Attendees: Sandy Faber, Dave Cowley, Vern Wallace, Carol Harper, Jerry Cabak, Jeff Lewis, Jack Osborne, Barry Alcott, Dave Hilyard, Ken Dietsch, Bob Kibrick, Heather Mietz, Greg Wirth – phone, Drew Phillips
1. Next Meeting:
July 5th, 10:30 a.m.
There will be a Readiness Review tentatively scheduled on July 18. Pre-ship will be on August 13. First light would be in February 2002.
2. CCDs, Mosaic, Controllers, etc.
Heat is currently an issue. Bob had to shut down so that the controllers did not overheat. What resulted was flaky behavior, scrambled images.Motorola (Bob): issues are over, work around it. There have been zero errors since then.
Sandy and Bob are to talk offline about 2 CCD temperature issues.
Terry is progressing on LN2 can. In the next 2 weeks it’ll be done.
Proposed: Testing of the LN2 can to take place at CCD lab in fall. Will fit test this before it goes to Keck.
3. Software
Ver 1.1 of punchlist was presented at this meeting. There are non-software items, mechanical and electrical that impact software as well as software items.
There is progress with the rotation stage. Will is satisfied with the number of keywords. Now he needs to get absolute position calibration.
Will and Bob will be in Hawaii July 9-13 to work with Keck on DCS.
To qualify the rotation system, Greg at CARA will take responsibility for commissioning. Greg is putting together documentation to assist with this.
The slit mask mechanism is not running, but is close. Keyword testing to happen by tomorrow.
Grating tilt issues are a bit of diversion. It took 1 week, not a few hours, to deal with. It works as it should now.
Lickserv2 (Steve) – We should be getting images into DS9 by now, it’s a bigger job than previously thought. World coordinate system standards are still debatable. We need to write this in to get DS9 to display properly. We are picking a side and are hoping it comes out ahead.
De – Working on engineering and observers’ GUI issues (it’s been over a year since the observer’s GUI has been touched). Newer versions have to get ported.
Bob is wrapping up CCD keywords.
4. Electronics (Barry)
TV camera is not working. Carol’s dealing with it. The A25 photometrics box went bad. It was replaced, but that one was bad too. We can get one more, but no there is no support for this one. This system has intermittent problems. They are long-term and thus, not viable. Greg: Does CARA have spares? Are there boxes for us to try out? We have until pre-shipment to resolve.
Concerning the noise issues in grating tilt - we have the cure, need to get rid of cause. Will hook cable up with capacitor.
Is Clamp 3 going to be resurrected? Different clamping sequence is possible. Barry made use of celluloid and wiring of clamp 3 for hatch, so need to change if this is the case. More discussion on this offline. Jack – Design will end next week, then it’s off to instrument shop and the parts will be built.
PXL coolant interlock box is built. We need to run this and other cables between ring and front of instrument.
Teflon- coated wires are in and waiting to be installed.
Punchlist – There are many more tasks to be done. Most of the major ones are done. Barry is to look at and get a sense of what needs to be done by Readiness and Pre-shipment.
Bob fixed pattern noise in FCS, but where is it coming from? Bob and Sandy are to observe tonight.
5. Optics
The filters from S.I. Howard Glass are due to be in 2 weeks.6. Mechanical
Nose Area:
This is to be worked on Monday through Wednesday next week. The Spectrograph is unavailable until then.
Slit Mask:
Vern is aligning and testing. The mask in slot 8 failed due to plunger misalignment.
A second ballslide was added to the system, this would be more robust if the actuator wears. More are needed; Jeff will do this.
Vern to do barcodes, but he needs a drawing to show where they go.
Calibration System/FC Light System:
No change.Cladding:
More on Electronics ring to help with cooling, but some removed. Matt Thompson is still working on this.Baffling:
No changes.Glycol Cooling:
Panel is being rebuilt with flowmeters. The PVC fittings are too weak.Air System:
The interconnect panel is installed and ready for air hookup.Interface:
This is under construction. The design is being looked at.Grating System: (Jack)
FEA tests showed that the plate should be rebuilt. Gary is working on this.
Slider 4 is on the test-rotating stand. FEA showed that holding all four corners helped. Slider 3 worked better holding center. Plan: Design modifications for slider 4, exchange slider 3, test, then do slider 3 and slider 5.
Better flexure numbers (10 and 13). Still need to determine camera flexure.Instrument Trolley:
Work was begun on the frame. We got rack and fixtures from Keck. Need to run for Pre-shipment as much as possible.7. Alignment
Will need to do in 4-8 weeks. We’ll also need to steer the beam so that FC light source is on chip. Sandy will do this in the next couple weeks.8. Testing
De needs as much time as possible to do this.9. Site Report
Greg should stay later after the Readiness Review to help go through comments. This is to be discussed next week. Phone conference on Tues. 26, 11:30 am.10. Web Report (Heather)
April minutes are up on the Web. New images need to be posted. Will post flexure tests after Tammy does this.11. Shipping/Travel
Eren, our summer intern, will inventory shipping crates. He will also draw the Matson rack to help with DEIMOS housing.
Insurance – There are questions for us. By July we should have this in place.
Camera – The cases from Hardigg will be here in July.
12. Schedule
Pre-ship review is on August 13. The instrument should be in Hawaii in mid- October
Jan 24, 25 are the full moon days that DEIMOS needs to hit.
Minutes written by Margarita Valencia, email: