11.1 Overview
Funds available should be sufficient to construct a single beam. The sources of funds are as follows:
NSF Infrastructure grant | $1,790,000 |
CARA SSC Instrument funds | $3,238,000 |
CfPA Development funds | $ 110,000 |
UCB Astronomy Engineering support | $ 100,000 |
Total | $5,238,000 |
Some of these monies have already been expended in initial design and in purchasing the first CaF2 blank. "CfPA" refers to the Berkeley Center for Particle Astrophysics, which provided early development seed funds.
Table 11.1 shows a sample detailed budget. Shown is a list of all major activities, estimated start dates, estimated efforts in terms of man-hours, and associated budgets for materials and supplies. Also shown are the Quarterly and Cumulative totals and the variance from the current budget. The contingency fund (15% of the total in all categories) is at the bottom of the table. As individual items are re-estimated and money is either added to or subtracted from the contingency, these items will be highlighted during the quarter the change is made and permanently footnoted in the table.
A cost code system is coupled to the schedule. Cost code centers are listed in column 5. Each month the Lick Business Office will provide the project with a report of the charges in the format of this table, and each quarter the project will prepare a report for the Keck SSC to review. For purposes of tracking, effort will be shown in man hours. The quarterly and cumulative expenditures will convert these efforts into dollars.
We believe that the key to successful budget tracking is a detailed schedule with densely indicated milestones and activities. For that reason, the sample schedule breaks the work down into small increments. In tracking costs versus milestones, the Project Manager will be assisted by a 35%-time accountant in the Lick Business Office.
The management plan provides that the Project Manager must approve all purchase requisitions and all travel requests. Orders above $5,000 will also need approval by the PIs.