PANE example: IMAGE HDU from HIRES Mosaic
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 708 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 568 / length of data axis 2
PCOUNT = 0 / required keyword; must = 0
GCOUNT = 1 / required keyword; must = 1
BZERO = 32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short
BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor
DATE = '2004-05-20T22:22:47' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
BLANK = -32768 / FITS array value of NULL pixel
EXTNAME = 'VidInp1+Pane1' / name of this image extension
DETCNFID= 1002 / mosaic detector configuration Id
DETCNFIG= 'HIRES Science mosaic' / mosaic detector configuration
MOSAIC = 'HIRES Science Mosaic' / mosaic detector
MOSDESIN= 'HIRES Mosaic' / mosaic detector design
AMPWIRES= 'HIRES Wiring, 6-amplifier' / mosaic amplifier wiring
VIDEOINP= 1 / see HIRES engineering drawing H9604
AMPLOC = '1 ' / see HIRES engineering drawing H9604
AMPTYPE = 'A ' / type of amplifier
CCDLOC = '1 ' / see HIRES engineering drawing H9604
CCDGEOM = 'MIT/LL 2k*4k' / geometry of CCD
CCDNAME = '17-7-1 ' / name of CCD
CCDTYPE = 'High Resistivity' / type of CCD
REXTID = 0 / row extent of this readout
PANEID = 1 / PANE which inspired this HDU
DATASEC = '[13:628,1:568]' / NOAO/IRAF data section
DETSIZE = '[1:6144,1:4096]' / NOAO mosaic detector size for ds9
DETSEC = '[409:1024,712:1279]' / NOAO mosaic detector section for ds9
CRPIX1P = 13. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2P = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1P = 408.5 / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2P = 711.5 / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1P = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2P = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1P = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2P = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1P = 'PANE_X ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2P = 'PANE_Y ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1P = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2P = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAMEP= 'pane ' / UCO/Lick mosaic PANE coordinates
CRDER1P = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2P = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1P = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2P = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CRPIX1A = 13. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2A = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1A = 409. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2A = 712. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1A = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2A = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1A = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2A = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1A = 'AMPLIFIER_X' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2A = 'AMPLIFIER_Y' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1A = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2A = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAMEA= 'amplifier' / imaging pixels thru this amplifier
CRDER1A = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2A = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1A = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2A = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CRPIX1C = 13. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2C = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1C = 409. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2C = 712. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1C = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2C = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1C = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2C = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1C = 'CCD_X ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2C = 'CCD_Y ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1C = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2C = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAMEC= 'ccd ' / NOAO mosaic CCD coordinates
CRDER1C = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2C = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1C = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2C = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CRPIX1D = 13. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2D = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1D = 409. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2D = 712. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1D = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2D = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1D = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2D = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1D = 'DETECTOR_X' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2D = 'DETECTOR_Y' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1D = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2D = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAMED= 'detector' / NOAO mosaic CCD coordinates
CRDER1D = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2D = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1D = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2D = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CRPIX1I = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2I = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1I = 1. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2I = 1. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1I = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2I = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1I = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2I = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1I = 'IMAGE_X ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2I = 'IMAGE_Y ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1I = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2I = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAMEI= 'image ' / redundant reiteration of default FITS
CRDER1I = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2I = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1I = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2I = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CRPIX1 = 13. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2 = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1 = 408.5 / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2 = 711.5 / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1 = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2 = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1 = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2 = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1 = 'PANE_X ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2 = 'PANE_Y ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAME = 'pane ' / UCO/Lick mosaic PANE coordinates
CRDER1 = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2 = 0. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1 = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2 = 0. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CRPIX1G = 13. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRPIX2G = 1. / reference pixel along FITS axis j
CRVAL1G = 409. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CRVAL2G = 712. / coordinate value for WCS axis i at refpix
CD1_1G = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD1_2G = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_1G = 0. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CD2_2G = 1. / CTM i_j from pixel to WCS
CTYPE1G = 'GAP_X ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CTYPE2G = 'GAP_Y ' / coordinate/projection type for WCS axis i
CUNIT1G = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
CUNIT2G = 'pixel ' / physical unit for WCS axis i
WCSNAMEG= 'ccd2gap ' / approximate gap coordinates
CRDER1G = 1. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CRDER2G = 1. / coordinate random error for WCS axis i
CSYER1G = 1. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CSYER2G = 1. / coordinate systematic error for WCS axis i
CHECKSUM= 'ZSHEgR99ZRGEfR99' / HDU checksum updated 2004-05-20T22:23:22
DATASUM = '649738213' / data unit checksum updated 2004-05-20T22:23:22
Steve Allen <>
Initial deployment 2000-11-16T22:33:19
$Id: ihdu.html,v 1.4 2019/12/18 17:41:18 sla Exp $