XRB Paper Data/Progress - Resolved 1.25cm Run on homer
Currently being updated...this run is approaching 500k timesteps...
Below is the temporal evolution of the maximum enucdot and the maximum temperature in the Helium layer, defined arbitrarily to be where X(He4) >= 0.1 Notice the large oscillations in enucdot - this may be some resolution issue as we have previously deemed 1.25cm resolution to be too coarse.
Some movies of various quantities for the first 38.84 ms of evolution are shown below:
- Carbon Mass Fraction - color range is logarithmic in [1e-10,1] from blue to red
- X-Velocity - color range is [-4e6,1e7]. Notice the formation of large layers all moving to the left or the right as shown in the following image at t=34.79 - Mike says he has seen this before in narrow domains while doing RT stuff with the small-scale code:
- Vorticity - color range is from [-5.e5,2.e6]