Attendees: Carol Harper, Heather Mietz, Dave Cowley, Dave Hilyard, Ken Dietsch, Barry Alcott, Vern Wallace, Jack Osborne, Jeff Lewis, Matt Radovan, Sandy Faber, and Drew Phillips.
1. Next Meeting:
· Friday, December 15, 2000 at 9:30 a.m.
2. CCDs, Mosaic, Controllers, etc.· 20+ hours is the current hold time.
· Ion pump is current for housing is 45 micro amps.
· Chamber=2.8 micro amps.
· Sandy says there is some fuzziness in the images right from the beginning and through the evening.
· FC Devices: Dave Cowley took spectra. With the imaging mirror the spectra is misaligned by approximately 60 columns.
3. Software· Dean is testing the keyword library and dispatcher. They will be ready this afternoon. Lamps will run under keyword control tomorrow. Dean will work on the grating next.
· Will did DEIMOS rotation bench tests. The hardware issues we had before are mostly gone. The next two weeks will be devoted to working on this.
· Bob is working on the 100 MB ethernet from the VME crate. He has a quote for replacement board, with a 10-12 week lead time. Bob also has lead on German company’s prototype, which we could borrow from them earlier than it would take to get the replacement board in. It is a third of the cost of the replacement.
· Bob was also concerned about network access on the public network from upper and lower shops, through CATS, etc. A 160 second readout is usual, but Drew reports that times of about 5 minutes per exposure were occurring. This may be a result of network congestion - CATS might be running backups. He is unsure if it’s the network, or if the CPU is swamped. We might consider moving Celeste here and putting it on a private network. Sandy believes that we have more pressing issues than this.
· De: The engineering GUI test is today.
· Steve is working on a revised version of “Lick Serve”.
· Sandy wants the memory for Celeste installed.
4. Electronics· The temperature sensors are installed and tested, and they’re all okay except the 3 for the grating structure.
· We still cannot talk to the data logger – this is probably a cabling problem.
· Ken wired the test stage for the SPG and it was used for an on-board PC test.
· The ion pump controller and cabling was installed. Today we will test for Galil’s ability to talk to them.
· Serial communication is all wired in.
· The calibration lamps are installed, and 90% of the wiring is done. It will be tested this afternoon.
· Additions and modifications were made to the AC wiring.
· Ken: the slit mask door interlocks and is almost complete.
· Carol: new bearings were installed on grating tilt #4.
· Chris: 4 leach boards are completed, so we should receive them next week. There will also be 2 spares. This should be installed in January when the dewar gets pulled.
5. Optics· 1200 line grating is finished, but there were a few possible mishandling issues. Dave C. took pictures and will send them to Greg Wirth.
· Sandy is seeing funny lines on the blue side spectra. This is very troubling, so she will be masking off parts of the camera to see where this is happening. We’ll be getting empirical data.
· There is a large array of blobs of light. It could be coming from calibration sources or scattered, miscellaneous light from optics? It’s not a concern right now, but tracking and solving this will be a future project.
6. Mechanical
Slit Mask:
· Vern added the limit the switches. He will do a more thorough alignment on Wednesday.
Calibration System:
· Sandy says there are some issues with the quartz because there are problems with both fibers. If we stay with where it’s mounted, we need better fibers. But for the most part, the line lamps are great.
FC Light System:
· We’re ready to run this, but the fibers are not all here yet.
· Jeff will start on this tomorrow, and Matt Thompson will help him with this when he comes in next week.
Glycol cooling:
· Vern did a preliminary schematic for this and will give it to Jeff once he gets the power draw info from Barry. Dave needs this soon.
Grating System (Jack):
· The 600 line grating was scratched when it was put into its cell. The 900 line was then put in a cell and was used successfully last night.
· The main stiffening beam is in process.
· Work on the flexure issues of the grating box will wait until other issues are dealt with first.
· The support for a mirror in the optical path is being worked on.
· Vern and Jack are making constant improvements on the grating delivery system and clamping.
· Sliders #3 and #4 are still in electronics shop while #1 and #2 are in spectrograph. Sandy has good news with the grating tilts.
· Per Sandy, the grating tilts seem very close to being in alignment.
Flexure: Nothing new.
· Dave C. did extensive flexure measurements. The grating box is loose and needs to be rebuilt (might be mid-January). Sandy wants a separate meeting on this in January. A major contributor to the issue of flexure is inside dewar. We are seeing 8 pixels of motion in the ‘x’ direction and can’t measure the ‘y’ direction (but it’s probably equal motion). When the dewar is pulled in January and goes to the CCD lab, we’ll see where the flexure is coming from. It might be apart for 6 weeks. Sandy’s request for Drew is that he assess our level of focus.
7. Alignment· Nothing new.
8. Testing· De has run some tests and the next major systems are the slit mask and the lamps. The lamps and ion pump controllers will be complete this afternoon. The keywords will be tested today as well.
9. Site Report (Keck-no call in)· Dave C. had a video/teleconference with CARA on November 21. Drew Medeiros was assigned other duties, and he won’t work on DEIMOS. Jim Bell will take over on DEIMOS and will start working on this as of January 1. Keck is still looking for volunteers to work in Hawaii.
10. Web Site· Nothing new.
11. Shipping· Nothing new.
12. Schedule· Short term: we need to get the grating and slit mask systems going before the tear down in mid-January. The pre-ship review will be in June 2001 and on October 1, CARA will accept DEIMOS. The first light will be in mid-December.