[main] sourceDir = /home/cmalone/MAESTRO-reg/MAESTRO/ testTopDir = /home/cmalone/MAESTRO-reg/MAESTRO/ compareToolDir = /home/cmalone/MAESTRO-reg/MAESTRO/fParallel/data_processing/ helmeosDir = /home/cmalone/MAESTRO-reg/MAESTRO/fParallel/extern/EOS/helmeos/ sourceTree = fParallel suiteName = Maestro # MPIcommand should use the placeholders: # @host@ to indicate where to put the hostname to run on # @nprocs@ to indicate where to put the number of processors # @command@ to indicate where to put the command to run # # only tests with useMPI = 1 will run in parallel # nprocs is problem dependent and specified in the individual problem # sections. MPIcommand = mpiexec -machinefile @machfile@ -n @nprocs@ @command@ MPIhost = node5 [xrb_mixed] buildDir = fParallel/MAESTRO/xrb_mixed/ inputFile = inputs_files/2d/inputs_2d_0.75cm.alex_hot_heat aux1File = model_files/alex_models/alex_mixed_t7.49e8_0.75cm.hse needs_helmeos = 1 dim = 2 doVis = 1 visVar = "X(C12)" useMPI = 1 machine_file = node_usage numprocs = 16 [xrb] buildDir = fParallel/MAESTRO/xrb/ inputFile = inputs_files/2d/inputs_2d_0.5cm.stan aux1File = model_files/stans_models/stan_t3.67e8_lo_0.5cm.hse needs_helmeos = 1 dim = 2 doVis = 1 visVar = "X(C12)" useMPI = 1 machine_file = node_usage numprocs = 16