- Study of galaxy formation and evolution through measurements
of galaxy structure (luminosity, color, concentration, bulge/disk)
and internal kinematics (velocity widths, rotation, non-circular
motions) from local galaxies to z=1
- Structure, dynamics and evolution of barred galaxies
- Faint optical emission from high-velocity clouds
- 2-dimensional spatially resolved spectroscopy: Fabry-Perot and
integral field
- Computational fluid dynamics, simulations of gas flow in galaxies
The Quincy, M.E. Punk Rock Episode
The original link is dead; the Request Line zine died some
time ago and now the archive is gone too. And the link used to take you
to Sam Goody, yet another example of why the web just isn't that
interesting any more. What good is a medium that has no place for
a tribute to a TV show in which Jack Klugman warns the nation of
the dangers of punk rock?
But wait, great news! Thanks to the
Internet Archive, now you can
still visit the all-powerful
Quincy, M.E. Punk Rock Episode!