The ESI Spectrograph Online Documentation

Memes found in esi drawings

Wed 1999 Sep 22 14:24:35 PDT


MemeName (Context), Sybase_Type / F77_fmt / C_fmt, access RW
Alt Name in Units
The attributes displayed here if available are: the Meme name, context, access (read/write/both), datatype, FORTRAN format, C format, and the value's units and legitimate range (if any). A table may also have a FITS EXTNAME. This text is the Semantics.

Active Counters

NAXIS (NOST1), smallint / I3 / %d, access
in axes (0.0 to 999.0)
The value field shall contain a non-negative integer no greater than 999, representing the number of axes in an ordinary data array. A value of zero signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU.

Regular Memes

ArraySection (IRAF), tuple / commaMapBracket / commaSepBracketcommaSepBracket..., access
Object which describes an n-dimensional rectangular section of image data. Examples: [1:1024,1:2048], [1:1024:2,1:2048], [*,1:2048], [512,*] Consists of a list of NAXIS of:
SubscrTriplStr (IRAF), varchar(68) / colonMap / colonSep, access
A subscript triple, like the concept in Fortran 77 and 90. A string which describes a 1-dimensional extent of image data. Examples: '1:1024', '1:1024:2', '*'. '*' is to be interpreted as '1:NAXISn:1'. (see SubscrTriplStr) Is really a:
SubscrTriplAry (IRAF), tuple / tuple / , access
A subscript triple, like the concept in Fortran 77 and 90. This is an array of 3 integers which describes a 1-dimensional extent of image data. Examples: 1:1024, 1:1024:2, *. * is to be interpreted as '1:NAXISn:1'. (see SubscrTriplAry) SubscrTriplAry consists of elements:
StartSubscript (DEMO), int / I4 / %d, access
in pixel
Subscript which designates the start of one dimension of an array section.
EndSubscript (DEMO), int / I4 / %d, access
in pixel
Subscript which designates the end of one dimension of an array section.
StrideSubscript (DEMO), int / I4 / %d, access
in pixel
Subscript which designates the stride along one dimension of an array section.
ASCII (Documentary), / / %s, access
ASCII characters
CCDctrl (Documentary), / / %s, access
Information flowing from a CCD crate to a CCD controller containing requests for action.
ClockBias (Documentary), / / %s, access
Clock and bias information flowing from a CCD controller to a dewar (over a 61 pin EL-3172 cable).
COLLFLX_KW (Documentary), bundle / bundle / , access
The three ESI collimator FLXn keywords, COLLFLX1 COLLFLX2 COLLFLX3 COLLFLX_KW consists of elements:
COLLFLX1 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
collimator-flexure-compensation-offset-actuator-1 in stage encoder counts (-20000.0 to 20000.0)
Collimator actuator #1 raw position offset flexure control keyword. Tips/tilts the collimator mirror in conjunction with the COLLFLX2 & COLLFLX3 keywords.
COLLFLX2 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
collimator-flexure-compensation-offset-actuator-2 in stage encoder counts (-20000.0 to 20000.0)
Collimator actuator #2 raw position offset flexure control keyword. Tips/tilts the collimator mirror in conjunction with the COLLFLX1 & COLLFLX3 keywords.
COLLFLX3 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
collimator-flexure-compensation-offset-actuator-3 in stage encoder counts (-20000.0 to 20000.0)
Collimator actuator #3 raw position offset flexure control keyword. Tips/tilts the collimator mirror in conjunction with the COLLFLX1 & COLLFLX2 keywords.
COLLMODE (esi), varchar(68) / A / tinyint, access rw
collimator-control-mode (0.0 to 3.0)
Collimator tip/tilt control mode. Determines wheither the COLLFLXx and COLLUSRx tip/tilt keyword values are used to determine collimator actuator focus positions. The COLLCFGx tip/tilt keywords values are always used to determine the actuator positions.
Valid values of COLLMODE are:
  • off : No tip/tilt requests accepted (no COLLFLXx or COLLUSRx commands allowed).
  • FLX only : Only COLLFLXx commands accepted.
  • USR only : Only COLLUSRx commands accepted.
  • on : All tip/tilt requests accepted (COLLFLXx and COLLUSRx commands allowed).
COLLOFF_KW (Documentary), bundle / bundle / , access
The three ESI collimator offset error keywords: COLLOFF1, COLLOFF2, COLLOFF3 COLLOFF_KW consists of elements:
COLLOFF1 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
collimator-offset-error-actuator-1 in stage encoder counts (-500000.0 to 500000.0)
Error in collimator actuator #1 raw position from expected focus position: COLLOFF1 = (COLLFOCR + COLLFLX1 + COLLUSR1 + COLLCFG1) - COLL1RAW.
COLLOFF2 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
collimator-offset-error-actuator-2 in stage encoder counts (-500000.0 to 500000.0)
Error in collimator actuator #2 raw position from expected focus position: COLLOFF2 = (COLLFOCR + COLLFLX2 + COLLUSR2 + COLLCFG2) - COLL2RAW.
COLLOFF3 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
collimator-offset-error-actuator-3 in stage encoder counts (-500000.0 to 500000.0)
Error in collimator actuator #3 raw position from expected focus position: COLLOFF2 = (COLLFOCR + COLLFLX3 + COLLUSR3 + COLLCFG3) - COLL3RAW.
COLLUSR_KW (Documentary), bundle / bundle / , access
The three ESI collimator USRn keywords, COLLUSR1 COLLUSR2 COLLUSR3 COLLUSR_KW consists of elements:
COLLUSR1 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
collimator-user-offset-actuator-1 in stage encoder counts (-20000.0 to 20000.0)
Collimator actuator #1 raw position offset user control keyword. Tips/tilts the collimator mirror in conjunction with the COLLUSR2 & COLLUSR3 keywords. WARNING: This keyword can degrade image shape and focus.
COLLUSR2 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
collimator-user-offset-actuator-2 in stage encoder counts (-20000.0 to 20000.0)
Collimator actuator #2 raw position offset user control keyword. Tips/tilts the collimator mirror in conjunction with the COLLUSR1 & COLLUSR3 keywords. WARNING: This keyword can degrade image shape and focus.
COLLUSR3 (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
collimator-user-offset-actuator-3 in stage encoder counts (-20000.0 to 20000.0)
Collimator actuator #3 raw position offset user control keyword. Tips/tilts the collimator mirror in conjunction with the COLLUSR1 & COLLUSR2 keywords. WARNING: This keyword can degrade image shape and focus.
DevCfgFiles (Template), file / file / , access
This is an InfoType, a bundle of RTinfo memes with a specific order which will be used to generate a cfg file. The configuration data defines records in a device_cfg_files file. If you look at the generated files you will get the picture. DevCfgFiles consists of elements:
control.dis (template), bundle / bundle / , access
This is an InfoType, a bundle of RTinfo memes with a specific order which will be used to generate a cfg file. The controller info type describes, e.g., Galil controllers. Device Name and Device ID will be found in the rtDevices file. control.dis consists of elements:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name.
DeviceID (Template), int / int / int, access
Device ID
This is the internal Device ID number used in the dispatcher code. Dean has established conventions for these values (they are not arbitrary, in other words) and for keyword message numbers derived from them.
DeviceType (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Device Type
A device type string known to the dispatcher. See the devTypes.h and devTypeTables.c files in the dispatch2/dispatcher/vars source directory for type names.
DevSubType (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Device Sub-Type
A device sub-type string known to the dispatcher. See the stage source code files in the dispatch2/dispatcher/... source directory for type names.
CtrlrID (Template), int / int / int, access
Controller ID
Every Controller has an integer ID number (0, 1, 2, etc). This is used to xref devices to their controllers.
IOport (Template), char(15) / char(15) / char(15), access
I/O Port Name
A Controller has an I/O port, with a symbolic name. This is the name string. An example: PFCAM_TS_PORT.
Cfg1500 (Template), int / int / int, access
150x0-72 Config
No one but Dean knows what '150x0-72 config' means.
AnaMUXInputs (Template), int / int / int, access
MUXed Analog Inputs
Controllers can have MUX'ed analog inputs added to them. This increases the available number of inputs and outputs. Thisi field counts the Mux'ed Analog Inputs.
pulseStages (Template), int / int / int, access
Pulse stages
Controllers can have a number of pulse stages. This keyword counts the stages.
haltResetWait (Template), int / int / int, access
Halt/reset wait
A delay time in seconds. The delay allows all of the controllers stages time to stop following a halt/reset request before reporting the controller halted/reset.
Lock (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Lock State
Allows or prevents keyword access to a device. Generic for most dispatcher devices. 'OFF' = unlocked, otherwise use the value as the lock string.
TestMode (Template), char(4) / char(4) / char(4), access
Test Mode
The default test mode the device executes on start up. Generic for most dispatcher devices. Valid values vary between devices. The normal default is off.
CtrlMode (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Control Mode
New parm for new generation cfg files. Defines default device control mode. Generic for all dispatcher devices. Valid values vary between devices.
DeviceDesc (Template), varchar(100) / varchar(100) / varchar(100), access
Device Description
This is a very brief description of the device in question.
dc.stage.dis (template), bundle / bundle / , access
Dispatcher config params for a typical DC servo stage. dc.stage.dis consists of elements:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name.
DeviceID (Template), int / int / int, access
Device ID
This is the internal Device ID number used in the dispatcher code. Dean has established conventions for these values (they are not arbitrary, in other words) and for keyword message numbers derived from them.
DeviceType (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Device Type
A device type string known to the dispatcher. See the devTypes.h and devTypeTables.c files in the dispatch2/dispatcher/vars source directory for type names.
ControllerName (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Controller Name
Most Dispatcher devices must know what controller they reside on (some special devices have no controller). The controller name links a device to the controlller where it exists. Is really a:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name. (see DeviceName)
MotorAxis (Template), int / int / int, access
Motor Axis
When a device is controlled by a controller with multiple motor axes, the device needs to know which axis is its own. This knowledge yields the correct axis X, Y, Z, W for the .src files later.
ReqAccuracy (Template), int / int / int, access
Required Accuracy
Param for new generation cfg files. Is this actually a reappearance of an Accuracy parm from the galil language config files? Per servo stage.
FOPflag (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Fiducial output flag
Defines presense or absense of fiducial output device for a stage. 'Y' indicates fiducual output present. 'N' indicates no fiducial output for the stage. The output's name is of the form 'xxxFOP', where xxx is the prefix for the stage name.
BRKflag (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Brake output flag
Defines presense or absense of a brake for a stage. 'Y' indicates a brake is present. 'N' indicates no brake for the stage. The output's name is of the form 'xxxBRK', where xxx is the prefix for the stage name.
InitTimeout (Template), int / int / int, access
Initialization timeout
Param for new generation cfg files. Maximum time allowed for servo stage initialization. Time is in seconds.
MoveTimeout (Template), int / int / int, access
Move timeout
Param for new generation cfg files. Maximum time allowed for servo stage moves over MoveTimeoutDist. Time is in seconds.
MoveTimeoutDist (Template), int / int / int, access
Move timeout distance
Param for new generation cfg files. Maximum distance expect for servo stage moves over MoveTimeout time. Distance is in stage encoder counts.
Lock (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Lock State
Allows or prevents keyword access to a device. Generic for most dispatcher devices. 'OFF' = unlocked, otherwise use the value as the lock string.
TestMode (Template), char(4) / char(4) / char(4), access
Test Mode
The default test mode the device executes on start up. Generic for most dispatcher devices. Valid values vary between devices. The normal default is off.
CtrlMode (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Control Mode
New parm for new generation cfg files. Defines default device control mode. Generic for all dispatcher devices. Valid values vary between devices.
DeviceDesc (Template), varchar(100) / varchar(100) / varchar(100), access
Device Description
This is a very brief description of the device in question.
pulse.stage.dis (template), bundle / bundle / , access
Dispatcher config params for a typical air-powered stage using a digital pulse signal actuated solenoid to control the air cylinder.. pulse.stage.dis consists of elements:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name.
DeviceID (Template), int / int / int, access
Device ID
This is the internal Device ID number used in the dispatcher code. Dean has established conventions for these values (they are not arbitrary, in other words) and for keyword message numbers derived from them.
DeviceType (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Device Type
A device type string known to the dispatcher. See the devTypes.h and devTypeTables.c files in the dispatch2/dispatcher/vars source directory for type names.
ControllerName (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Controller Name
Most Dispatcher devices must know what controller they reside on (some special devices have no controller). The controller name links a device to the controlller where it exists. Is really a:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name. (see DeviceName)
IdOnController (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device's id on controller
This is a device id number or string used by the dispatcher to identify the device to a controller.
Lim0State (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Limit #0 State
This is the string identifying the state of a device when its limit #0 is active.
Lim1State (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Limit #1 State
This is the string identifying the state of a device when its limit #1 is active.
PulseTimeOut0s (Template), int / I11 / %d, access
Pulse stage move to position #0 timeout in seconds.
PulseTimeOut1s (Template), int / I11 / %d, access
Pulse stage move to position #1 timeout in seconds.
Lock (Template), char(3) / char(3) / char(3), access
Lock State
Allows or prevents keyword access to a device. Generic for most dispatcher devices. 'OFF' = unlocked, otherwise use the value as the lock string.
TestMode (Template), char(4) / char(4) / char(4), access
Test Mode
The default test mode the device executes on start up. Generic for most dispatcher devices. Valid values vary between devices. The normal default is off.
DeviceDesc (Template), varchar(100) / varchar(100) / varchar(100), access
Device Description
This is a very brief description of the device in question.
ion.pump.dis (template), bundle / bundle / , access
Dispatcher config params for a typical ion pump device. ion.pump.dis consists of elements:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name.
DeviceID (Template), int / int / int, access
Device ID
This is the internal Device ID number used in the dispatcher code. Dean has established conventions for these values (they are not arbitrary, in other words) and for keyword message numbers derived from them.
DeviceType (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Device Type
A device type string known to the dispatcher. See the devTypes.h and devTypeTables.c files in the dispatch2/dispatcher/vars source directory for type names.
ControllerName (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Controller Name
Most Dispatcher devices must know what controller they reside on (some special devices have no controller). The controller name links a device to the controlller where it exists. Is really a:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name. (see DeviceName)
DeviceDesc (Template), varchar(100) / varchar(100) / varchar(100), access
Device Description
This is a very brief description of the device in question.
esi.coll.dis (template), bundle / bundle / , access
Dispatcher config params for a typical ESI collimator device. esi.coll.dis consists of elements:
DeviceName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Device Name
The unique name for device. Each device known to a dispatcher must have a unique name.
DeviceID (Template), int / int / int, access
Device ID
This is the internal Device ID number used in the dispatcher code. Dean has established conventions for these values (they are not arbitrary, in other words) and for keyword message numbers derived from them.
DeviceType (Template), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
Device Type
A device type string known to the dispatcher. See the devTypes.h and devTypeTables.c files in the dispatch2/dispatcher/vars source directory for type names.
ShortDevName (Template), char(20) / char(20) / char(20), access
Short Device Name
The unique short name for device. This name is usually used to construct other unique names needed by device.
DeviceDesc (Template), varchar(100) / varchar(100) / varchar(100), access
Device Description
This is a very brief description of the device in question.
DewarPower (Documentary), / / %s, access
Electrical power flowing from a CCD controller to a dewar (over a 17 pin EL-3173 cable).
DispatcherArgs (CommandLine), bundle / bundle / , access
This bundle organizes the cmd line flags for the dispatcher2 process. DispatcherArgs consists of elements:
DispNumber (CommandLine), int / int / int, access
-n (DispNumber)
This flag provides a unique number for each dispatcher2 process known to a KTL service. It's used to select the process' data records in configuration files and to construct the process' unique name given to the traffic process.
DispService (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
-n (DispService)
This flag provides the name of the dispatcher2 service, which usually is the same as the KTL service. It's used to select the process' data records in configuration files and to construct the process' unique name given to the traffic process.
DispCfgDir (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
-c (DispCfgDir)
This flag provides the directory path to the dispatcher2 configuration files. If not set, the services variable (service)_dispatcher_cfgdir will be sought in the service definitions under the fully qualified name of the dispatcher's host computer.
DispLogDir (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
-l (DispLogDir)
This flag provides the destination directory path for the dispatcher2 log files. If not set, the services variable (service)_dispatcher_logdir will be sought in the service definitions under the fully qualified name of the dispatcher's host computer.
DispTestMode (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This flag if present sets the dispatcher2 process into test mode. Not implimented at this time.
DispVerbose (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This flag if present sets the dispatcher2 process into verbose log message mode.
DispHelp (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This flag if present causes the dispatcher2 process to print out some usage help text and then exit.
DispUsrDir (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
-u (DispUsrDir)
This flag provides the name of a directory below the regular dispatcher2 configuration directory which contains special (user) configuration files that replace the regular files. Files not found in the user directory must be in the regular directory.
DisplayImage (Documentary), table / table / , access
(EXTNAME = 'DisplayImage')
This is a placeholder for a generic displayed image. This is not a science image of raw pixel values, it is an image as seen on an X server with pseudo-color pixels. It was invented just to make documentation easier.
DispLogFile (KTLruntime), file / file / , access
The dispatcher gets the name of the directory from the services variable _dispatcher_logdir, or from the command line switch -l.
dXdY (Documentary), char(8) / char(8) / char(8), access
A delta X,Y value pair whether obtained interactively from the user or from some automated image analysis or pipeline program.
ErrorLogFile (KTLruntime), file / file / , access
The errorlog is written by functions in -- KTL apps which can't or don't set their log_filename globalvar from information in services file will use this errorlog.
FigdispArgs (CommandLine), bundle / bundle / , access
Sorry, there are just too many of them. We couldn't face the Herculean labour of typing them all in. Suggest you refer to the official figdisp man pages and docs.
FigdispEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars used to configure figdisp at startup time. FigdispEnv consists of elements:
FIG_LG_PRINT_DIR (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIG_LG_PRINT_FIL (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIG_MOUSE_COLOR (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIGDISP_BM_PRINT (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIGDISP_LG_PRINT (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIGDISP_LG_SEND_ (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIGDISP_PRINT (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
FIGDISP_USE_GUI (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
If not null use the DataViews GUI with figdisp
FIGDISP_USE_TK (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
If not null use the Tcl/Tk GUI with figdisp
USE_FIGDISP_SHM (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
A boolean (testnull)
HOME (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
Standard Unix envar, user's home directory
PRINTER (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
Standard Unix envar, user's default print queue
FigdispDV_Env (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars used to configure figdisp Dataviews (ugh) features at startup time. FigdispDV_Env consists of elements:
FIGDISP_*_VIEW (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
Presumably a constructed envar. What does the asterisk stand for? It's a filename, anyway.
FIGDISP_DV_PATH (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
OBSOLETE, later versions of figdisp use Tcl/Tk GUI. Path to DV exes?
FIGDISP_VIEW_DIR (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
X11libEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
X11 clients may use these envars to configure themselves X11libEnv consists of elements:
DISPLAY (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
The standard X11 environment variable which specifies the display to use.
XAPPLRESDIR (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
Standard X11 envar setting directory path for seeking application resource/defaults files.
HeaderKW (Documentary), varchar(68) / A / %s, access
A generic meme indicating a single keyword to be written to a FITS header. A bundle of these will be a HeaderKWB. This placeholder exists merely for convenience in making top-level drawings.
HeaderKWB (Documentary), header / header / , access
A generic meme indicating the set of keywords to be written to a FITS header. This set of keywords will be a distinct, defined bundle for any given instrument; this placeholder exists merely for convenience in making top-level drawings.
Header_Info (KTLruntime), file / file / , access
This file is read by watch_ccd at startup. It contains the definitive list of KTL keywords, their KTL service, and time of collection. The keyword values will be collected and handed to lickserv for insertion into FITS files.
ImageStatus (Documentary), / / %s, access
Information flowing from a CCD controller to a CCD crate containing image data and dewar status data.
InfomanFiles (infoman), bundle / bundle / , access
These files are used as input (and output) by the infoman process. InfomanFiles consists of elements:
dictionary (infoman), file / file / , access
Defines the data structures which infoman uses to preserve state. Names other files in which state is preserved. In general these pertain to things which cannot be measured by sensors on the instrument.
stringfile (infoman), file / file / , access
The infoman dictionary can contain several #stringfile directives which define files of saved state (traditionally named /*.str). What is in these files?
paramfile (infoman), file / file / , access
The infoman dictionary names this file (traditionally /data, with a backup named data.bak). The value of each KTL keyword being managed by infoman is stored in this file.
sysfile (infoman), file / file / , access
This file defines the mapping between KTL keyword names (strings) and infoman icodes (integers). Its name is defined in the MUSIC services file (traditionally /sysinclude.h). It must match that used when a FIORD-based keyword library was built.
INSTRUME (NOST1), varchar(68) / A / %s, access rw
instrument: The value field shall contain a character string identifying the instrument used to acquire the data contained in the array. WARNING: this keyword does not support the NOTIFY KTL ioctl.
IP (Documentary), / / %s, access
data in IP packets
KrootEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars required for use of KTL instrument control system. This bundle is highly structured and many sub bundles are OPTIONAL. KrootEnv consists of elements:
KROOT (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to the root directory under which all code and data files for Keck applications are installed.
MusicEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars set by the dispatcher launch agent, whether that be the user, or the official dispatcher_init script MusicEnv consists of elements:
DTAKESERVICE (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to a directory containing the ''services'' file which is read at startup of all MUSIC applications.
MUSIC_LOG_DIR (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to a directory where MUSIC (f)logerror() will write the ''errorlog'' file if it cannot find the ''services'' file.
CakeEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars needed for CAKE library CakeEnv consists of elements:
EPICS_CA_ADDR_LI (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
This string is a list of IP addresses
EPICS_CA_AUTO_AD (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
This is a boolean. What does it do?
CAKE_CONFIG_FILE (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
in file
Channel Access configuration file name.
CAKE_HEADER_FILE (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
in file
Channel Access header file.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Search path for finding dynamic libraries. In modern KTL code, should be used instead of obsolete KTL_LIBRARY_PATH
RELNAM (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Subdirectory which names a particular ''release'' of installed Keck code; e.g., $KROOT/rel/$RELNAM. Not used at Lick.
LAMPS (esi), bundle / bundle / bundle, access
KTL bundle for device: Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) NB: as of 5/12/98 it looks like ESI will NOT have a servo stage for lamps but instead a DEIMOS-style lamp array. LAMPS consists of elements:
LAMPSCAL (esi), char(5) / A / %d, access rw
lamp-select-calibration (0.0 to 1.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) calibration state.
Uses map KTLboolean to convert or format reset_homed:
reset_homed (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / L1 / %s, access rw
(0.0 to 1.0)
Generic map meme for stage calibration boolean state (RESET/HOMED) keywords. (see reset_homed)
Valid values of reset_homed are:
  • reset : Stage not calibrated. Calibrate the stage during the next attempt to move the stage.
  • homed : The stage is calibrated (read state). Calibrate the stage immediately (write state).
LAMPSTST (esi), varchar(68) / A / tinyint, access rw
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) test selection.
Uses map KTLenumerated to convert or format stage_tst:
stage_tst (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / I11 / %d, access rw
in test mode (0.0 to 4.0)
Generic map meme for stage test mode keywords. (see stage_tst)
Valid values of stage_tst are:
  • Off : Test mode off.
  • Sim1 : Simulation mode #1. Reads return keyword id as value. Writes do nothing, but receive proper notification messages.
  • Sim2 : Simulation mode #2. Reads return simulated keyword value. Writes set simulated keyword value immediately.
  • Sim3 : Simulation mode #3. Reads return simulated keyword value. Writes set simulated keyword value slowly to simulate motion.
  • Diag1 : Diagnostic mode #1. First diagnostic mode. Effects TBD.
LAMPSENC (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
lamp-select-motor-encoder-position in motor encoder counts
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) motor position as measured by the stage's motor encoder. NOTE: The motor encoder and stage encoder are the same for this stage (ENC & RAW values are identical).
LAMPSERR (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) command error number.
LAMPSFIP (esi), char(7) / A / %d, access r
lamp-select-fiducial-light-sensor (0.0 to 1.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) fiducial light sensor input.
Uses map KTLboolean to convert or format blocked_open:
blocked_open (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / L1 / %s, access r
(0.0 to 1.0)
Generic map meme for fiducial light sensor boolean state (BLOCKED/OPEN) keywords. (see blocked_open)
Valid values of blocked_open are:
  • blocked : No light detected at fiducial sensor. Light source off or light path blocked.
  • open : Light detected at fiducial sensor. Light source on and light path not blocked.
LAMPSFOP (esi), char(3) / A / %d, access rw
lamp-select-fiducial-light-source (0.0 to 1.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) fiducial light source control.
Uses map KTLboolean to convert or format on_off:
on_off (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / L1 / %s, access rw
(0.0 to 1.0)
Generic map meme for boolean state (on, off) keywords. (see on_off)
Valid values of on_off are:
  • on :
  • off :
LAMPSLCK (esi), char(10) / A10 / %s, access rw
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) lock software switch. Prevents movement when locked. The string 'unlocked' unlocks the stage, other strings (up to 10 chars, case-insensitive) lock it, a name or other id is recommended.
LAMPSLIM (esi), varchar(68) / A / tinyint, access r
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) limit status.
Uses map KTLenumerated to convert or format stage_lim:
stage_lim (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / I11 / %d, access r
(0.0 to 15.0)
Generic map meme for stage limit keywords. This map applies to stages with two inputs reporting the secondary limit status. See also meme 4258(stage_lim_1sec) and meme 4844 (stage_lim_inv) for other limit maps. (see stage_lim)
Valid values of stage_lim are:
  • Not in a limit :
  • In REV primary limit :
  • In FWD secondary limit :
  • Check signals: FWD #2, FWD #1 & REV #1 limits active :
  • Check signals: FWD #2 & REV #2 limits active :
  • Check signals: FWD #2, REV #2 & REV #1 limits active :
  • Check signals: FWD #2, REV #2 & FWD #1 limits active :
  • Check signals: All limits active :
  • In FWD primary limit :
  • Check signals: FWD #1 & REV #1 limits active :
  • Check signals: REV #2 limit active, but not REV #1 :
  • In REV secondary limit :
  • Check signals: REV #2 & FWD #1 limits active :
  • Check signals: REV #2, REV #1 & FWD #1 limits active :
  • Check signals: FWD #2 limit active, but not FWD #1 :
  • Check signals: FWD #2 & REV #1 limits active :
LAMPSMOD (esi), char(8) / A / tinyint, access rw
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) control mode.
Uses map KTLenumerated to convert or format stage_mod:
stage_mod (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / I11 / %d, access rw
in control mode (0.0 to 5.0)
Generic map meme for stage control mode keywords. (see stage_mod)
Valid values of stage_mod are:
  • Halt : Halt stage. Prevent it from moving.
  • Pos : Position mode. Use the default stage configuration to select motors on or off after moves.
  • Jog : Jog mode. Prevent jogging unless stage is calibrated.
  • Pos ON : Engineering position mode. Leave motors on after moves.
  • Pos OFF : Engineering position mode. Shut motors off after moves.
  • Jog ENGR : Engineering jog mode. Allow jogging when the stage isn't calibrated.
LAMPSMSG (esi), varchar(68) / A / %s, access r
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) status message. It reports keyword change requests and results. This keyword is best used in an event log or a status display.
LAMPSNAM (esi), varchar(68) / A / map, access rw
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) ordinal position name. Allows user to select important stage positions by name. The stage position names are defined in the 'mapRON.cfg' file in the dispatcher's configuration directory.
Uses map TableLook to convert or format LAMPSORD:
  • -999 -> Unknown
  • 0 -> Home
  • 1 -> argon
  • 2 -> helium
  • 3 -> mercury
  • 4 -> neon
  • 5 -> quartz
LAMPSORD (esi), smallint / I11 / map, access rw
lamp-select-ordinal-position (0.0 to 5.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) ordinal position. Allows users to select important stage positions by simple numbers. The stage positions are defined in the 'mapRON.cfg' file in the dispatcher's configuration directory. (see LAMPSORD)
Uses map TableLook to convert or format LAMPSRAW:
  • 0 -> 0
  • -> -999
  • 10000 -> 1
  • 20000 -> 2
  • 30000 -> 3
  • 40000 -> 4
  • 50000 -> 5
LAMPSRAW (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-raw-position in stage encoder counts (0.0 to 60000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) raw position as measured by the stage's position encoder. (see LAMPSRAW)
LAMPSORD (esi), smallint / I11 / map, access rw
lamp-select-ordinal-position (0.0 to 5.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) ordinal position. Allows users to select important stage positions by simple numbers. The stage positions are defined in the 'mapRON.cfg' file in the dispatcher's configuration directory.
Uses map TableLook to convert or format LAMPSRAW:
  • 0 -> 0
  • -> -999
  • 10000 -> 1
  • 20000 -> 2
  • 30000 -> 3
  • 40000 -> 4
  • 50000 -> 5
LAMPSRAW (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-raw-position in stage encoder counts (0.0 to 60000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) raw position as measured by the stage's position encoder. (see LAMPSRAW)
LAMPSRAW (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-raw-position in stage encoder counts (0.0 to 60000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) raw position as measured by the stage's position encoder.
LAMPSSTA (esi), char(14) / A / tinyint, access r
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) status.
Uses map KTLenumerated to convert or format dc_stage_status:
dc_stage_status (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / I11 / %d, access r
(0.0 to 6.0)
Generic map meme for stage status keywords. (see dc_stage_status)
Valid values of dc_stage_status are:
  • Not Calibrated : The stage hasn't been homed yet.
  • Calibrating : The stage is finding it's home reference position.
  • Ready : The stage is stationary. It has been calibrated. It is ready to move.
  • Moving : The stage is moving to a target position.
  • Jogging : The stage is accelerating to, jogging at, or decellerating from a target velocity.
  • Locked : The stage is locked via its lock keyword (ESI's DWFILLCK is a lock keyword example).
  • Halted : The stage is halted via the control mode keyword (ESI's DWFILMOD is a mode keyword example).
  • Halting : The stage is halting via the control mode keyword (ESI's DWFILMOD is a mode keyword example).
  • Diagnostics : A selected diagnostics routine is running.
LAMPSTRG (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
lamp-select-raw-position-target in stage encoder counts
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) raw position target as measured by stage's position encoder.
LAMPSVAL (esi), real / E13.6 / map, access rw
lamp-select-value (0.0 to 30000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) position. Convert a 'RAW' keyword value into a 'VAL' keyword value via: val = a0 + (raw * a1).
Uses map Linear to convert or format LAMPSRAW:
  • a0 : 0
  • a1 : 1.0
LAMPSRAW (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-raw-position in stage encoder counts (0.0 to 60000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) raw position as measured by the stage's position encoder. (see LAMPSRAW)
LAMPSVEL (esi), real / E13.6 / map, access rw
lamp-select-velocity (0.0 to 10000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) velocity. Convert a 'SPD' keyword value to a 'VEL' keyword value via: vel = spd * a1.
Uses map Derivative to convert or format LAMPSVAL:
LAMPSVAL (esi), real / E13.6 / map, access rw
lamp-select-value (0.0 to 30000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) position. Convert a 'RAW' keyword value into a 'VAL' keyword value via: val = a0 + (raw * a1). (see LAMPSVAL)
Uses map Linear to convert or format LAMPSRAW:
  • a0 : 0
  • a1 : 1.0
LAMPSRAW (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-raw-position in stage encoder counts (0.0 to 60000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) raw position as measured by the stage's position encoder. (see LAMPSRAW)
LAMPSVRB (esi), char(5) / A8 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-verbose-messages (0.0 to 1.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) verbose message flag. Turns on and off logging of debugging messages to the dispatcher's log file when the keyword is set to TRUE or FALSE.
Uses map KTLboolean to convert or format false_true:
false_true (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / L1 / %s, access rw
(0.0 to 1.0)
Generic map meme for boolean state (FALSE/TRUE) keywords. (see false_true)
Valid values of false_true are:
  • false :
  • true :
LAMPSTOR (esi), real / E13.6 / , access r
lamp-select-torque in volts (-10.0 to 10.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) motor torque.
LAMPSTSP (esi), int / I11 / %d, access r
lamp-select-speed-target in stage encoder counts/s
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) speed target defined in counts/s from the stage's position encoder.
LAMPSSPD (esi), int / I11 / %d, access rw
lamp-select-speed in stage encoder counts/s (0.0 to 10000.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) speed as measured by the stage's position encoder.
LAMPSDMP (esi), char(5) / A / %d, access w
lamp-select-dump (0.0 to 1.0)
Calibration lamp select (Galil-1500 DC servo stage) data dump. Reports all information on the stage in the dispatcher's log file when the keyword is written with a value of TRUE.
Uses map KTLboolean to convert or format false_true:
false_true (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / L1 / %s, access rw
(0.0 to 1.0)
Generic map meme for boolean state (FALSE/TRUE) keywords. (see false_true)
Valid values of false_true are:
  • false :
  • true :
LickservArgs (CommandLine), bundle / bundle / , access
This bundle organizes the cmd line flags for the lickserv process. LickservArgs consists of elements:
KTLservice (DataBase), char(12) / char(12) / char(12), access
A KTLservice is a bundle of KTL keywords serviced by a particular KTL keyword library. We express this as a bundle of memes. c.f. Kservice Is really a:
mid (DataBase), int / I11 / %d, access
Unique ID of a meme. Many of the memes are FITS keywords, but others are FITS tables, meme bundles, etc. (see mid)
rccdPort (KTLruntime), int / int / int, access
This is the UDP port which is used for image data broadcasts by the VME crate rccd process (sender) and lickserv (receiver). In the absence of this switch, getservbyname is used to lookup UDP service ''rccd'', else a hardcoded default is used.
watch_ccd_name (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
The client name which watch_ccd will give and which lickserv will request when they connect to traffic. Canonically this is watch_ccd, which is now a traffic Well-Known Service.
display (CommandLine), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
If specified this switch overrides the DISPLAY environment variable and is used to set the X11 display.
NOdisplay (CommandLine), tinyint / A / %s, access
If specified this switch indicates that, e.g., lickserv should not attempt to contact an X11 server for communications with a figdisp image display.
LickservEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars used to configure lickserv at startup time LickservEnv consists of elements:
MusicEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars set by the dispatcher launch agent, whether that be the user, or the official dispatcher_init script MusicEnv consists of elements:
DTAKESERVICE (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to a directory containing the ''services'' file which is read at startup of all MUSIC applications.
MUSIC_LOG_DIR (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to a directory where MUSIC (f)logerror() will write the ''errorlog'' file if it cannot find the ''services'' file.
KTLenv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Environment variables used by the KTL keyword library. KTLenv consists of elements:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Search path for finding dynamic libraries. In modern KTL code, should be used instead of obsolete KTL_LIBRARY_PATH
KROOT (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to the root directory under which all code and data files for Keck applications are installed.
RELNAM (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Subdirectory which names a particular ''release'' of installed Keck code; e.g., $KROOT/rel/$RELNAM. Not used at Lick.
KTL_LIBRARY_PATH (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
OBSOLETE envar. Older code uses this envar as a search path for shareable libraries with dynamically constructed names like
X11libEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
X11 clients may use these envars to configure themselves X11libEnv consists of elements:
DISPLAY (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
The standard X11 environment variable which specifies the display to use.
XAPPLRESDIR (environment), varchar(80) / A / %s, access
Standard X11 envar setting directory path for seeking application resource/defaults files.
PATH (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Standard Unix envar, user's command search path
PositionKW (Documentary), bundle / bundle / , access
The keywords ROTPPOSN, EL, and CURRINST tell us what the flexure algorithm should be doing. PositionKW consists of elements:
ROTPPOSN (KECK1DCS), float / F13.8 / %.8f, access rw
rotator-physical-position in deg
Semantics Unknown
CURRINST (KECKDCS2), varchar(68) / A68 / %s, access r
Semantics Unknown
EL (KECK1DCS), float / F11.8 / float, access r
telescope-elevation in deg (0.0 to 90.0)
Telescope elevation angle
Uses map AngleDec to convert or format DMS90:
DMS90 (MapTuples), tuple / tuple / , access
A sexagesimal degree, arcminute, arcsecond structure limited to +/-90 degrees; thus suitable for declinations. (see DMS90) DMS90 consists of elements:
SexDeg90 (TYPEDEFS), smallint / I3 / %3d, access
in deg (-90.0 to 90.0)
The degree portion of a sexagesimal string describing a declination -- '=DD:MM:SS.sss'.
SexMinute (TYPEDEFS), smallint / I2.2 / %02d, access
in minute (0.0 to 59.0)
The minute portion of a sexagesimal string -- 'HH:MM:SS.sss'.
SexSecond (TYPEDEFS), real / F7.4 / , access
in second (0.0 to 60.0)
The second portion of a sexagesimal string -- 'HH:MM:SS.sss'.
RefCentroids (Documentary), char(8) / char(8) / char(8), access
Place-holder meme. WIll be replaced by a table definition when the centroid data schema is designed, or a file definition if that's the format in which the ref centroids will be passed to Cspot.
ScienceImage (Documentary), table / table / , access
(EXTNAME = 'ScienceImage')
This is a placeholder for a generic science image -- direct or spectral. It was invented just to make documentation easier.
ServicesFile (KTLruntime), file / file / , access
This file contains traffic information (per host, per client) for each service, and the location of various error log files as seen by the client host. Originally known as dtakeservice; traditionally located $(RELDIR)/data/music/services. ServicesFile consists of elements:
NetworkData (KTLruntime), bundle / bundle / , access
This bundle organizes the special-case variables in the services file for a host that runs traffic and runner. NetworkData consists of elements:
host (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is a variable in the services file. It identifies the start of a new bundle of host-specific variables
runnerport (KTLruntime), int / int / int, access
This is a variable in the services file. It identifies the port number of some process or other.
trafficport (KTLruntime), int / int / int, access
This is a variable in the services file. It identifies the port number used by traffic if traffic is running on the local host. (??)
trafficsock (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is a variable in the services file. This is the pathname of the traffic Unix domain socket. All communications with clients on the same host are initiated through this named pipe.
hostData (KTLruntime), bundle / bundle / , access
This bundle organizes the host-specific variables in the services file. hostData consists of elements:
host (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is a variable in the services file. It identifies the start of a new bundle of host-specific variables
traffic (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the traffic executable.
runner (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the runner executable.
infoman (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the infoman executable.
lockfile (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the traffic lockfile.
dictdir (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
The pathname of the directory where the infoman dictionary file will be found. Its value is defined in the MUSIC services file (traditionally $(RELDIR)/data/music/info).
errorlog (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the generic music errorlog file.
log (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the logfiles of various music/ktl applications. If log is set and the app has this capacity, it will set its intenrnal log_filename global var and use this for an errorlog.
INFOHOST (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the host on which infoman is running (is this really used any more?)
INFOMAN (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname to the infoman executable (is this really used any more?)
trtalk (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the generic traffic talk host, which will be used only by the 'configure' command (bletch).
_trtalk (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
Traffic runs on different hosts for different services. These variables _trtalk tell the client host where to look for the traffic for each KTL service, i.e. esi_trtalk, pfcam_trtalk, hires_trtalk
STOPEX (KECK1CCD), char(4) / A / %d, access w
stop-exposure (0.0 to 1.0)
Set TRUE to request an exposure to end immediately. IF EXPOSIP THEN the current exposure will be ended and CCD readout will commence. WARNING: this keyword does not support the NOTIFY KTL ioctl.
Uses map KTLboolean to convert or format write_true:
write_true (SharedMemeMap), tinyint / L1 / %d, access w
(0.0 to 1.0)
Generic map meme for KTL keywords that are write-only and can only be written True. (see write_true)
Valid values of write_true are:
  • true :
Thickness (, real / F8.6 / , access
metabase.dbo.Filters in m (0.0 to 10.0)
spatial thickness of the filter (layer)
TrafficFiles (traffic), bundle / bundle / , access
These files are used as input (and output) by the traffic process. TrafficFiles consists of elements:
lockfile (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is the pathname of the traffic lockfile.
trafficsock (KTLruntime), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
This is a variable in the services file. This is the pathname of the traffic Unix domain socket. All communications with clients on the same host are initiated through this named pipe.
Video (Documentary), / / %s, access
data in a video signal
WatchCCDargs (CommandLine), bundle / bundle / , access
This bundle organizes the cmd line flags for the watch_ccd process. WatchCCDargs consists of elements:
header_info (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
The absolute path name of the watch_ccd header_info file. Traditionally this has been named $(RELDIR)/data/music/info/header_info.
watch_ccd_name (CommandLine), varchar(80) / varchar(80) / varchar(80), access
The client name which watch_ccd will give and which lickserv will request when they connect to traffic. Canonically this is watch_ccd, which is now a traffic Well-Known Service.
KTLkwSvcs (CommandLine), bundle / bundle / , access
One or more KTL keyword service libraries.
WatchCCD_Env (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars used to configure watch_ccd at startup time WatchCCD_Env consists of elements:
WATCH_CCD_NAME (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
In the absence of a command line switch, this envar will be used to se the process name given when watch_ccd connects to traffic.
WATCH_CCD_SITES (environment), int / A / %s, access
Number of sites in the daisy chain.
MusicEnv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Envars set by the dispatcher launch agent, whether that be the user, or the official dispatcher_init script MusicEnv consists of elements:
DTAKESERVICE (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to a directory containing the ''services'' file which is read at startup of all MUSIC applications.
MUSIC_LOG_DIR (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to a directory where MUSIC (f)logerror() will write the ''errorlog'' file if it cannot find the ''services'' file.
KTLenv (environment), bundle / bundle / , access
Environment variables used by the KTL keyword library. KTLenv consists of elements:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Search path for finding dynamic libraries. In modern KTL code, should be used instead of obsolete KTL_LIBRARY_PATH
KROOT (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Absolute path to the root directory under which all code and data files for Keck applications are installed.
RELNAM (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
Subdirectory which names a particular ''release'' of installed Keck code; e.g., $KROOT/rel/$RELNAM. Not used at Lick.
KTL_LIBRARY_PATH (environment), varchar(255) / A / %s, access
OBSOLETE envar. Older code uses this envar as a search path for shareable libraries with dynamically constructed names like

Map Definitions

AngleDec (MapUnits), float / float / float, access
in rad (-0.5 to 0.5)
An angle in radians with declination-like limits. (minv, maxv, &c. are expressed in units of pi when unit is radians.) This map indicates that the external formatted meme has an internal 64-bit IEEE binary representation.
Derivative (MapTypes), map / map / , access
This map type indicates a derivative (velocity) map. It's used only in the special case where VEL ISA VAL.
KTLboolean (MapTypes), tinyint / I1 / %d, access
(0.0 to 1.0)
A special case of the KTL Enumerated map, (q.v.). ktlBoolean has two legal int values, 0 and 1. When setting 't', 'true', or a nonzero int =>1; and 'f' or 'false' => 0. FIORD keywords report and accept string values such as 'open', 'closed', etc.
KTLenumerated (MapTypes), tinyint / tinyint / tinyint, access
This map type is a KTL Enumerated map, meaning that KTL rather than the crate does the conversion from binary to ascii. Practically speaking, all this means is that the list of ascii res_vals ends up in fiord_table.h
Linear (MapFuncs), map / map / , access
A map which indicates that you should perform a linear conversion from the min and max of the first meme to the min and max of the second meme (ISA target). Example: mumbleVAL ISA mumbleRAW, map is Linear. Linear consists of elements:
a0 (MapParams), float / E20.12 / %.12E, access
Coefficient of the zero order term in a polynomial map. Typically this will be the constant term.
a1 (MapParams), float / E20.12 / %.12E, access
Coefficient of the first order term in a polynomial map. Typically this will be the coefficient of the linear term.
TableLook (MapTypes), map / map / , access
This map type indicates a simple table lookup using the Mmaps table. CodeGen will presume that this lookup is not being done within KTL/fiord code. Use of this map is probably equivalent to having a null map_mid.

Unresolved references:
DMS90 SubscrTriplAry SubscrTriplStr blocked_open dc_stage_status false_true mid on_off reset_homed stage_lim stage_mod stage_tst write_true

Sorry, these memes do not have primary definitions in this document. However, they may be found in a related document. For example, memes not found directly in an instrument service may be found in the Documentary memes reference for that service.
The Observer documents are hand-written. The Technical Documents are produced from plain text files in the CVS source tree by some Tcl scripts written at UCO/Lick Observatory. The Reference Documents are mostly generated by software from data in a relational database. Individual authors are responsible for the content of the Observer and Technical Documentation. The Lick SPG as a whole is responsible for the content of the Reference doco. Send mail to to report inconsistencies or errors in the documentation.