DEIMOS Team Meeting


Attendees:     Bob Kibrick, Jeff Lewis, David Hilyard, Dave Cowley, Greg Wirth, Sandy Faber, Jack Osborne, Richard Stover, Vern Wallace, Barry Alcott, Drew Phillips, Kirk  Gilmore, Heather Mietz.

1.      Next Meeting:

·         March 23, 9:30 am

2.      Detector

·         The FC Devices for engineering array are on the backplane. The science array ones are on aluminum nitrate, not moly blocks. They are tested and waiting for backplanes.

·         Screws were not vented for engineering array, but need to be for science one – need 30.

·         (Richard Stover): Luppino sent 2 devices from Lot 14 and will send 2 more soon.

·         Richard Stover: Lincoln broke 2 lot 14 wafers, which amounts to 3 Deimos devices. We probably won’t see the fixes in time for Deimos. Other issues: There is a higher instance of cosmetic defects resulting in issues with ghost imaging.

·         Also unsure about new AR coating – we thought they were improving it, but Richard is unsure of this.

3.      Dewar (Kirk not here, Dave C. reports)

·         Backplane has been double disk ground, heat-treated and aged.

·         Backplane back 3/9/00 and will take ½ day in Instrument Shop. Changes per Kirk have been made.

·         Chris fixing two broken cables now and the issue of a more permanent solution will take place later. For now, Barry and Kirk both have a spare cable that can be used.

·         Two potential contamination sources:

1.      Water:  Possible hydration of RTV used for window. We are getting other samples tomorrow to test. Another possible solution is the O-Ring. Could be placed behind the field flattener. The O-Rings have been ordered.

2.      Pump Oil: used domestic wire on sensor array for the data logger that was not Teflon coated. This has been rectified.

·        Schedule: Bob and Chris to test next week (cooldown this weekend).

4.      Camera

·        Cut RTV open and is not hard enough yet.

·        No problem making last space.

·        Element 9 was in upside down, but has been fixed and is curing.

·        Camera assembly done through body 3, then ready for the last doublet, then the Schier Plate.

·        Note from Sandy on ORA, according to them, we are ahead of our nominal error budget by 10 – 15 %.

·        Note from Terry Mast – we can measure distortion

5.      Software (Bob Kibrick)

·        Interviews for Mt. Hamilton position are underway.

·        Software group expects to be working on Deimos stages and test support beginning of April.

·        De and Dean are working on the exposure meter’s final stage.

·        Steve is 80% done with mosaic descrambling software.

6.      Electronics

·        Ted is repairing the ion pump.

·        Barry is working on Keck/Lick interface.

·        Carol Harper is enthused with the idea of coming back to Electronics to help while we are understaffed.

·        We need one more SCSI to fiber converter for the Photometics Camera. Will be talking to Keck.

7.      Optics

·         Element 5 is rotated to the top of the field – this is the one with the fracture. Dave to propose to the SSC that if they pay for materials to fix it, we will donate labor. Note: about $13,000.

8.      Structure

·         Jack said that the crane has been repaired.

9.      Collimator

·         Nothing new

10. Tent Mirror

·         Jack to help Bill with fixture for aluminization.

·         Dave points out that we don’t need actual mirror for testing.

·         Bill Brown needs fixtures to hold the aluminum in chamber.

11.  Slit Mask

·         Cassette will be in on Deimos this coming Monday the 13th  now that we have the crane back.

·         No progress on fibers, since Matt is out for three weeks.

12. Grating System (Jack)

·         Sliders 3 and 4 are being built.

·         Alignment jig on hold.

·         Results of motor torque on the web soon.

·         1200 line grating with gold coating might be obtained with an arrangement from LRIS.

13.  TV System

·         We are Missing the box. After Grating System, the TV System is next , major mechanical system.

14.  Calibration System (Matt not here)

·         Nothing new

15.  FC Light System

·         Greg still needs to provide Matt with spectra and part# of lamps. Gave him all other info. Between 75% and 95% of light is thrown away by shrink-wrap tubing – plenty of flux. Greg will put the report on the web.

16. Filter Wheel

·         Jeff started the remachining and will try to finish before SSC meeting.

17. Alignment

·         Nothing new.

18. Site Report (Greg in-house)

·         Pictures need to be taken for Deimos rails for Nasmyth Deck – will forward when they get them. Nasmyth deck deformation needs to be discussed. They are thinking about it.

·         Teleconferences needed between CARA and us in areas of mechanical, electronics and software.

·         Meet after this meeting on list of deliverables and Pre-Ship Documentation.

·         Jason Chin and Drew Medeiros will hopefully coming out here soon.

19. Web Site

·         Had first meeting and as result, we have a new Deimos site index proposed (and on the web) and the design system breakdown (also on the web).

·         Test form developed and in review – also on the web although having technical issues getting Excel documents to open successfully.

·         Next step to fix the Excel issues and get form usable as soon as possible. Will plan meeting at next Deimos Team Meeting.

20. SSC Meeting

·         March 14th, here in engineering.

21. Schedule

·         First light is currently 4 weeks behind which puts pre-ship review in early December. This is important- if not at this time, won’t happen until mid-January.

·         Dewar and camera still on critical path, but camera will be in testing phase soon. This means other systems on hold will be coming up the pipeline.