Miscellaneous Drawings
Motor and Secondary Limit Test Fixture,
Schematic: schematics/Multipurpose/MOT_SEC_LIM_TEST.sch.pdf
Page last updated: May 14, 2002
This diagram shows the motor and secondary limit test fixture. To use, disconnect JB2 and JB6 (encoder ribbon cable) from the interconnect box for the stage in question. Connect a Galil servo motor to the red and black wires on the test connector. Connect the test motor's encoder cable to the ribbon cable connector on the interconnect box. Now, command the stage to servo using the SHn command where n is the stage designation letter (A, B...G, H). The test motor should servo and now hold it's position if you attempt to turn the shaft. If at this point the motor 'runs away', command the motor off with the MO command and reverse the red and black wires to the motor. Again try the servo command. The motor should now be servoed and ready to accept movement commands. Send a JGn command followed by a BGn command and the motor should run. Command the motor to stop with the ST command. Now, find the secondary limit input for the stage (input bit is directly beneath the motor power outputs on the schematic.) With the test switch in the 'open' position verify that the input is hi (MG@IN[n] should return a 1.) Next, close the switch and read the value again - it should now be a zero.
Last, disconnect the test fixture and reconnect JB2 and JB6 to the interconnect box.