[The Seabright Logo]

Seabright Morris

Schedule for 1999

This schedule is necessarily vague; nothing here should be considered as authoritative. Details will be added when available as individual schedules; follow the hyperlinks to such events. Feel free to contact us to arrange tours.
Sun Jan 3               Berkeley Wassail

Sun Jan 10              Sword Dancing in San Francisco

SS  Apr 10-11           Memori'Ale
			Berkeley Morris remembers Terry O'Neal

Sat Apr 17     11 AM    J & J's wedding in Menlo Park

Sat May 1       6 AM    May Day dawn to dusk        Santa Cruz Lighthouse

Sat May 8      10 AM    Cabrillo College Mother's Day Plant Sale, Aptos
	    1 & 3 PM    With Berkeley Morris and others at the
			Stanford Bridge Fair, Palo Alto

Sun May 16     Noon     Lark in the Morning Dance Festival, San Francisco
			with Mayfield Morris and Mad Molly

Sun May 23              Whitsunday, now largely supplanted (even in England)

FSS May 29-31           Memorial Day Weekend (Bank Holiday in UK)
			Midwest Morris Ale in St. Louis, MO

Sat June 12     5 PM    Seaward Goodbye

Sat June 19             Santa Cruz Day of Dance

Sun July 4      10AM    World's Shortest Parade     Aptos

    Nov                 North of the Border Ale         San Diego

Wed Nov/Dec     7:45PM  Open season for Cotswold beginners, tryout and join us

Sun Dec 26              Boxing Day, Centennial of the Morris Revival

Fri Dec 31      3-6 PM  First Night Santa Cruz      DownTown Santa Cruz

For further information...