Field Definitions for table Yale_Parallax

If the database maintainer has set up a data dictionary, then this form will show information defining and explaining each field in the table Yale_Parallax. When an asterisk appears following the column data type (like int *) this indicates that this column is indexed in the database server for faster searches.
sybidint *
YaleNumfloat Catalogue number; blank means no number is assigned yet.
Compnchar Double star component; M means photometrically unresolved components.
Icodechar Double star information code; O: orbital data available; S: separation and position angle data available.
Namechar *Star name; See translation table for Greek abbreviations.
RAHint *Right ascension hours 1900
RAMint Right ascension minutes 1900
RASchar Right ascension seconds 1900, number of FP digits indicates accuracy
DecDint *Declination degrees 1900.0
DecMint Declination minutes 1900
DecSchar Declination arcsec 1900, number of FP digits indicates accuracy
PosSrcchar Source code for position; A indicates the CDA (Catalogue of Astrometric Data); P indicates the position comes from other sources.
SecVarRAMint Secular variation in right ascension for 100 years, proper motion is included; units: minutes
SecVarRASfloat Secular variation RA seconds
SecVarDMint Secular variation in declination for 100 years, proper motion is included; units: arc-minutes
SecVarDSreal Secular variation declination arc-seconds.
PMRAfloat Proper motion in right ascension; unit: arc-seconds/year.
PMDecfloat Proper motion in declination; unit: arc-seconds/year.
AvgParfloat Weighted average absolute trigonometric parallax; unit: arc-seconds.
SE_Parint Parallax standard error; unit: tenths of milli-arc-second.
NumObsint Number of parallax observations included in weighted average parallax.
Agreechar Quality of the interagreement of different parallax observations: G, good; F, fair; and P, poor.
Vmagchar V magnitude for value with two digits after decimal; value with a single digit after decimal is a lower accuracy visual magnitude unless code P appears in next field
Vcodechar V mag code: P indicates a blue passband magnitude
BSCSchar S if star is list in ''''A Supplement to the Bright Star Catalogue'''' (Hoffleit, et al. 1983).
HRnumint HR number (Bright Star Catalogue number) (Hoffleit, et al. 1988).
HDnumint HD number.
DM1char DM number part 1
DM2int DM number part 2
DM3int DM number part 3
DM4char DM number part 4 -- component
NBSCchar Number in the Cata. Nearby Stars (Gliese, et al. 1984); number with decimal point is in Gliese 1969; number beginning with 1000 is in Gliese and Jahreiss 1984; number beginning with 9000 is in Woolley et al. 1970; N is new nearby stars not yet numbered.
VSnamchar Variable star name; number beginning with S indicates New Suspected Variable number.
ADSnumchar Aitken Double Star (ADS) number; other codes are W: is in the Wash. Vis. Dbl Star Cata. (Wooley 1984), A: astrometric binary, B: spectroscopic binary, E: eclipsing binary, O: occultationary binary, S: Speckle interferometric binary
OtherNamechar Other star name.

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