The MOS Object Assignment code

The MOS object assignment code is known as assign. This code takes an input catalog of potential targets. It then assists the user in determining a fiber configuration which maximizes the number of objects with assigned fibers.

The code is written in Fortran and uses the Lick Mongo library for its graphical user interface. Unfortunately, the use of the Lick Mongo library means that the entire source code is not freely redistributable. However, Lick Observatory can provide compiled and linked binaries of this code for a number of interesting platforms.

As input the code requires a file describing the configuration of the fiber bundles, a file describing small adjustments to the linearity of the fiber positioner, and an object catalog file. The final formats of these files have not been established.

As of the current time there are no procedures established for the export of the code or the MOS configuration files. Interested prospective users should contact Steve Allen about the code.

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Steve Allen <>