Barrel Signal Assignments
Signal Assignments,
EL-3028, and
Schematics: schematics\SIGNALS7.sch.pdf, schematics\SIGNALS8.sch.pdf, schematics\SIGNALS9.sch.pdf,
Page last updated: July 29, 2002
These drawings are provided a quick reference for the various connector numbers and functions.
EL-3026 Gaili Controller #1, Amplifier A: The
first set of signals used on controller 1 amplifier A are the three analog
inputs that return from the EL-1233 24-Channel Analog Input board. These 3
inputs, ANALOG IN 1, ANALOG IN 2, and ANALOG IN 3 are
wired to pins 18, 19, and 20, are wired to a 10-pin IDC connector that 'hangs
out the side' of the amplifier panel. The connector plus into the analog input
board that is mounted on the side of the amplifier connector panel. Also wired
to the 10-pin cable are the control, or addressing, bits and a signal ground.
CONTROL 3, are wired to pins 30, 31, and 32 and the ground connection
is wired to pin 25. The output bit OUT1, OUT2, OUT3,
and OUT4 are dedicated to enabling the stage fiducials. OUT1
is wired to J1 pin 21, OUT2 is wired to J2 pin 21, OUT3 is wired
to J3 pin 21, and OUT4 is wired to J4 pin 21. These signals are wired
as a matter of course in building the amplifier panels but in the case of
controller 1 only OUT1 and OUT2 get used. OUT1 is wired
to pin 26 of the Galil terminal strip and enables the fiducial on the TV Filter
stage. OUT2 is wired to pin 27 of the Galil terminal strip and enables
the fiducial on the TV Focus stage. OUT3 and OUT4 are wired
to pins 27 and 28 but do not hook up to anything on the instrument.
Pins 38 through 41 are dedicated inputs for the four possible stages that
can be run by the Galil controller via this amplifier. Notice that the Galil
labels say, as in the case of pin 41, INP1/LX. This label tells us that that
input can be used as a normal input bit or, with the correct software, it
can be set up as a latch input to latch the encoder input for the A-axis.
On controllers 1 and 2 we use these bits as straight input. And again, the
four inputs are dedicated to the secondary limit input for the four stages
connected to the amplifier panel. INP1 is wired to pin 41 of the Galil
terminal strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit switches for
the TV Filter stage. INP2 is wired to pin 40 of the Galil terminal
strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit switches for the TV Focus
stage. INP3 and INP4 though not used are wired to pins 39 and
The last set of inputs on this page are the Forward Limit
Switch A-axis, Reverse Limit Switch
A-axis, and HOMEA-axis. Pins 63
- 65 are FLSA, RSLA, and HOMEA that
are connected to the TV Filter stage. Pins 66 - 68 are FLSB,
RSLB, and HOMEB that are connected to the TV Focus
stage. Pins 69 - 71 and 72 - 74 are allocated for stages C and D and are not
in use.
Pins 77 through 100 are inputs for auxiliary encoders. This implementation
does not make use of these inputs.
EL-3027: Galil Controller #1, Amplifier B: The
output bit OUT9, OUT10, OUT11, and OUT12 are dedicated
to enabling the stage fiducials. OUT9 is wired to J5 pin 21, OUT10
is wired to J6 pin 21, OUT11 is wired to J7 pin 21, and OUT12
is wired to J8 pin 21. These signals are wired as a matter of course in building
the amplifier panels but in the case of controller 2 only OUT9, OUT10
and OUT11 get used. OUT9 is wired to pin 26 of the Galil terminal
strip and enables the fiducial on the CCD Focus stage. OUT10 is wired
to pin 27 of the Galil terminal strip and enables the fiducial on the CCD
Translation stage. OUT11 is wired to pin 28 of the Galil terminal strip
and enables the fiducial on the Science Filter Wheel stage. OUT12
is wired to pin 29 but does not hook up to anything on the instrument.
Pins 38 through 41 are dedicated inputs for the four possible stages that
can be run by the Galil controller via this amplifier. Notice that the Galil
labels say, as in the case of pin 41, INP9/LE. This label tells us that that
input can be used as a normal input bit or, with the correct software, it
can be set up as a latch input to latch the encoder input for the E-axis.
On controllers 1 and 2 we use these bits as straight input. And again, the
four inputs are dedicated to the secondary limit input for the four stages
connected to the amplifier panel. INP9 is wired to pin 41 of the Galil
terminal strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit switches for
the CCD Focus stage. INP10 is wired to pin 40 of the Galil terminal
strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit switches for the CCD Translation
stage. INP11 is wired to pin 40 of the Galil terminal strip and monitors
the state of the secondary limit switches for the Science Filter Wheel stage.
INP12 though not used is wired to pin 38.
The last set of inputs on this page are the Forward Limit
Switch E-axis, Reverse Limit Switch
E-axis, and HOMEE-axis. Pins 63
- 65 are FLSE, RSLE, and HOMEE that
are connected to the CCD Focus stage. Pins 66 - 68 are FLSF,
RSLF, and HOMEF that are connected to the CCD
Translation stage. Pins 69 - 71 are FLSG, RSLG,
and HOMEG that are connected to the Science Filter Wheel stage.
Pins 72 - 74 are allocated for stage D and are not in use.
Pins 77 through 100 are inputs for auxiliary encoders. This implementation
does not make use of these inputs.
EL-3028 Gaili Controller #2, Amplifier A: The
first set of signals used on controller 1 amplifier A are the three analog
inputs that return from the EL-1233 24-Channel Analog Input board. These 3
inputs, ANALOG IN 1, ANALOG IN 2, and ANALOG IN 3 are
wired to pins 18, 19, and 20, are wired to a 10-pin IDC connector that 'hangs
out the side' of the amplifier panel. The connector plus into the analog input
board that is mounted on the side of the amplifier connector panel. Also wired
to the 10-pin cable are the control, or addressing, bits and a signal ground.
CONTROL 3, are wired to pins 30, 31, and 32 and the ground connection
is wired to pin 25. The output bit OUT1, OUT2, OUT3,
and OUT4 are dedicated to enabling the stage fiducials. OUT1
is wired to J11 pin 21, OUT2 is wired to J12 pin 21, OUT3 is
wired to J13 pin 21, and OUT4 is wired to J14 pin 21. These signals
are wired as a matter of course in building the amplifier panels but in the
case of controller 2 only OUT1, OUT2 and OUT3 get used. OUT1
is wired to pin 26 of the Galil terminal strip and is unused but is available
for future use. OUT2 is wired to pin 27 of the Galil terminal strip
and enables the fiducial on the Grating Tilt #3 stage. OUT3 is wired
to pin 28 of the Galil terminal strip and enables the fiducial on the Grating
Tilt #4 stage. OUT4 is wired to 28 of the Galil terminal strip
and enables the fiducial on the Grating select stage.
Pins 38 through 41 are dedicated inputs for the four possible stages that
can be run by the Galil controller via this amplifier. Notice that the Galil
labels say, as in the case of pin 41, INP1/LX. This label tells us that that
input can be used as a normal input bit or, with the correct software, it
can be set up as a latch input to latch the encoder input for the A-axis.
On controllers 1 and 2 we use these bits as straight input. And again, the
four inputs are dedicated to the secondary limit input for the four stages
connected to the amplifier panel. INP1 is wired to pin 41 of the Galil
terminal strip and but is not used at this time. INP2 is wired to pin
40 of the Galil terminal strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit
switches for the Grating Tilt #3 stage. INP3 is wired to pin
39 of the Galil terminal strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit
switches for the Grating Tilt #4 stage. INP4 is wired to pin
38 of the Galil terminal strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit
switches for the Grating Select stage.
The last set of inputs on this page are the Forward Limit
Switch A-axis, Reverse Limit Switch
A-axis, and HOMEA-axis. Pins 63
- 65 are FLSA, RSLA, and HOMEA that
are not in use. Pins 66 - 68 are FLSB, RSLB, and
HOMEB that are connected to the Grating Tilt #3 stage. Pins
69 -71 are FLSC, RSLC, and HOMEC
that are connected to the Grating Tilt #4 stage. Pins 72 - 74 are FLSD,
RSLD, and HOMED that are connected to the Grating
Select stage.
Because the two grating tilt stages use secondary encoders they use the connections
to the Auxiliaries Encoder inputs. Pins 83 through 88 are wired to J12 and
connect to Grating Tilt #3. Pins 89 through 94 are wired to J12 and connect
to Grating Tilt #4.
EL-3029: Galil Controller #1, Amplifier B: The
output bit OUT9, OUT10, OUT11, and OUT12 are dedicated
to enabling the stage fiducials. OUT9 is wired to J15 pin 21, OUT10
is wired to J16 pin 21, OUT11 is wired to J17 pin 21, and OUT12
is wired to J18 pin 21. These signals are wired as a matter of course in building
the amplifier panels but in the case of controller 2 only OUT9 is used.
OUT9 is wired to pin 26 of the Galil terminal strip and enables the
fiducial on the Slitmask stage. OUT10 is wired to pin 27, OUT11
is wired to pin 28, and OUT12 is wired to pin 29, but there signals
do not hook up to anything on the instrument.
Pins 38 through 41 are dedicated inputs for the four possible stages that
can be run by the Galil controller via this amplifier. Notice that the Galil
labels say, as in the case of pin 41, INP9/LE. This label tells us that that
input can be used as a normal input bit or, with the correct software, it
can be set up as a latch input to latch the encoder input for the E-axis.
On controllers 1 and 2 we use these bits as straight input. And again, the
four inputs are dedicated to the secondary limit input for the four stages
connected to the amplifier panel. INP9 is wired to pin 41 of the Galil
terminal strip and monitors the state of the secondary limit switches for
the Slitmask stage. INP10 is wired to pin 40, INP11 is wired
to pin 39, INP12 is wired to pin 38. Again, the only stage wired to
this amplifier is the Slitmask stage.
The last set of inputs on this page are the Forward Limit
Switch E-axis, Reverse Limit Switch
E-axis, and HOMEE-axis. Pins 63
- 65 are FLSE, RSLE, and HOMEE that
are connected to the Slitmask stage. Pins 66 - 68 are FLSF,
RSLF, and HOMEF, Pins 69 - 71 are FLSG,
RSLG, and HOMEG, Pins 72 - 74 are are FLSH,
RSLH, and HOMEH but are not in use.
Pins 77 through 100 are inputs for auxiliary encoders. This implementation
does not make use of these inputs.