MOS Internal File Formats

The various different programs that operate the MOS communicate via these protocols. There is a general file format which is in use for all of the following.

The fiber configuration file

The fiber assignment code (assign) reads this to construct its model of the MOS. The proposed new format is available along with an old example file.

The pconfig file

The fiber assignment code (assign) produces this file for use by the fiber positioner code (SCRAP). The proposed new format is available along with an old example file.

The MOS WCS config file

All aspects of the WCS are currently hard coded. This is probably a bad idea. Sorry, the new format isn't here yet and there never was an old one.

The warp file

The fiber assignment code (assign) reads this to determine the polynomial warp of the WCS.

Sorry, the new format isn't here yet, but an old example one is.

The merged catalog file

The fiber assignment code (assign) produces this file after reading the catalog(s) from the user. Users who wish to produce catalog files in this format are welcome to do so, but a simpler format is also accepted.

Sorry, the new format isn't here yet, but an old example one is. This old one is a very bad example of what might be.

The simpler input catalog file

Sorry, the new format isn't here yet, but an old example one is.

The assign program state file

The assign program currently asks repetitive questions. By saving the most recent user preferences the user interaction can be greatly improved.

Sorry, this file is not yet defined.

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Steve Allen <>