What is XIDL?

XIDL is set of software packages that Jason X. Prochaska, Joe Hennawai, and Scott Burles have written to reduce data from a number of instruments at Keck, Lick and OCIW. X has made the software available at his website with documentation.


Installing the package itself is straigtforward. There are gzip'ed tar files available on X's webpage, but one should use the ones from the CVS respository. In addition, the Princeton SDSS Spectra package is required.
This package includes the software for reducing data from low resolution spectrographs like LRIS as well as higher resolution spectrographs like HiRes and ESI.
I also provide versions for Intel Macs on my IDL webpage.

Running the code

Running the code is detailed in the webpages that X has provided
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Last modified: Wed Oct 14 10:19:46 PDT 2009