Attendees: Dave Cowley, Heather Mietz, Carol Harper, Jack Osborne, Matt Radovan, Barry Alcott, Kirk Gilmore, Bob Kibrick, Ken Dietsch, Chris Wright, Terry Mast and Sandy Faber
1. Next Meeting:· July 27th, 2000, 10:30 a.m.
· The SSC meeting is on July 13th. A DEIMOS report will be presented.
2. Dewar· The dewar is cold now. There is a small leak in the flexure control feed-through.
· The ion current is at 900 mircoamps which is 10 higher than last time. Terry Pfister is changing the plate out. A helium test was performed for verification.
· Chris and Bob need to complete their cold dewar tests by Friday. We will warm up over the weekend. The engineering array will come out on July 10th (Monday).
3. Detector/ Mosaic· If the FC plate is leak-free, the science mosaic will go in on the 17th.
· Strategies were designed and implemented on the power on/off issue. These were tested for a week. We will also have the software monitor the loss of power to the UPS and take measurements before the UPS shuts down.
· Due to the amount of condensation all over the CCDs, Kirk thinks it is more than a small leak. Zeolite will do very little at this level of high pressure.
· Before the science array goes in there needs to be a readiness review.
4. Software (Bob)· Steve and Bob were out last week, De is involved with fiscal close, and Dean has also been out the last couple of days.
· The keyword library is coming along. There will soon be a grating tilt 3 and filter wheel library. After this work is done, adding stages will go quicker. Keyword control means other tools are available, such as writing scripts and testing stages.
5. Electronics (Barry Alcott)· 75% of the AC wiring on the barrel is finished.
· Carol built 4 new variations of the stage interconnect box to work with the Gurley.
· Ken wired 4 shorting plugs.
· The temperature diodes were reworked for Kirk.
· Ken reset the limit switches on the TV stages. There is an update on the web.
· The index for the Electronics manual is online.
· There is a potential issue of the cabling between the CCD controller and the dewar. Although they were measured with dummy cable, they seem short. Electronics will test this again.
· Bob will order the computer boards.
6. Optics· Dave C. talked to Optovac. They say they are still growing the crystal, and it will be 3-6 weeks.
7. Camera· The camera is getting installed into Deimos right now. It will probably remain there until Deimos ships.
· The SML shutter fixes were tested a few months ago and seemed OK.
· Matt mentioned to watch that the titanium blades were not sanding holes in the aluminum housing.
8. Collimator· The lifting fixture is due here at any time.
· In a few weeks the collimator will go into the cell. By the end of July, the entire piece will be in Deimos.
9. Tent Mirror· Nothing new.
10. Slit Mask System· The new form is ready to be cut in the Instrument shop this week and will take 2-3 weeks. It should be done at the end of July.
FIBERS (Matt)· Matt is working on a detailed design and will get the holes to the shop soon.
11. Grating System (Jack)· The Davidson auto-collimator was used to make sure everything was aligned.
· Slider #1 is on. It is out of balance but can be rotated.
· The mirror tool is in place for a final check.
· New hard pads are being heat treated.
· Slider #2 is waiting for the mirror, which will be aluminized Monday.
12. TV System· Dave C. will be the engineer on this.
13. Calibration System· The results of the lamps that came in were that the zinc and cadmium ones looked good.
· A white reflector and negative cylindrical lens seemed the way to go. The stainless steel can be painted white.
· Per Barry, 10 io bits have been allocated.
14. FC Light System· Discussed elsewhere.
15. Filter Wheel· The gear box is supposed to arrive tomorrow.
16. Structure (Dave C)· Cladding needs to be fabricated that will enclose the electronics.
· We need to start thinking about the casting of the nose structure. This is typically messy, and test and procedures to make this easier are hard to do in a controlled environment. This will come due in September, and it will be discussed more offline.
17. Alignment· Terry needs to look at the drawings of the fixtures for the mechanical alignment of the collimator before they are released to the Instrument shop.
· There are other tools which will need to be permanently affixed to the glass, such as the dial gauge. Terry should look at this too.
18. Site Report· Dave will meet with Keck personnel when he goes to Hawaii for the SSC meeting. Please talk to Dave if you have issues you want discussed or pictures you want taken.
19. Web (Heather)· Bob needs to get back to Heather on the raw data issue from the last meeting.
· Work has started on the passwording of files on the web. Heather and Barry need to look at an internal server error that is coming up and fix this.
20. Schedule· Nothing new.
21. Pupil Source· There was a meeting last week on this. Vern is now responsible for it, and it is needed by the end of July. The first version will be the least complicated. We should be buying lasers and lamps for this that are bright and sharp.