLOAT 6.26500e+08 Abs must have at least : ** Structure ABS, 10 tags, length=44: N FLOAT 15.0000 log 10 Column density B FLOAT 5.00000 velocity dispersion (km/s) Z FLOAT 2.00000 redshift EXAMPLES: BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 25-May-2000 Created by S. Burles, FNAL/IAP
(See Spec/Voigt//
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: vpparse Version 1.1 PURPOSE: parses a vpfit fort.26 output file and puts data into a structure of type 'vpstrct' which holds the relavent data. CALLING SEQUENCE: vpparse, vpfil, VPSTR=vpstr INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by GEP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: vpstrct__define Version 1.1 PURPOSE: creates structure to contain data from a vpfit fort.26 output file, including flux file names, region start/stop, abs. lines, N, Nerr, etc. For the lines, has both string and double representations of the data, so information on 'tied' or 'locked' lines is not lost. CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {vpstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Limits total number of regions to 500, total number of lines to 1000 EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written by GEP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: writecol Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Prints a series of arrays to a file in ASCII format CALLING SEQUENCE: writecol, filename, v1, v2, FMT='' INPUTS: file - Name of the ASCII file v1 - Vector 1 v2 - Vector 2 [v3-v19] - Vectors 3-14 RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Prints v1, v2 to screen OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FMT - FORTRAN formatting FILNUM - File number (as opposed to file) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The program keys off the number of elements in v1 EXAMPLES: writecol, 'arrays.dat', array1, array2 PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-June-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: write_dimgstr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Write a dimg_struct (direct image) to an ASCII file and/or FITS file CALLING SEQUENCE: write_dimgstr, struct, ANONLY=anonly, OUTFIL=outfil, FITS=fits INPUTS: struct - A dimg_struct RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL - Output file for ASCII [default is image.list] OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ANONLY - Only print files with flg_anly NE 0 FITS= - Fits file output for the structure OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: write_dimgstr, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-July-2001 Written by JXP 29-Dec-2001 Added fits option
(See IMG/General//
NAME: x1dfit Version 1.3 PURPOSE: GUI for fitting a function to a set of x,y data. This program does far too much! Warning: This was one of my first GUIs. It works pretty well, but is a bit old. CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x1dfit([xdat],ydat,func=,nord=, /inter, xsize=, ysize=) INPUTS: xdat - Values along one dimension [optional] ydat - Values along the other RETURNS: fit - Values at each xdat OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: func - String for Fitting function (POLY, LEGEND, BSPLINE, GAUSS, CHEBY) nord - Order of the fit /inter - Interactive fitting xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) sig - Errors in the points reg - Regions of data to fit LSIG - Lower SIGMA HSIG - High SIGMA /REJ - Turn rejection on DELPTS - Array of user-deleted points MSK - Array of 0,1 values [0=do not include] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: bset - Bspline info rms - RMS of the fit (only valid for fits with rejection) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x1dfit(x, y, 'POLY', nord=5, /inter) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG BSPLINE GAUSS XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT GETCOLOR (coyote package) REVISION HISTORY: 22-June-2001 Written by JXP 28-June-2001 Added LEGENDRE fits (JXP) 23-Nov-2001 Added BSPLIN (SB), GAUSS, REJECTION (JXP) 31-Jan-2002 Added CHEBYSHEV
(See FIT//
NAME: xcombine Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Combines a set of images with a variety of options. CALLING SEQUENCE: xcombine, img, comb, [header], FCOMB=, GAIN=, RN=, MASKS=, SCALE=, STATSEC=, MMEM=, SIGHI=, SIGLO=, MXITER=, OUTNM=, /SILENT, WEIGHT=, IMGINDX= INPUTS: img -- Array of image names RETURNS: OUTPUTS: comb -- Combined image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: fcomb -- Binary keyword describing combine method 0,1 = Median, Avg 2 = SIG Rej 4 = Masks 8 = Weight mmem -- Maximum memory to use at any one time [default: Approx 200Mb] outnm -- File to write combined fits image gain -- Gain (required for SIGMEDCLIP) rn -- ReadNoise (required for SIGMEDCLIP) scale -- scale: Could be array of floats, 'MED', 'AVG', or Keyword statsec -- Section to perform stats on (for scale) imgindx -- Index number of image [default: 0L] siglo -- Lower sigma for rejection [default: 3.] sighi -- Upper sigma for rejection [default: 3.] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: header -- Header of one of the files COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xcombine, all_img, comb_img PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Jul-2001 Written by JXP 28-Jul-2001 Added masks, sigma clipping 29-Jul-2001 Added scaling, median routines 07-Jan-2002 Fixed memory leak
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_ar Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Reads in the first file in the directory with 'xdimg*fits' CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg = xdimg_ar() INPUTS: RETURNS: xdimg - WFCCD structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg = xdimg_ar() PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/General//
NAME: xdimg_badpix Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a bad pixel mask given a structure which contains either a flat or dark image. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_badpix, struct INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL - Name of bad pixel mask file [default is e.g. 'PixMask/BadPixMask_w.fits'] NOTE: the "w" indicates NIRC2 wide camera and the "n" indicates narrow camera. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OUTFIL - Name of bad pixel mask to be created, including directory. CCD - Name of the ccd for which a bad pixel mask should be made. ('NIRC2W' or 'NIRC2N') DEADPERCENT - percentage of saturation to be identified as a dead pixel in a well-exposed flat frame. (default is 10%) HOTPERCENT - percentage of saturation to be identified as a hot pixel in a dark frame. (default is 50%) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_badpix, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XDIMG_DELCODIV REVISION HISTORY: 11-June-2007 Written by LKP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_bias Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates Bias frame given direct image structure (which must contain a number of bias files!) CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_bias, struct, /SVOV, OUTFIL= INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL - Name of Bias file [default is 'Bias/Bias.fits'] OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SVOV - Save ov files (default is to delete them) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_bias, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XDIMG_OVER XCOMBINE MWRFITS XDIMG_DELOV REVISION HISTORY: 26-July-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_dark Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates super dark frame given direct image structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_dark, struct INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL - Name of Dark file [default is e.g. 'Darks/Dark_n10.000_1_3_8.fits'] The 10.000 is the exposure time, the "n" indicates the narrow camera, the "1_3_8" means coadds=1, sampmode=3, multisam=8. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_dark, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-June-2007 Written by LKP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_darksub Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Dark subtracts an image. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_darksub, struct, imgarr, /SVSTRCT INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest imgarr -- integer array defining the images to be process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: imgarr - fits files in the dir Coadd_divided OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /svstrct -- Save the updated structure. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_dividecoadds, nght1_strct, imgarr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-June-2007 Written by LKP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_deldrksub Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Delete a set of dark subtracted images. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_deldrksub, strct, delimg INPUTS: strct -- Direct image structure delimg -- Indices of direct images RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-June-2007 Written by LKP
(See IMG/General//
NAME: xdimg_delov Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Delete a set of OV images CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_delov, strct, delimg INPUTS: strct -- Direct image structure delimg -- Indices of direct images RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 13-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/General//
NAME: xdimg_dflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates dome flats given the direct image structure (assuming there are dome flats in the structure) CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_dflat, struct, /IR, /SVOV, /SVDRKSUB, BPM=, OUTROOT=, /ALLOUT INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: flats - fits files in the dir Flats; 1 per filter OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SVOV - save ov files OUTROOT - Root name of Dome flats (default is 'Flats/DFlat') /ALLOUT - Output unnormalized frame too BPM - Name of the bad pixel mask to apply, including directory name. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_dflat, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XDIMG_OVER XCOMBINE MWRFITS XDIMG_DELOV XDIMG_DELCODIV XDIMG_DELDRKSUB X_FILTERS REVISION HISTORY: 18-July-2001 Written by JXP 24-Apr-2002 Allow for non-linearity 14-June-2007 Updated by LKP to allow for making flats for IR data
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_finddark Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds the superdark file associated with the requested images. Updates the structure with the flg_drk and img_drk keywords. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_finddark, struct, imgarr INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_finddark, struct, imgarr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 21-June-2007 Written by LKP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_nonlinear Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Performs non-linear correction on a ccd image. Only setup for SITe3 at this point. CALLING SEQUENCE: newimg = xdimg_nonlinear(img, ccd) INPUTS: img - image ccd - (SITe3) RETURNS: newimg - Corrected image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: newimg = xdimg_nonlinear(img, 'SITe3') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 24-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_objmsk Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Builds a sky mask for each input image using xmkmask, an IDL gui built for this procedure. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_skymask, struct, objimg, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, IMSK= INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest objimg -- integer array defining the images to mask RETURNS: OUTPUTS: skymasks -- Builds sky masks and puts them into 'Masks/Sky/' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE, YSIZE -- Size of GUI OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: IMSK -- Image of mask COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_objmsk, nght1_strct, objimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_over Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Overscan subtracts a list of images of a structure. Calls routine xoverscan extensively. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_over, struct, imgs, ORDR=, /ERASE, /INTER, /NOSV INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest imgs -- integer array defining the images to process RETURNS: OUTPUTS: ovimg - fits files in the dir OV OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /erase - Erase pre-existing ov files /inter - Interactive OV fitting (uses x1dfit) /nosv -- Dont save the OV image! ORDR= -- Order to fit the overscan OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_over, nght1_strct, ovimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-July-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_photcal Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Drives the program x_intphotcal which allows the user to interactively create photometric solutions. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_photcal, struct, LNDTFIL=, SETAM=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, MIN_NOBS= MIN_MOBS=, SETAM=, OUTROOT=, MAGROOT=, /NCLR INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest. This program focuses on the STD frames only. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LNDTFIL = Filename of landolt fits file [default: $XIDL_DIR/IMG/Photometry/Lists/nlandolt.fits ] SETAM = AM terms (one per filter: UBVRI) MIN_MOBS = Minimum number of nights observed by Landolt (default=2) MIN_NOBS = Minimum number of observations by Landolt (default=4) XSIZE= - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 1000) YSIZE= - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 600) OUTROOT - Root name of Twilight flats (default is 'Photo/soln_') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_photcal, dimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: xdimg_proc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Processes a set of images (OV, TRIM, FLAT) CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_proc, struct, img, flat, OUTPTH=, /IR, /INTER, /SVOV, /SVCODIV, /SVDRKSUB, /GAIN, /SILENT, MSK=, BPM=, FILEOUT= INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest img -- intarr of images to process flatnm -- Flat root to use (e.g. 'Flats/SkyFltN') RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Processed image (e.g. Final/f_ccd001.fits) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OUTPTH = Output directory (default = 'Final/') /INTER = Interactive OV fitting /SVOV = Delete ov files when through /SVCODIV = Delete coadd divided files when through /SVDRKSUB = Delete dark subtracted files when through MSK = Default name for mask file /GAIN = Multiply by the gain BPM = Name of bad pixel mask file to apply to image. (including directory) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FILEOUT = Name of output file which has the names of the reduced images. Useful for call to stacking procedure. COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_proc, dimg, STDS, 'Flats/SkyFltN' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Aug-2001 Written by JXP 03-Jan-2002 Dealt with Gain 14-June-2007 Updated by LKP to allow for IR images, like NIRC2.
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_skyflt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates Super-sky flat given the image list structure. The routine first OV subtracts (or dark subtracts, for IR images) each image as necessary. It then calls xdimg_skymask to create masks for each of the images (unless the /NOMSK keyword is set). It then calls xcombine which: (1) scales each image by the median calculated for the OV (or dark subtracted) image (2) does a median combine with 3sigma/2.5sigma (low/high) clipping. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_skyflt, struct, MMEM=, /NOMSK, /INTER, /IR, CCD='NIRC2W' INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: skyflt - fits files; 1 per filter (and per CCD, if CCD option is given) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: MMEM - Max memory to use with this routine (default = 200M) NOMSK - Don't create new masks OUTROOT - Root name of Sky flats (default is 'Flats/SkyFlt') INTER - Interactive OV subtraction OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_skyflt, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XDIMG_OVER XCOMBINE MWRFITS XDIMG_DELOV XDIMG_DELDRKSUB X_FILTERS XDIMG_SKYMASK REVISION HISTORY: 26-July-2001 Written by JXP 24-Apr-2002 Added nonlinearity correction 25-Jun-2007 LKP added ability to use with IR, NIRC2 images
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_skymsk Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Builds a sky mask for each input image using xmkmask, an IDL gui built for this procedure. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_skymask, struct, objimg, /ERASE, /DOOV, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest objimg -- integer array defining the images to mask RETURNS: OUTPUTS: skymasks -- Builds sky masks and puts them into 'Masks/Sky/' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: erase - Erase pre-existing sky masks first doov - Make OV files as necessary OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_skymsk, nght1_strct, objimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-July-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_starid Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Helps identify standard stars in a field by driving the program x_starid which is an interactive, GUI program. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_starid, struct, LST_PATH=, INDX= INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest. This program focuses on the STD frames only. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LST_PATH - Path name for Lists (default: Take x_starid default) OUT_PATH - Output name for id files (default: 'Photo/') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: INDX -- Subset of indices for standards to fit INORIENT -- Choose a number in the range [-4,4] to change the orientation of standards plotted on the image. COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_starid, strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP 08-Jan-2002 Added paths (JXP) 14-Oct-2002 Added indx (JXP)
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: xdimg_stdmag Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Does aperture photometry on the objects in the std_* lists. Drives the program x_aper CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_stdmag, struct, SKYR=, STRROOT=, OUTROOT= INPUTS: struct -- dimg_strct defining the images of interest. This program focuses on the STD frames only. RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SKYR = 2 float array describing sky annulus in arcsec (default=15,30) STRROOT= Path for standard stars [default: 'Photo/std_'] OUTROOT= Path for output of magnitudes [default: 'Photo/mag_'] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_stdmag, dimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: X_APER X_CCDINF REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: xdimg_strct Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Creates and outputs a structure for a series of direct images. This is a key routine in organizing a night of imaging data. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_strct, struct, ccd, tel, LIST=, /MKDIR, /NOFILE INPUTS: CCD - CCD/INSTRUMENT; Options: Tek5, LRISR, SITe1, SITe3, NIRC2 tel - Telescope; Options: (Keck, LCO-40, LCO-100) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: struct - Creates an IDL structure for direct images + an ASCII file summarizing the structure + a FITS file saving the IDL structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LIST - Image list [default is Raw/*.fits] /NOFILE - Do not create the ASCII file /MKDIR - Create a set of directories which facilitate the rest of the reduction process (e.g. Flats/ Bias/ Photo/) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_strct, nght1_strct, 'Tek5', /MKDIR PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: MRDFITS SXPAR X_SETJDATE MWRFITS WRITE_DIMGSTR REVISION HISTORY: 18-July-2001 Written by JXP 22-Aug-2001 Allows for LRISR 24-Dec-2001 LRISR modifications 14-June-2007 LKP updated to allow for NIRC2 data
(See IMG/General//
NAME: xdimg_twiflt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates twilight flats given the image list structure (assuming twilight flats were taken!) CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_twiflt, struct, /SVOV, OUTROOT= INPUTS: struct -- 'distruct' defining the images of interest RETURNS: OUTPUTS: twiflats - fits files; 1 per filter OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SVOV - Save ov files OUTROOT - Root name of Twilight flats (default is 'Flats/TwiFlat') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_twiflt, nght1_strct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XDIMG_OVER XCOMBINE MWRFITS XDIMG_DELOV X_FILTERS REVISION HISTORY: 26-July-2001 Written by JXP 24-Apr-2002 Added nonlinearity correction
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xdimg_updstr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Looks around for OV and other images and resets the appropriate flags. CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_updstr, strct, /REDOMED INPUTS: strct -- Direct Image strcure DISTRUCT RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xdimg_updstr, struct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/General//
NAME: xgetx_plt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the x-value corresponding to the x-pixel on a GUI. Requires pos, xymnx or the appropriate Structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: xval = xgetx_plt(xtmp, pos, xymnx, size, /STRCT) INPUTS: xtmp -- x-pixel value pos -- Fraction of plot window covered by plot (2 element array) xymnx -- x-y limits of plot window (4 element array: x0,y0,x1,y1) RETURNS: xval -- OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STRCT -- xtmp contains a structure with the relevant tags OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: uniq = x_uniqstr( lbls, count=count) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xgetx_plt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the x-pixel value corresponding to the x-value. Requires pos, xymnx or the appropriate Structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: xpix = xgetx_plt(xtmp, pos, xymnx, size, /STRCT) INPUTS: xtmp -- x-pixel value pos -- Fraction of plot window covered by plot (2 element array) xymnx -- x-y limits of plot window (4 element array: x0,y0,x1,y1) RETURNS: xpix -- OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STRCT -- xtmp contains a structure with the relevant tags OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xgetx_plt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the y-value corresponding to the y-pixel on a GUI. Requires pos, xymnx or the appropriate Structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: yval = xgety_plt(ytmp, pos, xymnx, size, /STRCT) INPUTS: ytmp -- y-pixel value pos -- Fraction of plot window covered by plot (2 element array) xymnx -- x-y limits of plot window (4 element array: x0,y0,x1,y1) RETURNS: yval -- OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STRCT -- ytmp contains a structure with the relevant tags OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: uniq = x_uniqstr( lbls, count=count) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xgety_plt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the y-pixel corresponding to the y-value on a GUI. Requires pos, xymnx or the appropriate Structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: yval = xgety_plt(ytmp, pos, xymnx, size, /STRCT) INPUTS: ytmp -- y-pixel value pos -- Fraction of plot window covered by plot (2 element array) xymnx -- x-y limits of plot window (4 element array: x0,y0,x1,y1) RETURNS: yval -- OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /STRCT -- ytmp contains a structure with the relevant tags OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: uniq = x_uniqstr( lbls, count=count) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xheadfits Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Uses headfits to read the header of a fits file. The only advantage of xheadfits is that the file can be compressed and yet the filename may be named without the gz extension. CALLING SEQUENCE: head = xheadfits(fil, _EXTRA) INPUTS: fil -- FITS Filename RETURNS: head -- Header OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: head = xheadfits('spec.fits') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xmkmask Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively choose pixels to mask in an image. The resulting images are saved as gzipped fits images. CALLING SEQUENCE: xmkmask, img, IMSK=, OUTDIR=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /SKYMSK INPUTS: img - Image(s) for Masking RETURNS: OUTPUTS: mask - Creates a fits table of pixel values to mask OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: outdir - Output directory: Default = './Masks/' IMSK - Initial mask to include; Convenient for dealing with bad columns and the like in the CCD XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 700) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 700) SKYMSK - Create sky mask (default into Masks/Sky/) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xmkmask,'OV/ccd001.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-July-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xmrdfits Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Uses mrdfits to read the header of a fits file. The only advantage of xheadfits is that the file can be compressed and yet the filename may be named without the gz extension. CALLING SEQUENCE: dat = xmrdfits(fil, [extension, header], _EXTRA) INPUTS: fil -- FITS Filename [extension] -- Extension of the data array RETURNS: dat - Data array OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: header -- Header of the FITS extension COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dat = xmrdfits('spec.fits') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xoffset Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates integer offsets between a series of images. The program uses Sextractor to find objects in the image and then uses a brute force algorithm to find the integer offset. CALLING SEQUENCE: xoffset, imglist, INSTR= INPUTS: imglist - List of images RETURNS: OUTPUTS: offsets - ASCII file with offsets OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INSTR - Instrument keyword OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xoffset, 'offR.list', INSTR='SITe3' PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-Apr-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xoverscan Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Subtracts an overscan region from an image CALLING SEQUENCE: xoverscan, img, ccd, [medov], OVSEC=, OVROOT=, /INTER, /ERASE OVIMG=, /NOFITS, /SILENT, /MEDONLY, /COMPRESS, TRIMSEC= INPUTS: img - Raw fits file ccd - CCD name (Tek5, SITe1, LRISR, LRISb, GEN, WFTek5, SITe3) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: nwimg - Writes overscan subtracted image to OV directory with an ov_ prefix (default) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: func - String defining function to fit with (POLY is default) ordr - Order of the function ovsec - String defining overscan section ovroot - String for OV root ('OV/' is the default) erase - Erase pre-existing ov files NOFITS - Suppress output to fits file MEDONLY - Useful in updating distruct /COMPRESS - Spawn gzip on the output image TRIMSEC - Image region to trim to OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: medov - Median of each OV image OVIMG - Float array of OV image COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xoverscan, 'ccd001.fits', 'Tek5' PROCEDURES CALLED: xregtovec djs_median x1dfit REVISION HISTORY: 20-June-2001 Written by JXP 05-Dec-2001 Added OVIMG option
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xpix_circ Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds all pixels within a circle on an image. CALLING SEQUENCE: pval = xpix_circ(x0, y0, radius, /NOZERO, MAXX=, MAXY=, COUNT=) INPUTS: x0 -- Circle x position y0 -- Circle y position radius -- Radius of the circle RETURNS: pval -- pixels in the circle: array[2,npt] OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOZERO -- Disallow value of 0 (minimum is 1 instead) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xpix_line Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds all pixels within a ray (or line) of specified width. CALLING SEQUENCE: pval = xpix_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, wid, xmax, ymax, /NOZERO, COUNT=) INPUTS: x0 -- x position of one point on the ray y0 -- y position of one point on the ray x1 -- x position of one point on the ray y1 -- y position of one point on the ray wid -- Width of the line RETURNS: pval -- pixels in the circle: array[2,npt] OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOZERO -- Disallow value of 0 (minimum is 1 instead) COUNT= -- Number of the pixels in the ray OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: xregtovec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Converts a string region into a vector for an image CALLING SEQUENCE: vect = xregtovec(sreg, size) INPUTS: string - String defining the region (e.g. '[1:10,*]') size - Size of the image RETURNS: vect - Integer vector defining the region in sreg OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: area = xregtovec('[1:10,*]',size(img)) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 21-June-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: xsp1dstrct__define Version 1.0 PURPOSE: This routine defines the structure for individual object spectra CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {xsp1dstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: xsp1dstrct__define Version 1.0 PURPOSE: This routine defines the structure for individual object spectra CALLING SEQUENCE: tmp = {xsp1dstrct} INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: XSPLINE -- Copied version of the RSI program PURPOSE: This function performs cubic spline interpolation. CATEGORY: Interpolation - E1. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SPLINE(X, Y, T [, Sigma]) INPUTS: X: The abcissa vector. Values MUST be monotonically increasing. Y: The vector of ordinate values corresponding to X. T: The vector of abcissae values for which the ordinate is desired. The values of T MUST be monotonically increasing. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: Sigma: The amount of "tension" that is applied to the curve. The default value is 1.0. If sigma is close to 0, (e.g., .01), then effectively there is a cubic spline fit. If sigma is large, (e.g., greater than 10), then the fit will be like a polynomial interpolation. OUTPUTS: SPLINE returns a vector of interpolated ordinates. Result(i) = value of the function at T(i). RESTRICTIONS: Abcissa values must be monotonically increasing. EXAMPLE: The commands below show a typical use of SPLINE: X = [2.,3.,4.] ;X values of original function Y = (X-3)^2 ;Make a quadratic T = FINDGEN(20)/10.+2 ;Values for interpolated points. ;twenty values from 2 to 3.9. Z = SPLINE(X,Y,T) ;Do the interpolation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Author: Walter W. Jones, Naval Research Laboratory, Sept 26, 1976. Reviewer: Sidney Prahl, Texas Instruments. Adapted for IDL: DMS, Research Systems, March, 1983.
(See General//
NAME: x_abtoflam PURPOSE: Converts AB mag to flambda (given a wavelength) CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: AB -- AB magnitude WAVE -- Wavelength (Angstroms) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 24-Jan-2008 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_addimg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines a set of images. I think this routine is entirely superseded by xcombine. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_addimg, img, comb, var, SCALE=, WEIGHT=, IMGINDX=, VARINDX= INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: comb -- Combined image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_addimg, all_img, comb_img PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 10-Dec-2002 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_addnoise Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Simple routine to add noise to a normalized spectrum. CALLING SEQUENCE: newf = x_addnoise(fx, snr, SEED=) INPUTS: fx - Flux array snr - Signal-to-noise per pixel of the data RETURNS: newfx - Flux array with noise OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SEED= -- Seed for random number generator [Default: -1322] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: newfx = x_addnoise(fx, 15.) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Nov-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_addtwoflats Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines two flats, rejecting Cosmic Rays. This routine is used extensively in the WFCCD routines. CALLING SEQUENCE: flat = x_addtwoflats, img1, img2, VAR=, GAIN=, RN= INPUTS: img1 - OV subtracted img1 (data or fits) img2 - OV subtracted img2 (data or fits) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: flat - Combined flat with CR rejected OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: GAIN - gain RN - Read noise (for the VAR output only) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: VAR - Variance image COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: flat = x_addtwoflats(img1, img2) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_alav Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Report A_lambda/A(V) given lambda for a user specific extinction law. Default is the Cardelli 1989 paramaterization of the MW. The 'laws' are contained in .dat files in XIDL_DIR/Dust CALLING SEQUENCE: dat = x_alav(lambda, RV=, /SMC, /CALZ) INPUTS: lambda -- Wavelengths to evaluate A at (angstroms) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: RV= -- Value of R_V /SMC -- Use the SMC law /CALZ -- Use the Calzetti law OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 2006 Written by JXP
(See Dust//
NAME: x_allvelo PURPOSE: Create an array of velocity arrays for a string of transitions CALLING SEQUENCE: all_velo = x_allvelo(wave, zabs, wrest, vmnx, ALL_PMNX=, NPIX=) INPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array zabs -- Redshift of absorption system wrest -- Array of rest wavelengths vmnx -- 2-element array of velocities RETURNS: all_velo -- Velocity array (one per rest wavelength) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NPIX -- Number of pixels in the array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ALL_PMNX= -- pixmin and pixmax array COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: all_velo = x_allvelo(wave, zabs, wrest, vmnx, ALL_PMNX=) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 24-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_allvoigt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate a single voigt profile, given wavelength, absorber, and an array of lines. Warning: This program is not exact! CALLING SEQUENCE: tau = x_allvoigt(wave,lines, SIGMA=, MNDV=) INPUTS: wave - Array of wavelengths to realize voigt profile lines - Line(s) structure to compute voigt profile, if mutliple, the entire list will be looped through. RETURNS: tau - Optical depth at each wavelength OPTIONAL INPUTS: SIGMA= - Resolution of instrument in pixels MNDV= - Range in velocity to calculate Voigt over [defalut: 1000 km/s] OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: Line is a structure with: ** Structure <81a5f94>, 4 tags, length=24, refs=3: ION STRING 'H I' WAVE DOUBLE 1215.6701 F FLOAT 0.416400 GAMMA FLOAT 6.26500e+08 Abs must have at least : ** Structure ABS, 10 tags, length=44: N FLOAT 15.0000 log 10 Column density B FLOAT 5.00000 velocity dispersion (km/s) Z FLOAT 2.00000 redshift EXAMPLES: BUGS: ; PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 25-May-2000 Created by S. Burles, FNAL/IAP Modified by JXP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: x_apall Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Performs an aperture extraction on a 2D image. Much like IRAFs apall routine. CALLING SEQUENCE: spec = x_apall( img, OVR=, CLINE=, APER=, $ SKYFUNC=, SKYNORD=, SKYREG=, $ /DISPLAY, /NOREJ, TRACE=, /NOOV, $ /NOSKY=, STRCT=, RN=, GAIN=, VAR=, $ /CRUDE, TINTER=, ERROR=, /SILENT ) INPUTS: img -- 2D spectrum RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /DISPLAY - Display the sky subtracted image with xatv OVR= - String array for ov region: '[2050:2100, *]' VAR= - Variance image RN= - Read noise [default: 5.] GAIN= - Gain [default: 1.] /CRUDE - Use trace_crude to trace the object /TINTER - Fit the trace interactively /NOSKY - Do not sky subtract SKYFUNC= - Function to use to fit the sky [default: POLY] SKYNORD= - Order for sky fit [default: 1] SKYREG= - Region to fit the sky /NOREJ - Do not do rejection when fitting the sky CLINE= - Line to identify object in [default: sz[0]/2] APER= - Aperture to extract [default: determine interactively] /NOOV - Do not perform OV subtraction /ROT - Transpose the data (code expects data parallel to rows) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ERROR= - Sigma array (or is it variance?) STRCT= - Structure defining the various extraction parameters. Useful for performing wavelength subtraction TRACE= - Output trace COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: spec = x_apall('spec.fits', STRCT=strct) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 05-Dec-2001 Modularized most of the routine
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: X_APER PURPOSE: Compute concentric aperture photometry (adapted from DAOPHOT) EXPLANATION: APER can compute photometry in several user-specified aperture radii. A separate sky value is computed for each source using specified inner and outer sky radii. CALLING SEQUENCE: APER, image, xc, yc, [ mags, errap, sky, skyerr, phpadu, apr, skyrad, badpix, /NAN, /EXACT, /FLUX, /MED_SKY, PRINT = , /SILENT, SETSKYVAL = ] INPUTS: IMAGE - input image array XC - vector of x coordinates. YC - vector of y coordinates OPTIONAL INPUTS: PHPADU - Photons per Analog Digital Units, numeric scalar. Converts the data numbers in IMAGE to photon units. (APER assumes Poisson statistics.) APR - Vector of up to 12 REAL photometry aperture radii. SKYRAD - Two element vector giving the inner and outer radii to be used for the sky annulus. Ignored if the SETSKYVAL keyword is set. BADPIX - Two element vector giving the minimum and maximum value of a good pixel. If badpix is not supplied or if BADPIX[0] is equal to BADPIX[1] then it is assumed that there are no bad pixels. Note that fluxes will not be computed for any star with a bad pixel within the aperture area, but that bad pixels will be simply ignored for the sky computation. The BADPIX parameter is ignored if the /NAN keyword is set. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: /EXACT - By default, APER counts subpixels, but uses a polygon approximation for the intersection of a circular aperture with a square pixel (and normalize the total area of the sum of the pixels to exactly match the circular area). If the /EXACT keyword, then the intersection of the circular aperture with a square pixel is computed exactly. The /EXACT keyword is much slower and is only needed when small (~2 pixels) apertures are used with very undersampled data. /FLUX - By default, APER uses a magnitude system where a magnitude of 25 corresponds to 1 flux unit. If set, then APER will keep results in flux units instead of magnitudes. /NAN - If set then APER will check for NAN values in the image. /NAN takes precedence over the BADPIX parameter. Note that fluxes will not be computed for any star with a NAN pixel within the aperture area, but that NAN pixels will be simply ignored for the sky computation. PRINT - if set and non-zero then APER will also write its results to a file aper.prt. One can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. READNOISE - Scalar giving the read noise (or minimum noise for any pixel. This value is passed to the procedure when computing the sky, and is only need for images where the noise is low, and pixel values are quantized. /SILENT - If supplied and non-zero then no output is displayed to the terminal. SETSKYVAL - Use this keyword to force the sky to a specified value rather than have APER compute a sky value. SETSKYVAL can either be a scalar specifying the sky value to use for all sources, or a 3 element vector specifying the sky value, the sigma of the sky value, and the number of elements used to compute a sky value. The 3 element form of SETSKYVAL is needed for accurate error budgeting. /MED_SKY - Instead of using MMM to calculate sky value, just take a simple median. Does nothing if SETSKYVAL is set. OUTPUTS: MAGS - NAPER by NSTAR array giving the magnitude for each star in each aperture. (NAPER is the number of apertures, and NSTAR is the number of stars). If the /FLUX keyword is not set, then a flux of 1 digital unit is assigned a zero point magnitude of 25. ERRAP - NAPER by NSTAR array giving error for each star. If a magnitude could not be determined then ERRAP = 9.99 (if in magnitudes) or ERRAP = !VALUES.F_NAN (if /FLUX is set). SKY - NSTAR element vector giving sky value for each star in flux units SKYERR - NSTAR element vector giving error in sky values EXAMPLE: Determine the flux and error for photometry radii of 3 and 5 pixels surrounding the position 234.2,344.3 on an image array, im. Compute the partial pixel area exactly. Assume that the flux units are in Poisson counts, so that PHPADU = 1, and the sky value is already known to be 1.3, and that the range [-32767,80000] for bad low and bad high pixels IDL> aper, im, 234.2, 344.3, flux, eflux, sky,skyerr, 1, [3,5], -1, $ [-32767,80000],/exact, /flux, setsky = 1.3 PROCEDURES USED: GETOPT, MMM, PIXWT(), STRN(), STRNUMBER() NOTES: Reasons that a valid magnitude cannot be computed include the following: (1) Star position is too close (within 0.5 pixels) to edge of the frame (2) Less than 20 valid pixels available for computing sky (3) Modal value of sky could not be computed by the procedure MMM (4) *Any* pixel within the aperture radius is a "bad" pixel (5) The total computed flux is negative APER was modified in June 2000 in two ways: (1) the /EXACT keyword was added (2) the approximation of the intersection of a circular aperture with square pixels was improved (i.e. when /EXACT is not used) REVISON HISTORY: Adapted to IDL from DAOPHOT June, 1989 B. Pfarr, STX Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, July, 1990 Code, documentation spiffed up W. Landsman August 1991 TEXTOUT may be a string W. Landsman September 1995 FLUX keyword added J. E. Hollis, February, 1996 SETSKYVAL keyword, increase maxsky W. Landsman, May 1997 Work for more than 32767 stars W. Landsman, August 1997 Don't abort for insufficient sky pixels W. Landsman May 2000 Added /EXACT keyword W. Landsman June 2000 Allow SETSKYVAL = 0 W. Landsman December 2000 Set BADPIX[0] = BADPIX[1] to ignore bad pixels W. L. January 2001 Fix chk_badpixel problem introduced Jan 01 C. Ishida/W.L. February 2001 Set bad fluxes and error to NAN if /FLUX is set W. Landsman Oct. 2001 Remove restrictions on maximum sky radius W. Landsman July 2003 Added /NAN keyword W. Landsman November 2004 Set badflux=0 if neither /NAN nor badpix is set M. Perrin December 2004 Added READNOISE keyword W. Landsman January 2005 LKP added MED_SKY keyword Oct 2007
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_arcimage Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Creates an arcimage given a tracestructure. This code has been superseded by x_mkaimg. CALLING SEQUENCE: arcimg = x_arcimage( trcstrct, arcfit, sz_img ) INPUTS: trcstrct - Trace structure (contains all of the info on the position and value of various arc lines) arcfit - Template fit structure ; Includes fit instructions sz_img - Size of output image [lines] - Line list strurcture (Usually defined) RETURNS: arcimg OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: YSTRT - Row defining the arcfit [default = middle] LINELIST - Arc line list (in lieu of lines) NSIG - Sig of RMS from the fit that line must match OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: arcimg = x_arcimage( trcstrct, arcfit, imgsz) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_arclist Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Reads a line list into an arclin strutcture CALLING SEQUENCE: x_arclist, linelist, lines, /GDONLY INPUTS: linelist - Name of line list (formatted: D, I, A) RETURNS: arclinstr - Arc line structure OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /GDONLY -- Restrict the line list to those where flg_qual NE 0 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_arclist, linelist, lines PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: arclinstrct__define readcol REVISION HISTORY: 14-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_arcpeakup Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds the fit iteratively to a set of lines given the Arc spectrum and a line list. This code has been superseded by x_arctempl. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_arcpeakup, spec, lines, FFIT=, WV=, NFRST=, NFIN=, /INTER, SIG= INPUTS: spec - Input arc spectrum lines - Arc line list structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NFRST= -- Order of fit for the first try [default: 3L] NFIN= -- Order of fit for the final fit MXOFF= -- Maximum pixel offset between a line and its expected position SIG= -- Lower and upper sigma values for fitting OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_arcpeakup, spec, lines, guessfit PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 26-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_autoid Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given a 1D arc-line spectrum from the WFCCD or ESI-LowD, this code will automatically determine the wavelength solution. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_autoid, img, [extrct], instr=, IDLIST=, GUESS=, LINELIST=, TOLER= INPUTS: img - Input arc image or spectrum [extrct] - Slit edges (default to image edges) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: FITSTR - Fit structure; Set values prior to passing for OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: CPROG - Run the monte-carlo in the c program (advised) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_autoid, img, instr='WFCCDB' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_autophot PURPOSE: Compute concentric aperture photometry (adapted from DAOPHOT) I have adopted this from the Goddard routines EXPLANATION: APER can compute photometry in several user-specified aperture radii. A separate sky value is computed for each source using specified inner and outer sky radii. CALLING SEQUENCE: APER, image, xc, yc, [ mags, errap, sky, skyerr, phpadu, apr, skyrad, badpix, /EXACT, /FLUX, PRINT = , /SILENT, SETSKYVAL = ] INPUTS: IMAGE - input image array XC - vector of x coordinates. YC - vector of y coordinates OPTIONAL INPUTS: PHPADU - Photons per Analog Digital Units, numeric scalar. Converts the data numbers in IMAGE to photon units. (APER assumes Poisson statistics.) APR - Vector of up to 12 REAL photometry aperture radii. SKYRAD - Two element vector giving the inner and outer radii to be used for the sky annulus BADPIX - Two element vector giving the minimum and maximum value of a good pix (Default [-32765,32767]). If BADPIX[0] is equal to BADPIX[1] then it is assumed that there are no bad pixels. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: /EXACT - By default, APER counts subpixels, but uses a polygon approximation for the intersection of a circular aperture with a square pixel (and normalize the total area of the sum of the pixels to exactly match the circular area). If the /EXACT keyword, then the intersection of the circular aperture with a square pixel is computed exactly. The /EXACT keyword is much slower and is only needed when small (~2 pixels) apertures are used with very undersampled data. /FLUX - By default, APER uses a magnitude system where a magnitude of 25 corresponds to 1 flux unit. If set, then APER will keep results in flux units instead of magnitudes. PRINT - if set and non-zero then APER will also write its results to a file aper.prt. One can specify the output file name by setting PRINT = 'filename'. /SILENT - If supplied and non-zero then no output is displayed to the terminal. SETSKYVAL - Use this keyword to force the sky to a specified value rather than have APER compute a sky value. SETSKYVAL can either be a scalar specifying the sky value to use for all sources, or a 3 element vector specifying the sky value, the sigma of the sky value, and the number of elements used to compute a sky value. The 3 element form of SETSKYVAL is needed for accurate error budgeting. OUTPUTS: MAGS - NAPER by NSTAR array giving the magnitude for each star in each aperture. (NAPER is the number of apertures, and NSTAR is the number of stars). A flux of 1 digital unit is assigned a zero point magnitude of 25. ERRAP - NAPER by NSTAR array giving error in magnitude for each star. If a magnitude could not be deter- mined then ERRAP = 9.99. SKY - NSTAR element vector giving sky value for each star SKYERR - NSTAR element vector giving error in sky values PROCEDURES USED: DATATYPE(), GETOPT, MMM, PIXWT(), STRN(), STRNUMBER() NOTES: Reasons that a valid magnitude cannot be computed include the following: (1) Star position is too close (within 0.5 pixels) to edge of the frame (2) Less than 20 valid pixels available for computing sky (3) Modal value of sky could not be computed by the procedure MMM (4) *Any* pixel within the aperture radius is a "bad" pixel APER was modified in June 2000 in two ways: (1) the /EXACT keyword was added (2) the approximation of the intersection of a circular aperture with square pixels was improved (i.e. when /EXACT is not used) REVISON HISTORY: Adapted to IDL from DAOPHOT June, 1989 B. Pfarr, STX Adapted for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, July, 1990 Code, documentation spiffed up W. Landsman August 1991 TEXTOUT may be a string W. Landsman September 1995 FLUX keyword added J. E. Hollis, February, 1996 SETSKYVAL keyword, increase maxsky W. Landsman, May 1997 Work for more than 32767 stars W. Landsman, August 1997 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Don't abort for insufficient sky pixels W. Landsman May 2000 Added /EXACT keyword W. Landsman June 2000 Allow SETSKYVAL = 0 W. Landsman December 2000 Set BADPIX[0] = BADPIX[1] to ignore bad pixels W. L. January 2001 Fix chk_badpixel problem introduced Jan 01 C. Ishida/W.L. February 2001
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_avsigclip PURPOSE: Average multiple images with sigma-rejection. This routine makes extensive use of Schlegels avsigclip routine. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = x_avsigclip( array, [ dimension, siglo=, sighi=, maxiter=, $ inmask=, outmask= ] ) INPUTS: array - N-dimensional array OPTIONAL INPUTS: dimension - The dimension over which to collapse the data. If ommitted, assume that the last dimension is the one to collapse. siglo - Low Sigma for rejection; default to 3.0. sighi - High Sigma for rejection; default to 3.0. maxiter - Maximum number of sigma rejection iterations. One iteration does no sigma rejection; default to 10 iterations. inmask - Input mask, setting =0 for good elements OUTPUTS: result - The output array. outmask - Output mask, setting =0 for good elements, =1 for bad. Any pixels masked in INMASK are also masked in OUTMASK. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The DIMENSION input is analogous to that used by the IDL built-in function TOTAL. EXAMPLES: Create a data cube of 10 random-valued 100x200 images. At each pixel in the image, compute the average of the 10 values, but rejecting 3-sigma outliers: > array = randomu(123,100,200,10) > ave = x_avsigclip(array, siglo=3., sighi=4.) If all points are masked in any given vector or array, a mean and dispersion are computed for all the points. Is this the behaviour we want? If you want to replace those values with zeros instead, look at OUTMASK: > array = randomu(123,100,200) > inmask = bytarr(100,200) > inmask[*,8] = 1 ; mask all of row #8 > ave = x_avsigclip(array, 1, inmask=inmask, outmask=outmask) > ibad = where( total(1-outmask, 1) EQ 0) > if (ibad[0] NE -1) then ave[ibad] = 0 ; zero-out bad rows BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: Dynamic link to arravsigclip.c REVISION HISTORY: 07-Jul-1999 Written by David Schlegel, Princeton. 28-Jul-2001 Revised by JXP (Added lo/hi sigrej)
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_calc2dfit Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates a 2d fit-function at a set of xy pairs. Restricted to a 2D polynomial for now. CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_calc2dfit(xyval, func, ffit, nx, ny, NRM=, FITSTR=) INPUTS: xyval - 2D array [npix, 2] of the x,y values [func] - String for Fitting function (POLY) [ffit] - Output from the fitting stuff [nx] - order of the 2d surface in x [ny] - order of the 2d surface in y RETURNS: fit - Values at each xyval [1D array] OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FITSTR= -- IDL structure for 2D fitting (recommended) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x_calc2dfit(xy, 'POLY', ffit, 3, 3) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 31-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_calccog Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Perform a COG solution given a list of flambda values, EW measurements and the errors in those measurements. The user inputs an array of column densities to search over and the code finds the minimum in chi^2 and returns the value. This code is currently only used to calculate the best b value for the lines for the given N values. See fuse_cog for a better COG routine. [JXP: 5/25/04] CALLING SEQUENCE: x_calccog, ew_red, sig_ew, flambda, Nval, blmt, FNDB= BANS=, /EXACT INPUTS: ew_red -- Reduced ew array sigew -- Error in ew flambda -- f lambda (assumes A not cm) Nval -- List of Nval to consider blmt -- Limits for b value search (assumes km/s) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /EXACT -- Calculate the COG exactly (otherwise use lookup table) /FNDB -- Find the b-value (only option now) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: BANS= -- The b value which minimizes chi^2 COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_calccog_initcomm x_calccog_cog x_calccog_ftau REVISION HISTORY: 05-Mar-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_calcew Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates the EW given a wavelength and flux array and limits to integrate over. Can also calculate the error in the EW as well as the reduced values. CALLING SEQUENCE: ew = x_calcew(wav, fx, lmts, [sig, sigew], /REDUCED, FPIX=) INPUTS: wav - Rest wavelength [Angstromgs] fx - Flux (presumed normalized) lmts - Limits of integration (wavelength unless /FPIX is set) [sig] - Error in fx RETURNS: ew - Equivalent width OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /REDUCED -- Divide EW value by lambda /FPIX -- If flagged, this indicates the lmts array contains the pixel endpoints for the EW calculation. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: sigew - Error in ew COMMENTS: The flux array should be normalized to unity EXAMPLES: ew = x_calcew( fx, sig, [50, 100], ERR=sigew, /FPIX) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Mar-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_calcfit Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Calculates a fit-function at a set of x points CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_calcfit(xval,func,ffit, NORD=) INPUTS: xval - Value(s) along one dimension [func] - String for Fitting function (POLY, LEGEND, BSPLIN, GAUSS) [ffit] - Output from the fitting stuff RETURNS: fit - Values at each xval OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: nord= - Required for LEGEND FITSTR= - Fit structure (OVERRIDES input values of func, ffit) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NRM= - Normalization parameters (-1 to 1) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x_calcfit(x, 'POLY', 5) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG BSPLIN GAUSS REVISION HISTORY: 20-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 31-Jan-2002 Added NRM, CHEBY func, FITSTR
(See FIT//
NAME: x_calcgain Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the inverse gain, e-/DN with two very similiar input images For MIKE, milky flats or well illuminated flats are best. CALLING SEQUENCE: estimated_gain = x_gain(image1, image2) INPUTS: image1 - Any array of pixels with reasonable gaussian errors image2 - A very similar image to image1, but not identical! RETURNS: gain - A floating point number: the inverse gain OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: MINPIX -- Minimum number of pixels with DN>MINVAL in both images to perform statistics (Default: 1000) MINVAL -- Minimum flux to perform stats (default: 100) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The gain is calculated from the variance of the natural logarithm of the ratio of two images which have units of ADU (Poisson counts / gain) <gain> = 1.0 / { variance [ sqrt(reduced_flux) * ln(i1/i2) ] } EXAMPLES: image1 = readfits('ov_mr0405.fits') image2 = readfits('ov_mr0406.fits') gain = x_calcgain(image1, image2) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 16-Jul-2003 Written by SMB 04-Apr-2005 Ported to XIDL by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_calclstar Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate apparent magnitude for Lstar at a given redshift for a given cosmology and Hubbles constant. CALLING SEQUENCE: lstar = x_calclstar( z, H0=, AMIN=, /SILENT, OM=, OV=) INPUTS: z -- Redshift RETURNS: lstar -- Apparent magnitude for Lstar OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: lstr0 -- Assumed value of Lstar at z=0 [default: -21.06] H0 -- Hubbles constant (km/s/Mpc) OM -- Omega Dark Matter OV -- Lambda /SILENT -- No printing to the screen OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: AMIN -- Mpc per arcmin at z COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: lstar = x_calclstar(2., H0=75., AMIN=amin) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: x_calctb Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature of a gas given its Doppler parameter CALLING SEQUENCE: x_calctb, b, T, /LOGT, MA= INPUTS: b -- Doppler parameter (km/s) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: T -- Temperature (K) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /LOGT -- Return logarithmic temperature MA -- Mass of nucleus [1 for Hydrogen] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_calctb, 25., T, /LOGT PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Dec-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_calctwilight Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculate twilight in LST given a lat+long+date CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: date - String name of the date of the night of observing at the observatory (not UT) Allowed formats: DDmmmYY (e.g. 22Oct99) DD-MM-YY (e.g. 20-12-99) YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1999-12-20) DDMMMYYYY (e.g. 20JAN2004) obs_str - Observatory structure (long, latitute, time zone) RETURNS: twlight in LST (decimal hours) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: stmid -- LST at midnight (end of the input date) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_calclst REVISION HISTORY: Based on code in skycalendar v5 written by John Thorstensen Dartmouth College 10-Dec-2009 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_calibstd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a standard star spectrum and a calibration file, calculate a sensitivity function parameterized by a BSLINE or some other function. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_calibstd, wave, flux, outfil, HSTFIL=, /CHKFIT, EXP=, BSPLIN=, SWV=, SFX=, GDWV=, BSET=, YFIT=, SENS=, EVERYN= INPUTS: wave -- Wavelength array of standard star flux -- Flux array of standard star RETURNS: OUTPUTS: outfil -- FITS file to write sensitivity function OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: EXP= -- Exposure time [default: 1.] HSTFIL= -- HST calibration file /CHKFIT -- Plot the fit to the sensitivity function EVERYN= -- Spacing of b-spline breakpoints in pixel space [default: 5] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SWV= -- Wavelength array of calibration data SFX= -- Flux array of calibration data SENS= -- Sensitivity function COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_calibstd, kast, 0, 1, 0 PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Aug-2003 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: x_ccdinf Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Returns arcpix and orientation of ccd+tel combination. This routine saves all of that key info in one spot, although it is primarily used only for direct imaging. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_ccdinf, ccd, tel, arcpix, [orient], SAT= INPUTS: ccd - Name of CCD ('SITe1', 'LRISR', 'WFTek5') tel - Name of Telescope ('LCO-40', 'Keck', 'LCO-100') RETURNS: arcpix -- Arcsec per pixel OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: orient - Orientation of the CCD: ; -2 = SITe1 on LCO-40 (E up, N left) SAT= -- Saturation limit of the CCD COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_ccdinf, 'SITe1', 'LCO-40', arcpix, SAT=sat PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/General//
NAME: x_centerpk Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds the center of a peak CALLING SEQUENCE: center = x_centerpk(xdat, ydat, [fracpk], VAR=, FUNC=, NORD=, HSIG=, LSIG=, IPX=, MINVAL=, FFIT=, /INTER) INPUTS: xdat - x Values ydat - y Values [fracpk] - Fraction of peak relative to the minimum (default=1/3 max + min) RETURNS: center - center of the peak OUTPUTS: ffit - Fit parameters OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: func - Function VAR - variance in ydat nord - order number HSIG - upper sigma LSIG - lower sigma IPX - Allows user to give best guess INTER - Interative fit OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: center = x_centerpk(xdat, ydat, /inter) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 23-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_centfwgt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a 'peak', this routine will find the center of that peak in a using flux weighting. CALLING SEQUENCE: xcen = x_centfwgt(xval, yval, [radius]) INPUTS: xval - x values of the peak yval - y values of the peak [RADIUS] - radius of data around the peak for centroiding RETURNS: xcen - Center OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT -- Turn off warnings OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: trace_fweight REVISION HISTORY: 22-Jun-2005 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_centfwgt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a 'peak', this routine will find the center of that peak in a using flux weighting. CALLING SEQUENCE: xcen = x_centfwgt(xval, yval, [radius]) INPUTS: xval - x values of the peak yval - y values of the peak [RADIUS] - radius of data around the peak for centroiding RETURNS: xcen - Center OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT -- Turn off warnings OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: trace_fweight REVISION HISTORY: 22-Jun-2005 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_centspln Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a 'peak', this routine will find the center of that peak in a non-parameteric manner. The routine first spliens the peak. It then steps in from both sides until it hits FRACPK of the peak value of the line. Finally, the centroid is the midpoint of these two spots. CALLING SEQUENCE: xcen = x_centspln(xval, yval, [fracpk]) INPUTS: xval - x values of the peak yval - y values of the peak [FRACPK] - Fraction of the peak for centroiding [default=0.3333] RETURNS: xcen - Center OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT -- Turn off warnings /FORCE -- Calculate a centroid even if the edges are non-sensical OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: EDGES= -- Values of the spots on the peak corresponding to FRACPK COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xcen = x_centspln(data) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_fndspln x_golden REVISION HISTORY: 07-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
(See General//
NAME: x_chkfil Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Check for a file and return the number of entries matching CALLING SEQUENCE: flag = x_chkfil(fil, COUNT=, /SILENT) INPUTS: fil - Filename RETURNS: flag - 0: No file; 1: One file; 2: More than one OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT -- Suppress messages to screen OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COUNT - number of unique strings COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: flg = x_chkfil('junk.dat', count=cnt, /SILENT) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_chkwindow Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Check to see if a window is open CALLING SEQUENCE: x_chkwindow, win_id, get_all_active= INPUTS: win_id RETURNS: dat - Byt array describing open windows OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: HEAD - Header COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Jan-2005 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_combspec Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Combines multiple exposures of the same slit CALLING SEQUENCE: x_combspec, flux, var, fflux, fvar, NRMFLUX=, WAVE=, NSIG=, SCALE=, SNR= INPUTS: flux -- 2D flux array var -- 2D variance array RETURNS: fflux -- Combined flux array fvar -- Combined variance array OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NRMFLUX - Array of 2 elements (wave min,max) to normalize flux WAVE= -- Wavelength array for normalizing WVMNX= -- Wavelength region for normalizing NSIG= -- Number of sigma to reject on SCALE= -- Scale the flux arrays by this array SNR= -- Signal-to-noise ratios to weight by SKY= -- Array containing the sky level OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FSKY= -- Combined sky spectrum FNOVAR= -- Variance without object noise COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_combspec, flux, var, fflux, fvar PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-May-2002 Written by JXP 03-Sep-2002 Added SCALE keyword + weighted means for 2 exposures 25-Aug-2004 Modified x_combspec_two to scale both spectra and to combine if one spectra has zero flux (Kathy Cooksey) 27-Dec-2006 Added novar functionality to combine variances which do not include object noise (Joe Hennawi).
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_constants Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Return a structure of the usual physical constants. Default is cgs units. CALLING SEQUENCE: cstr = x_constants(/KSG) INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /KSG -- Return mks units OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cstr = x_constants() PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-May-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_continuum Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to fit the continuum of a spectrum (usually quasars). The user can dictate a SPLINE or perform a minimum chi^2 fit to regions with rejection. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_continuum, flux_fil, error_fil, FITSTR=, CONTI=, LSIG=, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, INFLG=, OUTFIL=, /SPLINE, INISPL= INPUTS: flux_fil - Values along one dimension [optional] error_fil - Values along the other RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL= -- Name of FITS file to save continuum OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: CONTI= -- Name of FITS file containing previously saved continuum INFLG -- 0 = yin, ysin as data arrays (fits allowed and expected) 1 = One fits file (flux, sig) 2 = One fits file (flux, sig, wave) 3 = FUSE format 5 = SDSS file XSIZE= -- Window size in pixels YSIZE= -- Window size in pixels LSIG= -- Value for sigma rejection on low side [default: 2.5] INISPL= -- IDL file containing a saved SPLINE for the continuum FITSTR -- Fit structure OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_continuum, 'Q0000.fits', OUTFIL='Q0000_c.fits', /SPLINE PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG BSPLINE GAUSS XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT GETCOLOR (coyote package) ; REVISION HISTORY: 26-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_crossarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds shift between saved template and current arc spectra. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_crossarc, guessarc, cur_aspec, guess_spec, guess_fit, ordrs, $ ordr_shift, row_shift, chk=chk, sigrej=sigrej, /DEBUG INPUTS: guessarc - Filename of IDL save file with known wavelength solution cur_aspec - Current extracted Arc spectra to be fit obj_id - Object identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: guess_spec - saved arc spectrum rebinned to match cur_aspec guess_fit - polynomial wavelength fits in rebinned space ordrs - Orders matching saved spectrum ordr_shift - Order offset between template and current row_shift - Pixel offset between template and current OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - Debugging SIGREJ= - Rejection sigma for outliers in arc line fitting (default: 2.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: restore fft() REVISION HISTORY: 2004 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_cumulative Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates a histogram of sorts [defunct] CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: Array, binsize or nbin RETURNS: cumulative array OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: XARR -- Value of xarray COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: cumul = x_cumulative(array, 0.05) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Dec-2004 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_curvefill PURPOSE: Shade the region between two curves CALLING SEQUENCE: x_curvefill, x, y1, y2, COLOR=, OUTLINECOLOR=, OUTHICK= INPUTS: x -- x-values of the curve y1 -- lower set of y-values y2 -- upper set of y-values RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: color= -- Color for shading /LINE_FILL -- Hashes instead of fills ORIENTATION -- Sets the angle of the lines /xyreverse -- Lets you fill based on x rather than y ie: x->y, y1->x1, y2->x2 x2= -- Lets you input a second array specifying both x1 and x2. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 18-May-2006 Written by Joe H. 7-Dec-2009 Modified by Marc R. (xyreverse and x2)
(See Color//
NAME: x_echcombspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Combines multiple exposures of the same obj Must be run even on an object with a single exposure CALLING SEQUENCE: x_echcombspec, allobj, finspec, ordrs, keyindx INPUTS: allobj -- Array of echspec structures ordrs -- Orders to coadd keyindx -- Exposure to serve as the fiducial for stats RETURNS: OUTPUTS: finspec -- echfspec structure containing the combined spectrum OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT - No text output /NOFLUX - Use the fluxed array MINPIX1= - Minimum 'good' pixels to calculate fitting profile ORDNM= - Fitting profile order [default: 1] SNRMIN= - Minimum S/N per pixel for stats [Default: 2] REJSIG= - Parameter passsed to x_combine [default = 4.] MEDINDX= - Value for median smoothing [default: 100] /NOREJ - Do not search for and reject bad pixels (e.g. cosmic /ACHK - Force check of all orders OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: ; EXAMPLES: hires_combspec, hires, setup, obj_id, side PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2004 Written by JXP 10-Jun-2004 Revisited by GEP Sep-2005 Revisited by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_echfitstd Version 1.3 PURPOSE: GUI for tweaking a sensitivity function for an Echelle spectrum CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_echfitstd([xdat],ydat,func=,nord=, /inter, xsize=, ysize=) INPUTS: xdat - Values along one dimension [optional] ydat - Values along the other RETURNS: fit - Values at each xdat OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: func - String for Fitting function (POLY, LEGEND, BSPLINE, GAUSS, CHEBY) nord - Order of the fit /inter - Interactive fitting xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) sig - Errors in the points reg - Regions of data to fit LSIG - Lower SIGMA HSIG - High SIGMA /REJ - Turn rejection on DELPTS - Array of user-deleted points MSK - Array of 0,1 values [0=do not include] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: bset - Bspline info rms - RMS of the fit (only valid for fits with rejection) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x_echfitstd(x, y, 'POLY', nord=5, /inter) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG BSPLINE GAUSS XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT GETCOLOR (coyote package) REVISION HISTORY: 22-June-2001 Written by JXP 28-June-2001 Added LEGENDRE fits (JXP) 23-Nov-2001 Added BSPLIN (SB), GAUSS, REJECTION (JXP) 31-Jan-2002 Added CHEBYSHEV
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: x_echtrcarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To trace the arc lines in each order (individually) and fit a straight line to each one. The following steps are taken: 1. Scattered light is removed from the image 2. All significant arc lines are identified (5 sigma) 3. trace_crude is used to trace the lines 4. trace_crude is reapplied to only those lines which are entirely in the order 5. xy2traceset is used to fit a straight line to each arc line 6. Only the good lines are saved for 2D fitting in a structure which is written to disk CALLING SEQUENCE: x_echtrcarc, arc_fil, ordr_str, out_fil, SZCCD=, $ INIO=, ALL_XSET=, /CLOBBER, $ QAFIL= INPUTS: arc_fil -- Name of arc file for tracing ordr_str -- Order strucure describing the echelle footprint out_fil -- Name of FITS file describing the traces RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INIO - Initial order to trace (for debugging) /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous fits SZCCD -- Dimensions of the ccd OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ALL_XSET -- A structure containing the info QAFIL -- Filename for QA output COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Apr-2003 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_editspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Allows user to reset values of a spectrum to reject bad regions using a simple GUI CALLING SEQUENCE: x_editspec, wv, fx, var, [title], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, ISPEC=, /BLOCK, NEWVAR=, FLG=, NEWFLG= INPUTS wv -- Wavelength array (expected to be a 2D array [npix, nspec]) fx -- Flux array (expected to be a 2D array [npix, nspec]) var -- Variance array (expected to be a 2D array [npix, nspec]) [title] -- List of object ID numbers RETURNS: OUTPUTS: NEWVAR= -- Updated variance array which has bad pixels (regions) masked NEWFLG= -- Flag used to specify whether to analyse the spectrum OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) /BLOCK - Block the window OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_editspec PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 03-May-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_extapprof Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given the flux and wave images and the starting position of the object to extract (x,y), do a trace (if necessary) and then calcualte the aperture and a Gaussian fit to the aperture. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_extapprof, fx, wv, xyguess INPUTS: fx -- Flux image wv -- Wavelength image xyguess -- Guess at the trace RETURNS: OUTPUTS: apstrct -- Structure containing the key info for the aperture and profile OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: WVMNX - Endpoints for extraction (default: [3200., 11000.]) COLLMNX - Endpoints for collapsing the spectrum prior to extraction (default: [3400., 8000.]) VAR= -- Variance array FRAC= -- Fraction of flux NOT to include in aperture [default: 0.025, which corresponds to 5% total] TRC_ORD= -- Polynomial order for fitting the trace [default: 5] /SKYSUB -- Perform simple sky subtraction before calculating the profile PARAMETERS to TRACE_CRUDE: NMED, NAVE, TRADIUS, MXSHIFT OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: TOT_TRC -- Final trace (can be an input too) FLG_APER= -- Flag describing the success (1= good) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_extapprof, slitstr, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2004 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_extechopt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extract 1D spectra from the 2D images. For each order, a boxcar and an optimal extraction is performed. For the latter, an object profile is derived and both the object flux and sky are fit throughout the order (i.e. not row by row). The main driver is x_extechopt. For the optimal extraction, the data is extracted to a specific set of vacuum wavelengths, chosen to be the same for every spectrum to facilitate coadding without rebinning. Here are the steps in detail: 1. Perform a boxcar extraction using extract_box 2. Estimate the SNR per order from the boxcar extraction -- LOOP ON ORDERS IN DECREASING SNR -- 3. Fit the boxcar extraction with a bspline 4. Calculate the object profile a. bspline_iterfit the flux vs position on slit b. Force the profile to be positive everywhere and have a sensible FWHM 5. Fit the order using the profile and sky (bspline_extract) CALLING SEQUENCE: x_extechopt, img, skysub, ivar, ordr_str, obj_str, velpix, radius= INPUTS: img -- Data image skysub -- Sky subtraction image from x_echskysub ivar -- Inverse variance image ordr_str -- Order structure describing the echelle footprint velpix -- Size of pixel in velocity units (km/s) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: obj_str -- Structure containing the trace and extracted data OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /BOXONLY -- Only do boxcar extraction SKYFIL= -- Filename containing the sky spectrum IMG_ARC= -- Wavelength image BASE_APER= -- Aperture for boxcar [default: 0.75, 0.75] /OCHK - Plot the extracted flux (optimal) for each order /RESCHK - Check the residuals of the 2D, fully extracted image /DEBUG - Stop within extraction routine to check stuff HIGHSNR - Value of SNR^2 of the data for a given order which when exceeded mike_box uses an additional parameter for the profile shape. (Default: 500 corresponding to SNR=22) Lowering this parameter may improve extraction. ORDRS - Input array of physical order numbers to extract /EXTENBOX - Allows the boxcar aperture to be larger than the slit length defined by the trace flats (only recommended for very bright stars) MIN_CUT - Minimum length for cutoff aper in fractional slit length [default: 0.]. For longer slits and good seeing, it may be useful to set this to a number like 0.5 or larger FIN_MASK -- Image of masked pixels (mainly cosmic rays) MSKTRIM= -- Value to trim edge of slit by [default: 0.5] /SKIPSKYSUB -- Skip sky subtraction Optional OUTPUTS: FIN_TRC= -- Final trace of spectrum MODEL_OBJ= -- Model of the object flux MODEL_SKY= -- Model of the sky MODEL_PROF= -- Model of the object profile COMMENTS: The program extracts the orders in order of decreasing SNR. If the SNR is lower than lowsnr (default: 2.49) then the optimal extraction is performed using the profile parameters from the previous order(s). EXAMPLES: x_extechopt PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: extract_boxcar x_smoothmask bspline_extract REVISION HISTORY: 26-Aug-2003 Written by SMB Feb-2005 Ported to XIDL by JXP
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_extobjbox Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given the flux and wave images and the starting position of the object to extract (x,y), do a boxcar extraction CALLING SEQUENCE: x_extobjbox, fx, wv, xyguess, fin_spec, MSK=, VAR=, WVMNX= INPUTS: fx -- Image array wv -- Wavelength array xyguess -- Guess at the trace RETURNS: OUTPUTS: fin_spec -- Final spectrum OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: WVMNX - Endpoints for extraction (default: [3200., 11000.]) COLLMNX - Endpoints for collapsing the spectrum prior to extraction (default: [3400., 8000.]) REDBLUE - Spectrum runs from red to blue NEWWV - Finaly 1D wavelength array desired CRVAL1 - Starting wavelength of final 1D array CDELT - Delta lambda (lor or linear) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_extobjbox, slitstr, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_extobjopt Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given the flux and wave images, extract a 1D spectrum using the Horne optimal algorithm. Assumes a Gaussian or input profile image for now. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_extobjopt, fx, wv, xyguess, fin_spec INPUTS: fx -- 2D Image wv -- 2D wavlenegth array xyguess -- One spot on the image that the object is RETURNS: OUTPUTS: fin_spec -- Final 1D spectrum OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: WVMNX - Endpoints for extraction (default: [3200., 11000.]) COLLMNX - Endpoints for collapsing the spectrum prior to extraction (default: [3400., 8000.]) REDBLUE - Spectrum runs from red to blue NEWWV - Finaly 1D wavelength array desired CRVAL1 - Starting wavelength of final 1D array CDELT - Delta lambda (lor or linear) DEFGAU = Value for Gaussian profile if data is insufficient USEGAU = Use this Gaussian sigma for the profile NCRITER = Number of iterations of CR rejection (default: 1) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: QAPROF -- The object profile for QA purposes COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_extobjopt, slitstr, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Sep-2004 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_extract Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Extracts a 1D spectrum from a 2D image given an aperture. This routine is superseded by x_extobjbox CALLING SEQUENCE: spec = x_extract(img, aper, trace, [error, sky], CAPER=, GAIN=, RN=, /OPTIMAL) INPUTS: img - 2D Image aper - Aperture to extract trace - Trace of the spectrum [sky] - Optional input required for error output RETURNS: spec - 1D Spectrum OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: CAPER - Line chosen for aperture: Require with TRACE GAIN - CCD gain RN - Read noise OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: var - Error array COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: spec = x_extract(img, aper) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Dec-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_extractarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Straighten each order indivdiually (x_ordrectify) and then extract a boxcar down the center of each order by taking the average flux in two regions (each side of the center) of width 1/3 the order width. CALLING SEQUENCE: flux = extract_arc( arc_img, ordr_str ) INPUTS: arc_img - 2D Arc image ordr_str - Order structure RETURNS: flux - 1D spectrum down the center of each order OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: flux = x_extractarc( arc_img, ordr_str ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_ordrectify REVISION HISTORY: ??--2004 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_ffttrace Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Traces the y-distortion of a flat using FFTs. It is unlikely this program works well. I highly recommend tracing the 'sawtooth' image of a flat instead. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_ffttrace, img INPUTS: img - Input image (flat) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_ffttrace, img, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_filters Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Grabs out a list of unique filters from a full string array list of filters. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_filters, allfilt, filter, [nfilt], NOSORT=nosort INPUTS: allfilt - List of all images RETURNS: filter - Filter list OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOSORT -- Dont bother sorting the unique filter list OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: nfilt - Number of unique filters COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_filters, img, filter, nfilt PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-July-2001 Written by JXP 08-Aug-2001 Revised to sort
(See IMG/General//
NAME: x_findgauss Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Finds Gaussian absorption features in a spectrum (should be normalized). The routine uses find_npeaks to find the features and then tunes up on then with zfitmax. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_findgauss, y, [invvar], xarr=, sigma=, xpeak=, ypeak=, xsn=, sn=, width=, nfind=, minsep= INPUTS: y -- Flux [invvar] -- Inverse variance RETURNS: OUTPUTS: xpeak -- x values of the peaks ypeak -- y height of the peak OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SIGMA= -- Width of Gaussian (pixels) [default: 1.] WIDTH= -- FWHM of the feature [default: 2.5*sigam] MINSEP= -- Minimum separation between lines [default: 4.1*sigma] NFIND= -- Number of peaks to find with find_nepaks [default: 50] XARR= -- x array (e.g. wavelength) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: xsn -- x values of peaks from find_npeaks sn -- y values of the peaks from find_npeaks COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: find_npeaks gauss_kernel zfitmax REVISION HISTORY: 24-Sep-2003 Written by SB 2003 Grabbed by JXP and slightly modified
(See Spec/Analysis//
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_fit Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Fits a function to a set of x,y data CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_fit(xdat,ydat,func,nord,sig=,reg=) INPUTS: xdat - Values along one dimension ydat - Values along the other RETURNS: fit - Values of the fit at each xdat value OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: sig= - Errors in the yval points IVAR= - Inverse variance of the ydat values func= - String for Fitting function (POLY, LEGEND, BSPLIN, GAUSS) nord= - Order of the fit reg= - Regions of data to fit msk= - Mask (0 = Do NOT include) guess= - First guess for GAUSS routine FITSTR= - 1D Fit structure used to set many of the above parameters (recommended) FLG_BSP= - Flag controlling BSPLINE options (1: nord = everyn) /NONRM - Do not normalize the xdat from -1 to 1 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ffit - Functional form NRM - Normalization numbers for xdat :: dblarr(2) RMS - RMS of the fit COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x_fit(x, y, 'POLY', nord=5) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG FUNC_FIT ; REVISION HISTORY: 20-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 31-Jan-2002 Revised significantly. Added fit structure, CHEBY 27-Feb-2002 Added ivar option, am using func_fit for legendre
(See FIT//
NAME: x_fit2darc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To fit the arc lines identified in x_fitarc as a fucntion of their y-centroid and order number. The main routine is in x_fit2darc. The fit is a simple least-squares with one round of rejection. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fit2darc, arcfil, ordr_str, arc_info, nycoeff=nycoeff, $ nocoeff=nocoeff, CLOBBER=clobber, SZ=sz, $ DEBUG=debug, CHKRES=chkres, out_str=out_str, $ QAFIL=qafil, YVAL=yval, ORIG=orig, SIGREJ=sigrej $ , pixrms = pixrms INPUTS: arc_fil -- Name of arc file ordr_str -- Order strucure describing the echelle footprint arc_info -- Name of file created by x_fitarc RETURNS: OUTPUTS: A fits file containing the 2D solution. Named something like 'Arcs/Fits/Arc_B0010_fit2D.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NOCOEFF - Number of coefficients to use in the x-direction (default: 5) NYCOEFF - Number of coefficients to use in the y-direction (default: 4) /CLOBBER - Overwrite any previous solution /DEBUG - debug /CHKRES - Plot the residuals /YVAL - Use the x position on the CCD [not recommended] /ORIG - Use wavelengths for the basis not wavelength*order# [not recommended] SIGREJ= - Value for sigma rejection in the fit [default: 10] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PIXRMS= -- RMS of the fit in pixels (for each echelle order) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: print, x_fit2darc(arcfil, ordr_str, arc_info) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2003 Written by SB 18-Apr-2003 Revised by JXP Feb-2005 Ported to XIDL by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_fit2dsurf Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Fits a 2d surface to a set of x,y data with errors (optional). It is recommended to set the FIT parameters with the structure FITSTR. CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_fit2dsurf(xy, z,[sig], nx=, ny=, MSK=, FITSTR=, REJPT=, NRM=, /NONRM, /SVDFT, LSIG=, HSIG=, NITER=, MAXREJ=, FUNC= ) INPUTS: xy - 2d array of xy pairs: [N,2] z - Values at each xy pair [sig] - Variance in each data point RETURNS: fit - Values at each xdat OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: msk - Mask (0 = Do NOT include) func - 2d function ('POLY') nx - Order in x ny - Order in y NONRM - Don't normalize data before fitting MINPT - Minimum number of points to keep in fit LSIG,HSIG - Lower and upper sigma rejection /SVDFT - Use the IDL routine SVDFT for the fitting. Otherwise use CHOLDC (recommended for speed) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ffit - Functional form NRM - [2,2] array of Normalization coefficients REJPT - Points rejected in the fit COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x_fit2dsurf(xy,z, sig) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: f2dpoly CHOLDC SVDFT x_calc2dfit ; REVISION HISTORY: 31-Jan-2002 Written by JXP 02-Feb-2002 Added rejection
(See FIT//
NAME: x_fit2dtrace Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Fits the traced y-distortion of a flat in 2D given a set of traces for at various spots in the image. CALLING SEQUENCE: map = x_fit2dtrace( trcstr, FITSTR=, RES=, NX=, NY=, /SILENT ) INPUTS: trcstr - Trace structure RETURNS: map - Map of the y-distortion OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: nx - Number of orders along x axis [default: 4L] ny - Number of orders along y axis [default: 4L] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: FITSTR - 2D fitting function structure of the trace RES - Residual image of the fit COMMENTS: Need to watch for memory issues with 2d surfaces EXAMPLES: map = x_fit2dtrace( trcstr ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_fitarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To identify and centroid arc lines in each order. There is actually no fitting done at this stage other than to reject bad lines. The main program does the following: 1) Input the arc image 2) Input an archived arc solution 3) Extract 1D (boxcar) spectra down each order :: extract_arc 4) Cross correlate (FFT) against the archived 1D arc spectrum, this gives the order number and the pixel offset 5) Automatically identify a set of lines (x_templarc) 6) Perform a low order fit to these lines 7) Reidentify all lines with this fit and refit 8) Write arc solutions (one per order) to a fits file 9) If the orders extend beyond the archived solution, attempt to extrapolate to the remaining orders. The idea is to use the known wavelengths from the good orders to extrapolate a guess at the solution. Then use this guess to peak up on the arc lines in these additional orders. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fitarc, arc_fil, ordr_str, out_fil INPUTS: arc_fil -- Name of arc file ordr_str -- Order strucure describing the echelle footprint out_fil -- Name of IDL file containing the 1D fits RETURNS: OUTPUTS: IDL fit file (one per order) (e.g. Arcs/ArcECH_##fit.idl) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /PINTER - Perform fit for pre-identified lines using x_identify /INTER - Identify lines interactively and then fit LINLIST - Arc line list (default: $XIDL_DIR/Spec/Arcs/Lists/hires_thar.lst /CHK - Manually check steps along the way /DEBUG - Debugging /BCKWD - Data runs from red to blue [only necessary for interactive fitting] SIGREJ= - Rejection sigma for outliers in arc line fitting (default: 2.) IORDR - Initial order for analysis FORDR - Final order for analysis /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous fits /FWEIGHT - Centroid arc lines using a flux-weighting scheme /FGAUSS - Centroid arc lines using a gaussian fitting scheme IPSIG - Array which sets the sigma significance for arc lines as a function of order#. This is for the initial solution and it is recommended to use a higher value than IFSIG. An example: [ [0,40,10], [40,80,20]] -- This sets the significance to 10 for orders 0 to 40 and 20 for orders 40 to 80. IFSIG - Similar to IPSIG except this is for the final line list. One may tend to use weaker lines (lower significance) for this step. /NOLOG - Indicates the template file does not have Log wavelengths SATUR - Saturation level for the Arc [default: 30000.] MXSHFT= - Maximum shift allowed between initial guess and FFT cross-correlation /CLIP - Remove especially bad lines [obsolete?] GUESSARC= - Name of archived solution to use as a guess to the inputted arc frame /ARCPAIR - Use the routine arcpairs to guess at the solution (not well tested) /NOEXTRAP - Do not try to extrapolate the solution CCDSZ= - Dimensions of the arc file [native] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fitarc, aimg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_crossarc x_fitarc_ps extract_arc x_templarc x_identify x_fndpeaks z_arcpairs REVISION HISTORY: 12-Aug-2002 Written by JXP 21-Aug-2002 Streamlined + Added ps output 01-Feb-2003 Polished (JXP) 01-Jan-2004 Added a guess at unmatched orders (SB) 28-Jun-2005 Added arcpairs functionality (SB+JXP)
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_fitdla Version 1.11 PURPOSE: GUI used to fit DLA profiles interactively. The user determines the continuum at the same time. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fitdla, flux_fil, [err_fil], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, WAVE=, /BLOCK, FWHM=, INIFIT=, INFLG= INPUTS: flux_fil - FITS file (or array) containing flux [err_fil] - FITS error array RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) wave - wavelength array FWHM= - Resoltuion (FWHM in pixels) [default: 2] INFLG= - Usual flag for reading the FITS file (see x_readspec) INIFIT= - IDL file containing a saved version of the fit OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fitdla, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: x_fitline Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Routine used with absorption line fit GUIs CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fitline, state, eventch, /FLG_PLT INPUTS: state - Structure describing the GUI and program eventch -- Character input by the user RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: x_fitlls Version 1.11 PURPOSE: GUI used to fit DLA profiles interactively. The user determines the continuum at the same time. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fitlls, flux_fil, [err_fil], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, WAVE=, /BLOCK, FWHM=, INIFIT=, INFLG= INPUTS: flux_fil - FITS file (or array) containing flux [err_fil] - FITS error array RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) wave - wavelength array FWHM= - Resoltuion (FWHM in pixels) [default: 2] INFLG= - Usual flag for reading the FITS file (see x_readspec) INIFIT= - IDL file containing a saved version of the fit OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fitlls, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: x_fitrej Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Fits a function to a set of x,y data with rejection! CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_fitrej(xdat,ydat,func=,nord=,sig=,reg=, lsigma=,hsigma=,maxrej=,niter=,minpt=) INPUTS: xdat - Values along one dimension ydat - Values along the other [func] - String for Fitting function (POLY, LEGEND, BSPLIN) [nord] - Order of the fit RETURNS: fit - Values at each xdat OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: sig - Errors in the points IVAR= - Inverse variance in the points reg - Regions of data to fit lsigma - Lower sigma threshold hsigma - Upper sigma threshold maxrej - Maximum points to reject per iteration niter - Number of iterations for rejection minpt - Minimum # of points FITSTR - Fit structure :: OVERIDES ALL OTHER INPUT VALUES! MSK - Mask for input data (1 = good) FLG_BSP= - Flag controlling BSPLINE options (1: nord = everyn) /NONRM - Do not normalize the xdat from -1 to 1 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: rms - RMS of the fit REJPT - Rejected points GDPT - Good (unrejected) points NRM - Normalization numbers for xdat :: dblarr(2) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fit = x_fitrej(x, y, FITSTR=fitstr) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG DJS_REJECT REVISION HISTORY: 20-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 31-Jan-2002 Revised significantly. Added fit structure, CHEBY
(See FIT//
NAME: x_fitstrtofits Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Writes a fitstr as a binary fits file (or read in a fit struct from a binary FITS file) CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fitstrtofits, fit_str, fits_fil, /REVERSE INPUTS: fit_str - Fit structure fits_fil - Fitsfile RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /REVERSE -- Default is to write the file. If /REVERSE is set then the FITS file is read into a FIT structure OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fitstrtofits, fit_str, fits_fil PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_fittrcarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To fit the slope of the arc lines as a function of order number and y position on the CCD. This information is then used to construct a 2D wavelength image. The fitting routine is the usual least-squares algorithm with two rounds of rejection. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fittrcarc, arc_fil, trc_fil, ordr_str, out_fil, [qafil] INPUTS: arc_fil -- Name of arc file trc_fil -- Name of file containing the output from x_echtrcarc ordr_str -- Order strucure describing the echelle footprint out_fil -- Name of FITS file containing the 2D fit [qafil] -- Filename for QA output RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Fits file with the coefficients of the 2D fit. Filename like 'Arcs/TRC/Arc_mb0539_F.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CHK -- Plots residuals /CLOBBER -- Overwrite previous solution /ORDRCLOB -- Overwrite arc_m in the order structure ORDR_FIL= -- Filename containing the order sturcture. Necessary for overwriting (e.g. MIKE spectrometer). NOCOEFF - Number of coefficients to use in the x-direction [default: 3] NYCOEFF - Number of coefficients to use in the y-direction [default: 2] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Apr-2003 Written by SB Feb-2005 Ported to XIDL by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_fitzpalav Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Report A_lambda/A(V) given lambda for a Fitzpatrick & Massa parameterized extinction law. CALLING SEQUENCE: AlAV = x_alav(lambda, RV=, c3=, c4=) INPUTS: lambda -- Wavelengths to evaluate A at (angstroms) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: RV= -- Value of R_V /SMC -- Use the SMC law /CALZ -- Use the Calzetti law OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman Raytheon STX October, 1998 2008 Revised by JXP
(See Dust//
NAME: x_fluxcalib Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a spectrum and a flux calib solution, calibrate CALLING SEQUENCE: fx_fnu = x_fluxcalib(wv, fx, fitstr, [var, newvar], /FLAMBDA, DLMB=, TRUCONV=) INPUTS: wv - Wavelength array fx - Stellar flux (e- per pixel) fitstr - Calibration fitting function (assumes alog10 for flux) [var] - Variance array RETURNS: fx_fnu - Flux in fnu (or flambda) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FLAMBDA - Return flambda instead of fnu DLMB -- Delta lambda (or km/s if negative) of wavelength array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: newsig -- Fluxed variance array COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fx_fnu = x_fluxcalib(wv, fx, fitstr) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: x_fluxjohnson Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculates conversion factor for Johnson magnitudes to physical flux by interpolation CALLING SEQUENCE: flux_conv = x_fluxjohnson(wave) INPUTS: wave= -- Wavelength array RETURNS: flux_conv -- Conversion factor from mag to flux OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 30-Aug-2005 Written by JXP based on HIRES S2N code
(See Obs//
NAME: x_fmidx Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Converts frame number to index -- Useful for ccd### CALLING SEQUENCE: indx = x_fmidx(struct, frameno) INPUTS: frameno - Frameno [array] of the CCD image RETURNS: indx -- Index of the frame OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: idx = x_fmidx(n1, 203) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/General//
NAME: x_fndchrt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given an array of Obj name, RA, and DEC create a set of postscript finding charts. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fndchrt, targlist, OUTDIR=, IMSIZE=, SURVEY=, /ESO INPUTS: targlist -- ASCII file containing (QSO, RA, DEC) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: imsize - Arcmin of image [default is 5'] circ -- Radius of green to draw about the target [default: 5"] /ESO -- Use the DSS at ESO /radec -- Input is ['Name', 'RA:RA', 'DEC:DEC'] EPOCH= -- Epoch of RA/DEC [default: 2000] SKIP= -- Skip lines at the start of the file TWOCIRC = (x,y) offset in arcmin from field center OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTDIR= -- Name of output directory COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fndchrt, 'targets.list' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: showfits querydss sdss_queryimage REVISION HISTORY: 21-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_fndchrt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Precess RA and DEC CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: imsize - Arcmin of image (default is 5') OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OUTDIR= -- Name of output directory COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: precess REVISION HISTORY: 21-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_fndfitval Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Solves for x in y = f(x) given a fitted function f(x) and y CALLING SEQUENCE: xsolv = x_fndfitval(val, fitstr, xval,[fit], NITER=, IPX=, TOLER=, NEG=, FITSTR=) INPUTS: val - Value to match fitstr - FIT structure xval - Values where fit was pre-evaluated [fit] - Values of the fit at xval (calculated if not input) RETURNS: xsolv - x position where the fit = val OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NORD - Required for LEGEND TOLER - Tolerance for match [default: 10^-4] IPIX - Starting pixel in xval NEG - Proceed in the negative direction NITER - Max number of iterations [default: 50] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xsolv = x_fndfitval(0.2, fitstr, xval) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: POLY_FIT POLY SVDFIT SVLEG BSPLIN GAUSS ; REVISION HISTORY: 23-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 13-Feb-2002 Requires fit structure
(See FIT//
NAME: x_fndflux Version 1.1 PURPOSE: OBSOLETE: Use x_calibstd CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fndflux, wv, fx, star, fitstr INPUTS: wv - Wavelength array fx - Stellar flux star - Specphot standard ('LTT7379') fitstr - Fit of the star RETURNS: OUTPUTS: fitstr - Fit structure OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INTER - Interactive OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fndflux, wv, fx, star, fitstr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: x_fndpeaks Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds a set of peaks in a spectrum. Generally used with arc line spectra, but valueable in many other areas. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fndpeaks, spec, center, NSIG=, PEAK=, /ALL, /SILENT, $ PKWDTH=, /THIN, /NORECENT, /FORCE, $ FRACPK=, EDGES=, NORDB=, NEDG=, AFUNC=,$ MSK=, AUTOFIT=, ICLSE= INPUTS: spec - Input spectrum (1D) RETURNS: center - Array of peak centers OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: PKWDTH - Width of peak to center on (pixels) [default: 3L] NORDB - Order for b-spline fit to the continuum of the spectrum [default: 31L] NSIG= - Number of sigma signifcance for the peak [default: 5.] NEDG= - Number of pixels peak must be from the edge of the spectrum [default: 5L] AFUNC= - Name of function to fit to continuum [default: 'BSPLIN'] MSK= - Mask of good peaks ICLSE= - Minimum separation between peaks [default: 4L] /ALL - Pass back all peaks, not just the good ones /THIN - Allow peaks to be 3 pixel thin [default: 5 pixel] /FORCE - Force centering in x_centspln /NORECNT - Do not bother to try to recenter the peaks FRACPK= - Fraction of peak to calculate centroid [default: 0.33] /FWEIGHT - Centroid using flux weighting /FGAUSS - Centroid arc lines using a gaussian fitting scheme OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PEAK= - Integer values of centeroids of the peaks EDGES= - Positions of the edges of each peak (usually 0.33 of COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fndpeaks, spec, center PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_centspln REVISION HISTORY: 14-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_fndreg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds data points within a number of regions. [This is a rather difficult routine to use] CALLING SEQUENCE: pts = x_fndreg(xdat, reg) INPUTS: xdat - Data reg - Regions: fltarr(N,2) RETURNS: pts - Points in the regions OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NPNT - Number of points within the regions COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: pts = x_fndreg( findgen(1000), [15., 25.]) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 21-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_fndslitobj Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given the slitstr and the map, find slit positions in the original image and create object structure. Used for the WFCCD CALLING SEQUENCE: x_fndslitobj, img, wvimg, slitstr INPUTS: img - Flux image slitstr - Slit structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Updates slitstr for original positions OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_fndslitobj, slitstr, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_fndspln Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Solves for x in y = f(x) given a splined function f(x) and y CALLING SEQUENCE: xsolv = x_fndsplin(sx,sy,val,[splin] IPX=, TOLER=, /NEG=) INPUTS: sx - Values where spline was pre-evaluated sy - Values of the spline at sx val - Value to match [splin] - Spline (calculated if necessary) RETURNS: xsolv - x position where the fit = val OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: TOLER - Tolerance for match (default: 10^-4) IPIX - Starting pixel in sx /NEG - Proceed in the negative direction from IPIX /SILENT - Turn off warning messages NITER - Max number of iterations [default: 50L] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xsolv = x_fndspln(sx, sy, val) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: SPLIN REVISION HISTORY: 02-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_fweight Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Recenter a x using flux-weighted algorithm. CALLING SEQUENCE: xnew = x_fweight( img, xcen, ycen, [radius=radius, xerr=xerr, invvar=invvar] ) INPUTS: img - Image xcen - Initial guesses for X centers ycen - Y positions corresponding to "xcen" (expected as integers) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: radius - Radius for centroiding; default to 3.0 invvar - Inverse variance of image used only in computing errors XERR. If not set, then INVVAR=1 is used. ninter - Number of iterations to perform OUTPUTS: xnew - New X centers OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: xerr - Formal errors for XNEW; set equal to 999.0 if there are any masked pixels in a centroiding region (e.g., if INVVAR=0) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: trace_fweight REVISION HISTORY: 2004 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_gaussslit Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calcualte the slit lost assuming a Gaussian object and a box slit CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Oct-2005 Written by JXP based on HIRES S2N code
(See Obs//
NAME: x_getlst Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Calculate twilight in LST given a lat+long+date CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: jdin - Julian Date Allowed formats: DDmmmYY (e.g. 22Oct99) DD-MM-YY (e.g. 20-12-99) YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1999-12-20) DDMMMYYYY (e.g. 20JAN2004) longit - Longitude on Earth [decimal hours] RETURNS: twlight in LST strarr(2) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_getlst REVISION HISTORY: Based on code in skycalendar v5 written by John Thorstensen Dartmouth College 10-Dec-2009 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_getmonth PURPOSE: Converts a number into a month CALLING SEQUENCE: month = x_setmonth(ival) INPUTS: ival - Long value of the month RETURNS: month - String OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /REVERSE -- Turn a month into a number /SSMALL -- Use lowercase OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: month = x_getmonth(10) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_getobjnm Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Get the index of the object name OR return the list of obj_nm. This is a pretty specific routine. If obj_nm is not specified the routine launches a GUI to have the user choose. CALLING SEQUENCE: indx = x_getobjnm(objstr, [obj_nm], LST=) INPUTS: objstr -- Object structure [obj_nm] -- Name of object for which the index is desired RETURNS: indx - Index of the object name OR list of obj_nm OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /LST - Return the list instead of the index OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: indx = x_getobjnm(objstr) list = x_getobjnm(objstr, /LST) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_guilist REVISION HISTORY: 30-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_getrainbow Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Passes back a structure defining a rainbow CALLING SEQUENCE: colm = ew_to_colm([lambda], [EW], /RVRS) INPUTS: lambda - Rest Wavelength (Ang) EW - EW (mA) [or column density (linear)] RETURNS: colm - Column density (linear) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /SILENT -- Suppress written output /RVRS -- Take a column density input and output the EW assuming the linear COG TOLER= -- Tolerance on wavelength [default: 0.1] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: colm = ew_to_colm([1215.6701],[50.]) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-May-2008 Written by JXP
(See Color//
NAME: x_getxpmnx PURPOSE: Find the pixels corresponding to xymnx in state CALLING SEQUENCE: pxmnx = x_getxpmnx(state) INPUTS: state -- Structure with TAGS wave, xymnx RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: pxmnx = x_getxpmnx(state) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 24-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_golden Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Uses the NR routine 'golden' to find the x-value where the function has a minimum CALLING SEQUENCE: min = x_golden(func,a,b,c TOL=) INPUTS: func - String name of the IDL function a,c - Values bracketing the minimum b - Best guess at minimum RETURNS: min - x-value of function minimum OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: TOL - Fractional Tolerance OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: num = x_golden('func', 0.0, 1.0) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 25-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_guilist Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a cw_field, waits for the user to make a choice and then returns the index and value of the choice. Routine will block any other GUI. CALLING SEQUENCE: value = x_guilist(list, title) INPUTS: list - String array title - Title RETURNS: value - String OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: value = x_guilist( ['a', 'b', 'c'], INDX=indx ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_guinum Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Launches a cw_field and grabs a number from the user CALLING SEQUENCE: num = x_guinum(flg) INPUTS: flg = Return (0: float, 1: double, 2: Long) RETURNS: num - Number OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: TITLE= -- Title for the GUI [default: 'Num'] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: num = x_guinum( 0 ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Dec-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_guistring Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Launches a cw_field and grabs a string from the user CALLING SEQUENCE: value = x_guistring(title) INPUTS: title - Title RETURNS: value - String OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: string = x_guistring( 'Enter filename: ') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_haalt Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Returns hour angle at which object at dec is at altitude alt */ CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: dec - deg lat - Latitude on Earth [deg] alt - Altitude relative to the horizon RETURNS: HA of the object OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_haalt REVISION HISTORY: Based on code in skycalendar v5 written by John Thorstensen Dartmouth College 10-Dec-2009 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_helpwidg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a widget to display a help list which is simply an array of strings that describe a GUI [or anything]. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_helpwidg, help INPUTS: help - String array of help statements RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_helpwidg, ['Help', 'h: Show this'] PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: ; REVISION HISTORY: 28-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_hstflux Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a spectrum and a flux calib solution, calibrate CALLING SEQUENCE: fx_fnu = x_fluxcalib(wv, fx, fitstr, [var, newvar], /FLAMBDA, DLMB=, TRUCONV=) INPUTS: wv - Wavelength array fx - Stellar flux (e- per pixel) fitstr - Calibration fitting function (assumes alog10 for flux) [var] - Variance array RETURNS: fx_fnu - Flux in fnu (or flambda) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FLAMBDA - Return flambda instead of fnu DLMB -- Delta lambda (or km/s if negative) of wavelength array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: newsig -- Fluxed variance array COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fx_fnu = x_fluxcalib(wv, fx, fitstr) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: x_identify Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to create a wavelength solution to an arc line spectrum. Similar to IRAFs identify CALLING SEQUENCE: x_identify, spec, calib, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, LINELIST=, $ DISP=, LINEROOT=, INCALIB=, /DEBUG, MSK=, OUTLIN=, /REDBLUE=, WAVE=, FLUX=, INLIN= INPUTS: spec - 1D flux spectrum (array) RETURNS: calib - FIT Structure describing the wavelength solution OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LINELIST - Reference list (user can set interactively) LINEROOT - Path to a set of line lists [default: /Spec/Arcs/Lists] DISP - Guess at dispersion (A or km/s per pix [pos/neg value]) /FLUX - Assumes wide slit and therefore wide arc lines XSIZE,YSIZE -- Size of GUI in pixels /REDBLUE - Spectrum runs from red to blue (not blue to red) INCALIB - A input fit structure that can be used to identify lines. MSPEC - An input arc that can be used to shift and stretch arc MFITSTR - A structure that goes along with mspec which is the fit for that arc. Note that incalib will be set with this as the fit. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: WAVE= -- Wavelength array for the arc line spectrum MSK= -- ?? OUTLIN= -- Lines structure which shows the lines used in the fit COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_identify, arc, calib PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Dec-2001 Written by JXP 19-Dec-2001 Added fitting 01-Feb-2003 Added input 01-Nov-2006 JFH added incalib option
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_imarith Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Performs arithmetic on two fits images (akin to IRAF) CALLING SEQUENCE: x_imarith, img1, oper, img2, outimg, FITS= INPUTS: img1 -- Image 1 img2 -- Image 2 oper -- String math operation (+,*,/,-) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: fimg -- Output image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: /FITS - fimg is a fits file (string) COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_imarith, 'f1.fits', '+', 'f2.fits', fimg x_imarith, 'f1.fits', '+', 'f2.fits', 's12.fits', /FITS PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Aug-2001 Written by JXP 29-Dec-2001 Modified
(See IMG/General//
NAME: x_intphotcal Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively perform a photometric solution. At its fullest, the code will calculate a zeropoint, an airmass term and a color term. The routine launches a GUI which allows the deletion of specific stars. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_intphotcal, obs, landolt, outfil, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, /NCLR, MIN_NOBS=, MIN_MOBS=, SETAM= INPUTS: obs - Standard star observations (stdstruct) landolt - Landolt info (lndltstr) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OUTFIL -- ASCII file summary of the photometric solution. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE = size of gui YSIZE = size of gui MIN_NOBS= Min n value for Landolt star MIN_MOBS= Min m value for Landolt star /NCLR = Solve without color terms SETAM = Value taken for AM term (Note: You cannot choose a value of 0. exactly!) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_intphotcal, obs, landolt, outfil PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP 07-Jan-2002 Revised by JXP 14-Oct-2002 Revised by JXP [setup no AM, no CLR terms]
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_invertarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Converts an Arc image in the flat frame to the original Uses a C program, is a memory hog CALLING SEQUENCE: newarc = x_invertarc( arcimg, map ) INPUTS: arcimg - Arc image in the flat frame (data or fits file) map - Map image (data or fits file) RETURNS: newarc - Arc image in the Original frame OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /DBL - Use double precision OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: newarc = x_invertarc( arcimg, map, /DBL) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: C code: invert_arc REVISION HISTORY: 18-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_keckhelio Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Compute correction term to add to velocities to convert to heliocentric. This code also does the VLT and MMT. Note, it is the *NEGATIVE* of the the number that one applies to a wavelength solution. CALLING SEQUENCE: vcorr = x_keckhelio( ra, dec, [epoch], jd=, tai=, $ longitude=, latitude=, altitude= ) INPUTS: ra - Right ascension [degrees] dec - Declination [degrees] [epoch] - Epoch of observation for RA, DEC; default to 2000. RETURNS: vcorr - Velocity correction term, in km/s, to add to measured radial velocity to convert it to the heliocentric frame. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: jd - Decimal Julian date. Note this should probably be type DOUBLE. tai - Number of seconds since Nov 17 1858; either JD or TAI must be specified. Note this should probably either be type DOUBLE or LONG64. longitude - Longitude of observatory; default to (360-155.47220) deg for APO latitute - Latitude of observatory; default to 32.780361 deg for APO altitude - Altitude of observatory; default to 4000 m for Keck OBS= - Observatory (default: 'keck') OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: helio_shift = -1. * x_keckhelio(RA, DEC, 2000.0) BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: baryvel ct2lst REVISION HISTORY: 09-May-2000 Written by S. Burles & D. Schlegel 30-Aug-2002 Revised by JXP for Keck 22-Dec-2007 Revised to use observatory function by JFH.
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_lndltcat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Creates a fits file of the Landolt table. Probably needs to be run only once unless a typo is corrected. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_lndltcat, fil, fitsfil INPUTS: fil - Name of the landolt file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: fitsfil - Name of fits file to create OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: STRCT - Structre of the landolt file COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_lndltcat, '/u/xavier/idl/xidl/IMG/Photometry/Lists/nlandolt.dat', 'Landolt.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_lndltclr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the Landolt color of a star CALLING SEQUENCE: clr = x_lndltclr(color, lndltstr) INPUTS: color - String name of the color (e.g. 'BV') lndlstr - Structure of the landolt star RETURNS: clr - Color of the Landolt star OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: clr = x_lndltclr('BR', landolt) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_lndltmag Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns the Landolt magnitude for a given filter CALLING SEQUENCE: mag = x_lndltmag(filter, lndltstr, SIGMAG=) INPUTS: filter - String name of the filter lndlstr - Structure of the landolt star RETURNS: mag - magnitude OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SIGMAG = Error in the magnitude COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mag = x_lndltmag('R', landolt, SIGMAG=sig) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
(See Obs//
NAME: x_maxspln Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Finds the maximum in a set of data using a spline. The program simply splines the data and then finds the max. CALLING SEQUENCE: maxsp = x_maxspln( xval, yval, EDGES=, EDGVAL=, SPMX=) INPUTS: xval - x pos yval - y pos (values to be maximized) RETURNS: maxsp - Maximum of the values OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: EDGES -- x-value Edges of peak corresponding to 0.333 EDGVAL -- y-value Edges of peak corresponding to 0.333 SPMX -- Maximum in the spline COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: maxsp = x_maxspln(x, y) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_golden REVISION HISTORY: 29-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_medsigclip PURPOSE: Median multiple images with sigma-rejection. Akin to avsigclip but does median analysis instead of averaging. This is my favorite combine routine. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = x_medsigclip( array, [ dimension, siglo=, sighi=, maxiter=, $ inmask=, ] ) INPUTS: array - N-dimensional array OPTIONAL INPUTS: dimension - The dimension over which to collapse the data. If ommitted, assume that the last dimension is the one to collapse. siglo - Low Sigma for rejection; default to 3.0. sighi - High Sigma for rejection; default to 3.0. maxiter - Maximum number of sigma rejection iterations. One iteration does no sigma rejection; default to 10 iterations. inmask - Input mask, setting =0 for good elements gain - Gain; Crucial for calculating sigma; default to 1.0 rn - Readnoise; Crucial for calculating sigma; default to 7.0 OUTPUTS: result - The output array. outmask - Output mask, setting =0 for good elements, =1 for bad. Any pixels masked in INMASK are also masked in OUTMASK. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: The DIMENSION input is analogous to that used by the IDL built-in function TOTAL. EXAMPLES: Create a data cube of 10 random-valued 100x200 images. At each pixel in the image, compute the median of the 10 values, but rejecting 3-sigma outliers: > array = randomu(123,100,200,10) > med = x_medsigclip(array, siglo=3., sighi=4.) If all points are masked in any given vector or array, a mean and dispersion are computed for all the points. Is this the behaviour we want? If you want to replace those values with zeros instead, look at OUTMASK: > array = randomu(123,100,200) > inmask = bytarr(100,200) > inmask[*,8] = 1 ; mask all of row #8 > ave = x_avsigclip(array, 1, inmask=inmask, outmask=outmask) > ibad = where( total(1-outmask, 1) EQ 0) > if (ibad[0] NE -1) then ave[ibad] = 0 ; zero-out bad rows BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: Dynamic link to arravsigclip.c REVISION HISTORY: 07-Jul-1999 Based on djs_avsigclip; Written by David Schlegel, Princeton. 28-Jul-2001 Modfied by JXP (Added lo/hi sigrej, does median)
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_mkabslin PURPOSE: Creates a FITS file from the standard line lists. Used for voigt stuff. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_mkabslin INPUTS: wave - ionic transition RETURNS: f - oscillator strength OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: nam - Name of transition COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_mkabslin, 1215.6701, fval, name PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 16-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: x_mkaimg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given the 2D solution for the slope of the lines as a function of position this code creates a wavelength image (i.e. assigns a unique wavelength to each pixel in each order). The xoffset is input in order to properly determine the edges of each order. A simple spline interpolation is used to determine the values. Note, you should have shifted the order structure as necessary prior to calling this routine. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_mkaimg, arc_fil, ordr_str, arc2d_fil, fil_fittrc, $ out_fil, /CHK, /CLOBBER, BAD_ANLY= INPUTS: arc_fil -- Name of arc file ordr_str -- Order strucure describing the echelle footprint arc2d_fil -- Name of 2D wavelength solution fil_fittrc -- Name of FITS file containing the 2D fit to the tilted arc lines RETURNS: OUTPUTS: 2D wavelength image with name like 'Arcs/Arc_mb0439I.fits' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite previous image /CHK - Display the final image OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: BAD_ANLY= - Set to 1 if the code finds double valued solutions. COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-May-2003 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_mode Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calcualtes the mode after one inputs an array (default: nearest integer) CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: arr -- Array of values RETURNS: mode OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: mode = x_mode(array) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 25-Aug-2004 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_msklayout Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively place slitmasks on a field of targets and write out their positions and PA values CALLING SEQUENCE: x_msklayout, targ, instr INPUTS: img - Image(s) for Masking instr - Name of instrument (LRIS, DEIMOS) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: mask - Creates a fits table of pixel values to mask OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SECTRG -- 2nd set of targets to plot (in alternate point style) ASTAR -- File containing the positions of Alignment stars PVOBJ -- File of objects previously observed OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_msklayout, img, 'SITe1', 'LCO-40' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Jan-2004 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_normflat Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Normalizes a multi-slit flat given the slit structure CALLING SEQUENCE: nrmflat = x_normflat( flat, slitstr, [var, nrmvar] ) INPUTS: flat - Flat image or fits file slistr - Slit structure [var] - Variance array RETURNS: nrmflat - Normalized flat nrmvar - Normalized variance OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: YMED - Number of pixel offset from yedg to take median of YNRM - Number of pixels outside yedg to normalize OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: nrmflat = x_normflat( flat, slitstr ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Feb-2002 Written by JXP 15-Feb-2002 Revised to allow normalization of original 27-Mar-2004 Revised by MRB to not analyze flg_anly==0 slits
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_normspec Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Normalizes a multi-slit image given a normalized flat CALLING SEQUENCE: nrmspec = x_normspec( img, flat, [var, nrmvar]) INPUTS: flat - Flat image or fits file slistr - Slit structure RETURNS: nrmspec - Normalized flat OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: nrmspec = x_normspec( img, flat) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 20-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_nrmspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Applies the continuum to unnormalized data CALLING SEQUENCE: x_nrmspec, fluxfil, contfil, outfil, EFIL=, OUTE= INPUTS: fluxfil -- Name of fluxed spectrum (or non-normalized) contfil -- Name of file containing the continuum outfil -- Name of output file to contain normalized spectrum RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: INFLG= -- Keyword for x_readspec for reading the spectrum [default: 0] EFIL= -- Filename of sigma array OUTE= -- Filename for normalized sigma array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: Fall-2005 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_objnumid Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Turns an integer into a letter for Obj identification CALLING SEQUENCE: idval = x_objnumid( num ) INPUTS: num - An integer RETURNS: idval -- A letter (0='a', 1='b', etc.) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: idval = x_objnumid( 1 ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_obsinit Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Initialize observing structures for an observatory CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /MAUNAKEA -- Use values for MK OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: showfits querydss REVISION HISTORY: 27-Oct-2005 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_oplotcirc PURPOSE: Overplot a circle on a current plot given center and radius CALLING SEQUENCE: x_oplotcirc, rad, x0=, y0=, NPT=, _EXTRA= INPUTS: rad -- Radius of the circle (plot units) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: x0 -- x-center of the circle [default: 0.] y0 -- y-center of the circle [default: 0.] NPT -- Number of points to discretize the circle [default: 1000L] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_oplotcirc, 2., x0=3., y0=4. PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 22-Nov-2003 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_ordrectify Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Return an image of a single order, which is rectified, has a width of 2*long(min(rhedg-lhedg)/2) + 1 and conserves counts in each row. lhedg maps to the first column, rhedg to last column and center of order to central column CALLING SEQUENCE: rect_image = x_ordrectify(arc_img, lhedg, rhedg, /NOCORRECT) INPUTS: img - Raw image lhedg - Left hand edge of the order rhedg - Right hand edge of the order RETURNS: rect_img - Rectified 2D image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /NOCORRECT - ?? HALFW - Half width of the order (default: Minimum half width) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: rect_image = x_ordrectify(arc_img, lhedg, rhedg, /NOCORRECT) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_ordrectify REVISION HISTORY: ??--2004 Written by SB
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_origslit Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Given the slitstr and the map, find slit positions in the original image. The values are filled into the slit structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_origslit, slitstr, map, /INVERSE INPUTS: slitstr - Slit structure map - y-distortion map (fits is ok) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Updates slitstr for original positions OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /INVERSE -- The map is the inverse! OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_origslit, slitstr, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 14-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_padstr PURPOSE: Pads an input string to a input length CALLING SEQUENCE: padstr = x_padstr(instr, len, /TRIM) INPUTS: instr -- Input string len -- Desired length of string [PAD_CHAR] -- Input charcater for padding RETURNS: padstr -- Padded string. Default is the back OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /TRIM -- First trim the string of extraneous blank spaces /REVERSE -- Pad from the front OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: pad = x_padstr('Blah', 15L) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 11-Nov-2004 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_photcal Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Derives a photometric solution for standard stars CALLING SEQUENCE: x_photcal, obs, landolt, ans, sig, MINSIG=, SETAM=, NCORR=, CHISQ= INPUTS: obs - Standard star observations (stdstruct) landolt - Landolt info (lndltstr) RETURNS: ans - Fit sig - Error on the fit parameters OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: MINSIG - Minimum error for obs+landolt (default = 0.01) MAXSIG - Maximum error to include in analysis (default = 0.1) SETAM - Value to assume for the airmass term /NOCLR - No color term (e.g. only one filter solution) MIN_NOBS - Minimum number of n epochs to include (default = 4) MIN_MOBS - Minimum number of m epochs to include (default = 2) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NCORR - Normalized correlation matrix CHISQ - Chisq of the calibrated fit COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_photcal, obs, landolt, ans, sig PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_photsol1 Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Performs the linear algebra on a set of obs with 1 free parameters, i.e., Airmass fixed and NO color term CALLING SEQUENCE: x_photsol1, mo0, mT, sig, airmass, setam, coeffs, sigma_coeff, COLOR= INPUTS: mo0 - Observed magnitudes mT - True magnitudes sig - Combined Error airmass - Airmass values SETAM - Value to set air mass coefficient to [Assumed positive!] RETURNS: coeffs - Fit sigma_coeffs - Error on the fit OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: color - Color values OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: CHISQ - chisq COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_photsol1, blah PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_photsol2 Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Performs the linear algebra on a set of obs with 2 free parameters, i.e., either Airmass fixed or NO color term CALLING SEQUENCE: x_photsol2, mo0, mT, sig, airmass, coeffs, sigma_coeff, SETAM=, COLOR=, CHISQ= INPUTS: mo0 - Observed magnitudes mT - True magnitudes sig - Combined Error airmass - Airmass values RETURNS: coeffs - Fit sigma_coeffs - Error on the fit OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SETAM - Value to set air mass coefficient to [Assumed positive!] color - Color values OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: CHISQ - chisq COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_photsol2, blah PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_photsol3 Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Performs the linear algebra on a set of obs. Fits for three free parameters: zero point, airmass term, color term CALLING SEQUENCE: x_photsol3, mo0, mT, sig, airmass, color, coeffs, sigma, CHISQ=, NCORR= INPUTS: mo0 - Observed magnitudes mT - True magnitudes sig - Combined Error airmass - Airmass values color - Color values RETURNS: coeffs - Fit sigma_coeffs - Error on the fit OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NCORR - Normalized correlation matrix CHISQ - chisq COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_photsol3, blah PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 08-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_pixminmax Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Find pixels in the wavelength array corresponding to the redshift and rest wavelength. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_pixminmax, wave, wrest, zabs, [vmin, vmax], PIXMIN=, PIXMAX=, VELO= INPUTS: wave -- Wavlength array wrest -- Rest wavelength of transition zabs -- Absorption redshift [vmin,vmax] -- Velocity minimum and maximum RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PIXMIN= -- Pixel value corresponding to VMIN PIXMAX= -- Pixel value corresponding to VMAX VELO= -- Velocity array COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_pixminmax, wave, 1808.0126d, 1.5, -100., 50., PIXMIN=pixmn PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 10-Jun-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_pltarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: CALLING SEQUENCE: x_templarc, spec, lines, guessfit, /FFT, MSK=, MXSHFT=, $ MOCK_FFT=, SHFT=, ALL_PK=, PKWDTH=, $ /THIN, FORDR=, PKSIG=, SKIPLIN=, $ MXOFF=, /LOG INPUTS: spec - Input arc image or spectrum lines - Arc line structure guessfit - FIT to archived arc RETURNS: OUTPUTS: lines - Sets flg_plt to 1 those lines which are ID'd OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ALL_PK= -- Pix values of the arc line peaks COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_templarc, spec, lines, guessfit, SHFT=shft PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_fndpeaks REVISION HISTORY: 26-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_pltobj Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sophisticated GUI for plotting 1D and 2D spectra together. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_pltobj, wave, fx, sig, infx, inwv, [imgwv], YSIZE= XSIZE=, PMNX=, YSIZE=, OBJNM=, ZIN=, XMAX=, LLIST= INPUTS: wave -- 1D Wavelength array fx -- 1D flux array sig -- 1D sigma array infx -- 2D flux image inwv -- 2D wavelength image [imgwv] -- 1D wavelength array giving approximate wave of the 2D image RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE= -- Size of gui in screen x-pixels [default = ssz-300] YSIZE= -- Size of gui in screen y-pixels [default = ssz-400] PMNX= -- Plot range of the 1D spectrum ZIN= -- Input redshift for the object LLIST= -- Line list to use upon initialization (1: QAL, 2: GAL, 3: QSO) OBJNM= -- Title for the plot XMAX= -- Maximum x value for the 1D plot OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_pltobj, x, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_pltvpfit V1.2 PURPOSE: Given a ISM structre write the files out CALLING SEQUENCE: flux = x_pltvpfit(wrest, wv, vpfils, FWHM=) INPUTS: wrest -- Rest wavelength [Ang] wv -- Wavelength array vpfils -- Structure with VPFIT info RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Ion structure. Column densities have linear values OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FWHM= -- FWHM in pixels of the spectral resolution OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Apr-2007 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: x_prspeaks Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a GUI to enable the user to fiddle with peaks by hand CALLING SEQUENCE: x_prspeaks, [xdat], ydat, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, XTWO=, YTWO=, PSYM_Y2=, /BLOCK INPUTS: [xdat] - x values (optional) ydat - Values RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) TITLE YTWO PSYM_y2 BLOCK OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_prspeaks, y PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP (modified from x1dfit) 24-Nov-2001 Added ytwo
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_psclose Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Call ps_close and reset a number of default values. Point window at X-windows. CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: ps_close set_plot REVISION HISTORY: 09-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_psopen Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calls ps_open and sets a number of default plotting values. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_psopen, fil, /MAXS, /PORTRAIT INPUTS: img - Fits file or data RETURNS: dat - Data in fits file or the input data OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FSCALE - Data is float OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: HEAD - Header COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 09-Feb-2004 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_radec PURPOSE: Turns RA, DEC in XX:XX:XX.X -DD:DD:DD.D format to decimal deg or VICE VERSA CALLING SEQUENCE: x_radec, ra, dec, rad, decd, /ARCS, /FLIP INPUTS: ra, dec - RA and DEC in in RR:RR:RR.R -DD:DD:DD.D format Colons are required as separators rad, decd - RA and DEC in decimal degrees (double) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: ra, dec - RA and DEC in in RR:RR:RR.R -DD:DD:DD.D format Colons are required as separators rad, decd - RA and DEC in decimal degrees (double) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ARCS - Outputs in arcseconds /FLIP - Gives RA and DEC from decimal RA,DEC /LONG -- Passes back a longer form (string only) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_radec, '21:12:23.1', '-13:13:22.2', rad, decd PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Aug-2001 Written by JXP 20-Nov-2003 Added + sign for /flip
(See General//
NAME: x_readimg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Convert input to data whether it is a fits file or an image array CALLING SEQUENCE: dat = x_readimg(img) INPUTS: img - Fits file or data RETURNS: dat - Data in fits file or the input data OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FSCALE - Data is float /DSCALE - Data is double OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: HEAD= - Header COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dat = x_readimg('spec.fits') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Dec-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: PURPOSE: Given a multi-HDU FITS file, this routine will assemble the various components into a single array based on the header keywords describing the layout. CALLING SEQUENCE: array = readmhdufits(filename) INPUTS: filename = name of the multi-HDU FITS file to read OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOTRIM - if set, do not trim pre- and post-scan columns NOBIAS - if set, do not perform overscan subtraction LINEBIAS - if set, remove overscan line by line [default = use scalar value] GAINDATA - if set to a structure with gain for each amp, make gain correction VERBOSE - if set, give feedback OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HEADER - retrieve the header from the primary HDU and return it as a string array OUTPUTS: This function will return a 2-D floating-point array representing the assembled image. REQUIREMENTS: - Requires the IDL Astronomy User's Library routines ( EXAMPLES: 1) Read in a FITS file, with trimming and bias removal, returning the data as "array" and the header as "header": array = readmhdufits( 'lred0001.fits', header=header) 2) Read in a FITS file, without trimming or bias removal, returning the data as "array" and the header as "header": array = readmhdufits( 'lred0001.fits', /notrim, /nobias, header=header) 3) Perform gain correction and use line-by-line bias determination: gain = [1.,2.,3.,4] ; for vidInp1,2,3,4 gaindata = build_gaindata(gain) array = readmhdufits( 'lred0001.fits', /linebias, gaindata=gaindata) PROCEDURE: - Uses the fits keyword in the header extentions DETSEC = '[4096:3073,1:4096]' / NOAO mosaic detector section for ds9 to piece the mosiac together. AUTHOR: Marc Kassis, W. M. Keck Obseravtory MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2009-May-27 MKassis v0.0 Original version 2009-Jun-02 GWirth v0.1 - added secparse routine - now returns type FLOAT array - added optional baseline removal 2009-Jun-16 GDW v0.2 - fix problem with NOTRIM mode - use MRDFITS instead of FITSREAD 2009-Jun-19 GDW v0.3 - adapt for binned data - write lris_read_amp function 2009-Jun-19 GDW v0.5 - fix bug with PRELINE 2009-Jun-24 JMS v0.6 - fix bug with BZERO 2009-Jul-02 GDW v0.7 - add LINEBIAS option - add GAINDATA option
(See Keck/LRIS/General/
NAME: x_rebin2dspec Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Rebin a single data set to a new wavlength scale Simple adding (no weighting by S/N) CALLING SEQUENCE: x_rebin2dspec, wv, fx, nwwv, nwfx, VAR=, NWVAR=, GDPIX=, /SILENT, /REDBLUE, /CR, /REBINC INPUTS: wv -- Wavelength array fx -- Flux array newwv -- New wavelength array to rebin to RETURNS: OUTPUTS: newfx -- New flux array OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: VAR= -- Data is float /REBINC -- Rebin using a C program /REDBLUE -- Data runs from red to blue OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NEWVAR= - New variance array /CR - VAR = -1 flag CR and eliminate the pix COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_rebin2dspec, gdpix, orig_wv, orig_fx, newwv, newfx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Apr-2002 Written by JXP 24-Aug-2002 Added C program
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_rectify Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Takes the y-distortion map and rectifies an image CALLING SEQUENCE: rect = x_rectify(img, map, /TRANSP, /SILENT, /DBL, /FIDL) INPUTS: img - Input image map - y-distortion map RETURNS: rect - Rectified image OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FIDL -- Do this using IDL as opposed to a fast C program /TRANSP -- Transpose the image first /DBL -- Return the rectified image in double precision OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: rect = x_rectify(flat, map) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Jan-2002 Written by JXP 13-Aug-2002 Added transpose option (JXP)
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_register Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given a set of offsets between images, this routine will create final images that are registered. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_register, img, offsets, GOODREG=, OUTPTH= INPUTS: img -- String array of image names (assumes _sig extensions for sig files) offsets -- Integer offsets between images RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: goodreg -- Region of each image (4 int array) defining good data Formatted (x0,x1,y0,y1) OUTPTH -- Output path for the images OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_regsiter, img, off, GOODREG=good PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_relvel Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate redshifts [default] or velocties using special rel All velocities are km/s and positive means lower redshift CALLING SEQUENCE: [z2 or v] = x_relvel( z1, [v or z2], /REVERSE) INPUTS: z1 -- Redshift of 'rest' RETURNS: v or z2 -- z2 is default given a velocity (km/s) OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: AMIN -- Mpc per arcmin at z COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: print, x_relvel(3., 3000.) [Answer = 2.9601706] PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 10-Aug-2006 Written by JXP
(See Cosm//
NAME: x_setaper Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Determine an aperture for an object automatically CALLING SEQUENCE: x_setaper, spec, center, [frac], RADIUS=, /SKYSUB INPUTS: spec - Spectrum (fits file ok) center - center of aperture (guess, actual center not essential) frac - Fraction of profile to extract [default: 0.05 off each side] RETURNS: aperture - Aperture: float(2) array around center OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: RADIUS= -- Region of object profile to consider /SKYSUB -- Calculate a median sky at outer regions of slit and subtract off OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_setaper, 'spec.fits', 200. PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 01-Apr-2001 Written by JXP 02-May-2002 Revised sky level
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_setapergui Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sets objects and apertures interactively using a GUI CALLING SEQUENCE: x_setapergui, img, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, CLINE=, PEAKFRAC=, OBJSTR= INPUTS: img - 1D or 2D image RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) CLINE - Center line for 2D image to 'extract' 1D [default: sz[1]/2] PEAKFRAC= - Fraction of peak OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: OBJSTR= -- Object structure with the aperture filled in. This will include multiple objects if they are identified. COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_setapergui, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT GETCOLOR (Coyote) DJS_MEDIAN REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_setbwclr PURPOSE: Creates an array of B&W shades useful for converting index numbers into 'color' CALLING SEQUENCE: xcolors = x_setclrs() INPUTS: [nclr] - Optional input setting the array size (Default is 12) RETURNS: xcolors - String Array of B&W shades OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xcolors = x_setbwclr() PROCEDURES CALLED: getcolor (Coyote package) REVISION HISTORY: 25-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Color//
NAME: x_setclrs PURPOSE: Creates an array of colors useful for converting index numbers into color CALLING SEQUENCE: xcolors = x_setclrs() INPUTS: [nclr] - Optional input setting the array size (Default is 12) RETURNS: xcolors - String Array of colors OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /WHITE - Assumes a black background OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: xcolors = x_setclrs() PROCEDURES CALLED: getcolor (Coyote package) REVISION HISTORY: 25-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Color//
NAME: x_setddate Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Converts a string date into decimal date CALLING SEQUENCE: ddate = x_setddate(date) INPUTS: date - String name of the date Allowed formats: DDmmmYY (e.g. 22Oct99) DD-MM-YY (e.g. 20-12-99) YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1999-12-20) RETURNS: ddate - Decimal date OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: If Year is < 50, then the year 2000 is presumed EXAMPLES: ddate = x_setddate('29Oct00') PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Aug-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_setfitstrct Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Initizlies a 1D FIT structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: fitstr = x_setfitstrct(NITER=, MINPT=, MAXREJ=, FUNC=, NORD=, HSIG=, lSIG=, FLGREJ=) INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NITER -- Number of iterations for FIT [default: 1L] MINPT -- Number of points to keep in FIT [default: 1L] MAXREJ -- Max Number of points to reject [default: 100L] FUNC -- Max Number of points to reject [default: 'POLY'] NORD -- Order of the fit [default: 3L] HSIG -- Upper sigma for rejection [default: 3.] LSIG -- Lower sigma for rejection [default: 3.] /FLGREJ -- Turn on rejection [default: NONE] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: fitstr= x_setfitstrct(/FLGREJ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2002 Written by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_setjdate Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Converts a string date into Julian date CALLING SEQUENCE: jdate = x_setjdate(date, [UTTIME]) INPUTS: date - String name of the date Allowed formats: DDmmmYY (e.g. 22Oct99) DD-MM-YY (e.g. 20-12-99) YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1999-12-20) DDMMMYYYY (e.g. 20JAN2004) [UTTIME] -- To create JD with hr, min, sec (e.g. 12:11:29) RETURNS: jdate - Decimal date OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: If Year is < 50, then the year 2000 is presumed EXAMPLES: jdate = x_setjdate('29Oct00') PROCEDURES CALLED: julday (IDL package) REVISION HISTORY: 31-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_setline PURPOSE: Given an atomic wavelength, return the fvalue and name in the absorption line structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: linstr = x_setline(wave, LINFIL=) INPUTS: wave - rest wavelength RETURNS: linstr - Abslinstrct of the relevant line OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LINFIL= -- FITS file containing a set of ABSLINSTRCT entries /OVERRIDE -- Bust through the stop sign for lines not in the database /CLOSE -- Return the closest line (not exact) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: linstr = x_setline( 1215.6701 ) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Oct-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: x_setllst Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Returns a line list sturcture gven a file and a flag CALLING SEQUENCE: llist = x_setllst(file, fmt) INPUTS: file - Line list filename fmt - Format of line file 0='lin.dat', 1=Gal or QSO line list RETURNS: llist - Structure of linelists OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: llist = x_setllst('/u/xavier/bin/junk/lin.dat', 0) PROCEDURES CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Sat-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: x_setobjgui Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Interactive display of slit mask and slit positions and object traces to allow verificaiton of the identificaitons and traces. Largely based on ATV CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_setobjgui img, slitstr, objstr, [,min = min_value] [,max=max_value] [,/linear] [,/log] [,/histeq] [,/block] [,/align] [,/stretch] [,header = header] REQUIRED INPUTS: img -- FITS file slitstr -- Slit structure objstr -- Object sturcture OPTIONAL INPUTS: array_name: a 2-D data array to display OR fits_file: a fits file name, enclosed in single quotes KEYWORDS: min: minimum data value to be mapped to the color table max: maximum data value to be mapped to the color table linear: use linear stretch log: use log stretch histeq: use histogram equalization block: block IDL command line until ATV terminates align: align image with previously displayed image stretch: keep same min and max as previous image header: FITS image header (string array) for use with data array OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: x_setobjgui_state: contains variables describing the display state x_setobjgui_images: contains the internal copies of the display image x_setobjgui_color: contains colormap vectors x_setobjgui_pdata: contains plot and text annotation information RESTRICTIONS: Requires IDL version 5.1 or greater. Requires Craig Markwardt's routine. Requires the GSFC IDL astronomy user's library routines. Some features may not work under all operating systems. SIDE EFFECTS: Modifies the color table. EXAMPLE: To start x_setobjgui running, just enter the command 'x_setobjgui' at the idl prompt, either with or without an array name or fits file name as an input. Only one x_setobjgui window will be created at a time, so if one already exists and another image is passed to x_setobjgui from the idl command line, the new image will be displayed in the pre-existing x_setobjgui window. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Aaron J. Barth, with contributions by Douglas Finkbeiner, Michael Liu, David Schlegel, and Wesley Colley. First released 17 December 1998. This version is 1.3, last modified 28 November 2000. For the most current version, revision history, instructions, list of known bugs, and further information, go to: Revised by JXP Aug-2001
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_setslits PURPOSE: Finds slit edges on the 'flattened' flat in the presence of rotation CALLING SEQUENCE: slackers_setslits, flatimg, slitstr INPUTS: flat - Flat image or fits file slitstr - Slit structure COMMENTS: This piece of code allows for a slight rotation (-2 to 2 deg) of the mask, which can cause overlapping slits and other annoying things. REVISION HISTORY: 14-Feb-2002 Written by JXPj 6-Apr-2004 Revised by MRB
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_setwave Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sets a wavelength array given a header from a FITS file CALLING SEQUENCE: wave = x_setwave(head, ntot) INPUTS: head - Header ntot - number of pixels RETURNS: wave - Wavelength array OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: wave = x_setwave(head, 1000L) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_slctline Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Launches a GUI and allows the user to select a line. The code then returns the rest wavelength of that line. CALLING SEQUENCE: line = x_slctline, lines, /ISM, NLIN=, ILIN=, XOFFSET=, YOFFSET=, /GAL, PDMENU= INPUTS: lines - Line list structure RETURNS: line - Wavelength (double) OUTPUTS: line = unit number of line OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /ISM - ISM style /GAL - Use the Galaxy style YOFFSET= - Placement of the GUI [default: 200] XOFFSET= - Placement of the GUI [default: 200] PDMENU= - String array formatted for cw_pdmenu NLIN= - Grab only the first NLIN lines (only for non-ISM or GAL) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ILIN= - Index of the selected line in the line list structure COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: line = x_slctline( lines ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 29-Nov-2001 Significantly revised 08-Dec-2001 Allows ism or name+wave
(See Spec/Lines//
NAME: x_slittoobj Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Simple program to move some tags from the slit structure into the object structure CALLING SEQUENCE: x_slittoobj, objstr, nobj, slitstr, clm INPUTS: objstr - Object sturcture nobj - Index of the object slitstr - Slit structure clm - Column where the object was identified RETURNS: OUTPUTS: Updates slitstr for original positions OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_slittoobj, objstr, nobj, slitstr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_specbin Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Bins up 1D spectra in integer pixels. The routine returns a structure of flux and wavelength and variance that has been rebinned. CALLING SEQUENCE: bin = x_specbin(fx, nbin, VAR=, WAV=) INPUTS: fx - Flux nbin - Number of pixels to bin on RETURNS: bin - Structure of data OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: VAR= -- Input variance array WAV= -- Input wavelength array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: bin = x_specbin(fx, 3) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 04-Mar-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_speccoadd Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Routine written to coadd spectra. I highly recommend using x_combspec instead. The routine here is old and not recently tested! CALLING SEQUENCE: dat = x_speccoadd(spec) INPUTS: spec - Fits file or data RETURNS: dat - Data in fits file or the input data OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: FSCALE - Data is float DSCALE - Data is float OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: HEAD - Header COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: dat = x_speccoadd('spec.fits') PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_specpan Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Moves about a spectrum to left or right in a GUI. The state structure must have TAGS: xymnx and wave CALLING SEQUENCE: x_specpan, state, /LEFT, /NOY INPUTS: state -- GUI state structure with TAGS: xymnx, wave RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /LEFT -- Pan left (default is right) /NOY -- Do not rescale in y (default is to rescale) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_specpan, state, /LEFT PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Display//
NAME: x_specplot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI for plotting a spectrum and doing quick analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: x_specplot, flux, [ysin], XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, WAVE=, LLIST=, /QAL, /GAL, ZIN=, /BLOCK, /NRM, /LLS, /QSO, /LBG INPUTS: flux - Flux array (or FITS file) [ysin] - Sigma array (or FITS file) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) wave= - wavelength array dunit= - Extension in the FITS file INFLG= - Specifies the type of input files (or arrays) /LLS - Use Lyman limit line list /QSO - Use Quasar line list /GAL - Use galaxy line list /QAL - Use quasar absorption line list /LBG - use the Lyman Break Galaxy line list (Shapley et al '03) XRANGE= - Opening plot x-axis (and default) YRANGE= - Opening plot y-axis (and default) /GUI - Choose from a list of FITS files (current directory) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_specplot, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 19-Dec-2001 Added Error array, Colm 21-May-2008 Added XRANGE option, KLC 16-Oct-2008 Enable flux, ysin to be arrays, KLC ; 29-Apr-2010 Added Shapley et al (2003) LBG composite, fixed 'g', ; updated Help table, KLC
(See Spec/General//
NAME: x_specrebin Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Rebin a single data set to a new wavlength scale Simple linear interpolation. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_specrebin, wv, fx, nwwv, nwfx, VAR=, NWVAR=, /SILENT, /REDBLUE INPUTS: wv -- Original wavelength array fx -- Orignal flux array newwv -- New (desired) wavelength array RETURNS: nwfx -- New flux array OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: VAR= -- Original variance array /REDBLUE -- Data runs from red to blue (not blue to red) /SILENT SMOOTH= -- Number of pixels to smooth over OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NWVAR= -- New variance array COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_specrebin, gdpix, orig_wv, orig_fx, newwv, newfx PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Apr-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_speczoom Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Zooms in or out on a spectrum in a GUI CALLING SEQUENCE: x_speczoom, state, flg INPUTS: state - GUI state structure (needs TAG xymnx) flg - 0-In, 1-Out RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_speczoom, state, flg PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: xgetx_plt REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Display//
NAME: x_speczoomreg Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sets region to zoom in on in a GUI CALLING SEQUENCE: x_speczoom, state INPUTS: state -- GUI state (requires TAGS xymnx tmpxy, flg_zoom) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_speczoom, state PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Display//
NAME: x_splncogmax Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Create a table of COG values and fit a spline to it. The routine then writes the output to a FITS file for future usage. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_splncogmax, tmax, tval, tabul, NSTP=, OUTFIL=, TMIN=, STRCT= INPUTS: tmax -- Maximum optical depth to consider RETURNS: tval -- Array of optical depth values tabul -- Array of COG values (reduced EW) OUTPUTS: STRCT= -- Structure containing tval, tabul, and the SPLINE OUTFIL= -- FITS file where the spline is written (as a structure) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: TMIN= -- Minimum optical depth to consider [default: 1e-4] NSTP= -- Number of points to evaluate at between TMIN and tmax [default: 1000L] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 15-Sep-2003 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_splot Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Plots any array interactively CALLING SEQUENCE: x_splot, [xdat], ydat, XSIZE=, YSIZE=, TITLE=, XTWO=, YTWO=, PSYM2=, /BLOCK, PSYM1=, YMNX=, XTHR=, YTHR=, PSYM3= INPUTS: [xdat] - x values (optional) ydat - Values RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: xsize - Draw window xsize (pixels) ysize - Draw window ysize (pixels) TITLE YTWO -- 2nd array to plot [If without XTWO, must have same dimension as xdat] XTWO -- 2nd array of x values to plot [requires YTWO] PSYM2 -- Plot symbol for array 2 [default: 10] YTHR -- 3nd array to plot [If without XTWO, must have same dimension as xdat] XTHR -- 3nd array of x values to plot [requires YTHR] PSYM3 -- Plot symbol for array 3 [default: 10] /BLOCK OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_splot, y PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: XGETX_PLT XGETY_PLT XGETXPIX_PLT XGETYPIX_PLT REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP (modified from x1dfit) 24-Nov-2001 Added ytwo 9-Aug-2007 Added xmnx keyword JFH
(See General//
NAME: x_starid Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively identify standard stars in a field using lists and the like. This is a rather quick way of doing the calibrations. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_starid, img, date, ccd, tel, LST_PATH=, OBJ=, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: img - Image(s) for Masking date - EPOCH of the obs (decimal years) ccd - Name of the CCD (Tek5, SITe1, LRISR, SITe3) tel - Name of telescope RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OBJ - Object names XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 800) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 800) OUT_PATH - Output name for id files (default: 'Photo/') LST_PATH - Path name for Lists [default: $XIDL_DIR/IMG/Photometry/Lists/] INORIENT - Number in range [-4,4] to change orientation of standards plotted on image. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_starid, img, 2004.2, 'SITe1', 'LCO-40' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Aug-2001 Written by JXP 04-Jan-2002 Updated and revised by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_statarray Version 1.1 PURPOSE: This set of routines takes a series of flats observed through the diffuser and creates a normalized Flat used to correct pixel-to-pixel response variations. A principal challenge with MIKE in its current state (April 2004) is that it is difficult to get sufficient counts on the blue side. mike_mkmflat :: The main routine simply does some basic accounting, organizes bias subtraction and performs I/O. mike_mkflat_work :: Accepts the name(s) of a series of OV subtracted milky flats. It then: 1. Opens the file and creates an inverse variance array 2. Takes out the low order variation in the image (lo_interp) 3. Performs a series of medians along the columns rejecting bad pixels (replace by local mean). 4. If multiple images were input, they are stacked with rejection and the final image is returned CALLING SEQUENCE: mike_mkmflat, mike, setup, [side] INPUTS: mike - MIKE structure setup - Setup identifier [side] - Blue (1), Red (2), or both [1,2L] (Default: [1,2L]) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: One normalized flat per setup per side with names like 'Flats/Flat_B_01_M.fits.gz' OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /CLOBBER - Overwrite Output MilkyFlat /OVCLOB - Overwrite OV files if they exist for the flats /SVOV - Save the OV files created during this step /USEBIAS - Use bias frame in OV subtraction OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 9-May-2005 Adapted by JXP from existing programs by SB
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_stdcalibfil Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given an ra and dec, returns calib file and standard star name CALLING SEQUENCE: x_stdcalibfil, ra, dec, calibfil, std_name INPUTS: ra - RA in : format (12:11:23.3) dec - DEC in : format (+13:32:21.2) RETURNS: calibfil -- Name of calib file in $XIDL_DIR/Spec/calibs/standards OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 12-Jan-2008 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Flux//
NAME: x_stdmag Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Does aperture photometry on the objects in the std_* list files CALLING SEQUENCE: xdimg_stdmag, struct, SKYR= INPUTS: img -- Image strfil -- Star list file outfil -- Output file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: SKYR = 2 float array describing sky annulus in arcsec (default=15,30) ARCPIX= Arcseconds per pixel SATUR= Saturation level OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_stdmag, 'Final/f_ccd003.fits', 'Photometry/star.list', 'outfil' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: X_APER X_CCDINF REVISION HISTORY: 03-Apr-2003 Written by JXP
(See IMG/Photometry//
NAME: x_stsltgui Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively (GUI) identify edges of inidividual slits in the undistorted image CALLING SEQUENCE: x_stsltgui, img, slitstr, XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: img - Undistorted image slitstr - Slit structure RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (default = 700) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (default = 700) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_stsltgui, img, slitstr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 07-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Slits//
NAME: x_suboscan Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Called by x_mkbias and x_subbias. This routine does the overscan subtraction using the col and row sections at the right and top, respectively. The code averages the overscan region (with clipping), identifies bad rows (SVBAD), and then uses SAVGOL to create a smoothed representation of the overscan. This is then subtracted from the columns in the image. Finally, the bias row (written at the top of the image) is subtracted from each row after a SAVGOL processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_suboscan, raw, head, ovimg, rbin, cbin, [imtype], /NOBIASROW, /DEBUG, SVBAD= INPUTS: raw -- 2D image head -- Header for the image (only used to update the card) fincol -- Last column of data section imtype= -- Image type:: 'ZRO' (only used for debugging) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: ovimg -- Bias subtracted image OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: BIASROW - if set, bias row is used. SKIPOV - If set, skip overscan subtraction (bias only) DEBUG -- Turn debug mode on OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SVBAD -- Rows with anomolous behavior, most likely related to a transient occurance within the CCD electronics. COMMENTS: REVISION HISTORY: 18-July-2003 RAB 16-Feb-2004 JXP -- added kludge for bad rows
(See IMG/Reduction//
NAME: x_sunradec Version 1.0 PURPOSE: CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_calclst REVISION HISTORY: Based on code in skycalendar v5 written by John Thorstensen Dartmouth College 10-Dec-2009 Written by JXP
(See Obs//
NAME: x_templarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given an archived Arc spectrum and solution and a new arc spectrum, find the pixel offset and auto-id the arc lines in new arc spectrum. One must turn /FFT on to calculate the shift. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_templarc, spec, lines, guessfit, /FFT, MSK=, MXSHFT=, $ MOCK_FFT=, SHFT=, ALL_PK=, PKWDTH=, $ /THIN, FORDR=, PKSIG=, SKIPLIN=, $ MXOFF=, /LOG INPUTS: spec - Input arc image or spectrum lines - Arc line structure guessfit - FIT to archived arc RETURNS: OUTPUTS: lines - Sets flg_plt to 1 those lines which are ID'd OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /FFT -- Calculate the most likely offset between the archived arc and the new one using the FFT procedure MOCKFFT -- Archived FFT [default: create one from the line list] MXOFF= -- Maximum offset between ID line and a line in the linelist [default: 3 pixels] SHFT= -- Shift between archived and new arc (Input and/or Output) PKSIG= -- Sigma significant of arc lines (as found by x_fndpeak) [default: 7.] MSK= -- Mask of the lines MXSHFT= -- Maximum shift between archived and new solution /THIN -- Allow for very narrow arc lines /LOG -- Do the algorithm with logarithmic wavelengths FORDR -- Order for the fit for the continuum of the arc /SKIPLIN -- Do not bother to identify good lines for subsequent fitting (algorithm has only calucated the shift) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ALL_PK= -- Pix values of the arc line peaks COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_templarc, spec, lines, guessfit, SHFT=shft PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_fndpeaks REVISION HISTORY: 26-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_tiffset Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Sets (or unsets) plotting variables for nice looking screen plots to then be used in laptop presentations. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_tiffset, /UNSET INPUTS: RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /UNSET -- Unset the plotting values OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Jun-2004 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_trace Version 1.2 PURPOSE: Trace a spectrum. Ok for quick reductions CALLING SEQUENCE: fit = x_trace(img, aper, cline, PHSIG=, PLSIG=, TFFIT=, NTRC=, PFUNC=, PNORD=, PHSIG=, PLSIG=, NOINTER=, YBUFF=, /PINTER) INPUTS: img - 2D spectral image aper - Aperture defining the object cline - Column to begin trace at RETURNS: FIT - Trace at each column OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NTRC - Number of columns to median for the trace TFITSTR - Structure for the fitting the trace PFUNC- Profile fitting function PNORD- Profile fitting order PHSIG PLSIG INTER - Interactive fitting for trace OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: TFFIT - Output fit info for the trace COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_trace, 'spec.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 19-Nov-2001 Written by JXP 02-Feb-2002 JXP -- Added trace_crude option via CRUDE
(See Spec/Extraction//
NAME: x_tracearc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Given an arc image (or a slit from a multi-slit or one order from an echelle), arc lines and trace them across the image. The program returns a trace structure which can be used to create a wavelength image. See x_echtrcarc for an Echelle version. CALLING SEQUENCE: tracestr = x_tracearc( img, [ymnx], YSTRT=, /ROT, GAIN=, RN=, NSIG=, RADIUS=, MIN_XERR=, /SILENT, NORD=, VAR= ) INPUTS: img - Input arc image [ymnx] - Used to define edges of a slit or an order [default: image edges] RETURNS: tracestr - Trace structure describing the traces and fits to the traces of the arc lines OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: VAR= - Variance image of the Arc GAIN= - Set this if you want the program to create the VAR image RN= - Read noise (set this if you want the program to create the VAR image) [default: 6] RADIUS= - Radius input parameter to trace_crude [default: 1.5] NSIG= - Number of sigma significance for arc linews [default: 5.] YSTRT - COLUMN/ROW to start at /ROT - Rotate the iamge by 90deg in those cases where the Arc lines run side-to-side (trace_crude requries this) MIN_XERR= -- Minimum xerr for fitting [default: 0.01] NORD= - Order for fit to arc line curvature [default: 2L] YSTRT= - Offset to account for sub images OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: trcstr = x_tracearc( img ) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_traceflat Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Traces the y-distortion of a flat of a number of slits CALLING SEQUENCE: x_traceflat, img, tracestrct, VAR=, GAIN=, RN=, SAW=, $ ystrt=, /NOTRANS INPUTS: img - Input image RETURNS: trcstr -- A trace structure describing the curvature of individual slits or orders OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: YSTRT -- COLUMN/ROW to start at /NOTRANS -- Do not transpose original image VAR= -- Variance image input GAIN,RN= -- Values to create a VAR array OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SAW= -- The sawtooth image COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_traceflat, img, map PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 28-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_traceslit Version 1.0 PURPOSE: This is a failed attempt at a tracing program. Do not use! CALLING SEQUENCE: x_traceslit, img, pos, top, bottom FFIT=, /INTER) INPUTS: img - Input image pos - [x,y] position on the CCD (default=1/3 max + min) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: top - Trace of the top of the slit bottom - Trace of the bottom of the slit OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: GAIN - Gain of the CCD OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_traceslit, img, [252.3, 235.5], top, bottom PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 16-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_tstoff Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Does a quick check on the offset between a flat and object frame. Uses FFT correlation CALLING SEQUENCE: x_tstoff, flat_in, obj_in, offset, CLINE= INPUTS: flat_in - Flat image (array or string) obj_in - Flat image (array or string) RETURNS: offset - Vertical pixel offset OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ELINE - End line of data (routine takes 1/3, 1/2, 2/3) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_tstoff, flat, obj, offset PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 25-Jan-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_tweakarc Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Allow the user to interactively (with a GUI) fiddle with the 1D wavelength solution of a arc-line spectrum. This is designed for Echelle observations only. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_tweakarc, twkfil, ordrs, templfil, _EXTRA=extra, $ LINLIST=linlist, QAFIL=qafil, OSTR_FIL=ostr_fil INPUTS: twkfil -- File containing the 1D arc-line fits ordrs -- Orders to tweak [physical order numbers] [templfil] -- name of archived wavelength solution to use as at template RETURNS: OUTPUTS: IDL fit file (one per order) (e.g. Arcs/ArcECH_##fit.idl) OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LINLIST= -- Name of spectral line list OSTR_FIL= -- Name of file containing the order structure. Required for QA OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: QAFIL= -- Name of file to write QA info COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_fitarc REVISION HISTORY: Summer-2005 Created by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_uniqstr Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Obsolote: Superseded by UNIQ CALLING SEQUENCE: uniq = x_uniqstr(strings, COUNT=count) INPUTS: strings - Array of strings RETURNS: uniq - Array of unique members OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: sort - Sort the output OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COUNT - number of unique strings COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: uniq = x_uniqstr( lbls, count=count) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 17-Nov-2001 Written by JXP
(See General//
NAME: x_velplt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: GUI used to display velocity profiles for absorption line system. The user can control a number of options for the plot, output ps files and PG plot input files, etc. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_velplt, flux_fil, zin, VMNX=vmnx, INFLG=inflg, $ TITLE=title, NPLT=nplt, NRM=nrm, XSIZE=xsize, YSIZE=ysize, $ SIG_FIL=, /ESIDLA, SVSTATE=, /LLS INPUTS: flux_fil -- Input FITS file for the flux (header includes wavelength info) zin -- Redshift of absorption lines RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: VMNX= -- Velocity range to plot [default [-300, 300]] NPLT= -- Number of plots to show [default: 15L] TITLE= -- Title to give GUI XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels [default = 700] YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels [default = ssz -200] /LLS -- Use LLS line list /SUBLLS -- Use smaller LLS line list /ESIDLA -- Use ESI DLA line list /CII - subset of the ESIDLA line list for measuring CII SIG_FIL= -- Sigma file INFLG= -- Flag for flux_fil data (see x_readspec) SVSTATE= -- Input IDL file that saved the state of the GUI previously WAVE -- wavelength array (flux_fil should be array) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_velplt, wfccd, maskid, expsr PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 29-Oct-2002 Written by JXP 13-Jan-2006 Add wave keyword and enable passing of arrays, KLC
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_voigt Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Calculate a single voigt profile, given wavelength, absorber, and an array of lines. This can be a very expensive routine to run. CALLING SEQUENCE: tau = x_voigt(wave, lines, FWHM=) INPUTS: wave - Array of wavelengths to realize voigt profile lines - line(s) structure to compute voigt profile. If mutliple, the entire list will be looped through. RETURNS: Normalized flux array with Voigt profile super-posed OPTIONAL INPUTS: FWHM - Resolution of instrument in PIXELS of input array OUTPUTS: tau - Optical depth at each wavelength OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES CALLED: x_gsmooth REVISION HISTORY: 25-May-2000 Created by S. Burles, FNAL/IAP 2003 Modified by JXP to give 'exact' answer 21-Jun-2007 Modified by KLC to opt out of 'exact' answer with /nosmooth
(See Spec/Voigt//
NAME: x_wavecal Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Wavelength calibrate a given input Arc img (or spectrum). This routine simply extracts the Arc spectrum (if necessary) and then calls x_identify CALLING SEQUENCE: wave = x_wavecal( arc, [extrct], LINELIST=, /DEBUG, $ /REDBLUE, DISP=, CALIB=, FLUX=) INPUTS: img/spec - 2D image or 1D spectrum [extrct] - Extraction structure (required for an input 2D image) RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: LINELIST - Reference list (user can set interactively) DISP - Guess at dispersion (A or km/s per pix [pos/neg value]) /FLUX - Assumes wide slit and therefore wide arc lines /REDBLUE - Spectrum runs from red to blue (not blue to red) /DEBUG /ROT - Transpose the Arc image (code requires orders parallel to rows) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: CALIB= - Structure defining the fit SPEC= - 1D extracted spectrum COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: wave = x_wavecal(spec) PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: x_readimg x_identify REVISION HISTORY: 07-Dec-2001 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Arcs//
NAME: x_wrechfspec Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Reads and writes the echfspec structure CALLING SEQUENCE: x_wrechfspec, echfspec, outfil, /READ INPUTS: echfspec -- IDL structure outfil -- Name of FITS file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /READ -- Read instead of write the structure OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_wrechfspec, echfspec, 'Extract/2015+657_ech.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 03-Sep-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_wrlwdfspec Version 1.0 PURPOSE: Reads and writes the lwdfspec structure CALLING SEQUENCE: x_wrlwdfspec, lwdfspec, outfil, /READ INPUTS: lwdfspec -- IDL structure outfil -- Name of FITS file RETURNS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: /READ -- Read instead of write the structure OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_wrlwdfspec, lwdfspec, 'Extract/2015+657_lwd.fits' PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 02-Aug-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: x_xy2traceset PURPOSE: Convert from an array of x,y positions to a trace set CALLING SEQUENCE: xy2traceset, xpos, ypos, tset, [ invvar=, func=func, ncoeff=ncoeff, $ xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, maxiter=maxiter, inputfunc=inputfunc, $ inmask=inmask, outmask=outmask, yfit=yfit, inputans=inputans, $ _EXTRA=EXTRA ] INPUTS: xpos - X positions corresponding to YPOS as an [nx,Ntrace] array ypos - Y centers as an [nx,ntrace] array OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: invvar - Inverse variance for weighted fits. func - Function for trace set; options are: 'poly' 'legendre' 'chebyshev' 'chebyshev_split' Default to 'legendre' ncoeff - Number of coefficients in fit; default to 3 xmin - Explicitly set XMIN for trace set rather than using minimum in XPOS xmax - Explicitly set XMAX for trace set rather than using maximum in XPOS maxiter - Maximum number of rejection iterations; set to 0 for no rejection; default to 10. inmask - Mask set to 1 for good points and 0 for rejected points; same dimensions as XPOS, YPOS. Points rejected by INMASK are always rejected from the fits (the rejection is "sticky"), and will also be marked as rejected in OUTMASK. inputans - ??? inputfunc - An array which matches the size of ypos, which is multiplied to the normal function before SVD decomposition silent - Set to suppress print and splog outputs EXTRA - Keywords passed to either the function FUNC, or DJS_REJECT(). Note that keywords like MAXREJ relate to each individual trace. OUTPUTS: tset - Structure containing trace set OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: outmask - Mask set to 1 for good points and 0 for rejected points; same dimensions as XPOS, YPOS. yfit - Fit values at each XPOS. COMMENTS: The fits are done to one trace at a time, where each trace is treated completely independently. Note that both MAXDEV and MAXSIG can be set for applying both rejection schemes at once. Additional keywords can be passed to the fitting functions with _EXTRA. By not setting any of these rejection keywords, no rejection is performed. EXAMPLES: BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: djs_reject() fchebyshev() fchebyshev_split() flegendre() fpoly() func_fit() REVISION HISTORY: 19-May-1999 Written by David Schlegel, Princeton. 04-Aug-1999 Added chebyshev option (DJS). 02-Sep-2000 Modify to use rejection schemes in DJS_REJECT() (DJS). 07-Dec-2000 Added /silent keyword (DPF) 10-Jul-2001 Add polynomial option 10-Apr-2005 Modified by SB 2006 Stolen by JXP
(See FIT//
NAME: x_ydtortgui Version 1.1 PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively examine the trace to slit edges used to trace the y-distortion. CALLING SEQUENCE: x_ydtortgui, img, tracestrct, [newmnx], XSIZE=, YSIZE= INPUTS: img - Traced Image trace - x,y positions of traces fltarr(N,M,2) flgs - Flags describing the traces RETURNS: OUTPUTS: newmnx - The new min and max values OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: XSIZE - Size of gui in screen x-pixels (Default = 1000) YSIZE - Size of gui in screen y-pixels (Default = 500) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: x_ydtortgui, img, tracestrct PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: 05-Feb-2002 Written by JXP
(See Spec/Rectify//
NAME: x_zfind PURPOSE: Find possible redshift matches for a set of spectra using a set of eigen-templates. This is just a version I grabbed and slightly modified from the SDSS distribution. The main modification was to allow for more free paramters in fitting the continuum of the galaxies due to poor fluxing with the WFCCD. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = x_zfind( objflux, objivar, hdr=hdr, $ [ starflux=, starloglam0=, stardloglam=, $ eigenfile=, eigendir=, columns=, npoly=, $ zmin=, zmax=, zguess=, pwidth=, nfind=, width=, _EXTRA= ] INPUTS: objflux - Object fluxes [NPIXOBJ,NOBJ] objivar - Object inverse variances [NPIXOBJ,NOBJ] REQUIRED KEYWORDS: hdr - FITS header for objects, used to construct the wavelengths from the following keywords: COEFF0, COEFF1. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: starflux - Eigenspectra [NPIXSTAR,NSTAR]. starloglam0- Zero-point of log-10(Angstrom) wavelength mapping of STARFLUX. stardloglam- Wavelength spacing for STARFLUX in log-10(Angstroms) eigenfile - Input FITS file with an [NPIXSTAR,NSTAR] image with either templates or eigenspectra. If a wildcard appears in the file name, then the file that appears last in a sort is used. The header keywords COEFF0, COEFF1 are used to specify the wavelength mapping in log-10 Angstroms. This must be set if STARFLUX,STARLOGLAM0 are not set. eigendir - Directory for EIGENFILE; default to $IDLSPEC2D/templates. columns - Column numbers of the eigenspectra image to use in the PCA fit; default to all columns. npoly - Number of polynomial terms to append to eigenspectra; default to none. zmin - Minimum redshift to consider; default to no lower bound. zmax - Maximum redshift to consider; default to no upper bound. zguess - Initial guess for redshift; search for a solution about this value. If specified with PWIDTH, then ZMIN and ZMAX are ignoreed. pwidth - Search width in pixels about the intial guess redshift ZGUESS. If specified with ZGUESS, then ZMIN and ZMAX are ignored. nfind - Keyword for ZCOMPUTE(). width - Keyword for ZCOMPUTE(). _EXTRA - Keywords for ZCOMPUTE(), such as PSPACE, DOPLOT, DEBUG. OUTPUTS: result - Structure with redshift-fit information. Structure elements are left blank if fewer than NFIND peaks are found. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: One can specify a search domain for the redshift with ZMIN and ZMAX, or with ZGUESS and PWIDTH. If none of those parameters are set, then all possible redshifts that overlap the object and star (template) are tested. EXAMPLES: BUGS: PROCEDURES CALLED: concat_dir() djs_filepath() fileandpath() readfits() splog sxpar() zcompute() INTERNAL SUPPORT ROUTINES: x_sp1d_struct() REVISION HISTORY: 28-Jun-2000 Written by D. Schlegel, Princeton
(See Spec/Analysis//
NAME: z_arcpairs Version 1.1 PURPOSE: To identify the wavelength solution given arc lines and a list CALLING SEQUENCE: good = z_arcpairs(peaks, l, disp0, [dr1, NCOEFF=, INC=, TAN_BLAZE=]) INPUTS: peaks : arc line positions in pixel space l : possible arc line wavelengths disp0 : guess at central dispersion per pixel, needs to be within dr of the correct dispersion RETURNS: good : An index list of the best meatched wavelengths based on the number of unique hits OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: dr1 : range of dispersion to search, 10% is default [0.9,1.1] tan_blaze For high dispersion gratings, the tangent of the blaze angle, usually referred to a R. (like the R=2 grating in HIRES) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMENTS: EXAMPLES: PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS CALLED: REVISION HISTORY: May-2005 Written by SB
(See Spec/Arcs//