[The Seabright Logo]

Seabright Morris

Tentative Schedule for 2000

This schedule is necessarily vague; nothing here should be considered as authoritative. Details will be added when available as individual schedules; follow the hyperlinks to such events. Feel free to contact us to arrange tours.
Sat Apr 1       Noon    Sash Mill complex           Santa Cruz

FSS Apr 15-17           Casino Roy'Ale              Greater Los Angeles

Mon May 1       6 AM    May Day dawn to dusk        Santa Cruz Lighthouse

Sat May 13      1-3 PM  Stanford Bridge Faire       Palo Alto
			with Berkeley and Mayfield

Sun May 21      All PM  Day of Dance       Greater Santa Cruz

Tue July 4      10AM    World's Shortest Parade     Aptos

Wed Nov/Dec     7:45PM  Open season for Cotswold beginners, tryout and join us

Sun Dec 31      3-6 PM  First Night Santa Cruz      DownTown Santa Cruz

For further information...