NB: These images should NOT be viewed as final performance images!!
New Figures: Pinhole Shadow tests (08-10 Oct) ; Aligned TV images (06 Nov) ; FCS Scattered Light (07 nov) ; Final Pinhole Condensation Image (30 oct)
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Two views of a montage of images, taken from frame 1910 (above). In this
case, a mask across the collimator produces the proper beam size for the
6 mask holes shown here. Eleven different wavelengths are shown,
sampled from along the full spectral image. Each "postage stamp" image has been
background-subtracted and flux-normalized. The tails that appear are
believed due predominantly to an assembly spacing error between the field
and the rest of the camera, which are mounted independently. Such tails
were not seen in the COHU test images taken last March, when the camera
was in the optical shop testing tunnel (see below). A review of the assembly
shows that a spacer was mistakenly omitted when mounting the dewar, to which
the field-flattener is attached. This will be remedied when the instrument is
reassembled in March.
The field-flattener has since been moved back 0.030in and image quality has improved remarkably ( mosaic and contour plot at 20 px spacings, from 07/24.) It is understood that the camera at room temperature should have somewhat comatic images; recall camera will operate near 0C on Mauna Kea. |
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Fringing amplitudes from frame 1938. These are normalized
quartz-lamp spectra taken at various positions, corresponding to
the collimator mask holes (the first two are from adjacent slitmask holes).
Note that fringing in Chips 1 and 4, engineering-grade high-rho devices,
is both more rapid and lower in amplitude (about 2%) compared to the
standard CCDs (Chips 2 and 3). This is as expected from the difference in
thickness. The standard devices have fringing amplitudes up to about 7%
beyond 9000A. Caveat: there was no order-separating filter in place, so
there may be a small amount of blue light present, which would dilute the
fringing; however, even at much longer wavelengths the 2nd-order blue
spectrum appears to be very weak.
A Postscript plot of the non-normalized spectra shows the relative sensistives. In the plot note that the spectrum from Chip 3 (blue) passes onto Chip 7, which is an early red-sensitive device; the others all continue onto standard devices. Chips 1 and 2 have significantly higher red sensitivity above 9000A despite their lack of AR-coating. |
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Zeroth-order ghost lines compared to primary lines. The primaries are from frame 1948 (1 sec exposure), the ghosts from frame 1947 (60 sec). Both are 1200-line grating images. Spectra from 4 different slitmask holes, close in X by staggered in Y across the mask, are plotted. The ghosts have been scaled by 1000 (that is, 16.67 x 60) relative to the primaries. Ghost intensities appear to be of order 0.1% or less (but I suspect this is a function of grating, as well as precise angles). A different spectral range is also available. |
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"First-light" TV Guide Camera image (PXL). The image shows a piece of paper taped to the slitmask. Another annotated picture displays the image at different contrast to show the slitmask and pickoff mirror. |
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This figure shows the test setup for the pinhole "shadow" tests, and
how displacement of an element in the camera will result in different motions
for images in collimated light and for shadows of "dust" located on the moving
element. We had previously identified several pixels of image motion
(flexure) coming from the camera. In these tests, a few "shadows" were noted
to have motions of order 20px.
Example of moving spots. By slightly moving the pinhole source, it was possible to identify which lens surface each "dust" feature is associated with, similar to the picture above. Two moving shadows from Element 3 are associated with a physical displacement of 0.005 inch o that element, which would produce about 6 pixels image motion. Thus, Element 3 is the dominant source of flexure in the camera. |
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Typical image from pinhole "shadow" test, identifying various features. Most of the features seen are either dust or condensation on the front of the Dewar window. The majority of the remaining features are on the back of Body 4, which is open to the outside and close to the moving shutter, so we would expect this surface to be relatively dirty. There was no filter in the system during these tests (the filter would be the other relatively dirty surface). A GIF version is also available. |
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This pair of images was taken Sept. 13 (top) and Oct. 03 (bottom)
with illumination from the pinhole light source. It illustrates some
of the temporal changes seen in the Dewar window condensation. Notice
the droplet (top) that disappears later on, probably leaving a new
"ice disk" in the vicinity. Also, notice how the
"frost" at the upper-right
grows. Most of these features are located on the front of the Dewar window
(see above for how this can be determined). Some "dust" features appear to
move, possibly being transported as droplets roll across them.
Larger JPG images are also available.
Each image shows the central part of CCD#2 in the mosaic. |
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Oct. 25 TV tests -- These are "flats" divided by each other:
13/14 ; and
07/10 . The later has a slight (sub-pixel)
shift due to flexure, so features appear there that do not appear in the
first ratio. Both have had "bias" subtracted before division. The amplitude
of the large-scale features is about +/- 2%. (Currently no PS available)
Apparently this is caused by plasma waves in the neon lamp source producing a spatially-variable illumination on the hatch in the 25ms exposure. Flats taken with daylight on the back of the garage door divided perfectly. |
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A post-alignment TV Guider image. Small piece of tape are on the pickoff mirror surface, while slits (and scratches) are seen on the slitmask. Adjusting the fold mirror has produced a small rotation of the field, <1 deg, which will be corrected later ( larger JPG). Note the small line and box (3x3mm) near the top center of the slitmask, made by milling partway through the slitmask with a 12thou end mill -- that's 0.4 arcsec on the sky) shown in detail below: |
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Final "pinhole" image 10/30 (center, 3000x3000 pix). Most of the condensation has now turned to platy ice. Note that the concentric rings on the back of Body 4 are now visible through the ice. The condensation patch is approximately 40mm in diameter. |
Andrew C. Phillips / Lick Observatory