====> file CCD_Dome_Flat_R--EGates_2019-10-12.fits (main) <==== SIMPLE = T / NORMAL FITS IMAGE BITPIX = 16 / DATA PRECISION NAXIS = 2 / NUMBER OF IMAGE DIMENSIONS NAXIS1 = 1056 / NUMBER OF COLUMNS NAXIS2 = 1024 / NUMBER OF ROWS CRVAL1U = 2048 / COLUMN ORIGIN CRVAL2U = 2048 / ROW ORIGIN CDELT1U = -2 / COLUMN CHANGE PER PIXEL CDELT2U = -2 / ROW CHANGE PER PIXEL OBSNUM = 122 / OBSERVATION NUMBER IDNUM = 5 / IMAGE ID UGEOM = 0 / UCAM READOUT GEOMETRY DGEOM = 0 / DESCRAMBLE GEOMETRY AMPSROW = 1 / AMPLIFIERS PER ROW AMPSCOL = 1 / AMPLIFIERS PER COLUMN OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT' / IMAGE TYPE EXPTIME = 3.5 / Exp time (not counting shutter error) BSCALE = 1 / DATA SCALE FACTOR BZERO = 32768 / DATA ZERO POINT COMMENT Real Value = FITS*BSCALE+BZERO PROGRAM = 'NEWCAM' / New Lick Camera VERSION = 'nickel_direct' / Data acquisition version TSEC = 1570923771 / CLOCK TICK - SECONDS TUSEC = 269621 / CLOCK TICK - MICROSECONDS DATE = '2019-10-12T23:42:51.26' / UT of CCD readout & descramble DATASEC = '[1:1024,1:1024]' / IRAF/NOAO-style data section COMMENT End of cards hard-coded in fits_cards COMMENT Begin of cards from other times CSYER2 = 0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i CSYER1 = 0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i CRDER2 = 5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i CRDER1 = 5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i CD2_2 = -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD2_1 = 3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD1_2 = -3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD1_1 = -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CRVAL2 = -5.119434833527 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel CRVAL1 = 255.1593322754 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel CRPIX2 = 512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j CRPIX1 = 512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / unit of WCS axis i CUNIT1 = 'deg ' / unit of WCS axis i EQUINOX = 2000 / date of celestial reference frame RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / reference system for celestial coordinates CNAME2 = 'Declination ' / name of WCS axis i CNAME1 = 'Right Ascension ' / name of WCS axis i CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN ' / type of WCS axis i CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN ' / type of WCS axis i WCSNAME = 'Celestial coordinates' / name of WCS CRVAL2C = 0 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel CRVAL1C = 0 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel CRVAL2S = -5.119434833527 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel CRVAL1S = 255.1593322754 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel CSYER2C = 0 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i CSYER1C = 0 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i CRDER2C = 0 / random error along direction of WCS axis i CRDER1C = 0 / random error along direction of WCS axis i CD2_2C = -2 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD2_1C = 0 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD1_2C = 0 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD1_1C = -2 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CRPIX2C = 0.5 / reference pixel along FITS axis j CRPIX1C = 0.5 / reference pixel along FITS axis j CUNIT2C = 'CCDpix ' / unit of WCS axis i CUNIT1C = 'CCDpix ' / unit of WCS axis i CNAME2C = 'CCD Y pixel ' / name of WCS axis i CNAME1C = 'CCD X pixel ' / name of WCS axis i CTYPE2C = 'linear ' / type of WCS axis i CTYPE1C = 'linear ' / type of WCS axis i WCSNAMEC= 'CCD pixel coordinates' / name of WCS CSYER2S = 0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i CSYER1S = 0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i CRDER2S = 5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i CRDER1S = 5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i CD2_2S = -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD2_1S = 3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD1_2S = -3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CD1_1S = -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i CRPIX2S = 512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j CRPIX1S = 512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j CUNIT2S = 'deg ' / unit of WCS axis i CUNIT1S = 'deg ' / unit of WCS axis i EQUINOXS= 2000 / date of celestial reference frame RADESYSS= 'FK5 ' / reference system for celestial coordinates CNAME2S = 'Declination ' / name of WCS axis i CNAME1S = 'Right Ascension ' / name of WCS axis i CTYPE2S = 'DEC--TAN ' / type of WCS axis i CTYPE1S = 'RA---TAN ' / type of WCS axis i WCSNAMES= 'Celestial coordinates' / name of WCS AIRMASS = 1.353377223015 / AIRMASS AT START OF OBSERVATION OWNRNOTE= 'notyetset ' / OWNRNOTE for archive data OWNRHINT= 'notyetset ' / OWNRHINT for archive data HA = '-0:00:17.60 ' / HOUR ANGLE DEC = '-5:07:10.2 ' / DECLINATION RA = '17:00:47.05 ' / RIGHT ASCENSION OBSERVER= 'Keto Zhang ' / OBSERVER NAME APERNAM = 'Open ' / APERTURE POSITION NAME INSTRUME= 'Nickel Direct Camera' TUB = 0 / TELESCOPE TUB ROTATION APERRAW = 1250 / APERTURE RAW POSITION FILTRAW = 2853 / FILTER RAW POSITION FILTORD = 3 / FILTER ORDINAL POSITION APERORD = 0 / APERTURE ORDINAL POSITION FILTNAM = 'R ' / FILTER POSITION NAME GEOMCODE= 0 / READOUT GEOMETRY DSENSOR = 'Loral 2Kx2K ' / SENSOR DESCRIPTION DNAXIS2 = 2048 / ROWS IN SENSOR DNAXIS1 = 2048 / COLUMNS IN SENSOR UCAMADC = '4-amp QADC ' / UCAM ADC BOARDS UCAMCDB = 'New CDB ' / UCAM CDB BOARDS CAMERAID= 2 / CAMERA ID NUMBER UCAMSPB = '2 DSPB ' / UCAM SPB BOARDS UCAMSOFT= '4.08 052011 ' / UCAM SOFTWARE VERSION UCAMTIM = 'New Timing ' / UCAM TIMING BOARDS ERPBIN = 5 / PARALLEL BINNING DURING ERASE ERASE = 3 / NUMBER OF ERASES PSKIP = 0 / CONTROLS POST-IMAGE SKIPPING CSMP = 1 / DCS CAP SELECTION CSELPRD = 0 / PREREAD CLOCK SELECTION SCLEAN = 0 / SERIAL CLEANING CLOCK SELECTION BINPRD = 0 / PREREAD SERIAL BINNING BINSCLN = 0 / BINNING FOR SERIAL CLEAN PPRERD = 4 / PRE-IMAGE ROWS PFREQ = 1 / PARALLEL CLOCK PERIOD PADDC = 0 / PARALLEL CLOCK CAPACITOR SELECTION NSTIME = 32 / CONTROLS RISING TIME FOR SUBSTRATE VSUBEX = 0 / SUBSTRATE VOLTAGE DURING EXPOSURE VSUBER = 0 / SUBSTRATE VOLTAGE DURING ERASE NHBESP = 32 / BINNING FOR SPECIAL ERASE MERSP = 0 / CONTROLS SPECIAL ERASE MODE TCPR1 = 4 / PRE-IMAGE SERIAL PIXELS TSPRD = 40 / SAMPLE TIME IN 0.1 MICROSECOND UNITS TSCLEAN = 40 / SERIAL CLEAN SAMPLE TIME SFREQ = 2 / SERIAL CLOCK PERIOD SADDC = 2 / SERIAL CLOCK CAP SELECTION REVERASE= 0 / NUMBER OF REVERSE ERASES TCPR2 = 4 / POST-IMAGE SERIAL PIXELS BEFORE OVERSCAN DATE-BEG= '2019-10-12T23:42:47.15' / START OF OBSERVATION EQUINOXU= 2019.780029297 / EPOCH FOR POCO POSITION IS CURRENT DATE DATE-END= '2019-10-12T23:42:50.65' / END OF OBSERVATION GAIN = 1 / DCS GAIN INDEX TEMPCON = 16.70000076294 / CONTROLLER TEMPERATURE NCSHIFT = 0 / NUMBER OF CHARGE SHUFFLES RCSHIFT = 0 / NUMBER OF ROWS IN EACH CHARGE SHUFFLE ROVER = 0 / NUMBER OF OVERSCAN ROWS COVER = 32 / NUMBER OF OVERSCAN COLUMNS MPP = 1 / MPP STATE TEMPDET = -109.8000030518 / EXPOSURE START DETECTOR TEMPERATURE TEMPDETE= 0 / EXPOSURE END DETECTOR TEMPERATURE READ-SPD= 80 / DCS READ SPEED OBJECT = 'dome flat ' CKSUMOK = T / cd: CHECKSUMS MATCH CAMCKSUM= 48407 / cd: CAMERA-COMPUTED CHECKSUM SFTCKSUM= 48407 / cd: SOFTWARE-COMPUTED CHECKSUM COMMENT End of cards from other times END