(Call # 10785; Course ID ASTR-002-01)

Instructor: Raja (Puragra) Guha Thakurta
Interdisciplinary Sciences Building (ISB) 271; (831)459-5169;
Office hours: Tue 10:30 - 11:30 AM in ISB 271

Teaching Assistants:

Evan Kirby

ISB 255; (831)459-5772;
Office hours: Mon 12:30 - 1:30 PM in ISB 255

Leif Poorman

ISB 292; (831)459-5961;
Office hours: Tue 6:00 - 7:00 PM in ISB 165
(NOTE: Leif's office hours will NOT be held in his office, but in a DIFFERENT room)

Sean Echols

NSII 108; (831)459-2166;
Office hours: Tue 2:15 - 3:15 PM in NSII 108

UCO/Lick Observatory, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064


Please watch this space especially closely throughout the quarter. All important new announcements will appear here.

NEW!!!!! Here are the IN-CLASS QUIZ SCORES.

NEW!!!!! A new practice problem set (#6) is available here along with a solution set.

NEW!!!!! Here are the MIDTERM SCORES.

Five (optional) practice problem sets and solution sets are listed near the bottom of this page.

The MSI sessions are back on but with a changed schedule and a different instructor (Rachel Soper has replaced Rebekah Rafferty). For the new MSI schedule, click here. The discussion sections (six per week) are continuing as usual.

A plain text version of the class notes is available below (see Lecture Notes section).

In-class Pop-Quizzes / Response Pads (CPS RF clickers):

This course will use the Classroom Performance System (CPS) and radio frequency (RF) response pads or clickers to conduct in-class pop-quizzes. There will typically be a few such quizzes during each lecture starting in Week 3 - i.e. from Tue 10/04 onwards. The sum total of all the in-class quizzes will constitute 20% of the overall grade.

You will need your response pad to participate in these quizzes. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you:
* BUY and REGISTER your response pad right away
* BRING your response pad to class for each lecture

The instructions for registering your response pad can be found here (MS Word document) along with an illustrated description of the step-by-step procedure (PowerPoint format). The CLASS KEY is: M14242E381 - you will need this key to register your response pad.

Introductory Handout:

acrobat (PDF) format

This contains general information about the course, and includes details about the overall format of this course, exams, in-class quizzes, practice problem sets, evaluation scheme, textbooks, reading, field trip, etc etc. PLEASE READ IT VERY CAREFULLY as it is full of useful information for this course.

Course Calendar:

acrobat (PDF) format

This contains a week-by-week summary of topics to be covered in the course and the schedule of exams.

Discussion Sections

Evan, Leif, and Sean will run a total of six (6) discussion sections each week starting the week of 09/26 through the day of the final exam (12/09).

Mon 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Sean, ISB 165)
Mon 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Leif, ISB 165)
Tue 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Evan, ISB 356)
Wed 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Sean, ISB 165)
Wed 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Leif, ISB 165)
Thu 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Evan, ISB 356)

Attendance in these discussion sections is OPTIONAL. We strongly recommend that you attend if you need clarification/assistance on any of the concepts or math exercises covered in class.

Office Hours/Appointments

Please let Raja know beforehand (say in class the previous week or by e-mail) if you plan to attend his office hours. If the above fixed office hours don't work for you, please arrange to meet us at other times.

Lecture Notes / Quizzes

The PowerPoint lecture notes that will be used in class during a given week will generally be available the previous week at this location. The in-class quizzes will be posted after they have been used in class.
Week 1 notes
Week 2 notes
Week 3 notes (Part A)
Week 3 notes (Part B)
Week 4 notes
Week 5 notes
Week 6 notes
Week 7 notes
Week 8 notes
Week 9 notes (Part A)
Week 9 notes (Part B)
Week 10 notes
Week 11 notes

Week 3 quizzes
Week 4 quizzes
Week 5 quizzes
Week 6 quizzes
Week 7 quizzes
Week 8 quizzes
Week 9 quizzes
Week 10 quizzes
Week 11 quizzes

A plain text version of the class notes for weeks 2 through 11 are posted here

These notes (especially the plain text version) only list the basic topics covered in class and the important equations, but do NOT contain any descriptive detail. YOU WILL FIND IT DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO FOLLOW THE LECTURE NOTES IF YOU DO NOT COME TO CLASS!!!!

If you are unable to read notes in PowerPoint format from your computer, please let us know so we can arrange to get you paper copies. The color illustrations shown in class will however be greatly degraded in the black-and-white paper copies.


A week-by-week listing of the reading from the primary course textbook (Arny) is provided here. While the reading assignment is optional, we highly recommend that you read the assigned chapter(s) in the textbook to better follow the material covered in class.

Practice Problem Sets

A few sample math and descriptive problems are provided here:
Practice math problem set 1
Solutions to problem set 1
Practice math problem set 2
Solutions to problem set 2
Practice descriptive problem set 3
Solutions to problem set 3
Practice descriptive problem set 4
Solutions to problem set 4
Practice math problem set 5
Solutions to problem set 5
These sample problems are an excellent way to prepare for the midterm and final exams, which will be the main basis for your evaluation in this course. Please use these practice problem sets to brush up on math exercises and concepts covered in class. Evan/Leif/Sean can arrange to go over solutions to these practice problem sets during discussion sections, if there is enough interest.

Exam Scores and Grades

Exam scores and corresponding grade levels will appear here. The final exam will constitute 45% of the overall score/grade and the midterm exam will constitute 35% of the overall grade; the remaining 20% of the grade will be based on in-class pop-quizzes. Please pay particular attention to the passing score for the exams. In addition to your total score (TTL), the split scores on the descriptive/non-quantitative (DE) and math/quantitative (MA) portions of the exams are also listed.

Math Help

Suggested steps to solve a math problem
Isolating a variable, part I
Isolating a variable, part II and Powers of 10
Unit Conversion
Dividing one fraction by a second fraction

Other Astronomy Links of Interest

Here are a few astronomy links of interest to get you started. Please let us know if you find other interesting astronomy sites so we add those to this list!
A pictorial tour of the Solar System
The Nine Planets
Astronomy Picture of the Day
The Best of Hubble Space Telescope Pictures
W. M. Keck Observatory, home to the world's largest optical telescopes
Our recent press release about the distribution of distant galaxies including a cool graphic ( low resolution version and high resolution version)
Our recent press release about a warp in the Andromeda spiral galaxy
Carl Sagan quote and image of the Earth from the Voyager spacecraft
Poster of Carl Sagan's: Reflections on a Mote of Dust
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