Field Definitions for table keywords

If the database maintainer has set up a data dictionary, then this form will show information defining and explaining each field in the table keywords. When an asterisk appears following the column data type (like int *) this indicates that this column is indexed in the database server for faster searches.
kwidint, no nulls Unique record ID number of each keyword. Not user controlled.
parent_kwidint If this keyword is a pseudo-keyword describing an element of a complex or array data type, the parent_kwid is used to indicate the real FITS keyword of which it is a part.
keywordchar, no nulls Keyword string (true FITS keywords are limited to 8 characters).
enumsmallint, no nulls Valid values are Y, N: if enum is Y, the keyword ends in an integer value and there are N instances of it, where N is controlled by some other ''counter'' keyword.
efmtchar If a keyword is enumerated (enum = Y) then the numeric portion of the keyword name has a format. This field describes that format using fprintf conventions.
ctrl_kwidint If a keyword is enumerated (enum = Y) then another keyword controls the number of instances of it in each header. The kwid of the controlling keyword goes here.
typechar, no nulls This is the FITS type -- a vague English-language typing -- of the keyword value.
minvfloat If the keyword value must fall within a certain range, this is the minimum legitimate value.
maxvfloat If the keyword value must fall within a certain range, then this is the maximum legitimate value.
delimchar If the keyword value is a delimited list, as in pixel coordinate regions, this field contains the delimiter character for the list.
fmtvarchar This field indicates the format in which the value is to be printed (or read). The convention is fprintf, not fortran.
separchar If the keyword value is a tuple (list) of complex or array values, this character is the separator character for the list.
unitschar If the keyword value is expressed in known units, store the name of the units (e.g. Angstroms) here.
semanticsvarchar, no nulls A brief description of the meaning and/or use of the keyword and value.
urivarchar If a lengthier description of usage or semantics is accessible online, put the URI here.
iscounterchar If this flag is Y, the keyword is a counter keyword and controls the appearance of one or more enumerated keywords.
contextchar Keywords are arranged into ''contexts'' or groups with a common purpose or frame of reference. For example, keywords specific to one instrument should have a context named after that instrument.
defvchar If the keyword has an understood default value in the event that it is missing from the header, store that value here.
nulvchar If the keyword has an understood null value (when it appears in the header with no value) store that value here.
reqchar If the keyword is required (by the FITS standard?) this flag should be Y.
accesschar Access is one of: R, W, RW and indicates the readability and/or writability of instrument/telescope control keywords
alt_namevarchar In this field you can store the KTL ''long-name'' string or any other ID or syntax string (e.g. from other FITS dictionaries) that should accompany this keyword
commentvarchar Use this field for a brief comment which you might want appended to the FITS card after the comment delimiter.
syb_typevarchar Sybase storage type of the keyword value.

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