Keck Telescope Time Allocation


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UCO Policy: Keck Telescope Time

A. All ladder rank faculty and ladder rank emeritus in residence of the University of California are entitled to apply on a competitive basis for UC observing time at the Keck Observatory. Non-faculty UC instrument PIs may apply on the same basis for a period of up to five years.

B. Up to 20% of the UC share of observing time can be awarded to non-faculty UC scientists holding research appointments with titles such as "research astronomer" or "research physicist" and the like. These must be full-time, long-term appointments. Proposals from individuals in this category will be judged in competition with those coming under category A above.

C. Postdoctoral fellows (including special fellowships such as Hubble and Miller Fellows) and temporary visitors to UC are not eligible to apply for UC Keck observing time. The title "Adjunct Professor" does not give eligibility to apply for time. Their access to the Keck Telescopes will be through collaborations with proposers in categories A and B.

D. Graduate students are not eligible to apply for Keck observing time. Graduate student access for thesis research is highly restricted and will only be granted if the proposed thesis research is judged highly meritorious and constitutes a major part of the faculty advisor's research program. There will be no guaranteed time on subsequent reviews.

dated 3/03