Team Locality Gender Style
Berkeley Morris Berkeley mixed C,B Mayfield Morris and Sword Palo Alto women C,LS,B,NW Deer Creek Morris Men Palo Alto men C,B Fools' Choice Morris Palo Alto mixed C [on hiatus] White Rat's Morris San Francisco mixed! C Fairfax Morris Marin mixed [defunct] Red Tail Morris San Francisco/RPF women C Bitter Dregs Morris San Francisco N.A. ? Pipe & Bowl Morris Ren. P. Faire men C,B,LS East London Gas Company Dickens Faire men C,B,LS Bangors & Mash Berkeley mixed B Riders of the Purple Sage San Francisco mixed Chingford Swords of Gridlock Berkeley mixed RS Emperor Norton's Guard Berkeley mixed LS Stomp 'n' Jingle East Bay any any Monterey Morris & Sword Monterey [inception March 1996] Dead Ringers SF [seasonal] mixed DR Ring of Cold Steel SF LS [inception Sept 1997] Bufflehead Peninsula? mixed? NW Mad Molly Palo Alto ? M Blue Rose SCA mixed C,LS Seabright Morris and Sword Santa Cruz mixed C,LS
This list is incomplete. Many of these teams share members with each other. Additional info and corrections welcome. I have contact information for some of these teams.
Some of these teams are affiliated with the Bay Area Country Dance Society (BACDS). BACDS holds numerous events, and their calendar is online.