DEIMOS Team Meeting

Attendees: Dave Cowley, Heather Mietz, Carol Harper, Jeff Lewis, Jack Osborne, De Clarke, Will Deich, Chris Wright, Vernon Wallace, Sandy Faber, Matt Radovan, Drew Phillips, and Kirk Gilmore

1.    Next Meeting:

·         November 28th, 2000, 9:30 a.m.

·         Dave’s general statement:  the dewar is in, and we’ve seen images and spectra.  There were some flexure difficulties, but a huge milestone has been passed.  We’ve moved the focus and dewar in the ‘x’ stage.  Congratulations to everyone!

2.    CCDs, Mosaic, Controllers, etc.

·         Our intention is to build another mosaic.  We’ve bought moly clips. Sandy would like to review the backplane design before we make it. Dave said the size and most holes wouldn’t change, so we should make it and worry about small holes later. **Need a 13” square of Invar 42—Jeff to order.

·         Chris ordered 4 more video boards, and we should see these at the beginning of December.

·         Controllers:  there are bandwidth and driver issues which are prohibiting Bob from ordering parts. Bob will have a plan for the next meeting.

3.    Software (Bob)

·         Some keywords are missing that match FITS header.  There are issues with standardization, and the FITS communities need to resolve these.

·         DS9 is not in compliance, and there are no standards. Per De, a discussion has started to set these standards.

·         Steve did the DCS/Epics work.

·         The diskless system is okay, but there are electronic problems with the test bench setup.  This might add 1 week to the Galil schedule.

·         Dean is currently working on the grating tilt.

·         Dean will talk to Jack about finding an encoder with better resolution.

·         Will is spending some time interviewing for NICS employees.

·         De produced and is finalizing the engineering test GUI.

·         The PANE keywords are behind in schedule.

·         The configurable lamps design is progressing well. We’ll have keywords next week.

**Per Sandy, software is the critical path now.

4.    Electronics

·         The big push is to complete the cabling.

·         We need to determine how to deal with the grating tilt #3 loops.

·         Grating tilt #4 will be tuned next week.

·         Ted and Carol met with Dean about the software modules.

·         Ted needs time on the instrument next week for the AC wiring.

·         Ted and Carol to meet with De next week.

5.    Optics

·         Images look OK except in white light.  The design did not require this ability, so we don’t know what kind of issue this is. We should run with a filter. 

·         Dave: No new info on coatings.

6.    Mechanical

Slit Mask:

·         The alignment of the slit mask system is 60 thousandths off in ‘x’.  The auto-collimator needs to be set up so it’s on axis.  ‘Z’ and ‘y’ are about 30 thousandths off. 

·         Find out if Amex Plating is open the third week of December.

·         There will be a gross function test on November 22.

·         We need to include the bar code reader in gross function testing. 

Calibration System: (Matt)

·         It is complete, except for testing with the Krypton and Zenon lamps.

FC Light System:

·         The instrument shop has drawings. Matt can assemble when Gary is finished.  It should be complete by Thanksgiving. 

·         With the quartz illuminator, one could see the spot and rough alignment.  Matt ran some tests without Sandy.


·         Jeff ordered the parts.  Cladding on the barrel and conical section will start next week.  Dave won’t push the nose core area until flexure is under control.

Glycol cooling:

·         Jeff has all the parts and just needs a schematic from Vern.

Grating System (Jack):

·         A model was built and a review meeting was held.  These were very helpful. 

·         Switches were mounted on Tilt #4. 

·         The grating was installed and was scratched in the process. A procedure and report should be written to avoid this in the future.

Flexure: (Dave C.)

·         Flexure exists that is exclusive to the dewar.  We believe 75% is in the grating box. 

·         When dewar is put on, the flexure is decreased in the ‘x’ direction from 40 pixels to 30 pixels.  The ‘y’ direction is increased from 9 pixels to 15 pixels. This means it could be in the dewar, and we may need to pull it after the beginning of next year.  We need a meeting to discuss this - Tuesday the 14th, 9:00 a.m. 

7.    Alignment

·         Nothing new.

8.    Testing

·         De wants the most complex systems tested first, but all aren’t available yet, so we are unable to do this at present.

9.    Site Report (no call)

·         In August 2001, Keck 2 will be taken down for a month.  One reason is to work on projects which will enable them to accept DEIMOS in October 2001, such as the cable boom, rack lengthening, etc.  Keck needs more personnel to do these projects. They are hoping for volunteers from Caltech and UCSC - 1 mechanical engineer, 2 electronic techs, 2 machinists, and possibly a draftsperson and  software personnel.  Keck will commit to this date by end of November. 

·         The next tele/video meeting with Keck is Wednesday, November 22 at 10:30 am.

10.           Web (Heather)

·         Sandy’s SSC presentations are in pdf format (and postscript) and are on the site.

·         The homepage was updated to include the webcam.

11.           Shipping/Schedule

·         DEIMOS’ October 1, 2001 arrival in Hawaii is dependent on Keck getting the 5 personnel they need.