DEIMOS Team Meeting


Attendees:     Dave Cowley, Heather Mietz, Carol Harper, Jack Osborne, Matt Radovan, Kirk Gilmore, Bob Kibrick, Terry Mast, Vernon Wallace, Dave Hilyard, Will Deich, Greg Wirth (by phone), Garth Illingworth and Sandy Faber

1.    Next Meeting:

·         August 10th, 2000, 10:30 a.m.

2.    Dewar

·         Zeolite results (Kirk): There is weight gain in air – per gram, 450 micrograms per minute is absorbed. It absorbs 15% of its capacity per hour. Kirk will get new zeolite, weigh it, put it in the dewar during cool down, then take it out and weight it first thing.

·         Cool down will occur this Friday or Monday.

·         Sandy wants to snip the cold straps to see the effects, maybe on the next warm up.

·         The cold finger inside the LN2 can needs to be modified, and Dave is aware but going to wait on these modifications. Another possibility is building a new LN2 can.

3.    Detector/ Mosaic 

·         Per Kirk, the mosaic is ready to go except for the thermal circuitry. It will be about 1 day of work for Terry Pfister (who is currently working on the dewar).

·         Per Bob, other items that need to be looked at:  

1.      Verify analog switches

2.      Verify wave forms and voltage

3.      Verify monitor board chip

·         Related to electronics, when the UPS is unplugged, the logic on the board senses the AC power loss and turns off 30 volts. Barry is changing the delay so that it is increased. Barry isn’t done yet, so Dave will discuss with Barry.

4.    Software (Bob)

·         Bob is working with Chris on power sequencing issues and made modifications on the power up sequence.

·         Concerning the UPS interface to the Sun workstation, when switching to battery power, a controlled power down sequence takes 30 seconds.

·         Additional revisions to the keyword library for the CCD subsystem have occurred.

·         There is now temperature servo control which monitors each CCD individually.

·         De is working on a GUI prototype and making revisions.  It is running in simulation mode.

·         Dean is working on porting over Galil from ESI to Deimos and strengthening weak areas.

·         Will has been working on the NICS firewall issue and should be back on Deimos soon.

·         There has been a discussion with Hilton Lewis about the box needed for rotation control. Hilton would like it to be a Unix box per CARA standards. Bob is discussing Sun/Solaris possibilities if their support of diskless booting continues. Per Sandy, this is  a critical issue that needs a decision. Bob will check with Sun again.

5.    Electronics (Carol Harper)

·         A temporary shutter control cable was built and a cable for a permanent one was ordered.

·         Ken has determined that a new variety of stage interconnect box is needed to run stages that work in the reverse direction. He also built and tested the new interconnect box.

·         Carol and Ken have generated keys to give them access to the CVS software tree.

·         Carol and Ken have both attended a UNIX course.

·         Ken and Ted have built shorting plugs for both the Science and Flexure Compensation CCD controllers.

·         Ted has reworked many of the 61-pin cables to isolate the signal ground from the shield.

·         Barry is working on an update of the Power Monitor EPLD (Electronic Programmable Logic Device) to allow the CCD controller to 'ride out' a UPS switch-over.

·         Barry and Ted have worked on the AC wiring on the barrel.

·         Carol tested the Science Filter Wheel with the new 50:1 gear box and determined auto tuning numbers (KD=20, KP=1.5, KI=0)

·         Carol retested Grating Tilt #3 after modifications were made (plate thinned, new spring, don’t have to move the limit switch) and revised the test procedures on the Web.

·         Ken removed the temperature sensor mounting brackets and sent them off to be black anodized.

·         Issues: Dean says there’s no more program space for the push button code. A hard paddle might have to be used.

6.    Optics

·         Bill aluminized 4 more mirrors.

·         Dave C. has heard nothing more from Optovac.

·         Sandy and Dave to talk to Coherent; Cleveland is still working on quote.

7.    Camera

·         Vern installed it, took flexure measurements, and the results looked acceptable.  

8.    Collimator

·         It is presently in its cell. The crosshairs and mirror are on it. It will be in the Instrument mid next week

9.    Tent Mirror

·         The tent mirror will go on in about a week – right after the collimator.

·         Terry, Sandy, Jack and Dave to have an offline meeting about the systems installation schedule after this meeting.

10.           Slit Mask System

·         The form is in progress.

11.           Grating System (Jack)

·         We are in the middle of aligning using the Davidson auto-collimator.  It’s taking a while.

·         The #3 dummy grating was installed in the real cell.

·         Grating #1 is in the spectrograph.

·         Grating #4 is on the bench waiting for limit switches.

·         Grating #2 is waiting for the aluminized mirror.

·         Issues to be dealt with concerning flexure measurements: with the camera installations and the extra weight added, it became unstable once rotated.

·         Sandy wants to meet regularly with Jack on this every few days since other systems are going to be installed first. Dave wants other parts installed first to see about interferences.

12.           TV System

·         It is being tested.

13.           Calibration System/FC Light System

·         Matt has the quartz source power supply. He wants to use a negative cylindrical lens and has a source for it.

·         Copper argon power supplies are ordered.

·         Matt is working with Barry on the electronics vault and locker (rack). Perhaps it could slide out on sliders and hold up to 8 power supplies.

·         Results of the test on white paint: Matt found a source for proprietary paint that’s better than barium – more highly reflective and more durable.

·         A detailed design on the field stops on fiber end will be finished next week.

14.           FC Light System

·         Discussed above.

15.           Filter Wheel

·         A gear box was added, but the motor interfered with the electronics boxes and dewar. It was moved, and now interferes with the structure. It is being dealt with now.

16.           Structure

·         We are currently modifying the structure for the filter wheel. Holes are needed for the filter wheel cover (which hasn’t been designed yet).

17.           Alignment

·         A meeting about alignment is needed after this meeting.

18.           Site Report

·         CARA wants a site meeting via video teleconferencing that would occur on alternate Wednesdays at 2-2:30 PST. Sandy, Dave, Bob, Terry would attend. August 2 would be the first. 

·         September 20-22 was suggested for a CARA site visit – Greg will check these dates with the other attendees.

·         Dave sent Drew M. an outline plan of where Deimos sits on the platform. An extension will be helpful.  When Deimos is pulled back on deck, carts will have to be moved.

19.           Web (Heather)

·         Heather created and posted Quarterly reports 22 and 23 for the SSC meeting. She also put up the OCR’d SSC presentation.

·         We have figured out the password issue and can now password sensitive data on our website.  Heather will email to the Deimos list that there is a password once it’s implemented, and people can ask her for it.

·         Heather created a page for some camera flexure tests Vern did which contained a variety of cross referenced files and file formats.

20.           Shipping/Travel

·         Heather created a schedule with detailed tasks for shipping Deimos and related travel. Heather, Dave and the business office are working with Risk Management on insurance.

·         Dave found a possible crane source while in Hawaii. 

21.           Schedule

·         Nothing new.