Estimated Manpower for Chapter 3

Component: Mask Design and Fabrication

Subtask                    Due Pers-Hrs  Comments

Mask Design Layout          A       -
(Modifications & enhance-   B       -
ments to existing S/W)      C       -
                            D     200    Basic -- modifications for DEIMOS
                            E      60    Enhanc. (eg, new auto-select algor.)
                            F      60    Enhancements

Mapping to Focal Plane      A       -
(Modifications & enhance-   B       -
ments to existing S/W)      C       -
                            D     120    Basic -- modifications for DEIMOS
                            E      60    Maintenance (improving WCS mapping)
                            F      60    Maintenance (improving WCS mapping)

Generating DXF Instructions A       -
(Modifications & enhance-   B      50    needed for fabricating calib. masks
ments to existing S/W)      C       -
                            D       -
                            E       -          
                            F       -          

Astro. Coord. Utilities     A       -
(Adaptation of S/W)         B       -
                            C       -
                            D      70    Basic: proper motion, coord. precess
                            E       -
                            F       -

Illustrative plots of masks A       -
(Modifications to existing  B      60    Basic diagram
S/W)                        C       -
                            D       -
                            E      50    Potential Enhancements
                            F       -

Astrometry from DEIMOS      A       -
                            B     120    Design WCS parameterizations
                            B      70    S/W for calib. image analysis
                            C      80    Anal./parameterizing internal distort.
                            C      20    Select astrometric fields on sky
                            D      80    Init. astrom. calib. obs and analysis
                            E     120    Basic S/W for astrometry finished
                            F      60    Maintenance (improved WCS mapping)

Mask-fabrication, handling  A       -
and storage interface with  B       -      
database.                   C     150    slitmask/database/mill procedures
                            D      80    fabr., handling interface at Keck
                            E       -          
                            F       -          

Start-up verification,      A       -
debugging of CNC mill S/W   B     150      
ments to existing S/W)      C       -
                            D       -
                            E       -          
                            F       -          

A = CCD test (lab)
B = Instrument integration (lab)
C = Installation and commissioning in Hawaii
D = First science observations
E = One year after commissioning
F = Two years after commissioning

Last modified: 31 jul 96

Andrew C. Phillips / Lick Observatory