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.8 in
- CCD:
- Charge Coupled Device. A two dimensional photometric detector.
- Canada France Hawaii Telescope.
- E/S0/Sa/Sb/Sc/Irr:
- Different galaxy morphologies from elliptical (E)
through the different kinds of spiral (Sa/Sb/Sc) to irregular (Irr).
- Gyr:
- One Giga-year. A common notation in the astronomical literature.
- Image Reduction and Analysis Facility. The most commonly
used image analysis program in optical astronomy.
- MOS:
- Multi-Object Spectrograph at CFHT.
- Parsec:
- A unit distance equal to 3.26 light-years. It is the distance at which 1 astronomical unit would subtend an angle of 1
on the sky.
- SIS:
- Subarcsecond Imaging Spectrograph at CFHT.
- SNR:
- Signal to Noise Ratio.
- TF:
- Tully-Fisher. The Tully-Fisher relation links the intrinsic luminosity of galaxies to their rotation velocity.

Place of Birth: Québec City, Québec, Canada
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publication of this dissertation for financial gain shall not be
allowed without my written permission.
Title of Dissertation:
The Internal Kinematics of Intermediate Redshift Galaxies

Luc Simard
Mon Sep 2 12:37:40 PDT 1996