
The Five Ages of the Universe -- Inside the Physics of Eternity

Fred Adams and Greg Laughlin (1999) Free Press.

This book is written at the popular level, and describes a timeline for the extremely distant future. It has been translated into fifteen foreign languages, and a paperback edition is currently in print and available (order here).

A large number of interesting developments have occurred in physics and astronomy since the book was written, and many of these advances have a strong impact on our understanding of how the future will unfold. Fred and I are currently working on an update of the material in The Five Ages,

Numerical Methods in Astrophysics -- An Introduction

Peter Bodenheimer, Greg Laughlin, Michal Rozyczka and Hal Yorke (2007) Taylor and Francis.

This book introduces the fundamental numerical methods that can solve the gravitational dynamics, hydrodynamics, and radiation transport equations that arise in astrophysical problems. We write at a level that will be useful to advanced undergraduate students in the physical sciences, and we're not shy about editorializing with regards to which methods are most suitable for particular problems. We focus on what the accuracy requirements are in numerical simulations, and we suggest ways to test for and reduce numerical instabilities and errors. After an introduction to the basic equations that frequently arise in astrophysical problems, the book focuses on practical applications. It explores hydrodynamic problems in one dimension, N-body particle dynamics, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, and stellar structure and evolution. We also discuss advanced techniques in grid-based hydrodynamics, evaluate the methods for efficiently calculating gravitational forces, and discuss specific problems in grid-based methods for radiation transfer. The book incorporates brief user instructions and a CD-ROM of the numerical codes, allowing readers to experiment with the codes to suit their own needs (order here).