Miscellaneous Drawings
Analog input selector test fixture,
Schematic: schematics/Multipurpose/ANA_MUX_TEST.sch.pdf
Page last updated: May 14, 2002
Due to the fact that the internal software in the Galil controllers are running a thread that contentiously changes the states of output bits 5, 6, and 7, it has been found helpful to use this test connector when trying to troubleshoot problems with the EL-1230 24-Channel Analog Input board. The 14-pin ribbon cable is substituted for the existing interface cable giving the technician the ability to select the desired input to the board. The 3 toggle switches take the place of the digital output bit from the Galil controller. Note: The wire labeled J3 Pin 1 must be hooked to the corresponding pin to supply the input to the board. Once attached, the test fixture is used to set the address of the analog input(s) in question. Also see EL-1230.