Faculty Position Search Information Page
Welcome to the information page for the Fall 1998 faculty search for the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
For general additional information these links will take you to the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics page, a summary of the faculty, postdoc graduate student, research interests, UCO/Lick Observatory which is headquartered on campus and the University of California, Santa Cruz. We are a separate department from Physics, but there are some significant overlaps in interests between the two programs. There is also WWW-based information about Santa Cruz considered by most to be a beautiful and pleasant place to live.
The Advertisement
The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, invites applications for two faculty positions. One (possibly both) will be at the Assistant Professor (tenure-track) level; one may be at the Associate or Full Professor level. The successful candidates are expected to develop a first-class research program in astronomy and astrophysics, teach in the department's graduate and undergraduate programs, and supervise dissertation research. We particularly seek qualified applicants with expertise in theoretical astrophysics. Candidates having expertise in observational radio, sub-mm, x-ray, or gamma-ray astronomy are also encouraged to apply.
RANK: Associate or Full Professor (position #172); Assistant Professor (position #117)
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: For either position, applicants must hold the Ph.D. degree or equivalent in astronomy, physics, or a closely related field and must have demonstrated a strong record in research as reflected in their publications. Applicants must also have the knowledge and ability to teach graduate and undergraduate courses, and to direct student research. Applicants for the senior position are expected to be established leaders in their area(s) as demonstrated by a significant body of research.
POSITION AVAILABLE: July 1, 1999, subject to final budgetary approval.
APPLY TO: Applicants should submit vitae, a brief description of research interests, and arrange to have at least four letters of recommendation. It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that all material, including letters of appraisal, be sent to:
Faculty Search Committee,
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064.
Applicants should refer to position #117 if they wish to be considered for the tenure track position or position #172 for an appointment at a higher level.
CLOSING DATE: Complete applications received prior to December 1, 1998 will receive full consideration.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: especially FAQ's regarding this opportunity, see our web page http://www.ucolick.org/employment/academic.html or write to recruit@ucolick.org
UC Santa Cruz is nestled within 2,000 acres of redwood forest and meadows, overlooking the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary of California's beautiful Central Coast, about 70 miles from San Francisco and 30 miles from Silicon Valley. Information about UC Santa Cruz is available on our Website at http://www.ucsc.edu.
UCSC IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Inquiries regarding the University's equal employment opportunity policies may be directed to: Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Director Valerie Simmons, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; (408)459-2349.
If you need assistance due to a disability please contact the Academic Human Resources Office at 350 McHenry Library (408)459-4300. This position description is available in alternate formats, which may be requested from Academic Human Resources at (408)459-4300.
In accordance with Federal Law, UCSC makes available to prospective employees a brochure containing crime statistics, prevention programs/services, and related campus policies and procedures. To obtain a copy contact Campus Police (408)459-2231 or Academic Human Resources (408)459-4300. VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT http://www2.ucsc.edu/ahr/academic.htm Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Background Information
There are two different flavors of faculty astronomers at the UC Santa Cruz campus. Some faculty are 100% appointments in the UCSC Department of Astronomy. The 100% positions were originally made to bring in theorists to complement the observers associated with what was then Lick Observatory. The 100% Department positions are still primarily filled by theorists although non-optical/IR observational and experimental astronomers can also be hired through the Department positions. Current faculty members with these appointments are:
When the UC system became a partner in the Keck telescope projects, Lick Observatory expanded into the University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory. Faculty members associated with UCO/Lick have ``80/20'' positions. 80% of the UCO/Lick positions are with UCO/Lick (a multi-campus research unit) and 20% are with the Department of A&A. This advertised position is an 80/20 position. The current 80/20 faculty are:
In many ways, the different flavors of astronomer are indistinguishable. All are housed in the same building and participate equally in Department activities including guiding graduate students in thesis research. In a few areas however, there are significant differences between the UCO 80/20 and the 100% Department positions. 80/20 appointments carry a teaching responsibility of one quarter-long class per year. Unlike most academic appointments, the UCO/Lick positions are also paid for 11 months/year with the opportunity to add one month of `summer salary' from other funding sources. The trade-off for the reduced teaching load and guaranteed (partial) summer salary is there are Observatory-related responsibilities. These responsibilities are mostly in the areas of committee work to assist in evaluating observing proposals and assigning telescope time and helping to decide the future directions of the capabilities of the telescopes and instruments. Active participation in the Lick/Keck instrumentation efforts is also encouraged. A final `mandate' for the use of time released from teaching for UCO/Lick faculty is to carry out excellent research on behalf of the University of California.
As is clear from a perusal of on-line relators in the area, the cost of a house in Santa Cruz is very high compared to many regions of the US. This is do in large part to the huge financial success of Silicon Valley-related business in the last decade and also in part because Santa Cruz is a very desirable place to live with an excellent moderate climate, beautiful coast line, easy access to the Bay area, clean air and low crime rates. The University administration has made coming up with housing solutions for new (and existing) faculty a high priority. There is a faculty housing neighborhood on campus (mostly townhouses and multiplex units) with additional faculty housing, with emphasis on larger single-family dwellings in the planning stages. There is a reduced-rate university morgage plan, in some cases new faculty have been allowed to use up to $50k of their startup package to put toward a downpayment on a home and an equity-sharing program in which the University contributes to the downpayment on a home and shares in the equity is under discussion.