Comparison with the Keck model

Results from our model were compared to those detailed in [11] for the Keck AO system. The surface list for telescope and AO system listed in Section 9.1 and the same sky spectrum, which is a modified version of the Gemini spectrum (airmass 1.5, 1.6 mm H$ _2$O), were used.

Table 1: Comparison of Keck AO model results and the model presented in this paper. Surface list named ``K2AO'' (Section 5.1 in [11]). Average transmission in filter is for dust fraction=0.008.
Filter Sky brightness dust fraction=0.0 dust = 0.008 Avg. Trans
  mag arcsec$ ^{-2}$ mag arcsec$ ^{-2}$ mag arcsec$ ^{-2}$ dust = 0.008
Keck model results
J 16.01 15.90 15.89  
H 13.78 13.72 13.71  
K 14.91 12.91 12.63 0.606
ShaneAO model results
J 16.00 16.00 16.00 0.507
H 13.80 13.80 13.80 0.544
K 14.86 13.01 12.71 0.601

The comparison between models is presented in Table 1 for dust fractions of 0.0 and 0.8%. The average transmission in the filter is for a dust fraction of 0.8%. Sky background is as measured at the entrance pupil of the telescope. Our results are no more than 10% different in flux in the J-band.

Srikar Srinath 2013-10-09