FITS keywords, conventions, and standards
with emphasis on their use at
Lick Observatory and Keck Observatory

MIME media types for FITS

See here for details on the MIME media types for FITS.

Proposed appendix for FITS WCS Paper IV

FITS WCS papers I, II, and III are published.
FITS WCS paper IV lies in draft form.
FITS WCS paper V is in review now.

Concatenation of FITS World Coordinate Systems

Jess Mink of Harvard/SAO/CfA and proposed an appendix for the text of the FITS WCS paper I (Representations of world coordinates in FITS). This proposal was not included into WCS paper I due to the late date of its origination. Nevertheless, we hope to rewrite it and submit it as an element of WCS paper IV.

The old document containing justifications for permitting WCS concatenation along with the text of the proposed appendix is available here as PostScript or PDF. We suppose that this might become known as "The WCSDEP Convention".

Proposed conventional values for WCSNAMEa

On a less formal level than the above, I propose that there should be certain conventional values of the WCSNAMEa keywords. My ruminations are here.

Issues not addressed by WCS Papers I, II, and III (and IV)

I ruminate informally about things that are not (and cannot be) addressed by the current drafts of the WCS papers.

FITS Keywords peculiar to UCO/Lick Observatory

This is a quick overview of FITS keyword syntax and semantics at UCO/Lick Observatory. This includes keywords used by Keck instruments built at UCO/Lick.

Live Database of UCO/Lick (and Keck) FITS keywords

Sorry, the live database feature is currently restricted to operational sites. If interested please request access.

This database is used to simplify the creation of user interfaces and to generate myriads of lines of source code for instrument control. It is also used as a notebook for defining the meaning of older keywords that have long been in use.

For more complete details on how these queries work, see Memes Demos, and Memes Overview.

Bundles of FITS keywords

Sorry, the live database feature is currently restricted to operational sites. If interested please request access.

The following links give several views of keywords which are found in the FITS files produced by various instruments which have been built by or inherited code from Lick.

Bundles of KTL keywords

Sorry, the live database feature is currently restricted to operational sites. If interested please request access.

The operation of instruments that are delivered to Keck Observatory is performed via keywords that query and modify states. Subsequent to HIRES these bundles of keywords have been stored in this relational database. As such, the database should contain the most comprehensive and authoritative information on the meaning of the keywords.

Nonstandard Elements of Lick Observatory FITS Files

An admission that we did not always get things right from the start.

Concerns regarding Multi-HDU FITS files for mosaic images

Motivated by the DEIMOS instrument which has a detector consisting of 8 CCDs whose pixels will be read simultaneously into a single FITS file.

FITS files at Keck Observatory

Instrument focal planes at Lick and Keck Observatories

These focal plane diagrams will forever be a work-in-progress.
Steve Allen <>
$Date: 2020/07/23 16:57:59 $