Anonymous ftp users see /usr/local/ftp/outgoing (the outgoing anonymous ftp directory) as
This directory is for temporary storage of files which are going out from Lick to be picked up by remote collaborators and colleagues.
There is a 3 day limit here; after that all files are wiped. No mercy. Note that if you put files here using "tar", they have their original old date and will probably be wiped immediately.
It is strongly suggested that you create directories with the same name as the user at Lick who is transmitting these files. This suggestion is not currently being enforced, but may be in the future.
Files can be created in this directory by any user of the Lick network. Creation of files in this directory should NOT be done using ftp; rather, use the typical Unix commands to make directories and copy files. If files in this directory are created with the typical Unix commands, they CANNOT be modified by remote users of ftp, they can only be modified by the local Lick user who originally created them.
DO NOT CREATE FILES IN THE OUTGOING DIRECTORY USING FTP. If files in this directory are created using ftp itself, then they CAN BE MODIFIED BY ANYONE anywhere. Because this is not desireable, any files in outgoing directories owned by "ftp" will be removed regularly.
(Users who are regularly exchanging files between Lick and collaborators at other sites may request a permanent directory for their own use. When requesting this directory, please indicate the maximum length of time that files in your new ftp directory need to persist.)