XTENSION= 'TABLE ' / ASCII table extension BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / always 2 for a FITS table NAXIS1 = xxx / number of chars needed to describe columns NAXIS2 = yyy / number of rows of WCSs stored in the table PCOUNT = 0 / required FITS extension keyword GCOUNT = 1 / required FITS extension keyword TFIELDS = nn / Number of columns in the table EXTNAME = 'DEI_WCS' / This table describes a group DATE = 'dd/mm/yy' / Date of construction of grouping table CTIME = 'WkD CcYy Mon Dt Hr:Mn:Ss TZn' / Time of construction of table COMMENT This document does not attempt to describe any particular COMMENT ordering for these columns. In real applications the columns COMMENT need not be in any particular order. TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CCDPOS' / In which position was this CCD? TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'AMPPOS' / In which position is this amplifier? TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CTYPE1' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CTYPE2' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'F10.3' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CRPIX1' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'F10.3' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CRPIX2' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CRVAL1' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CRVAL2' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CDELT1' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CDELT2' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'PC001001' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'PC002001' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'PC001002' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'PC002002' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CUNIT1' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'CUNIT2' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'RADECSYS' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'F13.6' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'EQUINOX' / WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'F17.9' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'MJD_WCS' / UCO/Lick keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'A8' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'DOMAIN' / DEI_WCS keyword TBCOLn = x / First character in column TFORMn = 'E16.13' / Fortran 77 format of column TTYPEn = 'PROJP1' / WCS keyword COMMENT It is not clear that we will need the PROJPn WCS keywords, COMMENT but it is clear that they could be stored in this fashion. ENDThe header is padded with ASCII blanks such that it consists of a positive integer multiple of 2880 bytes (36 card images of 80 characters).
The semantics of the keywords/columns which are not derived from the draft WCS standard document are described in this data dictionary.