Possibly useful formula: or
Where L=angular momentum, M=mass, R= radius, spin rate
___ Rapid rotation
___ Large abundances of S- and R-process elements
___ Mass less than
___ Strong magnetic field
(a) would it spin faster, slower or the same as it does now (1/30 revolution per day)?
(b) By what factor?
___ Rapidly spinning Black Hole with a large magnetic field
___ Rapidly spinning neutron star that has collapsed to within it's event horizon
___ Rapidly spinning neutron star with a strong magnetic field aligned with along its spin axis
___ None of these is correct
___ The beamed radiation of the pulsar is oriented such that it does not reach the earth
___ Instead of forming a neutron star, the core collapse resulted in a black hole
___ The star that exploded was not massive enough to form a neutron core
___ None of the above are correct
___ The clock in a spaceship traveling at a high velocity with respect to the Earth will run more slowly than a clock on Earth
___ If you perform an experiment to measure the speed of light, you will always get the same answer independent of your velocity
___ Neutron stars will be observable as pulsars
___ Clocks near black holes will run backwards
(a) Compare the escape velocities from the surface of the Earth for
a hydrogen atom (with a mass of grams) and the Space Shuttle
(with a mass of
grams). Think about this carefully - it is right on the
edge of being a trick question.
(b) Use a little algebra to manipulate the equation to solve for radius in terms of the other variables.
___ The outer surface of the collapsed core of a massive star
___ the extent of the gravitational pull from a black hole
___ the boundary near a singularity inside of which the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light
___ all of the above are correct