Example Base File

Below is an example base file for the damped Lya system toward Quasar Q1759+75.
Below that is a brief description of each line.

Q1759+75                                                    ! QSO name
17:57:46.39                                                 ! RA (2000)
+75:39:16.01                                                ! DEC (2000)
 3.050000                                                   ! QSO zem
 3                                                          ! flg_QSOmag
16.100000                                                   ! QSO Mag
 2.625300                                                   ! zab
20.800                                                      ! NHI
 0.100                                                      ! sig(NHI)
/home/xavier/DLA/Abund/Q1759.z262.clm                       ! Abund file
 1                                                          ! flg_Fe
 -1.209                                                     ! [Fe/H]
  0.100                                                     ! sig(Fe)
 2                                                          ! flg_Zn
 -1.782                                                     ! [Zn/H]
  0.158                                                     ! sig(Zn)
 0                                                          ! flg_Alpha
 -0.000                                                     ! [Alph/H]
  0.158                                                     ! sig(Alpha)

e-mail: xavier@ucolick.org
modified 3/11/03