Date (09/20/01)
Attendees: Sandy Faber (via phone), Heather Mietz, Rachel Mercurio, Chris Wright, Drew Phillips, Jeff Lewis, Jack Osborne, Barry Alcott, Carol Harper, Bob Kibrick, Dave Cowley, Vern Wallace, Kirk Gilmore, Will Deich
**Dave has not proofed these minutes (they are posted with his approval however)
1. Next Meeting:
Thursday, October 4, 2001 @ 10:30 a.m.
2. CCDs, Mosaic, Controllers, etc.
Kirk calculated the blue engineering CCDs. He is interested in a 300-micron gap on the short end because the gap should only be about 100 microns. Once he finds the reason why this is happening, Kirk will then determine the gap of the bumper diameter so he can adjust it.
The schedule at this point is to get a list of images and plots for some devices so we can identify the position. The final layout on the mosaics will be completed, and hopefully the gaps will be measured by next week.
Sandy is in the process of computing numbers for Jeff Lewis. The red mosaic will be finished by the end of October. The FC System is up and running and the dewar is ready to go.
Terry's tests of the LN2 are complete. According to the results, there is a longer unholded time by 55 hours and the difference in temperature is about 2 degrees. Terry also did loaded tests as well and go the hold time we wanted.
We did some testing of the controllers yesterday and it has not been powering up correctly by 34 volts. There is also increasing noise and instability of images in CCD #5. It's failing the diagnostic tests and are a few volts off. However, the baseline instability is gone. Bob and Chris are currently working on this.
3. Software
According to Bob, there has been good progress with the reliability of the VS9 and the Lexar. We are now ready for the switch to running on a full-time basis. The Lick Serve 2 images goes in separate arrays. All software that measures flexure will be in a new format. October 1 is the target date for writing everything in the new format.
The slit mask repetition test has some errors in it. Before we proceed, we need to get new masks.
According to Vern, the software for positioning does not need any changes at this point.
Bob ran flexure tests yesterday and the numbers have improved. #5 flexure has 12 pixels in Y. This is good news, for we need to have the Y pixels as small as possible.
Dean is working on environmental keywords and the manual push button codes for the temp. servos.
With rotation, Will is tracking the servo loop to the right rate. It's just a matter of adjusting the servo loot perameters. Renishaw 1 has a single set of levels bouncing from 0-several volts. Renishaw 2, however, does not do this. We need to order a new spare by early next week so the encoder will switch.
4. Testing
According to Dave, the 1200 line grading is now in a cell; to be worked on this weekend. Before we continue with this process, we must align the cell tomorrow Because of the switch this weekend.
The filter wheel might be contributing to the flexure, according to Drew. This can be worked on today with the FC detectors, hopefully by noon.
Slit Mask Testing:
Tomorrow at 2:30 we will explore the 8 pixel shift in the slit mask to see what it looks like. Masks were inserted 60 times and they did not seem to cause any problems.
The FC Server 2 is at the 3030 row. It needs to be moved 200 rows to get the V blocks moved, hopefully by the end of the day. It's in slider #3 with 900 grating. There will be a new cylinder by this weekend. A meeting for Monday at 11 a.m. with Sandy, Dave, Bob, and Drew is scheduled.
Trolley Testing:
The living and breathing tests have been successful. The trolley has gone down the track about four to five times; only 95 more tests to fulfill CARA's requirements. The date to do this additional testing is unknown.
5. Electronics
Barry is working with the troubleshooting in the focus stage. He is using Galil commands, and there is no real keyword to the serve motor. It doesn't turn back on, making it difficult to troubleshoot.
Here is a quick list of major tasks that has to be done:
1. Add over temperature controls
2. Connect functions in the cradle
3. The interface panel needs to be set up for CARA II
4. The slit mask has to have the switches enabled
5. Add the limit switch for the filter wheel and
6. Test the points on the CCD control supply. Ken is working on the final stages on the interlock wiring of the calibration lamp.
6. Optics
ZC & R are done with coating. Dave was going to start laminating those, but Sandy says to postpone that to a later date.
7. Mechanical
Nose Area:
The nose area has been working on some this week, but more will come next week. The loading mechanism is working, and Jeff will work on the new #5 cylinder when received. The dewey has been working well at this point.Trolley System:
Matt finished the chain device area.Baffling:
Vern and Dick started working on the filter wheel cover and will continue throughout the week.Interface:
N/A8. Alignment
The grating align principal effort will be going on until about the middle of next week. The FC System spots with 600 and 900 grating in #4 is where they should be. #3 will be worked on this afternoon.9. Site Report (Keck)
The September shutdown is going along well. Reinforcements of platforms are in and the deck portion will be reinforced in October. New contractors will be found this week.10. Web Site (Heather)
The website is being updated as normal, with commissioning things. Heather will be out from October 9-November 12.11. Shipping/Commissioning
The pressure mounts should be in today. The wooden crate and drawings are complete. Jerry is working on the shrink wrap. Details need to be ironed out for a P0. The prices range from $1,500-$6,500. Jerry says if we finalize by the end of the month, we'll have the camera crate in good shape.
The insurance withdrew their bid because one of the main offices was in the World Trade Center. Sal is waiting for us to get back to him.
12. Overall Schedule
· The grating system and slit mask done by mid-late next week.
· The pre-ship be mid-October at earliest.
· Shipping December 21-slip for 2 weeks
· First light, April 29.
· No one going to Hawaii until after Christmas-first week of January.
Minutes written by Rachel Mercurio, email: