Field Definitions for table RC3

If the database maintainer has set up a data dictionary, then this form will show information defining and explaining each field in the table RC3. When an asterisk appears following the column data type (like int *) this indicates that this column is indexed in the database server for faster searches.
sybidint *
RAHint *RA 2000 (hour) precessed from 1950 coords (cols 57-59)
RAMint RA 2000 (min)
RASreal RA 2000 (sec)
DecDint *Dec 2000 (deg) precessed from 1950 coords (cols 60-62)
DecMint Dec 2000 (min)
DecSchar Dec 2000 (sec)
Namechar *Name: LMC, SMC, NGC or IC designations
Typechar Type: mean revised morphological type in RC2 system
LogD25real Log D25 (0.1min) mean decimal log of the apparent major isophotal diameter expressed as surface brightness muB = 25.0B/sq m.
ME_LogD25real Mean error in log D25 (0.1min)
PosAngleint Position angle of the major axis (deg) measured in degrees from N through E (always < 180), mostly taken from UGC, ESO, ESGC
BTotreal BT (mag) total asymptotic B magnitude derived by extrapolation from photoelectric aperture magnitude data (BAT) and from surface photometry BST
BTcodechar BT code: M means weighted mean of BAT and BST, S is surface only, V is V-band rather than B-band, v means the nucleus is variable. * indicates that an extrapolation > .75mag would have been required.
ME_BTreal Mean error in BT (mag)
B_VTotreal (B - V)T (mag) total (asymptotic) color index in the Johnson B-V system
ME_BVTreal Mean error in (B - V)T (mag)
B_Vereal (B - V)e (mag) mean B - V within the effective aperture Ae
ME_BVereal Mean error in (B - V)e (mag)
m21real m21 (10-24/sq-m) 21cm emission line magnitude as m21 = 21.6 - 2.5 log SH where SH is the measured neutral hydrogen flux density in units of 10-24W/sq m
ME_m21real Mean error in m21 (10-24/sq-m)
V21int V21 (km/sec) mean heliocentric radial velocity as derived from neutral hydrogen observations
ME_V21int Mean error in V21 (km/sec)
GalLongfloat Galactic longitude (deg) to .01 per IAU 1958 with NGP at alpha 12h49m delta +27 24 (1950) and origin at alpha 17h 42.4m delta -28 55 (1950)
GalLatreal Galactic latitude (deg) to .01, see longitude
AltNamechar Alternate name: UGC, ESO, MCG, UGCA and CGCG designations (in that order of preference)
RtypSrcchar Source of revised type estimates: V = de Vaucouleurs, 4 = a ring galaxy classified by Buta (4m plates)
LumEstint Number of luminosity class estimates
LogR25real log R25: mean decimal log of the ration of the major isphotal diameter D25 to the minor isophotal diameter d25 expressed as surface brightness (see col 10)
ME_LogR25real Mean error in log R25
Agreal Ag (mag) galactic extinction in B band, calculated following Burstein and Heiles (1978a,b, 1982, 1984)
mBreal mB (mag) photographic magnitude from Ames (1930), Shapley and Ames (1932), CGCG, Buta and Corwin (1986), and/or Lauberts and Valentijn (1989)
ME_mBreal Mean error in mB (mag)
U_BTotreal (U - B)T (mag) total (asymptotic) color index in the Johnson U-B system
ME_UBTreal Mean error in (U - B)T (mag)
U_Bereal (U - B)e (mag) mean U - B within the effective aperture Ae
ME_UBereal Mean error in (U - B)e (mag)
W20int W20 (km/sec) neutral hydrogen line full width measured at the 20 % level (I20/Imax)
ME_W20int Mean error in W20 (km/sec)
Voptint Vopt = cz (km/sec) mean heliocentric radial velocity as derived from optical observations
ME_Voptint Mean error in Vopt (km/sec)
SGlongfloat Supergalactic longitude (deg)
SGlatreal Supergalactic latitude (deg)
Desigchar Other designation: any common designation other than fields 8 and 26
T_Hubblereal T: numerical index of stage along Hubble sequence in RC2 system
ME_Treal Mean error of T
LogAereal Log Ae (0.1min) mean decimal log of the apparent diameter of the effective aperture (the circle centered on the nucleus within which 1/2 of the total B-band flux is emitted)
ME_LogAereal Mean error in log Ae (0.1min)
Aireal Ai (mag) internal B band extinction calculated from log R and T
mFIRreal mFIR (mag) far infrared magnitude: -20.0 - 2.5 logFIR where FIR is the far infrared continuum flux measured at 60 and 100 microns as listed in the IRAS PSC (1987)
B_VoTreal (B - V)oT (mag) total B-V color index corrected for galactic and internal extinction and for redshift
m_ereal m-arcmin-e (mag/sq-min) mean B-band sufrace brightness in magnitudes per square arcmin within the effective aperture Ae
ME_mereal Mean error in m-arcmin-e (mag/sq-min)
W50int W50 (km/sec) neutral hydrogen line full width measured at the 50 % level (I50/Imax)
ME_W50int Mean error in W50 (km/sec)
VGSRint VGSR (km/sec) the weighted mean of the natural hydrogen and optical velocities corrected to the galactic standard of rest
RAH1950int RA1950 (hour)
RAM1950int RA1950 (min)
RAS1950char RA1950 (min-or-sec)
DecD1950int Dec1950 (deg)
DecM1950int Dec1950 (min)
DecS1950char Dec1950 (sec)
PGCnumchar PGC number: designation by Paturel et al (1989a,b)
LumClsreal Luminosity class: mean numerical luminosity class in RC2 system
ME_LumClsreal Mean error of luminosity class
LogDoreal Log Do (mag/sq-sec) decimal log of the isophotal major diameter corrected to face-on (i=0) and corrected for galactic extinction to Ag=0, but not corrected for redshift
A21_HIsareal A21 (mag) H I line self absorption calculated from log R and T >= 1
BoTreal BoT (mag) total face-on magnitude corrected for galactic and internal extinction and for redshift
U_Botreal (U - B)oT (mag) total U-B color index corrected for galactic and internal extinction and for redshift
m_25real m-arcmin-25 (mag/sq-min) mean surface brightness in magnitudes per square arcmin within the muB=25.0 B-m/ss elliptical isophote of major axis log D25 and axis ration log R25 as in RC2
ME_m25real Mean error in mi-arcmin-25 (mag/sq-min)
HIreal HI (mag) corrected neutral hydrogen index: the difference mo21-BoT between the corrected face-on 21cm emission line mag and the BT corrected mag
V3Kint V3K (km/sec) the weighted mean velocity corrected to the reference frame defined by the 3K microwave background

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