Attendees: Heather Mietz, Barry Alcott, Carol Harper, Matt Radovan, Ken Dietsch, Bob Kibrick, Terry Mast, Vernon Wallace, Dave Hilyard, Chris Wright, Dave Cowley and Sandy Faber
1. Next Meeting:
Monday, September 11th, 2:00 pm (let CARA know)
2. Dewar (Bob):
Engineer CCDs were removed while they were under power (Bob saw FCs continue on without CCDs). The consequences are that we may have damaged the FC CCDs. Sandy and Dave will have a meeting about what happened and how to prevent this in the future.
The temperature diodes are still an issue. 5 out of 8 performed OK, but the other 3 had anomalies. This will be discussed later today.
Kirk is doing measurements on the science array and putting on the cold hardware. He'll be ready at 2 p.m. today for the trial installation of the dewar.
3. Software (Bob)
The next DEIMOS software meeting will be at 2 p.m. in the Director's Office.
Dean is close to completing the keyword control code for the motors.
There were snags in getting things going in the clean room. The ethernet link was weak and slow to connect from the 3rd floor. We have the solution that works.
The online UPS is working, but the software is flawed (triplight). We are working toward getting fixed this week.
NICS activities will be wrapping up this week, so that should free up some time for the rest of the group.
Bob emailed a list of questions to Hilton about the rotation and diskless system about the PC/Linux issue. Hilton says they will consider another alternative (adopting NIRC 2 software). We are waiting to hear back on his answers.
4. Electronics
Work on the AC power distribution systems continues. Ted got the wiring on the electronics ring done and is working on the circuit breaker (it will take about a week, and he'll do it as he has time).
Ted also started on the shutter controller. He assigned the last io bits available on the barrel, so Barry needs to have a backup plan if we need more.
The dewar cables all fit.
The TV filter wheel worm gear developed bad chatter. Ken put on a different controller and it worked OK. Bad channels were wiped clean and started over and now it's fine. Dean and Ken discussed to see if this could be prevented in the future.
Carol is getting a plan together for the installation of the RTD devices. Wiring and testing will follow. Vern needs to give input on how to mount the remaining 8.
5. Optics
The calcium fluoride is here (in 1 piece). It will be a spare.
Dave H. will be on vacation soon.
6. Collimator
The collimator is currently in instrument.
We are done with the basic X/Y tip tilt for stability of collimator, and Z placement is close to specifications on all 3. It will be left pending the optical alignment.
The cover was modified, so we can remove it (but not the hatch).
7. Tent Mirror
There is 1 aluminum and 1 zerodur each.
The Piezo is in and on the aluminum mirror, so it's ready for wiring.
8. Slit Mask System
Jeff did the NC work on the form and Jim will finish (manually put in holes). Jim is out for a few days.9. Grating System (Jack)
Jack and Jeff are working on grating system now (during meeting). Last week Jack ran slider 1 and did tests on it. It seems to be more stable then the fixture he that was doing fix tests, so only small modifications are needed.
Slider 2 is in preparation with flat mirror. It will go on the ball screw so it will be available for Cohu and star tests.
The Cohu mount is on DEIMOS, so only the Cohu camera needs to go on it now.
There is a lot more testing that needs to be done.
10. TV System
The TV system is working OK now, and Dean is working on software.11. Calibration System
The quartz system parts are not built yet. Matt is finishing the drawings.
Most parts are built for the calibration system.
12. FC Light System (Matt)
The FC Light Systems will be done in 2 weeks. Some parts can be built next week.13. Filter Wheel
The filter wheel is in DEIMOS, and will be run with 5 aluminum and 1 glass filter rather than empty. The filters will protect the camera.
Now is a good time to mount Electronics' push button activators.
14. Alignment
Terry and Vern are working on the star - several lasers are aligned, and it is ready for setup in parking lot.
The mounting Cohu is currently taking place.
The slit mask is still needed.
Jack is working on slider 2 (which is on target for late today or tomorrow).
15. Site Report (Greg not in attendance)
Dave will circulate Kecks' meeting agenda for the 9/20-9/22 site visit. The next tele-conference is scheduled for August 30.16. Web Report (Heather)
A pre-commissioning meeting needs to happen for Fall.
The Interface Control Document should go on the docushare site at Keck. There will be more discussion when the 9-20 site visit happens.
17. Shipping/Travel
The meeting setup for insurance issues is Sept. 12, 9:00 AM, and Sandy will attend.18. Schedule
The science mosaic will be in the dewar by mid/end of next week.
Today or tomorrow we will see first light spectrograph which will allow us do optical alignment. We will also take our first look at flexure.
Minutes written by Heather Mietz, email: